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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Batteries the CRISIS!
oh shit Dixville Notch: Obama 15, McCain 6! first time they've gone Democratic since 1968! Seems over for McSame! :lol
Any Ohioans want to discuss the issues on the ballot?

It seems Libertarian thinking is closest to what I've got in mind these days (if I have to slap a convenient label on it), but I don't agree with all of their shit.

Issue 1: Petition Deadlines
Issue 2: Clean Ohio
Issue 3: Water & Private Property Protection
Issue 4: Health Families Act
Issue 5: Payday Lending Reforms
Issue 6: Clinton County Casino


sangreal said:
LBJ :lol

The CNN guy went on for 5 minutes about how they were going to vote for McCain before the vote came in

I suspected as much. 1964, right?

ha! :lol

(wow.. Humphrey beat Nixon, 8-4. hehe..)
Danthrax said:
oh shit Dixville Notch: Obama 15, McCain 6! first time they've gone Democratic since 1968! Seems over for McSame! :lol
But they went Dem in 68, and Nixon DESTROYED Hubert Humphrey that year.
Tamanon said:
South Park's Obama already is put together better than most editorial cartoon versions.:lol
Yeah, but the episode will probably still be that lame libertopian "ha, we're smart because we disagree with BOTH sides" shit they've been running on for the last few years.
Tamanon said:
Look up several posts sir! New episode Wednesday involves the President arriving early.

Whoops! Just saw it on the last page.

I can't believe Obama won Dixville, and he didn't just win, he KILLED IT.

border said:
What did Jesus say about advertising your fasting on Internet message boards?
I seem to recall that the whole principle behind his objection to public prayer was because the people who do it typically are only in it to show off to everyone else how spiritual they are. He told his followers not to be like them because "They already have their reward".

So, I suppose he'd be AGAINST.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Any Ohioans want to discuss the issues on the ballot?

It seems Libertarian thinking is closest to what I've got in mind these days (if I have to slap a convenient label on it), but I don't agree with all of their shit.

Here's the problem with the Payday loan shit. We can't afford legal laissez-faire lending that amounts to loan sharking. People roll those things over and over and end up upside down in debt. Then eventually bailouts come in one form or another. Have we not yet learned after the last year that we need a nation of SOLVENT citizens?

When I was a kid, you couldn't charge more than 20% APR interest or you were a loan shark.

Fuck payday loans at up to 391% APR. Vote yes on Issue 5 in Ohio.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
I seem to recall that the whole principle behind his objection to public prayer was because the people who do it typically are only in it to show off to everyone else how spiritual they are. He told his followers not to be like them because "They already have their reward".

So, I suppose he'd be AGAINST.

It's amazing how much Jesus was really about religion being personal, and really just confined to how you live your life and treat others. Somehow over the years that's warped into influencing public policy.
EmCeeGramr said:
Yeah, but the episode will probably still be that lame libertopian "ha, we're smart because we disagree with BOTH sides" shit they've been running on for the last few years.
They just poke fun at both sides that's all and they do it well... nothing wrong with that, see: Team America.


EmCeeGramr said:
Yeah, but the episode will probably still be that lame libertopian "ha, we're smart because we disagree with BOTH sides" shit they've been running on for the last few years.

Yep. It got really fucking preachy a few years ago. Haven't been back.
Danthrax said:
oh shit Dixville Notch: Obama 15, McCain 6! first time they've gone Democratic since 1968! Seems over for McSame! :lol
Well it is not like McCain was ever big in New Hampshire . . . . . . wait a minute . . . . :lol


camineet said:
After Obama is elected tomorrow, we will still have to put up with over 2 months of George W. Bush.

What are the chances that Bush will go completely fucking apeshit, cause a major international and/or national disaster?
Absolute zero.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
WTF happened to Richardsons beard? He's now back to boring, no beard, primary season Richardson instead of awesome evil twin beard Richardson.... ;_;


Cloudy said:
LOL Obama beats McCain 15-6 and the crowd goes wild :lol

Oh WOW!!! Damn.

Dixville Notch voting:

* Hubert H. Humphrey II - 8
* Richard M. Nixon - 4

* Richard M. Nixon - 16
* George S. McGovern - 3

* Gerald R. Ford Jr. - 13
* James E. Carter Jr. - 11
* Eugene J. McCarthy - 1

* Ronald W. Reagan - 17
* James E. Carter Jr. - 3
* John B. Anderson - 2
* Ed Clark - 1

* Ronald W. Reagan - 29
* Walter F. "Fritz" Mondale - 1

* George H. W. Bush - 34
* Michael S. Dukakis - 3
* Jack Kemp - 1

* George H. W. Bush - 15
* H. Ross Perot - 8
* Andre Marrou - 5
* William J. Clinton - 2

* Robert J. Dole - 18
* William J. Clinton - 8
* H. Ross Perot - 1
* Harry Browne - 1

* George W. Bush - 21
* Albert A. Gore Jr. - 5
* Ralph Nader - 1

* George W. Bush - 19
* John Kerry - 7

* Barack Obama - 16
* John McCain - 6


Batteries the CRISIS!
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Here's the problem with the Payday loan shit. We can't afford legal laissez-faire lending that amounts to loan sharking. People roll those things over and over and end up upside down in debt. Then eventually bailouts come in one form or another. Have we not yet learned after the last year that we need a nation of SOLVENT citizens?

When I was a kid, you couldn't charge more than 20% APR interest or you were a loan shark.

Fuck payday loans at up to 391% APR. Vote yes on Issue 5 in Ohio.

Yeah definitely vote yes on Issue 5. Payday loan places usually pop up in low-income areas, they basically make the poor poorer. Putting them out of business might lose us a few jobs, but it saves so much money for so many people in the long run.

As for the casino thing, Issue 6 I believe it is, the supposed no-taxation loophole should be enough of a scary possibility to say no. And it just doesn't sit well with me how it changes our state constitution just to open ONE casino. Bullshit.

As far as issues 1 through 3, I can't remember them because they're not as controversial. I think one of them renewed money for preserving the environment, so I'm going to vote yes on that one. Especially since it didn't actually tax anyone, it just authorized the state to issue bonds to pay for it. Pretty awesome all the way around.


Issue 1: Petition Deadlines - NO
Issue 2: Clean Ohio - YES
Issue 3: Water & Private Property Protection - YES
Issue 4: Health Families Act - YES
Issue 5: Payday Lending Reforms - YES
Issue 6: Clinton County Casino - NO


Relix said:
So I take it this is good? :lol :D :D

It isn't a big deal -- they went for Obama in the primary (0 votes for Hillary) so I wouldn't call it an indicator or anything, but its nice since they are traditionally very republican and I can get my first taste of bitter tears before going to bed


Batteries the CRISIS!
ToxicAdam said:
Issue 1: Petition Deadlines - NO why? I kinda lean yes since the longer leadtime reduces voter confusion. petitioners will just start petitioning earlier -- easy.
Issue 2: Clean Ohio - YES agree
Issue 3: Water & Private Property Protection - YES I forget how this one goes but I think I agree
Issue 4: Health Families Act - YES doesn't matter, the petitioners withdrew it but not in time to technically take it off the ballot -- hence, voting YES on Issue 1 :lol
Issue 5: Payday Lending Reforms - YES agree
Issue 6: Clinton County Casino - NO agree

my responses in bold.


formerly sane
Tamanon said:
It's amazing how much Jesus was really about religion being personal, and really just confined to how you live your life and treat others. Somehow over the years that's warped into influencing public policy.

Hell the bible even talks about the people you mention. I don't blame those with faith I blame those teaching them the faith from a distorted view point.
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