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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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typhonsentra said:
Really? Pretty surreal that CNN's focus group had McCain winning.
No, they had Obama winning the debate. It's just he's still black and they are still old and cranky Ohioans so they are all still voting McCain. 9 or 10 of them were too embarrassed to say that though.

Anyways, from CNN:



gcubed said:
seriously 20+ points? holy shit

i have it on dvr and watching it now. My one observance is exactly the same as last time... McCain is REALLY bad at delivering jokes. REALLY REALLY bad... so one word of advice to McCain... Stop

Hairplugs. EHHHH!

That one. EHHHHHH!


drawer by drawer
Is this guy from the McCain campaign on MSNBC really saying that they are trying to distract from the substantial stuff from the debate while they are spewing the Ayers shit?

Son of Godzilla said:

Best ad ever. Although I'm wondering why there is a "likely".
That is so old man!

I did that one weeks ago! Someone even mentioned Michelle is going to eat someones face.

Obama layeth the smackdown on some old crusty ass.
I just saw some clips...WTF is with McCain wanting to let people re-negotiate their mortgage at current housing prices?

FUCK HIM and the seven houses he rode in on. Piece of shit.
mj1108 said:
:lol :lol

EDIT: Just saw that McCain and Failin will be on Hannity and Colmes tomorrow for an interview. It should be as hard hitting as a 3am infomercial (line paraphrased from a past Palin interview that Olbermann talked about)

Did she botch her Hannity interview and Grandpa has to re-do this interview with her like he did with Katie Couric?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
So I wasn't able to live-blog with everyone cause I got home about a couple hours ago.

Just finished watching the debates and I have to say that I think both candidates held their own a bit tonight. McCain seemed to push on issues that have already been struck dead, and even decided to use talking points that Obama discredited just seconds before McCain got up to speak. Obama danced around a few questions, and definitely was unprepared for a couple of them, but I think he did fairly well in this debate.

I want to say Obama won the debate. He seemed to be connecting the most with the audience and connecting with American problems. I think he did a great job on the issue of healthcare, and I'm glad he was willing to force a "follow-up" out of Brokow to knock down this concept that he wants to attack Pakistan.

McCain was using little quick jabs, "Hair transplant surgery", "That one", etc. I think in some situations they were clever, in others they were petty. McCain definitely lived up to the expectation that he is more comfortable in this style of debate, however. All of his answers seemed fluid, even if I didn't agree with what was being said.

So I'm curious, though, what was GAF's reaction and what did the after-debate polling results look like?


Batteries the CRISIS!
gcubed said:
so can i get a quick update on That ONE gate?

During the debate, McCain was ranting on about some bill, which he said was a bill "THAT one voted for" and he pointed at Obama there.

Then he followed that with something like "And you know who voted against it? Me!" He said all of that with a ton of vitriol in his voice, too.
RubxQub said:
So I'm curious, though, what was GAF's reaction and what did the after-debate polling results look like?

CNN (actual, non-Internet) poll: 54-30 Obama.

Epic beatdown.

I could feel it about 1/3 of the way through. McCain set himself up for several hits from Obama...hearing McCain, it's like I could already predict how Obama was going to counter. It was so obvious that McCain made tactical errors.


Danthrax said:
During the debate, McCain was ranting on about some bill, which he said was a bill "THAT one voted for" and he pointed at Obama there.

Then he followed that with something like "And you know who voted against it? Me!" He said all of that with a ton of vitriol in his voice, too.

i just saw the video... eh, to me it just seemed a little like "Get of my lawn" John reared his head a bit


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
CharlieDigital said:
CNN (actual, non-Internet) poll: 54-30 Obama.

Epic beatdown.

Was that the only one or were there a few others? I hate not following along with GAF for these things...damned wife forcing me to go places!


CharlieDigital said:
CNN (actual, non-Internet) poll: 54-30 Obama.

Epic beatdown.

and i thought the last 2 debates werent as much of a landslide in content as post polling showed, and i seriously wonder if people are very turned off by his body language and jack-assedyness


I'm thinking reverse racism counter acts racism for obama vote. I think people are giving obama more attention because he is different. would we think of obama the same way if he looked like biden? probably not.
loss of vote probably nullified.
RubxQub said:

Was that the only one or were there a few others? I hate not following along with GAF for these things...damned wife forcing me to go places!

CBS also has him winning by double digits (I think). Don't know the exact numbers.

Edit: 39-27 Obama


Batteries the CRISIS!
gcubed said:
i just saw the video... eh, to me it just seemed a little like "Get of my lawn" John reared his head a bit

I thought he sounded angry, a smidge hateful with a twinge of desperation. [shrug]


RubxQub said:

Was that the only one or were there a few others? I hate not following along with GAF for these things...damned wife forcing me to go places!

Also from CNN:

Who expressed his views more clearly in the debate?

Obama 60
McCain 30

Who spent more time attacking his opponent?

Obama 17
McCain 63

Who seemed to be the stronger leader?

Obama 54
McCain 43

Who was most likeable?

Obama 65
McCain 28


Who won?

McCain (R) 27
Obama (D) 39
Draw 35

Will Obama will make the right decisions on the economy?

Before debate: 54
After debate: 68

Will McCain will make the right decisions on the economy?

Before debate: 41
After debate: 49


RubxQub said:
So I'm curious, though, what was GAF's reaction and what did the after-debate polling results look like?

GAF consensus is that Obama won. Some think he won huge, while others think that he won mainly because McCain didn't.

Scoring from analysts and polls are almost entirely in Obama's favor, the CNN poll in particular putting Obama at +24! The fucking Fox News focus group also gave it to Obama.


PrivateWHudson said:
I just saw some clips...WTF is with McCain wanting to let people re-negotiate their mortgage at current housing prices?

FUCK HIM and the seven houses he rode in on. Piece of shit.
That was a REALLY strange proposal. I think it's going to go down about as well as comission to investigate the financial crisis: a suggestion that is not mentioned again.

Dunno. Maybe he meant that bright idea to be a bombshell proposal. It landed with a thud.


Unconfirmed Member
McCain didn't change the game. So he looses by not dominating and changing Barack's momentum. Most of the instapundits I saw immediately after agreed on this point, so I know what the rest of the week's media narrative is going to be.


These threads move too fast for me, but FWIW, here are my relatively insignificant contributions to this thread...

Who do I think won? Obama, but not by a landslide. I think that overall, he carried himself in a much more dignified and respectful manner, sitting down and listening to McCain speak, and not wandering around aimlessly in the background, or trying to distract the audience by trying to share the stage while Obama was speaking. My wife and I were sitting there almost yelling at the TV wishing he would just sit down and not wander like he was going completely senile. I think at one point, McCain's wife probably motioned to him to sit the F down, since it looked like he was responding to someone off-camera (where he then went back to his chair to sit). It showed a tremendous amount of disrespect, not that Obama didn't have his moments where he cut Brokaw off a few times to keep talking. Brokaw was a pushover and should have put his foot down. I hate seeing them ignored, especially when most of the points and counterpoints being made are just speaking points and spin we've been hearing for months now, and particularly in the last few weeks.

It was almost impossible to focus on what McCain was saying since he kept saying "My friends" over and over and over. I almost wish I were playing the debate drinking game. On the "My friends" alone, I would've been fit-shaced within the first half-hour. Obama's stuttering is annoying, but I think he knows it and tried to keep it more contained.

The big thing for me, though: Obama connected with most of the audience. McCain? It was like there was a brick wall there. Zero response. The handshake in the latter part of the debate? Completely contrived, and I'm glad Obama didn't walk up and shake that man's hand. That would've been an instant facepalm. McCain tried to make feeble jokes, which just resulted in the sound of crickets.

Although he kept his cool at the beginning, McCain got angrier and angrier, repeating himself over and over, to the point where I was almost completely tuning out. Not much better on the Obama side, since he pretty much stuck to his standard talking points, so in terms of any good zingers or new information, there wasn't much. I'm pretty sick of hearing the same things from both candidates, but I think Obama retreads this stuff more enthusiastically, successfully and with a passion that is lost in McCain's delivery. McCain tries, but it just comes off as a rehearsed stageshow. I couldn't stand when he'd go into podium stump mode at the end of a question, go completely off-topic, deliver his message as if he were standing in front of a Republican rally, and then flash that horrible grin.

What cemented it for Obama, though, was his closing piece. It was positive, connected, and left you with a real sense that he's the right choice for President.


Danthrax said:
I thought he sounded angry, a smidge hateful with a twinge of desperation. [shrug]

well, thats what i meant by "Get off my lawn" John... i thought people were making a bigger deal about it. He's getting his ass whooped, the media has derailed his straight talk express, maverick now equals asshole, and no one is really paying too much attention to him. I give him credit for not going off or having a stroke trying to hold it in


Sharp said:
They didn't have him winning the debate. Just their instant "who would you vote for" poll.

It was a raise your hand vote. First, just by what that old lady said on how she felt that neither has been specific about their Iraq exit plans tell me she and the rest of that group should be left in that room until Nov. 5. Second, this was the same group that constantly dialed up on Obama but know can't own up to it when asked. Third, at least one or 2 raised their hand for both and/or realized they had made a mistake in the middle of the raise and some just did not respond.

Conclusion: These people are retarded.
GhaleonEB said:
That was a REALLY strange proposal. I think it's going to go down about as well as comission to investigate the financial crisis: a suggestion that is not mentioned again.

Dunno. Maybe he meant that bright idea to be a bombshell proposal. It landed with a thud.

If he didn't give EVERYONE in the country the option to re-negotiate, it would just mean that irresponsible people could sell their house for less and not take a hit while pulling down the values of responsible home owners.

It just doesn't make any fucking sense at all.


Unconfirmed Member
Trakdown said:

also. McCain not telegraphing his punches, but knows how to get Bin Laden.

If he ever says that again Obama should counter back "Why wait till you are president, get him now. And you don't even need to tell me and "telegraph" (LOL outdated technology), go talk to GWB and Petreus and tell them if you know."
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