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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Zefah said:
It's a text message poll. The only people who really bother are Fox News' hardcore and hard-right viewers. It should be taken in the same sense as an internet poll.
Heh, I'm aware, my friend. I was being facetious.
Suikoguy said:
I thought it was done by people, face to face, versus over the phone.
You just fill out a sheet someone gives you. No real need to pretend you aren't racist.

Now, there are reasons to assume a certain demographic is more willing to seek out exit polls and take them, but that's mostly accounted for I believe.
Gattsu25 said:
Where is McCain's flag pin?

It's amazing how the right isn't making a big deal out of this now.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, check out the wives' body language. Michelle is holding Barack's hand. Cindy is standing away from John with her hands behind her back, almost subservient.


Danthrax said:
Only 3,000 early voters came out in the more populated counties of Ohio. They didn't say exactly which or how many counties that entails, though. Never mind I'm retarded, it was the top four most populated states. So, like, no one early voted.

What people don't get, and I keep trying to tell them, is that Ohioans don't trust their state's voting system. There's a good chance the early voting thing will be declared unconstitutional somehow (state constitution that is) and all those votes will be thrown out. So only the complete dumbasses early voted. Don't worry, Ohioans will vote. They'll just do it on election day.

Supreme court in Ohio already ruled it was cool If they overturn it between now and 11/4 (or god forbid, after), there will be absolute hell to pay.

My wife and I early voted. There was very heavy traffic all week last week at the stop in Franklin County (Columbus). I work just down the street and checked in a few times. Saturday it was raucus.


SteveMeister said:
I thought each candidate performed about the same. This debate isn't going to change many minds.

I also thought McCain looked really old & tired. This campaign's aged him.

look at Bush 8 years ago, 4 years ago, and today. Its freaking creepy. And he didnt start out this old
Just got home from watching the debate.

This one seemed pretty even to me, although McCain acting and talking like a cocky used car salesman probably has an adverse effect on some people.

Obama had a few answers that were literally perfect in both substance and delivery that I think made up for the few moments where he seemed at a loss for words.

For the record:

I'm Canadian and I support Obama.
Biden destroyed Palin in the VP debate.
Obama clearly won the first debate.
CharlieDigital said:
It's amazing how the right isn't making a big deal out of this now.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, check out the wives' body language. Michelle is holding Barack's hand. Cindy is standing away from John with her hands behind her back, almost subservient.

That poor woman... :/
She's had to put up with so much.
She looks like she's waiting to live her life sometimes.


gcubed said:
look at Bush 8 years ago, 4 years ago, and today. Its freaking creepy. And he didnt start out this old

Same exact thing happened to Clinton.

Obama will also age a lot after 8 years. That's the presidency for you.
Son of Godzilla said:
You just fill out a sheet someone gives you. No real need to pretend you aren't racist.
You know, even then, I'm not saying that bias doesn't exist face-to-face or over the phone, but I don't understand why. Even IF you ARE racist, and want to claim that you are voting Obama so as not to feel racist, why wouldn't you just admit you're voting McCain and lie about the reason? How hard is it to say that you're voting McCain because he's more experienced, and not because he's white?

Mike M

Nick N
gcubed said:
look at Bush 8 years ago, 4 years ago, and today. Its freaking creepy. And he didnt start out this old

This just in: The passage of time may cause the appearance of aging!

Seriously though, Bush looks tired these days...
How come every election ends with pandering to Independents? I realize that they constitute a fairly large number of voters, but why can't these people decide for themselves which candidate to support? Why do they have to be told who supports certain policies? Are they incapable of performing their own research into a candidate?
CharlieDigital said:
Also, as I mentioned earlier, check out the wives' body language. Michelle is holding Barack's hand. Cindy is standing away from John with her hands behind her back, almost subservient.

The amazing thing is how often we pick up on things like that on a totally subconscious level. I think it's instinctive.


Son of Godzilla said:
Some zany vote suppression movement that the cops would be waiting at every station for people with outstanding warrants.
So, how many people would have voted early without this FUD? 4,000? 5,000? If it would have been 6,000 then 50% of potential same-day voters would have had to of both heard and bought into this. I find that hard to believe and I bet that if the results were 6,000 voters it would still be seen as pretty disappointing. I think that not many people wanted to take advantage of the program, were sure how it worked, or were even aware of it.

Also, we don't even have the complete story about how many people voted this way. It just seems way too early to say that FUD was the prime cause in some lukewarm reception.

Best ad ever. Although I'm wondering why there is a "likely".


BTW, is McCain on drugs with this housing plan? I know he'll say anything to win but does he think Republicans want to hear that? :lol


Gruco said:
I don't remember Biden being mentioned either. Don't really think that was the theme of the evening.

Biden's approval ratings aren't the ones tumbling, dragging the entire campaign down with him in the process. That would be Palin. McCain probably could've thrown her name out there at least once and mentioned her agreeing on a couple of his policies, or such.


Mike M said:
This just in: The passage of time may cause the appearance of aging!

Seriously though, Bush looks tired these days...

well yes, i figured that was understood beyond the fact that the presidency kicks your ass.

Look at Obama from this time last year, and right now. He looks quite a bit older... much more then 1 year


Steve Youngblood said:
You know, even then, I'm not saying that bias doesn't exist face-to-face or over the phone, but I don't understand why. Even IF you ARE racist, and want to claim that you are voting Obama so as not to feel racist, why wouldn't you just admit you're voting McCain and lie about the reason?

Because you're also trying to convince yourself.

Mike M

Nick N
gcubed said:
well yes, i figured that was understood beyond the fact that the presidency kicks your ass.

Look at Obama from this time last year, and right now. He looks quite a bit older... much more then 1 year

Yeah, I know, I just saw an opportunity to regurgitate a joke from the Daily Show four years ago and went with it.


Cloudy said:
BTW, is McCain on drugs with this housing plan? I know he'll say anything to win but does he think Republicans want to hear that? :lol
Especially when the power is already granted in the Bailout Bill.


I just got back from work and listened to the debate on the radio. I work at a gas station, so I had to hear the really fucking loud opinions of the customers which was an unfortunate distraction but also pretty interesting.

The most vocal guy was this person who told us he owned a small business a couple years back and had to ultimately close down because he wasn't turning a profit AT ALL. He said his profit margin was terrible at around 6 cents for every dollar. He also went on a load of tangents. One of them was how the school his children go to don't even have enough textbooks to go around and how shitty our state, Ohio, is right now.

He then talked about how he supports McCain and my coworker who actually told me he believes in witchcraft when I brought up the Palin and Muthee connection to him talked to this dude for like fifteen minutes about how shitty America is. I was trying to drone those two out for like a third of the debate!


ArtG said:
I believe McCain got through the debate without saying 'maverick'.
'My friends', on the other hand...

Exactly. John McCain made up for not saying "maverick" by saying "my friends" well over eleven billion times. I'm not your friend guy!


Jack Scofield said:
How come every election ends with pandering to Independents? I realize that they constitute a fairly large number of voters, but why can't these people decide for themselves which candidate to support? Why do they have to be told who supports certain policies? Are they incapable of performing their own research into a candidate?

Daily show explained it tonight. Basically Independents are stupid or racist democrats :lol

Mike M

Nick N
CharlieDigital said:
You don't want to go there...

Presumably that's a reference to the Kos blog entry about how GAF is right winged biased? Or am I just missing out on something else entirely?
I think it's hilarious how McCain wants to freeze federal spending while initiating a new energy initiative. He was being completely facetious the entire debate...when he wasn't using soundbites that contradicted each other, he would back away from issues and rely on people "trusting" him to "fix them."

What a horrible performance. And people call Obama vague.


I don't see this being discussed much. Fiscal conservative? :D

McCain said:
You know that home values of retirees continues to decline and people are no longer able to afford their mortgage payments. As president of the United States, Alan, I would order the secretary of the treasury to immediately buy up the bad home loan mortgages in America and renegotiate at the new value of those homes -- at the diminished value of those homes and let people be able to make those -- be able to make those payments and stay in their homes.

Is it expensive? Yes. But we all know, my friends, until we stabilize home values in America, we're never going to start turning around and creating jobs and fixing our economy. And we've got to give some trust and confidence back to America.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Juice said:
Supreme court in Ohio already ruled it was cool If they overturn it between now and 11/4 (or god forbid, after), there will be absolute hell to pay.

My wife and I early voted. There was very heavy traffic all week last week at the stop in Franklin County (Columbus). I work just down the street and checked in a few times. Saturday it was raucus.

Then my apologies, as I don't think you're a dumbass. =)

After 2004 though, I don't trust absentee balloting or early voting, and I don't even really trust voting in person on election day either, but it's the best option. It seems like I'm not alone in mistrusting an Ohio election, too.

So if it was so busy in Columbus for early voting, I wonder why supposedly only 3,000 people did it in (I'm guessing here) Franklin, Cuyahoga, Lucas and Hamilton counties?
and that is why mccain lost. he didnt let people know he was a maverick, and that he wasnt elected miss congeniality in the senate. without letting the american public know this, obviously they have no reason to gravitate towards mccain.

if, IF, if, he had mentioned his maverickness, all wouldve been better
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