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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Barack/McCain on ESPN now.

Go go.
Tamanon said:
I saw it coming, it was the investigation done by her appointed board, not the bipartisan one.:lol The investigation was created to clear her of wrongdoing.

So I was just at a store downtown and as I was getting rung up I hear the two customers behind me:

"So you voting tomorrow?"
"Hell yeah! Obama!"
"I didn't know you was registered."
"I ain't registered. I'm gonna register tomorrow when I go down there."

Souldriver said:
Yeah, with all the money Obama swims in, you'd think they'd air a final "go out to vote and make history" kinda commercial everywhere.
There was a long ad, must have been 2 minutes that airead during the NBC Nightly News with Obama explaining his tax plan.


Aaron Strife said:
What if you're like that one kid and you open up your Xbox 360 box and find a pile of clothes?

My parents loved me, so this never happened. Tomorrow, I'm going to love my countrymen.


I really hope McCain gets beat badly.This campaign he's been running is flat out disgusting. I thought he said he wasn't going to use any Jerry Wright ads, yet what is it that I'm seeing OVER and OVER? Where are your policies McCain?


Nicodimas said:
We shall see as it to my core values the amount of corruption going on in both camps is telling on where we are headed.

We may just see..

Why am I positive you'll claim conspiracy no matter who wins? :lol

Red Scarlet

RubxQub said:
Whatever happened to GrandJedi's PoliGAF poster counts?

I got in trouble with my wife staying up later than I was supposed to to see if I made the cut :lol

My balls...she owns them

Is your avatar a simile to your balls in her hands?!
Nicodimas said:
I am expecting a loss of the popular vote and a slight win in the EV this time around for McCain.

Fortunately the the machines are owned by republicans:


This is why I do not trust our goverment with MY healthcare, and prefer to trust them to divided up power as possible. This is why I do want to give them as little of my hard earned wages as possible...
Translation = The Republicans do a shitty and evil job of running the government, therefore I want to vote Republican because I'm afraid of what the Democrats would do.

Well, you WERE an overzealous HD DVD supporter too.
kevm3 said:
I really hope McCain gets beat badly.This campaign he's been running is flat out disgusting. I thought he said he wasn't going to use any Jerry Wright ads, yet what is it that I'm seeing OVER and OVER? Where are your policies McCain?

Well...technically, he isn't running them.

The 527s are.


kevm3 said:
I really hope McCain gets beat badly.This campaign he's been running is flat out disgusting. I thought he said he wasn't going to use any Jerry Wright ads, yet what is it that I'm seeing OVER and OVER? Where are your policies McCain?

Technically the McCain campaign isn't running them, the GOP is. So most likely McCain's just using a loophole in his own argument since no one's going to even bother talking about it after tomorrow, though I guess the GOP could just be going behind his back because they think he's being too soft.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Red Scarlet said:
Is your avatar a simile to your balls in her hands?!
I never thought about it that way...ow...


Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Grizzlyjin said:
You guys volunteering really are making a difference. Getting all this information out there to the people is the last and most important step. EVERYBODY need to get their ass into those polling booths tomorrow.

We've talked about this in some of my political science classes. Is there any reason Election Day isn't a national holiday? We couldn't think of a logical explanation for why we can't make it easier for people to vote during this one day...that only occurs every 4 years. I mean we have tons of bullshit days off, but this is kinda important.

Get the ball rollin' on that. Election Day as a National holiday in 2012.

This might be a dumb question, but are polling locations usually packed on Election Day? I read the stories of 3 hour waits over the weekend to vote; I just don't have that kind of time to wait in line. This will be my first time voting but I'm not going to vote if I have to wait more than 10 minutes. Luckily my voting location is right in my apartment complex so I'll try getting there first thing in the morning.
Nicodimas said:
I am expecting a loss of the popular vote and a slight win in the EV this time around for McCain.

Fortunately the the machines are owned by republicans:


This is why I do not trust our goverment with MY healthcare, and prefer to trust them to divided up power as possible. This is why I do want to give them as little of my hard earned wages as possible...



SnowWolf said:
This might be a dumb question, but are polling locations usually packed on Election Day? I read the stories of 3 hour waits over the weekend to vote; I just don't have that kind of time to wait in line. This will be my first time voting but I'm not going to vote if I have to wait more than 10 minutes. Luckily my voting location is right in my apartment complex so I'll try getting there first thing in the morning.



The anticipation I'm feeling now is kind of like when i was a little kid on Christmas eve. I can't believe that this election will be over by tomorrow!
Tamanon said:
Hey did anyone realize that McCain puts "country first"? He only mentioned it three times in one answer!

Not to mention the 100 "Country First" signs in the background.

Seriously though, the guy looked old as hell in that interview.


ToxicAdam said:
Nicodimas is the Uber-concern troll. Ya'll are just pikers in comparison.

Nicodimas is a concern-troll for life itself. With his holing up in the mountains with the Minutemen at each piece of news from around the world.:lol


Price Dalton said:
Seriously, though: how would an Obama loss affect you guys personally? Would you ever vote again? It's all speculation at this point, but it seems we're setting ourselves up for a monumental shift - however the votes fall tomorrow.

It could start civil war 2. I mean the country is already basically split in half right now with everyone ready to punch their neighbor if they are voting for the other candidate.

Basically if anything happened to Obama I could see riots of Democrats getting into violent clashes with Republicans which turn to gun battles which turn to a movement of the educated vs. uneducated and ends in a splitting of the USA into two separate countries*

*about 0.000000001% chance of actually happening
Gary Whitta said:
You disgust me.

This thread disgusts me tonight.

We have one day left.

Be optimistic.

At least you guys warned me not to bother with Rachel Maddow tonight.

I'm not looking for any downer crap tonight.

Not tonight.
So Carl Cameron says McCain is "Confident". Could we really get the biggest shocker ever tomorrow? President John McCain? Vice-President Sarah Palin?


Arde5643 said:
He knows he's lost.

The town hall meeting when he had to explain to the woman that Obama wasn't an arab, and told the moron that Obama was a decent family man, that's when McCain knew he'd lost.

ryutaro's mama said:
This thread disgusts me tonight.

We have one day left.

Be optimistic.

At least you guys warned me not to bother with Rachel Maddow tonight.

I'm not looking for any downer crap tonight.

Not tonight.

Seriously, this is bullshit, GAF. Grow a collective pair.


I'm in Australia, trying to watch every aspect of the US election online. I've got tabs open with the NYT, LA times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Drudge Report, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Moore, BoingBoing, CNN, MSNBC, news.google.com, theaustralian.news.com.au, fivethirtyeight.com but I'm getting most of my media coverage from GAF.



typhonsentra said:
So Carl Cameron says McCain is "Confident". Could we really get the biggest shocker ever tomorrow? President John McCain? Vice-President Sarah Palin?

Terry McAulliffe was confident even before the last primary. Exceedingly so.


polyh3dron said:
Translation = The Republicans do a shitty and evil job of running the government, therefore I want to vote Republican because I'm afraid of what the Democrats would do.

Well, you WERE an overzealous HD DVD supporter too.

Give the guy a break.

There are a lot of nefarious elements to this election that very few people know about.


Gary Whitta said:
You disgust me.

It's his vote, he can do what he wants with it.

--- ---

Interesting article on the "rebirth" of the paper ballot in America

Maryland's approach, as The Washington Post reports, will be the most drastic: The Old Line State will mothball a $65 million electronic voting system—on which taxpayers will still be making payments until 2014—and employ paper ballots for the 2010 midterm election. Former Governor Robert Erlich had called for a return to paper back in 2006, in the wake of endemic problems at the polls—some technical, some attributable to poll workers' confusion about how to operate the machines. The switch back to paper could cost as much as another $40 million over three years.

Dammmmn, they spent 100 million dollars overall.
West LA here. I don't know how long the lines will be, but I'd love to bring a case of beer to the line for everyone.

Is this kosher? Can you tailgate an election?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
SnowWolf said:
This might be a dumb question, but are polling locations usually packed on Election Day? I read the stories of 3 hour waits over the weekend to vote; I just don't have that kind of time to wait in line. This will be my first time voting but I'm not going to vote if I have to wait more than 10 minutes. Luckily my voting location is right in my apartment complex so I'll try getting there first thing in the morning.

Wow, you really are a piece of work. Seriously how could you justify not voting to yourself? I just couldn't do it...

I waited about 40 minutes in 2004 in Seattle, but I'm sure there are plenty of places with longer voting times. It also depends on the time of day. If you aren't willing to give up some of your time to vote... then... well just... wow.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
SnowWolf said:
This might be a dumb question, but are polling locations usually packed on Election Day? I read the stories of 3 hour waits over the weekend to vote; I just don't have that kind of time to wait in line. This will be my first time voting but I'm not going to vote if I have to wait more than 10 minutes. Luckily my voting location is right in my apartment complex so I'll try getting there first thing in the morning.

Well usually...not really. But this election is a whole different animal. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of urban polling places end up being a total clusterfuck.

Since the polling location is in your building, you shouldn't have a problem getting dibs. If there is a long wait in the morning, try going at a time where "normal" people wouldn't be there. I'd imagine the worst times are before work, during lunchtime, and after work. The latter being the huge rush of last minute folks.
Can someone sum up which Chicken Little talking points Maddow was spewing? Probably nothing I haven't heard before, but I'm morbidly curious.
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