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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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NATE SILVER WAS OFF BY ONE ELECTORAL VOTE FOR OBAMA!? Holy shit this guy is going to have nice job over at MSNBC! :lol

P.S. Why isn't NC called for Obama? It's 50/50 yet Obama has more votes?


The Chosen One said:
Has anyone explained why NC hasn't been called yet?

I'm kinda curious about that myself. As of 8am, Obama looks to be firmly 12,000 or so votes ahead, but I haven't seen any discussion of a recount or what have you. I'm hoping we can chalk this one up to everyone double-checking and that we have a definitive answer later today. Man, he's already president and I'm still rooting for Obama.



about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
ZeroTolerance said:
:lol :lol :lol

Have you guys seen MSNBC's frontpage ? The McCain picture on there is so messed up.


Eteric Rice

I kind of feel bad for McCain. I think he's a good guy, but I think we needed a breath of fresh air.

I hope the world doesn't look down on him.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
camineet said:
Now I'm a 'Obama Republican'
I've voted republican since '94 (my first year of voting). The one exception was 2004 when I chose not to vote at all. Yesterday I voted for Obama (it wasn't a WI senate year so the couple of other races were all unopposed dems.. lol). It should be noted that I've NEVER regretted how I've voted (yes, even 2000). I still believe a lot of conservative ideas, not the least of which is abolition of a lot of useless government programs. I still believe in a number of traditional values (though am pro-choice and largely apathetic on gay marriage). Quite simply though when I looked at who I Felt was the better candidate on shit I care about, economy for lower-middle class and below, universal healthcare, small business, foreign perception (note I didn't say foreign policy as I really don't think that's a strong suit for Obama), and world influence, Obama definitely nailed those points. Here's to hoping I made the right decision. There are probably a ton of other scenarios where I would have voted for McCain (less of a focus on attacking Barack and the dems with the stupid socialist BS, not picking Palin who at this state of America is WAY too far right for me, concentrating more on our working class economy and foreign policy, etc)

One other factor though that I Guess I can't stress enough about Obama, the guy has charisma oozing out of every pore in his body. He probably shits charisma. Easily the most awe-inspiring speaker amongst presidents since Reagan, and Kennedy before that.


Great AP article about Stewart and Colbert's night last night.


Stewart, Colbert parody election in real-time

My favorite quote:

In a brief interview after the broadcast backstage, Colbert was still rattled.

"I've never had this feeling before, which is: Things went well on Election Night," said Colbert, whose political views are not his character's. "I'm a little stunned. I don't know what to do with my happiness. I'm still afraid someone's going to take it away."

It's going to be reeeallly interesting seeing how they treat Obama and the Democratic Congress..


HylianTom said:
Great AP article about Stewart and Colbert's night last night.


Stewart, Colbert parody election in real-time

My favorite quote:

It's going to be reeeallly interesting seeing how they treat Obama and the Democratic Congress..

I think TDS is gonna take a nosedive like it did pre-RNC, but The Colbert Report is gonna be totally fucking awesome.
Dax01 said:
I'll ask this one last time because I'm a political noob:

What happens now? What do we wait for now?

Swift retribution.


The bitter tears are starting to silently flow at my office. The bitch who called Obama a socialist/future communist won't look at me or speak to me. It's great, because she was annoying anyways. I have refrained from being an ass (so far, it's still early) even though had things gone the other way, the same courtesy would not be given to me.

It's a good day for America and this morning I'm very proud of my country. Congratulations, Bams.


Crayon Shinchan said:
Watching McCain's concession speech.

He's coming off as darth vader.

Congratulations for overcoming me Luke... but there's one thing you must know... I'm your father... and your victory redeems me.

*gasps and dies*.

You nailed it.



McCain was obviously going to take TX, but I'm not upset at the results. Big 4 cities went for Obama. Suburbs, not so much.


Everyone on my local newspaper forum is saying shit like:

"The apes have spoken"

"Because of stupid college kids we'll all lose our jobs and health care"

"Stupid mob mentality means we're all going to suffer"

It's nice to see the vitriol for the American people is alive and well in some.
Smiles and Cries said:
I wonder how CNN MSNBC and FOX called it last night I do not have cable I bet the youtube links will not come before I sleep

my Tynenol PM is kicking my ass now
You too? Haha, I had to do the same thing and I'm feeling terrible right now.


Man, just read the Newsweek thing. Really, really interesting. It really paints McCain as just being a guy who got in over his head letting his campaign run amok and Palin go rogue (way earlier than anyone was talking about her going rogue, if the thing about her bringing up Ayers without the campaigns knowledge is true.) The story about John Lewis makes me feel bad for the guy. Sounds like that one really did sting him as badly as he made it out to. I'm kind of wondering if he ever even saw any of the shit that went down at the Palin rallies where he wasn't there. It sounds like the campaign kept him in the dark about a lot of stuff.


Congrats all.

I ended up staying up until just after 4am GMT when Obama broke 270. My productivity at work today hasn't been brilliant, to say the least :lol

Sucks about the gay marriage stuff, but at least America will hopefully have taken a big step forward overall. I miss when America was considered a place to look up to, and I hope that we'll start to see that again over the next few years.

Having watched McCain's concession speech, I have to say I gained a lot of respect for him there. When he wasn't involved in the stupid attacks and was telling the classless idiots in his audience not to boo Obama, he came off dignified and like a decent guy. I'm also reminded of the end of Return of the Jedi when Darth Vader is no longer in the thrall of the evil Empire and turns out to be a nice guy.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Dax01 said:
I'll ask this one last time because I'm a political noob:

What happens now? What do we wait for now?
obama sets up his transition office, appoints his cabinet, vacated spots in the government as a result are either appointed by governors or in the case of a governor leaving it goes to the lt. governor of the state, and on 1-20-2009 obama is sworn into office at his inauguration. on 1-21-2009 he goes to work and tries fixing this fucked up country.


Congrats from the Netherlands! :D I truly believe you all made the right choice with Obama. For what it's worth, I can tell you already that at least 80% of this country supports the election of Obama and mostly everyone is really happy and content about it. I hope he can make everything right again, though I think it will be a very tough assignment.


reilo said:
So, how will Wall Street react to the election results?

Dude, you know the stock brokers won't even bother coming to work knowing they're going to be taxed more for it! Oh god why has Obama destroyed everything with his taxes!


GhaleonEB said:
Wait, so Stevens, Coleman and Smith won?

Fuck. I was hoping at least Franken would pull it out. :(

Not a Senate race, but you forgot to add the victory of Michelle Bachman. I can't believe rural MN is blue and the counties surrounding Minneapolis are red. Failure.


Republicans need to scared for one big reasons. Their three major attacks on President Obama are now nullified for 2012

1. Not enough experience (a 4 year term as President is more experience than anyone could have)

2. We don't know who the real Obama is! (Again, 4 years as president kills this)

3. He'll be a crazy socialist look at his radical buddies! (Obama will govern from the center with a liberal lean, nothing radical. Thus killing this too.)



guess said:

McCain was obviously going to take TX, but I'm not upset at the results. Big 4 cities went for Obama. Suburbs, not so much.

I imagine that southern border is a result of the Latino vote turning on the Republican party. It's funny because Geraldo has been on several Foxnews' shows saying how all the vitriolic anti-immigration over the recent years has resulted in legal immigrants and their children getting harassed and thus have turned on the Republican party. The foxnews' hosts then try to get in to how "unfair" this is LOL. Gotta love people who have so clearly never been discriminated against.


guess said:

McCain was obviously going to take TX, but I'm not upset at the results. Big 4 cities went for Obama. Suburbs, not so much.

Yup here in houston, it was basically a democrat sweep.


I have been scanning though the thread for 40 minutes now looking for that pic from last night that shows all th epast preseidents and then obamam at the end ( drawing) anyone have it fo rme ? (big size) .

Also .. so much for the bradley effect ..suckers!!
Kinda sucks at work here, all militairy around me , they do not speak much about politics openly.. anyone have some great coworker meltdown stories..let us know :)


Cheebs said:
Republicans need to scared for one big reasons. Their three major attacks on President Obama are now nullified for 2012

1. Not enough experience (a 4 year term as President is more experience than anyone could have)

2. We don't know who the real Obama is! (Again, 4 years as president kills this)

3. He'll be a crazy socialist look at his radical buddies! (Obama will govern from the center with a liberal lean, nothing radical. Thus killing this too.)

But he still might be associating with turrists though.


Russia is already posturing.

Russia Warns of New Missile Deployment

MOSCOW — In a wide-ranging attack on the United States as it elected a new president, the Russian leader Dmitri A. Medvedev warned on Wednesday that Moscow might deploy short-range missiles in the Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad to counter a perceived threat from a proposed American missile defense shield in eastern Europe.

His remarks, in his first state of the nation address since assuming the presidency in May, coincided with the election of Barack Obama and offered a chill glimpse into the potential issues and tensions confronting the new American leader when he takes office in January.

rSpooky said:
I have been scanning though the thread for 40 minutes now looking for that pic from last night that shows all th epast preseidents and then obamam at the end ( drawing) anyone have it fo rme ? (big size) .

Also .. so much for the bradley effect ..suckers!!
Kinda sucks at work here, all militairy around me , they do not speak much about politics openly.. anyone have some great coworker meltdown stories..let us know :)


HylianTom said:
It's going to be reeeallly interesting seeing how they treat Obama and the Democratic Congress..

Well the interview with Obama recently was an exercise in ball-sucking. I mean I know he's probama but couldn't he find ANYTHING worth grilling him on?



' So when Brian Williams is asking me about what's a personal thing that you've done [that's green], and I say, you know, 'Well, I planted a bunch of trees.' And he says, 'I'm talking about personal.' What I'm thinking in my head is, 'Well, the truth is, Brian, we can't solve global warming because I f---ing changed light bulbs in my house. It's because of something collective'."

:lol :lol :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Cheebs said:
Republicans need to scared for one big reasons. Their three major attacks on President Obama are now nullified for 2012

1. Not enough experience (a 4 year term as President is more experience than anyone could have)

2. We don't know who the real Obama is! (Again, 4 years as president kills this)

3. He'll be a crazy socialist look at his radical buddies! (Obama will govern from the center with a liberal lean, nothing radical. Thus killing this too.)

Plus, the republicans think Palin is the answer in 2012 :)lol), but they need an Obama-esque figure to emerge from the GOP and emerge FAST. They have no transcending figure [and I mean that politically, not ethnically/racially] that shares their core values, isn't a hawk and isn't a rightwing nut.

Basically, they need John McCain 25 years younger and willing to stand up to his advisers and win the next election the right way.


"So when Brian Williams is asking me about what's a personal thing that you've done [that's green], and I say, you know, 'Well, I planted a bunch of trees.' And he says, 'I'm talking about personal.' What I'm thinking in my head is, 'Well, the truth is, Brian, we can't solve global warming because I f---ing changed light bulbs in my house. It's because of something collective'."

Hahaha, I love you Bams.



guess said:

McCain was obviously going to take TX, but I'm not upset at the results. Big 4 cities went for Obama. Suburbs, not so much.

I can't believe Texas of all places was "too close to call" at the poll closings. The reactions where I was at were overwhelming.

maniac-kun said:



btw people in my neighboorhood started launching fireworks last night after obama was declared the winner. I love living in a liberal town. :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I love how some motherfuckers rail on Europe, proclaiming Obama will turn America into Europe, but never have set foot outside of the little bubble they live in.

Ignorance is so hawt.
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