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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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OuterWorldVoice said:
They should definitely whine more. That's been working out great.

This campaign has imploded.
Personal I want to see it go out with a bang, a large one. I don't want a slow decline. I want fireworks!


First tragedy, then farce.
smurfx said:



ronito said:
I personally think the debate was a trainwreck.

Sure the candidates got to hammer away at their talking points, but the whole thing seemed schizo jumping from one to another, then there was both of the candidates largely not being able to address concerns brought up by their opponent when their opponent was last. I felt it was largely unfair for both.

That being said I do think Mccain did a good job of revitalizing his base. But that's been his whole problem. He can't move beyond it. He seems to think that his base is the american at large, which just isn't the case. Obama did alright. But no big hits outside of the bomb Iran part.

I don't think Brokaw did a very good job reigning in both candidates. Both Obama and Mccain got away with not answering the question posed and Brokaw largely didn't call them on it.

Pretty much what I said earlier, and I agree by and large. You're probably a bit too kind to Brokaw's moderating skills. He was utterly worthless and that's coming from someone who thinks he does a fine job on Meet the Press each week; not exceptional certainly, but I definitely expected a much better job on his part.

StoOgE said:
Good Good,

I had an oppurtunity to get drunk with a hot female, and I already knew my boy Obama killed it, so I had faith. Good to see the American people rewarded me.

I did the same thing (albeit with my girlfriend), but mostly in response to the debate. Once it became clear that it was another installment in Clusterf*ck to the White House, we upped the ante on the drinks. If you went out and had drinks, good for you -- you missed absolutely nothing of importance with this debate.
I'd normally be a fan of McCain's mortgage plan, but it sounds like really fishy populism to me. So the US gov. buys these mortgages from questionable ownership settings (seriously, some foreclosures have been forestalled because no one is totally sure who the eventual owner is). They then refinance the house at the new price, and forgive the difference. Do I have anything wrong there?

Assuming this happens, we still have the problem of the gov. trying to figure out prices on houses which was one of the major issues with the paulson plan. According to McCain, one of the golas would be to stabilize house prices. I guess it's supposed to work by reducing the number of foreclosed houses going on the market, and keeping houses from wrecking neighborhoods. Fair enough, but, it's not going to add any buyers to the market, and if prices stablize, around what's still probably too high a price, won't prices just drop again eventually? The markets eventually going to win out, and I don't think this will especially soften the blow.


Trakdown said:
So, According to MSNBC, the McCain camp is throwing a fit, saying that this wasn't a legit town hall.

Well they have a point, it was a farce for a townhall. But they agreed to the format.
ryutaro's mama said:

Gibbs shit on Hannity.

The fucker had nothing.

And Colmes was snickering the whole time.

Really? They seemed to come out pretty even to me, both full of shit.

I guess that's a victory then if it's discrediting hannity.


Trakdown said:
And if they've got a beef with it, they should take it up with NBC. Brokaw sucked.

Nah, Brokaw was the one trying to get it to follow the format more, they'd have to have a beef with their own camps and the Debate commission.


Palin reacts to the debate.

I can just hear her saying this

Foxnews said:
Just got this email from FNC embed producer Shush ….traveling with Governor Sarah Palin campaign

Sent: Tue Oct 07 23:14:22 2008
Subject: Palin reacts to debate

Palin reacts to McCain debate performance:

“Great. Great. It was a great night for America. He’s proposing real plans that will work for economic recovery and energy independence. I think Barack was even less candid than usual, which I was kinda surprised. But McCain has fought on and sounded very energized, and and it was a good night for him, for all of us, for all of America. It’s gonna be a great 28 days to go. Taking this message of reform on the road and just having it resonate more and more every day is what I believe’s happening. And it’s good. It’s very good. I look forward to the 28 days.”



First tragedy, then farce.
Oh holy fuck, McCain wants to forcibly renegotiate every single mortgage in America at the current value?

Do you want to completely fuck the financial sector? You are going to cause them BILLIONS in losses.

Will the real fiscal conservative please stand up?
Obama commanded such a presence, and I was particularly struck how he, I think, talked about the cancer of his mom for the first time. Emotional appeals, awesome.


Tamanon said:
Nah, Brokaw was the one trying to get it to follow the format more, they'd have to have a beef with their own camps and the Debate commission.

And for all the shit I give him, he was fairly entertaining in having to remind them of it.

electricpirate said:
Really? They seemed to come out pretty even to me, both full of shit.

I guess that's a victory then if it's discrediting hannity.

Hannity was trying to push the guilt by association bullshit and Gibbs called him on it and he had nothing.

He thought he would bully him and Gibbs remained calm throughout.

I don't see that as even.
electricpirate said:
I'd normally be a fan of McCain's mortgage plan, but it sounds like really fishy populism to me. So the US gov. buys these mortgages from questionable ownership settings (seriously, some foreclosures have been forestalled because no one is totally sure who the eventual owner is). They then refinance the house at the new price, and forgive the difference. Do I have anything wrong there?

Assuming this happens, we still have the problem of the gov. trying to figure out prices on houses which was one of the major issues with the paulson plan. According to McCain, one of the golas would be to stabilize house prices. I guess it's supposed to work by reducing the number of foreclosed houses going on the market, and keeping houses from wrecking neighborhoods. Fair enough, but, it's not going to add any buyers to the market, and if prices stablize, around what's still probably too high a price, won't prices just drop again eventually? The markets eventually going to win out, and I don't think this will especially soften the blow.

So the choices are: a)people who bought more house than they can afford will have to rent, and my value comes down, or b)people who bought more house than they can afford get to keep it and my home value comes down.

I'd rather "b". Those renters will be buyers again and may make a better choice the second time around. Maybe they can buy my house and I can move up.


First tragedy, then farce.
McCain just named the CEO of ebay for treasury secretary.

Obama just named Warren Buffet.

Fucking ownage. :lol

OK, I missed the opening of this debate. Obama killed him more than I thought. This isnt even close. I just caught the last 30 minutes and thought Obama won.. it was even better than I thought.


ryutaro's mama said:

Gibbs shit on Hannity.

The fucker had nothing.

And Colmes was snickering the whole time.
i've noticed that fox news (at least, hannity and some other guy) has incorporated the phrase talking point into their doublespeak. not only does it repudiate exactly what can be claimed against them, thus repelling any such argument, but it also effectively undermines any counter-arguments.

in the two most recent fox news segments that i've seen, each one has had someone on the 'left' begin to construct an argument and the fox news regular immediately disregards it as a talking point.

honestly, i find it to be pretty brilliant. i'm sure there are more examples, but i've only seen a few videos recently.


First tragedy, then farce.
Dear McCain, everyone has heard of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Also, dont blame poor people stupid.

Sorry, Im going to liveblog the repeat of the debate.
Moosehunter said:
“Great. Great. It was a great night for America. He’s proposing real plans that will work for economic recovery and energy independence. I think Barack was even less candid than usual, which I was kinda surprised. But McCain has fought on and sounded very energized, and and it was a good night for him, for all of us, for all of America. It’s gonna be a great 28 days to go. Taking this message of reform on the road and just having it resonate more and more every day is what I believe’s happening. And it’s good. It’s very good. I look forward to the 28 days.”

28 days later she's going to be in for a very rude awakening.


I didn't watch it and I'm not going to watch the third either. I actually turned off my tv today and spent time talking with the wify, caught her up on, as she explained "why is everyone so worried about a wall that dropped today?". I've had enough of the campaigning, once the McLame campaign started with the stupid I was out. Besides, highlights and gaf are more than enough entertainment.
Probably was said already but I loved how McCain's answer to absolutely every problem we're facing is:

- "I know how to solve this problem"
- "You've got to reach across the aisle, and work bipartisan"
- "You've got to get both sides to sit down and work on it, it's easy"

I mean WTF? Are we supposed to go:

Hurray, social security is solved!

All this time it's been as easy as reaching across the aisle and sitting down. Why didn't anyone else think of that?
electricpirate said:
Really? They seemed to come out pretty even to me, both full of shit.

I guess that's a victory then if it's discrediting hannity.

How's that? Gibbs was proving a point, not trying to call Hannity anti-semitic.

platypotamus said:
Probably was said already but I loved how McCain's answer to absolutely every problem we're facing is:

- "I know how to solve this problem"
- "You've got to reach across the aisle, and work bipartisan"
- "You've got to get both sides to sit down and work on it, it's easy"

I mean WTF? Are we supposed to go:

Hurray, social security is solved!

All this time it's been as easy as reaching across the aisle and sitting down. Why didn't anyone else think of that?

Yea, but medicare.. now that's a little harder.


StoOgE said:
Sorry, Im going to liveblog the repeat of the debate.
:lol Let's see if you can catch all 18 times McCain demonstrated complete idiocy regarding basic policy concepts (making good progress already)
StoOgE said:
Dear McCain, everyone has heard of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Also, dont blame poor people stupid.

Sorry, Im going to liveblog the repeat of the debate.

I'm really tired of this too. If it were really a bunch of $80K houses that people couldn't afford the payments on, there really wouldn't be a crisis. You could just level them and put up a Starbucks. We all know it's the fucks buying half million dollar McMansions and NEED to have granite counter tops.


Nabs said:
Palin reacts to the debate.

I can just hear her saying this

“Great. Great. It was a great night for America. He’s proposing real plans that will work for economic recovery and energy independence. I think Barack was even less candid than usual, which I was kinda surprised. But McCain has fought on and sounded very energized, and and it was a good night for him, for all of us, for all of America. It’s gonna be a great 28 days to go. Taking this message of reform on the road and just having it resonate more and more every day is what I believe’s happening. And it’s good. It’s very good. I look forward to the 28 days

28 days later:

Socreges said:
i watched the first twenty minutes. mccain had said "cronyism" three times by then. did he keep that line running or what?
McCain does a wonderful Homer Stoker

Folkes, this here town hall meetin' is ova!!!!
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