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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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bishopcruz said:
SO this is why I should stay the hell out of these threads, I was hoping for at least a little bit of level headed discussion without the McCain= out of touch/evil talk. I should have realized this was NeoGAF.
You would have more of a point if you tried to bring up Palin and GAF's overt misogyny. McCain flatly is out of touch.
AniHawk said:
That's because McCain was actually thinking about what he was going to say and Obama, like the robot he is, was just running off pre-scripted soundbites.

Actually, I think it works the opposite way. What you do in a debate like that is write down all the stuff you memorized while the other guy is talking.

Obama's just like Hova. He doesn't need to write shit down.

Justin Bailey

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Dax01 said:
What do these rates do in the stock market? How does it affect the value of stocks?
The rate the fed controls is what banks charge each other for overnight loans. It ultimately reduces the rate on all loans and it puts more money in the money supply. This makes stocks go up since companies will have more cash, but it also increases inflation since the supply of money goes up.
Dax01 said:
What do these rates do in the stock market? How does it affect the value of stocks?

it's a way to make capital easier to get, because the interest rate is lower. this hopefully means more people/companies will then get this money and use it to unfreeze credit markets. quite a complex undertaking, but right now no one is lending money to anyone else, and most companies rely on short term loans to meet payroll/etc while income is slated to come in a short time later. lowering this rate hopefully allows them access to money and thus they dont have to fire people/not make payroll/etc/etc
Saint Gregory said:
Why haven't I heard of Robert Gibbs before? First he shits on Hannity and then he shuts down Joe on MSNBC. I'm in love with this guy :)

he is the guy who gives Obama the 'cool words' advice. like bomb bomb iran and his quips. he is the smarts behind the lines Obama should speak


bishopcruz said:
SO this is why I should stay the hell out of these threads, I was hoping for at least a little bit of level headed discussion without the McCain= out of touch/evil talk. I should have realized this was NeoGAF.

I love these drive-by Republican posts. Instead of giving us a single tangible argument, its just a quick flame-out. :lol


SpeedingUptoStop said:
I wish....

actually, no i don't, this will probably get worse for mccain.

Naw. He's going to send in a "surge". Because we need to use the same strategies as we used in Iraq.
After a few days of paying little attention to the buzz in the PoliGAF threads, I just watched this ad, and it hit me: Al Franken will be a senator.

I have only read one of his books, but I thoroughly enjoyed it...if I lived in Minnesota, he'd have my vote!
AniHawk said:
I just want him to face Jon Stewart. No Daily Show segments, just 22 minutes of Stewart vs. McCain.
Agreed. I definitely think McCain deserves an Oprah-style bashing for what he did :lol
MightyHealthy said:
After a few days of paying little attention to the Al Franken For Senate buzz, I just watched this ad, and
Agreed. I definitely think McCain deserves an Oprah-style bashing for what he did :lol
Apparently Franken's up in the polls now too. O'Reilly must be having a heart attack over this. :lol
McCain wants to add another few hundred billion dollars to bailout the bad mortgage loans to the already 700 billion dollar bailout plan which already bailed out the bad mortgage loans.

This is what I'm reading, right? And this guy has the balls to attack Obama on wasteful spending? :lol :lol


Best debate wrap I've read so far (economist Arnold Kilng):

1. The debate was truly awful. The financial crisis was caused by greed (McCain) and deregulation (Obama). We need energy independence. Our priority is to do everything at once (McCain). We will cut spending by spending more (Obama). We can create jobs.

Let me ignore the rest, and focus on jobs. We can create jobs by getting rid of computers and going back to carbon paper for communication and paper and pencil for arithmetic. We can create jobs by getting rid of electric motors and going back to human power to run factories. As long as wants are unlimited, you don't need to create jobs.

If the candidates were out to correct economic ignorance instead of pandering to it, the debate would not resemble last night's in any way. There was no winner. Only losers.

So where can I find maps with lots of info about the current poll situation?
I've got www.electoral-vote.com, but it doesn't show how the Senator race between D and R is going. I know there was a site that had this info.

Any suggestions?

Edit: just found there is Senate info on the site.


LOL Foxnews pounding this ACORN thing into the ground. They even have guys on site in battleground states going through voter registrations. Give it a rest, you losers :lol


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I would love to see "That One" turn into "That Won" in a few weeks. I know that reporters are trying to be respectful in some cases, but I am a bit surprised how passive they are this morning. I get the feeling they know already and are just letting the McCain houses burn.


not a medical professional
FF_VIII said:
DenogginizerOS said:
From FoxNews Comments section in the story asking, "Who won the debate?"


October 8th, 2008 at 8:50 am
I use to not care at all i just voted for rebulbicans now i know that Mccaine is the one we need not a teroust like oboma
Kipz said:
It's like rednecks find new and exotic ways to spell things all the times.
I'm from the South, so I can explain their vernacular.

In this instance, mccaine is slang for hopium.


Cloudy said:
LOL Foxnews pounding this ACORN thing into the ground. They even have guys on site in battleground states going through voter registrations. Give it a rest, you losers :lol
Called it about a week ago.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Cloudy said:
LOL Foxnews pounding this ACORN thing into the ground. They even have guys on site in battleground states going through voter registrations. Give it a rest, you losers :lol
If any news organization is an authority on nuts, it is FoxNews.
eznark said:
shouldn't reporters always be passive?

Is that a response to something or, is it just a general argument?

If a general argument, uhh no. Fact checking, and verifying are pretty important. Bush sailed through 2 elections thanks to a media that was passive, and reported things as "He said she said." Instead of pulling hte facts in. See, Al Gore invented the invented the internet, see Bushes' tax claims, see swift boat attacks.

A passive media and we might as well be reading press releases.


not a medical professional
kkaabboomm said:
it's a way to make capital easier to get, because the interest rate is lower. this hopefully means more people/companies will then get this money and use it to unfreeze credit markets. quite a complex undertaking, but right now no one is lending money to anyone else, and most companies rely on short term loans to meet payroll/etc while income is slated to come in a short time later. lowering this rate hopefully allows them access to money and thus they dont have to fire people/not make payroll/etc/etc

Doesn't that devalue the dollar?


electricpirate said:
Is that a response to something or, is it just a general argument?

If a general argument, uhh no. Fact checking, and verifying are pretty important. Bush sailed through 2 elections thanks to a media that was passive, and reported things as "He said she said." Instead of pulling hte facts in. See, Al Gore invented the invented the internet, see Bushes' tax claims, see swift boat attacks.

A passive media and we might as well be reading press releases.

no, I read the statement as DenogginizerOS was surprised McCain wasn't being "attacked" by reporters. That's the the pundits job (and fox/msnbc). He clarified, however.

Doesn't that devalue the dollar?

It was a coordinated rate cut amongst numerous central banks. It's unlikely to have any significant effect on exchange rates.


Cloudy said:
LOL Foxnews pounding this ACORN thing into the ground. They even have guys on site in battleground states going through voter registrations. Give it a rest, you losers :lol

Oh. That old chestnut!
eznark said:
agreed, however presentation should still remain passive

If the media always shows the Blitzer cold eyes of impartiality, the public can be lulled into accepting outrageous activities.

Use alarmism when it is appropriate. Lies need to be called out for what they are. America could use a media who is more shocked by bold-faced lies than vague connections with a reformed 60s terrorist.


Solaros said:
Called it about a week ago.

They interviewed an official in Indiana and he told them it was basically impossible for someone to vote with a bogus registration and that someone was probably just trying to fill a signup quota. That's not stopping Fox News from whining and crying :lol


MightyHealthy said:
It's easy to see why people want more than the norm.

Holy sweet Jesus.... I was wondering why Al Franken was up in the polls, I didn't really consider him a serious candidate. But Jesus, if this is the garbage that Republicans are running as ads, no wonder they are losing. That was the corniest, phoniest, most lame-ass commercial I have ever seen. It was almost like he was caricaturing the very constituents he represents! :lol


The Crimson Blur said:
If the media always shows the Blitzer cold eyes of impartiality, the public can be lulled into accepting outrageous activities.

Use alarmism when it is appropriate. Lies need to be called out for what they are. America could use a media who is more shocked by bold-faced lies than vague connections with a reformed 60s terrorist.

So you want FOXNews, you just want a liberal FOXNews. Opinionated "journalism", in other words.

I disagree, but luckily there are plenty of outlets to cater to us all, so no worries.


MightyHealthy said:
I'm from the South, so I can explain their vernacular.

In this instance, mccaine is slang for hopium.

Think he was talking about the teroust.

I wish I had the magical powers to have a post right below that which said: What's McCain fuckin' a rouster got to do with Obama?


New Rassmussen

Barack Obama attracting 51% of the vote while John McCain earns 45%. For the past thirteen days, Obama’s support has ranged from 50% to 52% while McCain has been at 44% of 45% every day
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