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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Over on the Fundamentalist Message Board Which Shall Not Be Named, they are doing a bit of talk about fasting between today and tomorrow. Is there any kind of scriptural support for this? Is God more likely to answer your prayers for a McCain victory if you haven't had anything to eat since Sunday?


We come to it at last, the great battle of our time...


border said:
Over on the Fundamentalist Message Board Which Shall Not Be Named, they are doing a bit of talk about fasting between today and tomorrow. Is there any kind of scriptural support for this? Is God more likely to answer your prayers for a McCain victory if you haven't had anything to eat since Sunday?

No, nothing at all. Just crazy talk.

:lol at How to be a Maverick.
border said:
Over on the Fundamentalist Message Board Which Shall Not Be Named, they are doing a bit of talk about fasting between today and tomorrow. Is there any kind of scriptural support for this? Is God more likely to answer your prayers for a McCain victory if you haven't had anything to eat since Sunday?
Brilliant! Don't eat or drink anything for 48hrs before you have to stand in a huge line. What could go wrong?


border said:
Over on the Fundamentalist Message Board Which Shall Not Be Named, they are doing a bit of talk about fasting between today and tomorrow. Is there any kind of scriptural support for this? Is God more likely to answer your prayers for a McCain victory if you haven't had anything to eat since Sunday?

Being raptured on a full stomach looks bad!

Red Scarlet

Alright, back to normal.

One person pm'd about the avatar I wanted tomorrow, but they never got back to me.

I wanted to replace the heart with the Obama logo, if anyone is decent with .gifs. Any help?

Not sure which is better.



Thank you!

sangreal said:
500 - Internal Server Error

Server is already crapping and its not even midnight :(

It went down when Obama's grandma passed away, too.


After Obama is elected tomorrow, we will still have to put up with over 2 months of George W. Bush.

What are the chances that Bush will go completely fucking apeshit, cause a major international and/or national disaster?


camineet said:
After Obama is elected tomorrow, we will still have to put up with over 2 months of George W. Bush.

What are the chances that Bush will go completely fucking apeshit, cause a major international and/or national disaster?


Red Scarlet

Nicodimas said:
Spec you not trumping me on the subject... WE use a inferior ammo and guns (.223) when we should be using 6.8 spc or 6.5 Grendel or something else not fing .22 ammo. It's insanity. Clinton destroyed 750,000 m14s in office and sold a bunch off and what do they want in Iraq 7.62 guns... Still a bit heavy though.

We could modernize our whole gun inventory for the cost of 10 billion dollars. We don't because someone is making money and all know it. The same reason dragonskin hasn't been approved govt contracts.

We didn't want to spend the money on bullets and stuff on the troops because a billion dollar plane keeps the defence contrators happy.

We keep switching .223 bullets to make use of the weapons system we have.. 55->78 grn bullets is what we are at now?

I was being rather nice only banning you until right before the election, you are doing a rather poor job of not being stupidly annoying enough to not get banned again shortly.


Hellsing321 said:
Brilliant! Don't eat or drink anything for 48hrs before you have to stand in a huge line. What could go wrong?
I think you're allowed to drink when fasting, though if there's no scriptural support for it then who knows what the rules are?

I thought fasting was something more for Eastern religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc). I guess Judaism has its fair share of fasting too.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Tamanon said:
Was that a Fallout 3 commercial on Colbert that seemed like it cut out halfway through and went dark?

I was thinking Tom Clancy's End War but Fallout 3 makes more sense I guess.


Master of the Google Search
Red Scarlet said:
I wanted to replace the heart with the Obama logo, if anyone is decent with .gifs. Any help?
That's a rather simple job to do since its only 17 frames that need editing. I could edit it for you. It would be a change of pace from counting up the post counts :/

Mr Jared

Ahg. Hey, Bay Area GAF, any of you folks going to the election night event at the Mezzanine? I'm suddenly with no one to go with and I don't want to be there aloooooone.


i am a canadian and as much as i want Obama to win, i realize it is not my business to interfere with an american election. i was just watching the news and it showed 3 canadians who had gone across the border to go door to door promoting obama as obama volunteers. that is so incredibly wrong. it is not a canadian's right to go down and try to interfere with an american election like that. if i had a random american come to my door promoting someone in a canadian election i would snap.


Count Dookkake said:
Who's up for an election eve movie marathon?

The Fifth Element
Deep Impact
Head of State
Starship Troopers

How could you forget about 24 Seasons 1-5!!!? Well, you can scratch you season 5. Its short notice, but I highly recommend 24 S1 right now. Seeing David Palmer, a charismatic, US Senator, who is the first Black candidate in history with a real shot at the White House. Unfortunately, there are people out to assassinate him, but thats exactly why its such a crazy season to watch now. It also makes you think there might be a guy scarily similar to Jack Bauer himself out there!


Pankaks said:
I was thinking Tom Clancy's End War but Fallout 3 makes more sense I guess.

That makes sense also. It scared the fuck out of me, shouldn't be airing it the day before an election!

Red Scarlet

grandjedi6 said:
That's a rather simple job to do since its only 17 frames that need editing. I could edit it for you. It would be a change of pace from counting up the post counts :/

That would be cool! : D
border said:
Over on the Fundamentalist Message Board Which Shall Not Be Named, they are doing a bit of talk about fasting between today and tomorrow. Is there any kind of scriptural support for this? Is God more likely to answer your prayers for a McCain victory if you haven't had anything to eat since Sunday?
Jesus once issued instructions to his followers with regards to fasting. Like with praying, it's meant to be a secret thing, done in the privacy of your own home. He said to dress extra nice while doing it and hold your head up high. The point is to make sure that people who randomly see you don't know that you're fasting.

Then he proceeded to lay the smackdown on people who pray openly and loudly with long prayers in street corners and public places.

Yeah, the JC himself probably would have been banned from Rapture Ready ages ago for trolling.

EDIT: The point is that Jesus assumed that his followers would pray and fast. Other than that, there aren't too many hard-and-fast rules that I'm aware of. I think the point of fasting was to prepare oneself spiritually for something rather than to fulfill any kind of command from God.
border said:
Over on the Fundamentalist Message Board Which Shall Not Be Named, they are doing a bit of talk about fasting between today and tomorrow. Is there any kind of scriptural support for this? Is God more likely to answer your prayers for a McCain victory if you haven't had anything to eat since Sunday?

They also have people speculating that Obama had his grandma murdered to gain sympathy.
SUSA was one of the most accurate pollsters in 2004 presidential elections

IN PA, Obama has a 9 point lead (BLUE in 2004)
IN FL, Obama has a 2 point lead (RED in 2004)
IN NC, McCain has a 1 point lead (RED in 2004)
IN MO, Obama and McCain are tied (RED in 2004)
IN GA, McCain has a 7 point lead (RED in 2004)
IN OH, Obama has a 2 point lead (RED in 2004)
IN MN, Obama has a 3 point lead (BLUE in 2004)
IN VA, Obama has a 4 point lead (RED in 2004)
IN NM, Obama has a 7 point lead (RED in 2004)



Four years ago, I remember being absolutely mesmerized by this. Not because it's a great song or because the lyrics are all that deep, but I think the dark marching in the visuals combined with the droning beat combined the imagery evoked with the lyrics so perfectly captured the emotions I and so many were feeling at the time.

It was a justified outrage combined with a determination to do something about it, and the belief that it could actually work.

Come along follow me as I lead through the darkness
As I provide just enough spark that we need to proceed
Carry on, give me hope, give me strength
Come with me and I won't steer you wrong
Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through the fog
To the light at the end of the tunnel
We gonna fight, we gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we gonna march
Through the swamp, we gonna mosh through the marsh
Take us right through the doors

4 years ago, that message failed.

But a the movement was nascent. Those of us who failed kept fighting. And found others to march with us. And with the entire country organized and passionate and fighting, we're going to see it come to fruition.

Let me be the voice in your strength and your choice
Let me simplify the rhyme just to amplify the noise
Try to amplify the times it, and multiply by six...
Teen million people, Are equal at this high pitch
Obama is right when he says that what his opponents don't understand is that this entire election isn't truly about him. Even for all his skill as a candidate, and for all the strength I envision him having as a leader, I still think this is about Bush. It's about eight years of disaster, it's about people channeling that disaster into a positive venue, and about a candidate uniquely standing out as the contrast to our national nightmare. 2006 was the warm up act. Tomorrow, there will be answer for every outrage, every indignity, every display of incompetence, rank stupidity, and callous disregard of the American people.

Tonight, I go to sleep. Gotta wake up early and vote. When I get back to this thread, we may very well be talking about president elect Obama.

Tomorrow, we mosh.
camineet said:
After Obama is elected tomorrow, we will still have to put up with over 2 months of George W. Bush.

What are the chances that Bush will go completely fucking apeshit, cause a major international and/or national disaster?

white house magazine racks will be knocked over
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Jesus once issued instructions to his followers with regards to fasting. Like with praying, it's meant to be a secret thing, done in the privacy of your own home. He said to dress extra nice while doing it and hold your head up high. The point is to make sure that people who randomly see you don't know that you're fasting.

Then he proceeded to lay the smackdown on people who pray openly and loudly in street corners and public places.

Yeah, the JC himself probably would have been banned from Rapture Ready ages ago for trolling.
There's a thread over there where they're talking about a YouTube video that slams Obama for "mocking the Bible."

Why? Because Obama said that the Department of Defense couldn't exist if it followed Jesus' teachings. First the video says "THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT WAS THE MOST SPIRITUAL THING JESUS EVER SAID" (even though Obama didn't call it wrong at all) and then says, "Jesus would have never said to turn the other cheek to terrorists and America's enemies who attack us."

uh yeah, when jesus said "turn the other cheek" i think he honestly meant it guys. i don't recall when he added, "except if it's dirty turrists or ay-rabs."
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