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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Greenberg focus group time (undecideds in Colorado):

The voters awarded Obama the “win” (38% to 30%, with the rest choosing no clear winner). But that result was actually the least useful of the evening. Because while the earlier debate did not result in any net change in support for the two candidates, Obama walked away with a clear lead in new voters tonight. After the debate ended, 26% of the audience had become McCain supporters while 42% said they planned to vote for Obama. Only a quarter of the group was still undecided.

Even more dramatic was the shift in the voters’ personal reactions to the two candidates. Before the debate, McCain had a 48/46 favorability rating; that improved to 56/36 by the end. But that’s about where Obama started the evening—54/36. After an hour and a half, Obama’s favorability numbers were 80/14. As Joe Biden would say, let me repeat that: 80% of the undecided voters had favorable views of Obama and only 14% saw him negatively for a net rating of +66. Not even Bill Clinton got such a warm response in town hall formats.

Obama also improved his standing on several key attributes. Only 38% of voters thought he “has what it takes to be president” before the debate but by the end he had convinced more than half the room (56%).

Killthee said:

Right click save for POTENTIALLY election result night.
MThanded said:
Yeah he mentioned buffet with obama in the same sentence. Buffett is an obama supporter and I do not think he would in anyway support mccain after the mortgage buying plan he came up with today.... did he make that shit up on the stage? I mean he is supposed to be closing earmarks and being fiscally conservative right. That was out of left field.
Exactly . . . I was think where the fuck did that come from? How do you set something like that up and make it fair. I've got a big mortgage and I'd like to pay less . . . can you reduce my rates or principal?

That was massive pander-bear mccain.


I'd like to know what happens to the 10 billion dollars we spend every month if Obama wins and puts more troops in Afghanistan. Doesn't the 10 in Iraq get used in Afghanistan, or am I missing something here?


Junior Member
Jirotrom said:
I'd like to know what happens to the 10 billion dollars we spend every month if Obama wins and puts more troops in Afghanistan. Doesn't the 10 in Iraq get used in Afghanistan, or am I missing something here?

The idea is getting out of Iraq, and deploying a force to Afgahnistan. But it is not the same type of force that is in Iraq.


Vestal said:
The idea is getting out of Iraq, and deploying a force to Afgahnistan. But it is not the same type of force that is in Iraq.
Thats what I want to know... what will be the cut... you can't tell me that the whole 10bill will be cut.


First tragedy, then farce.
ryutaro's mama said:
You're right--Fox News poll has it 88%-12% McCain.

yes, the fox *text* poll, the equivalent of an online poll.

the actual scientific polls dont show that at all.


Jirotrom said:
Thats what I want to know... what will be the cut... you can't tell me that the whole 10bill will be cut.

Well he's only looking at about a tenth of the forces, so I'd say 9 billion being cut. Although troops aren't the most expensive part of it, it's all the money being spent on infrastructure and paying the Sons of Iraq.


1) Give the crazy right wing base what they want with radical spending freeze proposal.
2) Give the rabid populists what they want with radical renegotiate your mortgage proposal.
3) Complain about how your opponent says different things depending on who he's talking to.
4) ???
5) President


Jirotrom said:
Thats what I want to know... what will be the cut... you can't tell me that the whole 10bill will be cut.
I don't know. The Obama campaign might have numbers but I doubt they know, either. The people to ask would be the Pentagon but, of course, they aren't in the business of providing cost estimates to Presidential candidates.

We presume it would be less since Afghanistan is a smaller, much less populous country.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
GhaleonEB said:
I'm trying to find a video of the entire healthcare exchange, for both sides, including the "privilege, responsibility or right" follow-up. Anyone seen it?
CNN has the full debate up online, the healthcare part should be near the end of part 2. If you want I could try to edit that bit out and upload it to youtube or something.


*drowns in jizz*
David Plouffe

John McCain was all over the map on the issues, and he is so angry about the state of his campaign that he referred to Barack Obama as "that one" – last time he couldn’t look at Senator Obama, this time he couldn’t say his name. The McCain campaign said, "if we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose."



First tragedy, then farce.
Incognito said:
Freeepers are in revolt over McCain's "plan" to have the Treasury Dept. buy back mortgages.


Yeah, as soon as I heard that all I could think was

1) WTF did he change to the socialist party
2) He has no idea what he is talking about, that would *crush* the financials.
3) The base is going to turn on him.
4) Wait, other than the base who is voting for him?
5) Obamarama
Evlar said:
I don't know. The Obama campaign might have numbers but I doubt they know, either. The people to ask would be the Pentagon but, of course, they aren't in the business of providing cost estimates to Presidential candidates.

We presume it would be less since Afghanistan is a smaller, much less populous country.

Also, if Obama can repair some of the hosed relationships with some other Allied Nations, we could possibly get some help.
Slurpy said:
Can someone explain to me what the fuck happened here?


It seems like McCain tapped Obama, wanting Obama to think that Cindy actually tapped him. Which is why he pointed at her when Obama tried to shake his hand. Ive watched it several times and it becomes funnier everytime you watch it.

Umm, wild guess here.. he tapped Barack to get his attention because Cindy wanted to shake his hand??? I'm just guessing though....
Jirotrom said:
Thats what I want to know... what will be the cut... you can't tell me that the whole 10bill will be cut.
Whatever it is, we are not gonna see it anytime soon. They'll probably take over 2 years to withdraw.


Byakuya769 said:
Umm, wild guess here.. he tapped Barack to get his attention because Cindy wanted to shake his hand??? I'm just guessing though....
Yeah. That's the clear explanation, and pretty normal. McCain was just trying to defuse an uncomfortable situation for his wife which Obama was oblivious to because he was busy working the crowd.
Evlar said:
Yeah. That's the clear explanation, and pretty normal. McCain was just trying to defuse an uncomfortable situation for his wife which Obama was oblivious to because he was busy working the crowd.

Yep. I think sometimes we get a little too wrapped up in our "lol McCain" schtick, and start pointing out stupid shit.
Slurpy said:
Can someone explain to me what the fuck happened here?


It seems like McCain tapped Obama, wanting Obama to think that Cindy actually tapped him. Which is why he pointed at her when Obama tried to shake his hand. Ive watched it several times and it becomes funnier everytime you watch it.

The thing to notice in that clip is how Mr. and moreso Mrs. McCain aren't making any effort at all to greet, shake hands, and engage the crowd like the Obama's.

I guess you have to be of a certain income bracket to be physically capable of touching Cindy McCain's hands for a shake. Really, who the fuck are the elitists here?


Outdoor Miner said:
The thing to notice in that clip is how Mr. and moreso Mrs. McCain aren't making any effort at all to greet, shake hands, and engage the crowd like the Obama's.

I guess you have to be of a certain income bracket to be physically capable of touching Cindy McCain's hands for a shake. Really, who the fuck are the elitists here?

To be fair, the last poor person she shook hands with broke her hand!:p


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Cloudy said:
WTF @ this CNN post-debate panel. There's like 20 people on the set. WTF :lol

It is a well rounded table. With even the republicans calling this a lose for McCain, not Obama, my bad dawg. My favorites at the table are King and Gergen. Gergen is a smart smart man.


Reading the freep comments is really weird. I thought they would be behind their candidate like we are Obama but it seems like they're only barely concealing their utter contempt for him. They seem to see Palin as the savior of the ticket, and a lot of them were talking about taking down their McCain signs and stuff over his speech tonight. I mean, WTF. There is really just no enthusiasm for him in his own party. Maybe the Palin decision wasn't bad after all, maybe it was all he could do to shore up any of his base at all.


AlternativeUlster said:
It is a well rounded table. With even the republicans calling this a lose for McCain. My favorites at the table are King and Gergen. Gergen is a smart smart man.
Incognito said:
Freeepers are in revolt over McCain's "plan" to have the Treasury Dept. buy back mortgages.



I did a double take when he came out and said that myself, and thought "man, your base already distrusts you enough, and even Democrats are iffy about doing something like that due to the moral hazards involved (which is why Dems want that power delegated to the bankruptcy courts).

There's mavericky, and there's stupid. This was the latter.


Reading the freep comments is really weird. I thought they would be behind their candidate like we are Obama but it seems like they're only barely concealing their utter contempt for him. They seem to see Palin as the savior of the ticket, and a lot of them were talking about taking down their McCain signs and stuff over his speech tonight. I mean, WTF. There is really just no enthusiasm for him in his own party. Maybe the Palin decision wasn't bad after all, maybe it was all he could do to shore up any of his base at all.

Ranks and file conservatives always have been leery of McCain. It was McCain's strength among foreign policy hawks and independents-not to mention Republicans guessing wildly which candidate would "have a chance" against Hilldozer or Obama-which put him over the edge in the primaries, and even then not by much-McCain "won" a lot of primaries in the high 30s in terms of vote.

That's why the GOP voter enthusisam level was so low for him before Palin was added to the ticket. As for her, their love for her is due more to the fact that she's one of the few conservatives out there who hasn't "failed" conservatism and carried to term a retarded kid. Republicans don't fault modern movement conservatism for the decline of their party, they fault the actors involved instead, since admitting there are some core problems with movement conservatism is an act of heresy.


First tragedy, then farce.
AniHawk said:
Looking to be more like 150 or more these days.

yeah, I think the wheels finally came off the straight talk express tonight. It was already rickity, but it may have finally broke down.


First tragedy, then farce.
Thai said:
I"m starting to feel bad/sorry for mccain...

This is the man who is acusing another senator of "palling around with terrorists" and trying to paint him as foreign in an attempt at overt race-baiting.

Fuck him.


*drowns in jizz*
Just visited the McCain site out of morbid curiosity. After clicking on the massive MCCAIN WINS DEBATE Banner, this is what you get:


I feel a little sorry for them, these are the absolute best quotes the McCain campaign could find and advertise. And not a single one of those gives any hint that they thought McCain won the debate- in all likelihood, they concluded otherwise.
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