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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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bish gets all the credit :)
Red Scarlet said:
Are you guys getting a special Daily Show, or is it normally on for y'all right now? I don't get the new ones until 3 hours from now usually, and it's a rerun right now.

It was taped before the debate, but it is new.


TheKingsCrown said:
The only real reaction you're getting? Ummmmm. What? Are you a pollster? Do you have some official position of power we should know about?
well screw you for how that is worded. I missed 3/4 of the debate and the only thing I had to listen to on the way home way cbs/npr/nbc and local radio people reacting and all I heard was this is as even as it gets and the last few questions I heard seemed to be fairly even. Maybe I should have prefaced that I fully support Obama so you wouldn't get mad. I'm sorry I pointed out GAF reaction seemed much different than I was hearing before I came home :p
McCain didn't sway anv vote either way and Obama wins!!!!!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Clevinger said:
I bet he meant to say,

"Guess which senator voted for it? That one."

I hate McCain, but this is stupid.
Perhaps, but then he fucked up twice by not specifying senators and by not continuing the trend and referring to himself as "this one".


BakedPigeon said:
Actually I have not been really interested in this presidential run at all and tonight was the first debate that I have watched. I thought McCain was much more knowledgeable on each subject and he showed much more experience. I will give him my vote for the simple fact that he has first hand experience while Obama seems like some kid battling out of college.

So no, I did not have my mind made up a long time ago.

Yeah, you did, and your post makes that very clear. You're literally regurgitating far-right talking points.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I think the narrative will change tomorrow,

The media is starting to call this election, so we will move on to "How can McCain win this?"


It's weird, you'd think with Obama ahead by these kinds of margins in the polls GAF would be more magnanimous towards McCain supporters or undecided voters, but I guess it's still hard to believe that the election is actually more or less locked up. I for one will continue not believing it until November 5th.
Suikoguy said:
I think the narrative will change tomorrow,

The media is starting to call this election, so we will move on to "How can McCain win this?"
Yeah and from then on it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. As Carville just said, call in the dogs, the hunt's over.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Red Scarlet said:
Are you guys getting a special Daily Show, or is it normally on for y'all right now? I don't get the new ones until 3 hours from now usually, and it's a rerun right now.
East coast feed of Comedy Central is 3 hours ahead of the West coast feed.
Suikoguy said:
I think the narrative will change tomorrow,

The media is starting to call this election, so we will move on to "How can McCain win this?"
Honestly, I was already hearing some out there saying that before the VP debate.


y'all should be ashamed
As much as my Republican blood boils over some Democrats out there, Obama would (will) make a good president. The only thing these debates have helped me with is coping with that fact, hah.


force push the doodoo rock
TheKingsCrown said:
So wait, Sp0rsk was naked and now he/she's a tranny who is pregnant?

Yeah, when I was in the hospital, I lied about the broken leg. It was actually a top secret male impregnation test, looks like men everywhere will soon know the joy of childbirth.

but wait didn't you hear about William Ayers?

I hear Obama palled around with him

Isn't he that guy from the band Weather Report?
McCain 'That one' is him trying to lighten things up but he should of joked about the canidate with a slightly better chance to make people's sexiest list. That one.


Seriously, if people can obsess about "there you go again" and "you're no JFK" and 5 o'clock shadows for years, "That one" can stick around just as long. It's just not something you say to someone you respect as a peer, especially in that tone, while pointing.

Not that this is more important than Iraq/Energy/Healthcare, but meh.


chubigans said:
As much as my Republican blood boils over some Democrats out there, Obama would (will) make a good president. The only thing these debates have helped me with is coping with that fact, hah.

So, you're gonna vote for him, right? You are? Awesome.


sp0rsk said:
So really, the "October Surprise" this year was actually in September. (The economy)
Agree. Nothing is going to cut into the narrative of a national - world-wide - financial meltdown. Nothing grabs attention like people losing their savings and their homes.


BakedPigeon said:
Actually I have not been really interested in this presidential run at all and tonight was the first debate that I have watched. I thought McCain was much more knowledgeable on each subject and he showed much more experience. I will give him my vote for the simple fact that he has first hand experience while Obama seems like some kid battling out of college.

So no, I did not have my mind made up a long time ago.

Is it really just so hard to believe that someone on Neogaf isn't praising Obama?

So you made up your mind after just one debate?

Was tonight the first night you even paid attention to the race?
effzee said:
americans are usually morons when it comes to pronouncing foreign nations and names. they make fun of other ppl having accents when speaking in english but don't realize how much they butcher other ppl names and nations.

i was glad to see at least barack can pronounce pakistan properly. its really not that hard.

It's easy to understand how a Middle Eastern country named Pakistan and spelled in the way that it is could be pronounced "Pack-uh-stan", right?
speculawyer said:
A Troopergate report may come out . . . and I'm not sure how that can help McCain/Palin.

There is NO way that it helps.

1) They're going to bring charges: BAD.

2) They don't bring charges: news hits the front page and more people know that she was investigated for abuse of power.

Obviously, (2) is not as bad as (1), but this is a no-win situation for them.


BakedPigeon said:
No, no I didn't.
If you're going to be a Republican in a PoliGAF thread, you'll have to get used to constantly defending your choice and explaining your reasoning in far more depth than you would if you supported Obama. That's just how it works around here, fair or no.


Good on Maddow to point out that McCain took the effort to state that he felt that the black questioner probably doesn't know anything about freddie mac


Sharp said:
It's weird, you'd think with Obama ahead by these kinds of margins in the polls GAF would be more magnanimous towards McCain supporters or undecided voters, but I guess it's still hard to believe that the election is actually more or less locked up. I for one will continue not believing it until November 5th.

Honestly? I don't have much patience for people who think four more years of Republican rule are going to improve things. Even if McCain were the maverick he claims to be, he's still primarily going to staff the WH with the same guys, who believe the same things, as the guys who are there now.


Tobor said:
The October Surprise is already out there. It was Ayers. The McCain Campaign must have hired Shane Kim.

I think we should have that RIIIIIIDGE RACER gif with BIIIIIIIL AYERS instead.
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