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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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StoOgE said:
yeah, I think the wheels finally came off the straight talk express tonight. It was already rickity, but it may have finally broke down.

I guess we'll know how big a night it is if Indiana goes blue. 375 EC votes if that happens.


If McCain manages to scare away the base, combined with Obama's ground game....the impact on the downticket races...my god the bloodbath will be glorious.


First tragedy, then farce.
Gruco said:
If McCain manages to scare away the base, combined with Obama's ground game....the impact on the downticket races...my god the bloodbath will be glorious.

My god, if Obama could get a supermajority it would be perfect. Obama could get the big campaign platforms done.

The best thing he can do longterm is universal healthcare. Once we have it on the books, no one will ever get rid of it (just like social security).

I want UHC so fucking bad for this nation.


Gruco said:
If McCain manages to scare away the base, combined with Obama's ground game....the impact on the downticket races...my god the bloodbath will be glorious.

The RNC may start pulling out of the presidential race to try and save some House members and Senators.
The problem with the "That One" comment is that he ended with "Me". If he had said, "That one" and "This one", it could be smoothed over. But the way he phrased it, it came off as "condescending" at best, at worst it was demeaning borderline racist. Everybody I was watching the debate with was like "wat?!".

McCain overall just comes off as a snarky SOB. He talks about bipartisanship, but his entire tone and sarcasm is in total contradiction of this. Even if Obama doesn't like McCain, you still get the feeling that Obama at least respects him. McCain on the other hand, it seems can't show an ounce of respect toward Obama. He wears the disdain for Obam on his sleeve.
Thai said:
I"m starting to feel bad/sorry for mccain...
I felt sorry for him when he lost the 2000 primary.

After the transformation into the new-right-McCain and the addition of Palin, I have zero pity for him now.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
StoOgE said:
My god, if Obama could get a supermajority it would be perfect. Obama could get the big campaign platforms done.

The best thing he can do longterm is universal healthcare. Once we have it on the books, no one will ever get rid of it (just like social security).

I want UHC so fucking bad for this nation.

Jesus, why don't you and JayDubya just marry each other, you both want UHC so bad.
AniHawk said:
The RNC may start pulling out of the presidential race to try and save some House members and Senators.

Too late. Republicans are fucked. Across the board. And frankly, the RNC hasn't been that adept in their role this year. Of course, nothing compares to the disaster that are the RSCC and RCCC.
""This is McCain's mantra. I know how. I know how. Here's what I will do."
John Podhoretz

A comment from McCain's own website... Is there a deeper meaning to this pathetic campaign? That was NOT a good comment.


First tragedy, then farce.
AniHawk said:
The RNC may start pulling out of the presidential race to try and save some House members and Senators.

prolly too late. They already pulled the money out and threw all their eggs in the presidential race, and now the dems look to have 57 seats on lockdown with 4 more leaning republican races that could very well tip Dem. If we can somehow get to 60 (61 even better we could boot Lieberman) it would be bigger than Obama winning.
Gruco said:
If McCain manages to scare away the base, combined with Obama's ground game....the impact on the downticket races...my god the bloodbath will be glorious.

Perhaps. I think there's a bigger danger of McCain's bsae voting a third party protest vote in significant numbers rather than not voting at all. I think that factors beyond the GOP's control-namely the economic tailspin we are in-are going to wind up hurting them much, much more than McCain's collapse is going to.

I will come out and say this-when all votes are counted, one of the following Republican Senators will be unseated in an epic upset:

Saxby Chambliss (GA)
Mitch McConnell (KY)
John Cornyn (TX)

And Dems will expand their house lead past 250 seats.


speculawyer said:
I felt sorry for him when he lost the 2000 primary.

After the transformation into the new-right-McCain and the addition of Palin, I have zero pity for him now.

I felt bad for McCain for much of this campaign, as I used to like him quite a bit (as far as Republicans go), and I don't feel that he believes a lot of the bullshit he's spurted out the past several months (not that this necessarily the greatest quality).

After the Palin pick however, and the recent increasingly desperate and mean-spirited tone his campaign has undertaken, I don't feel sorry for the man at all and welcome Obama's impending win with glee.


Incognito said:
Too late. Republicans are fucked. Across the board. And frankly, the RNC hasn't been that adept in their role this year. Of course, nothing compares to the disaster that are the RSCC and RCCC.
It's nice to see, and would be even nicer if the world wasn't going to shit all around us. Any chance Franken could close the gap in the final days and make it 57-42-2?


First tragedy, then farce.
Fragamemnon said:
Perhaps. I think there's a bigger danger of McCain's bsae voting a third party protest vote in significant numbers rather than not voting at all. I think that factors beyond the GOP's control-namely the economic tailspin we are in-are going to wind up hurting them much, much more than McCain's collapse is going to.

I will come out and say this-when all votes are counted, one of the following Republican Senators will be unseated in an epic upset:

Saxby Chambliss (GA)
Mitch McConnell (KY)
John Cornyn (TX)

And Dems will expand their house lead past 250 seats.

I would love for Rick Noriega to beat John Cornyn, but its unlikely. His best poll right now is down 8 with early voting about to start.
As for Tom Brokaw, I didn't think he did as bad as you guys say. He had to moderate an absolute CRAP format that was agreed to by the two campaigns and the commission. If he didn't try to enforce the rules, then he would have gotten a lot of shit from one of the campaigns and possibly the commission for not enforcing the format.

Hopefully by him trying to enforce such a ridiculous format, it shows just how awful it was and future presidential town halls will be more free-flowing.


First tragedy, then farce.
AniHawk said:
It's nice to see, and would be even nicer if the world wasn't going to shit all around us. Any chance Franken could close the gap in the final days and make it 57-42-2?

I think Franken wins, I also think Musgrove wins.

I think we are 1 seat short of supermajority. Im praying for a major upset in GA, TX or KY.


Fragamemnon said:
Perhaps. I think there's a bigger danger of McCain's bsae voting a third party protest vote in significant numbers rather than not voting at all. I think that factors beyond the GOP's control-namely the economic tailspin we are in-are going to wind up hurting them much, much more than McCain's collapse is going to.

I will come out and say this-when all votes are counted, one of the following Republican Senators will be unseated in an epic upset:

Saxby Chambliss (GA)
Mitch McConnell (KY)
John Cornyn (TX)

And Dems will expand their house lead past 250 seats.
Do you think Ted Stevens should be on that list?


Junior Member
All those pig comments... somehow this came to mind.

AniHawk said:
It's nice to see, and would be even nicer if the world wasn't going to shit all around us. Any chance Franken could close the gap in the final days and make it 57-42-2?

I think Al Franken will win by about 3-4%. Norm Coleman is too afraid to even stake a claim in McCain's health plan. Right now, Democrats are looking at least 7 pickups. I wouldn't be surprised to see around 10 pickups, though.

EDIT: It's also important to note that 60 isn't really needed in order to defuse the filibuster. Even if the Democrats have 57 or 58 Senators, there's still quite a few Republican Senators who are safe bets to work across the aisle to pass legislation. And after this year's bloodbath, a lot of them don't need to put their finger in the wind to gauge which way the wind is blowing. Sticking with the GOP is a recipe for packing your bags in this climate.
Incognito said:
Too late. Republicans are fucked. Across the board. And frankly, the RNC hasn't been that adept in their role this year. Of course, nothing compares to the disaster that are the RSCC and RCCC.

I think there is some time to salvage some of the House seats that are on the brink in states where Obama has no ground game. ( Arizona, Wyoming, CA-4, Idaho, etc.) The Senate situation is a whole lot more tricky due to timing but some last minute cash could help keep the total disaster scenario from unfolding.

Money spent on McCain just doesn't seem effective at this point, though.


Slurpy said:
Can someone explain to me what the fuck happened here?


It seems like McCain tapped Obama, wanting Obama to think that Cindy actually tapped him. Which is why he pointed at her when Obama tried to shake his hand. Ive watched it several times and it becomes funnier everytime you watch it.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

I keep watching it over and over! I clicked it expecting you to have been exaggerating, but that's EXACTLY what it looks like.

... Also, I'm having way too much fun with the new "audio preview" comment button.


I like that CNN can cut to their international network, and inform americans of this shit when all their US anchors are sleeping.


AniHawk said:
It's nice to see, and would be even nicer if the world wasn't going to shit all around us. Any chance Franken could close the gap in the final days and make it 57-42-2?
Franken is still in it, he really has been closing hard. The fact that Obama isn't very active in MN worries me though.

Locks: CO, NM, VA
Near-locks: NH, AK
Likely: OR, NC
Stretch: MN, MS
Longshot: KY, GA

That's how I see it, at this point. I wish Noriega or Kleeb could make the list, but such is life.
Fragamemnon said:
I think there is some time to salvage some of the House seats that are on the brink in states where Obama has no ground game. ( Arizona, Wyoming, CA-4, Idaho, etc.) The Senate situation is a whole lot more tricky due to timing but some last minute cash could help keep the total disaster scenario from unfolding.

Money spent on McCain just doesn't seem effective at this point, though.

I really wish Obama had put a few offices in Idaho just so that Bill Sali would have been sent packing.

EDIT: The RNC has been adept, however, at fundraising. I believe September was their largest fundraising month of all time. IIRC, $66 million. The previous high was $40 million or so back in 2000. So clearly, they have the resources to make things interesting. I'm with you, though; I don't think funneling cash to McCain at this point is worth it.


First tragedy, then farce.
Evlar said:
Heh. I obviously haven't been paying attention.

no prob, I pay almost as much attention to Senate races. If obama can continue to create a wave of support that carries him through the election we could get a supermajority which would be gigantic.

Imagine Obama with a free pass to do 90% of what he wants.
omg rite said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol

I keep watching it over and over! I clicked it expecting you to have been exaggerating, but that's EXACTLY what it looks like.

... Also, I'm having way too much fun with the new "audio preview" comment button.
Srsly. That's some elementary school level shit.


Will the McCain campaign go right back to the Ayers crap tomorrow? If they do, I think they're gonna get called out since they couldn't say it to Obama's face..


First tragedy, then farce.
Gruco said:
Franken is still in it, he really has been closing hard. The fact that Obama isn't very active in MN worries me though.

Locks: CO, NM, VA
Near-locks: NH, AK
Likely: OR, NC
Stretch: MN, MS
Longshot: KY, GA

That's how I see it, at this point. I wish Noriega or Kleeb could make the list, but such is life.

I agree, but I would throw TX into longshot status, probably longer than the other two.

Something in my gut says an Obama wave and turnout will carry bout Musgrove and Franken to wins. That would get us to 58+2. I just really want it to go to 59+1 in the worst way so we can punish Lieberman.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
# As of October 7, 8:00PM EDT:
# Obama: 353
# McCain: 185

# Meta-margin: Obama +5.44%




...on UHC. To say I want this is an understatement. Right now, as a 25 year old adult, I have absolutely none of the legal rights that are enjoyed by my peers. Can't get married. Can't own a home. Can't own a car(you should have seen the hoops I went through just to purchase a car...). Can't earn over $8,000 a year. Basically, can't do anything that proves self-sufficiency or my coverage that runs $60,000+ a month would be yanked. If I want to purchase something on credit, I have to have a family member "buy" the teevee, computer, furniture, etc. Again, self-sufficiency. So yeah, I cannot wait for UHC...


StoOgE said:
I would love for Rick Noriega to beat John Cornyn, but its unlikely. His best poll right now is down 8 with early voting about to start.

Ditto. Noriega and Cornyn had a debate today but for some ungodly reason they scheduled it at the exact same time as the presidential one. I'll have to see if I can dredge it up somewhere as I do want to watch it. Noriega campaign's e-mail said it would be on PBS and KHUT.


mckmas8808 said:
# As of October 7, 8:00PM EDT:
# Obama: 353
# McCain: 185

# Meta-margin: Obama +5.44%




Wow indeed. That's calling the election for Obama, assuming no huge shocks move people back into the undecided column.


I'm just so glad healthcare is being talked about this election cycle. I just hope it leads to positive change. Everone needs to go the doctor at some point in their life.


Evlar said:
Wow indeed. That's calling the election for Obama, assuming no huge shocks move people back into the undecided column.

538 hasn't even updated yet tonight... good news all around!
Incognito said:
I think Al Franken will win by about 3-4%. Norm Coleman is too afraid to even stake a claim in McCain's health plan. Right now, Democrats are looking at least 7 pickups. I wouldn't be surprised to see around 10 pickups, though.

There's a story getting traction that Norm has been getting designer suits from a major donor-when asked, he hasn't denied it. It's those little bullshit things that can matter in a close election like Franken and Coleman are in.

EDIT: It's also important to note that 60 isn't really needed in order to defuse the filibuster. Even if the Democrats have 57 or 58 Senators, there's still quite a few Republican Senators who are safe bets to work across the aisle to pass legislation. And after this year's bloodbath, a lot of them don't need to put their finger in the wind to gauge which way the wind is blowing. Sticking with the GOP is a recipe for packing your bags in this climate.

Agreed. A lot of them are going to want to hunker down and try to save their seats until they are convinced that all realigning forces have passed.

A equally big problem for the GOP overall is going to be weak leadership. This isn't going to be the 1992 GOP with tough leaders like Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay, and Dick Armey around in the House. Instead they have Boehner, Blunt , and the Republican Study Committee loony bin. The Senate is going to be in an equally ugly spot.

It's that leadership gap that should allow for a lot of Obama's legislation-provided it is paid for (always the big sticking point with the Blue Dogs)-to get passed without heavy markup.


speculawyer said:
I felt sorry for him when he lost the 2000 primary.

After the transformation into the new-right-McCain and the addition of Palin, I have zero pity for him now.

He was pretty right learning back then too. It was only after the Keating 5 scandal did he sponsor legislation that would make him look more centrist. Although I must say I was pretty shocked that a POW would reverse his stance on torture.


Incognito said:
EDIT: It's also important to note that 60 isn't really needed in order to defuse the filibuster. Even if the Democrats have 57 or 58 Senators, there's still quite a few Republican Senators who are safe bets to work across the aisle to pass legislation. And after this year's bloodbath, a lot of them don't need to put their finger in the wind to gauge which way the wind is blowing. Sticking with the GOP is a recipe for packing your bags in this climate.
Yep. The Maine ladies alone would make this easy, but there are plenty other options to pick off depending on the issue. Republicans would not be able to maintain lockstep unity in this environment, and the slightest defect means success.

If you want to keep this generation motivated in politics, nothing will do that more than the lawmakers we fought for get tangible results on Iraq, energy and health care. If the electoral margins are big enough, it can happen.


McCain's stance on torture is really weird. He speaks out about it and how awful it is, but then says that we don't do it. Pretty much what Bush has been doing.
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