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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Zeliard said:
28 days later:


Could anyone Photoshop the necessary skin tones and eye colors in these two pics? Shouldn't be too difficult. McCain's skin tone is already pretty close, and Palin's eyes are filled with crazy to begin with.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
OuterWorldVoice said:
only after mccain did.
Yeah he mentioned buffet with obama in the same sentence. Buffett is an obama supporter and I do not think he would in anyway support mccain after the mortgage buying plan he came up with today.... did he make that shit up on the stage? I mean he is supposed to be closing earmarks and being fiscally conservative right. That was out of left field. Especially for someone who is so worried about the government getting involved in healthcare...


First tragedy, then farce.
McCain takes on the big money people by taking their money and then hiring them.

Obama never takes on party leaders? FISA much?


:lol McCain/Palin are doing their campaigning together again starting tomorrow. PA/OH/WI. That's awful to have to do that 4 weeks out.


I'm trying to find a video of the entire healthcare exchange, for both sides, including the "privilege, responsibility or right" follow-up. Anyone seen it?
GhaleonEB said:
I'm trying to find a video of the entire healthcare exchange, for both sides, including the "privilege, responsibility or right" follow-up. Anyone seen it?

Are the rumors true?

Did the fearless Ghaleon pull a Chicken Little mid-way through the debate?


SatelliteOfLove said:
McCain's doing his best Dole impersonation lately; it'll make for great talk show appearences later in November, though.

Apparently he's going to go make up with Letterman.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Okay, I'm going to bed gentlemen. We have to be well rested tomorrow so that we can watch the View.


Trakdown said:
Apparently he's going to go make up with Letterman.
True? Would Letterman even accept his apology at this point? I'd watch the show just to watch McCain squirm, because you know Letterman would get several shots in with him in the hot seat anyway.
StoOgE said:
So McCains entire economic strategy = working across the aisle. Good work.

Seriously. Absolutely no substance. It's easy to solve the problems you just have to try to solve them? Ok, but what do you try? Reaching across the aisle. Ok, but once you are working with the other party, what do you do? We sit down and talk! Ok... about what?

He's the god damn underpants gnomes!

1 Reach across Aisle
2 Sit down and talk
3 ????
4 Profit!


ryutaro's mama said:
Are the rumors true?

Did the fearless Ghaleon pull a Chicken Little mid-way through the debate?
Basically. I thought a couple of exchanges went poorly and turned it off to give my kids a bath and put them to bed, since my wife had to leave for the night. I was very worried when I logged off, so to speak. I didn't think what I saw went well, but I'm also tired as hell.

Non-spin answer: yup.

Also: how tone-deaf is the McCain camp? They think calling Obama "that one" is a good idea.

A Republican official emails, on background:

"The most memorable line of the night belonged to John McCain. McCain pointed out that “That One” vote for the 05 energy bill. Look for Republicans to note in coming days that “That One” also voted for higher taxes at least 94 times; “That One” has associations with unrepentant terrorists, etc…"


sonarrat said:
I'm pretty sure what he means by that is deregulating like a Republican and spending like a Democrat.
I liked his dual proposals of a spending freeze and also spending $300 billion on buying down bad mortgages.
GhaleonEB said:
I liked his dual proposals of a spending freeze and also spending $300 billion on buying down bad mortgages.

Along with the spending freeze and fixing health care, energy, and entitlement programs all at the same time, because America is the best and we can do that! (by reaching across the aisle and sitting down to talk)
GhaleonEB said:
I liked his dual proposals of a spending freeze and also spending $300 billion on buying down bad mortgages.

bahahahaha....300 billion, I mean did he come up with that stupid ass idea during the debate. "Yea, I'll tell the American people I will help them refinance on the houses they have in foreclosure. That will win them over." I mean what the fuck.

One of my favorite parts of the debate was when he mentioned THAT ONE'S many iterations to his tax plan (one or two?), and then proceeded to change his tax plan on the fly. Saying he would just lock in the Bush tax plans, while studies have consistently shown his tax policy to want to have additional cuts.


:lol The National Review on McCain's insane mortgage nonsense(The base is unhappy):

NRO said:
McCain Proposes... What? [Stephen Spruiell]
At tonight's debate, McCain proposed a new program under which the government would buy mortgages directly from homeowners. Here is how he put it:

As president of the United States, Alan, I would order the secretary of the treasury to immediately buy up the bad home loan mortgages in America and renegotiate at the new value of those homes — at the diminished value of those homes and let people be able to make those — be able to make those payments and stay in their homes.

Yeah... didn't Congress just enact major legislation to address this problem? The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 created a federal mortgage-insurance program for lenders who agree to reduce mortgage payments for struggling borrowers.

How is McCain's plan different? I'll try to explain. Let's say you have a $200,000 adjustable-rate mortgage. Your home's value has declined, your interest rate has gone up and you can no longer afford to make the payments. Under current law, the government will guarantee your mortgage if your lender agrees to work out a deal with you.

Under McCain's plan, the Treasury Secretary would buy your mortgage from whoever owns it and then deal with you directly. In many cases, the Treasury Department would already own your mortgage, because it is about to buy up $700 billion worth of mortgage-backed securities. But under McCain's plan, Treasury would also become your loan servicer.

To say this would pose enormous logistical challenges would be an understatement. Last I heard, the Treasury Department had its hands full:

The Treasury Department this week plans to start outsourcing the management of up to $700 billion in troubled securities, using special contracting authorities that enable it to retain private portfolio managers, custodians and other financial services consultants without following standard acquisition procedures.

In English, that means that a lot of the same Wall Street guys who made bad investments in mortgage debt are going to be in charge of their own bailout.

If Treasury were to become the loan servicer for hundreds of thousands of mortgages, it would have to outsource those duties, too. And those jobs would go to a lot of the same people who lowered their lending standards during the housing boom, put people in mortgages they couldn't afford and then sold those mortgages to Wall Street.

McCain's plan is not only redundant, it would create significant new responsibilities (and costs) for an already-beleagured agency. I'm not sure what the campaign was thinking.

10/08 01:31 AM

platypotamus said:
Along with the spending freeze and fixing health care, energy, and entitlement programs all at the same time, because America is the best and we can do that! (by reaching across the aisle and sitting down to talk)

Mustn't forget cutting defense spending while simultaneously making sure to support defense spending.

His answer to the sacrifice question, I think.


Sharp said:
It's weird, you'd think with Obama ahead by these kinds of margins in the polls GAF would be more magnanimous towards McCain supporters or undecided voters, but I guess it's still hard to believe that the election is actually more or less locked up. I for one will continue not believing it until November 5th.

Just because we win doesn't mean the Bush Admin and the Rethug party get amnesty for their vileness and crimes over the past 8 years. Personally, I won't be fully satisfied until I see meaty jail terms for at least Cheney, the Halliburton execs and the Blackwater rapist kidnappers.


Junior Member
GhaleonEB said:
Basically. I thought a couple of exchanges went poorly and turned it off to give my kids a bath and put them to bed, since my wife had to leave for the night. I was very worried when I logged off, so to speak. I didn't think what I saw went well, but I'm also tired as hell.

Non-spin answer: yup.

Also: how tone-deaf is the McCain camp? They think calling Obama "that one" is a good idea.


Ok im calling it.. THIS IS OVER!.. Obama by landslide. His campaign is completely out of touch with the Nation.
The Blue Jihad said:
Mustn't forget cutting defense spending while simultaneously making sure to support defense spending.

His answer to the sacrifice question, I think.

I'm sorry, every time you post I just see three letters: K G B.
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