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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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besada said:
Russian market down 14%. UK market to open 5% down and then likely fall further. Whee!
Currently sitting at 6.7% down, and the DAX is down even harder. It's a bloodbath everywhere.
Mandark said:
Assuming McCain loses, what are the odds he talks publicly about how he regrets the tone his campaign took and how it was all these advisers and gosh, he really didn't want things to be that way?

I think the big assumption here is that McCain even talks to the press again. I bet he retires in 2010 and never shows his face much publically ever again.


Mandark said:
Assuming McCain loses, what are the odds he talks publicly about how he regrets the tone his campaign took and how it was all these advisers and gosh, he really didn't want things to be that way?

I'm still holding to my guns that he will. The guy's willing to sell his soul for the presidency, but he still knows he's selling his soul, and once he's lost and his career is essentially over, I think he'll come clean in an attempt to salvage some bit of his legacy.


Marvie_3 said:
Franken will most likely win. There isn't a lot of support up here for Coleman other than the Repub. base. I see a lot more Franken signs, buttons, and stickers everywhere.....not that it's what I'm basing it on, but he seems to have a lot more support here. Minnesota is generally a state that really doesn't like negative campaigning. Pretty much every Coleman ad is attack, attack, attack.....no issues whatsoever. Some of the ads Coleman has been running lately are downright vile....much worse than the garbage McCain/Palin have been running. I can definately see that contributing to Coleman's slide recently in the polls. Plus, as someone already said, a big Obama turnout could really trickle down and help Franken as well.

Wow. I just looked up some of his ads. That's the type of shit you'd see as parodies in movies. Does he have some sort of brain thing?


Mandark said:
Assuming McCain loses, what are the odds he talks publicly about how he regrets the tone his campaign took and how it was all these advisers and gosh, he really didn't want things to be that way?

I just want him to face Jon Stewart. No Daily Show segments, just 22 minutes of Stewart vs. McCain.
So is this the time where I decide to vote for McCain, so that if anything bad happens while Obama is President, I can bitch that you guys all voted for the wrong guy and none of it was my fault? :lol
Btw, anyone notice how Obama didn't use any notes this debate (at least any I could see)? McCain on the other hand starting writing furiously as soon as he got out there on stage and for about the first half the debate wrote continuously on the notepad.


The Chosen One said:
Btw, anyone notice how Obama didn't use any notes this debate (at least any I could see)? McCain on the other hand starting writing furiously as soon as he got out there on stage and for about the first half the debate wrote continuously on the notepad.

That's because McCain was actually thinking about what he was going to say and Obama, like the robot he is, was just running off pre-scripted soundbites.
*yawns* I think I fell asleep half-way through the debate. It wasn't really much of a debate, just them getting asked questions and not being able to respond to what the other said.

Evlar said:
Currently sitting at 6.7% down, and the DAX is down even harder. It's a bloodbath everywhere.
Don't worry, I'll be alright; I'll make a comeback, I always do.


After days of attempts to persuade voters that Obama’s ties to ‘60s radical Bill Ayers are a crucial character issue, McCain didn’t mention Ayers’ name during the 90 minutes of Tuesday’s forum. His top aides suggested afterward that, going forward, the candidate wouldn’t focus on the former domestic terrorist nor invoke the name of Obama’s controversial pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Nicolle Wallace, a top McCain adviser, hinted McCain would not bring it up. “If asked about it, of course [he’ll talk about Ayers],” she said.

McCain’s chief strategist, Steve Schmidt all but said the controversial pastor remained off-limits.

“What Sen. McCain has said is that it’s not an issue he intends to talk about in the race,” said the aide, though he did note that Obama himself had called Wright 'fair game.'

But Schmidt did say without prompting: “You’ve not seen Sen. McCain advertise on [Wright]."

When asked, he wouldn’t promise to not air ads on the pastor, but reiterated that “Sen. McCain’s position is clear.”

Hard to believe that's true, would they really change their strategy. Again.

Have they even revealed their Ayers ads yet?


That debate was shit. Tom Brokaw is a fucking AWFUL moderator. From now on, just use Jim Lehrer for all of them please.


Scary Euro Man
grandjedi6 said:
Its from the DailyMail and its still the only source. Chance of being correct --- slim

The article claims that it was his T-shirt that prompted the shouts of "I hate niggers" and the shooting. I think there's another possible cause:


Hmm. What about this gentleman other than the Obama shirt could also inspire negative reactions from a murderous racist?


iapetus said:
The article claims that it was his T-shirt that prompted the shouts of "I hate niggers" and the shooting. I think there's another possible cause:


Hmm. What about this gentleman [b]other than the Obama shirt[/b] could also inspire negative reactions from a murderous racist?[/QUOTE]

Also, Daily Fail.


Smiles and Cries said:
I dunno what to think of it. What is the media saying about it?

Most of the folks they talked to after the debate on those "independent" voter groups called it some variation of childish.

I'm sure there will be some bomb throwers that try to paint it as racist.
eznark said:
Most of the folks they talked to after the debate on those "independent" voter groups called it some variation of childish.

I'm sure there will be some bomb throwers that try to paint it as racist.
hmmm. it was more his tone and the way he said it I guess

I dunno if I would make an issue of it but it showed someone who had no charm or knew how to be polite

sheesh November can't come soon enough


The Chosen One said:
Btw, anyone notice how Obama didn't use any notes this debate (at least any I could see)? McCain on the other hand starting writing furiously as soon as he got out there on stage and for about the first half the debate wrote continuously on the notepad.

I think that was a bad decision on McCain's part to start writing immediately once he came in. It looked very odd and made Obama seem more composed.


Joe Biden is KILLING IT on the Today Show this morning!

What a great morning, PoliGaf. The Hopium is flowing through the streets!
Just woke up. Seems like Obama won the debate, especially among indepedent voters, but I have a few problems with McCain:

1) Way to be an asshole and refer to Obama as "that one". I'm glad the media caught that. Such a shameful act on McCain.

2) Don't assume that one guy didn't know who Freddie and Fannie were.

3) What happened after the debate? As Obama was walking towards McCain, extending his hand out, McCain grabs his wife in front of him and she shakes his hand? WTF? Also, why did McCain leave so fast? Obama and his wife stayed behind shaking hands, talking to the audience.

Seriously. I have NO respect for McCain. None whatsoever.

P.S. Any new polls besides who won last night?


First tragedy, then farce.

McCain's dumbass didn't say middle class *again*

What a fucking idiot.

I didn't pay attention, but you would think he would have said it like 20 times to get the point across.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Just woke up. Seems like Obama won the debate, especially among indepedent voters, but I have a few problems with McCain:

1) Way to be an asshole and refer to Obama as "that one". I'm glad the media caught that. Such a shameful act on McCain.

2) Don't assume that one guy didn't know who Freddie and Fannie were.

3) What happened after the debate? As Obama was walking towards McCain, extending his hand out, McCain grabs his wife in front of him and she shakes his hand? WTF? Also, why did McCain leave so fast? Obama and his wife stayed behind shaking hands, talking to the audience.

Seriously. I have NO respect for McCain. None whatsoever.

P.S. Any new polls besides who won last night?
Can someone please explain to me the "that one" gaffe going around? I must have missed it.


First tragedy, then farce.
Dax01 said:
Can someone please explain to me the "that one" gaffe going around? I must have missed it.

McCain pointed to Obama and said "that one over there did x". I dont remember what he was claiming, only that he pointed to Obama and called him "that one"


shitting in the alley outside your window
Jason's Ultimatum said:
3) What happened after the debate? As Obama was walking towards McCain, extending his hand out, McCain grabs his wife in front of him and she shakes his hand? WTF? Also, why did McCain leave so fast? Obama and his wife stayed behind shaking hands, talking to the audience.
They actually shook hands immediately after the last question, at that point they met in the middle and interfered with Brokaw's teleprompter, to which he said 'move bitches, i cant see my damn script'.
sefskillz said:
They actually shook hands immediately after the last question, at that point they met in the middle and interfered with Brokaw's teleprompter, to which he said 'move bitches, i cant see my damn script'.
Yet another case of this liberal media's biased gotcha journalism.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
lulz. "that one" felt very out of place there. He could have said "this one" referring to himself afterward to save it, but he didn't so why the hell not say senator Obama? Especially since it's about voting for bills and shit, which is what senators does...
SO this is why I should stay the hell out of these threads, I was hoping for at least a little bit of level headed discussion without the McCain= out of touch/evil talk. I should have realized this was NeoGAF.
bishopcruz said:
SO this is why I should stay the hell out of these threads, I was hoping for at least a little bit of level headed discussion without the McCain= out of touch/evil talk. I should have realized this was NeoGAF.


Unconfirmed Member
bishopcruz said:
SO this is why I should stay the hell out of these threads, I was hoping for at least a little bit of level headed discussion without the McCain= out of touch/evil talk. I should have realized this was NeoGAF.

There's plenty of level headed talk, but if you can't handle the "cheerleading" when the numbers show that you are very obviously outnumbered by liberals/Obama supporters here then yes, staying out of the thread is a good idea, it's called common sense.

Justin Bailey

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bishopcruz said:
SO this is why I should stay the hell out of these threads, I was hoping for at least a little bit of level headed discussion without the McCain= out of touch/evil talk. I should have realized this was NeoGAF.
Boo hoo. Don't get all butthurt because McCain makes himself look more ridiculous with each passing day.


GAF's Bob Woodward
AniHawk said:
That's because McCain was actually thinking about what he was going to say and Obama, like the robot he is, was just running off pre-scripted soundbites.

He was probably doing what I did in nearly every exam. That is, having crammed a tonne of info into my head immediately prior to the exam, I would take a blank piece of paper and regurgitate as much of it as possible onto the page before I forget it, for reference during the rest of the exam.

The mark of a last minute crammer :p
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