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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Tamanon said:
It's amazing how much Jesus was really about religion being personal, and really just confined to how you live your life and treat others. Somehow over the years that's warped into influencing public policy.
Yeah, the JC really wasn't down with holier-than-thou hypocrites. Don't get it twisted though - he was all about the evangelism and influencing people, but he demanded near-perfection from his followers first.


ToxicAdam said:
Issue 1: Petition Deadlines - NO
Issue 2: Clean Ohio - YES
Issue 3: Water & Private Property Protection - YES
Issue 4: Health Families Act - YES
Issue 5: Payday Lending Reforms - YES
Issue 6: Clinton County Casino - NO

If Clinton County didn't have its dick sucked, would you have voted yes?
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Here's the problem with the Payday loan shit. We can't afford legal laissez-faire lending that amounts to loan sharking. People roll those things over and over and end up upside down in debt. Then eventually bailouts come in one form or another. Have we not yet learned after the last year that we need a nation of SOLVENT citizens?

When I was a kid, you couldn't charge more than 20% APR interest or you were a loan shark.

Fuck payday loans at up to 391% APR. Vote yes on Issue 5 in Ohio.
Bingo . . . I mean JESUS CHRIST . . . yes . . . Jesus Christ . . . Usury is a sin in the Bible! . . . yet somehow the GOP has been able to re-legalize it. (Probably because all their Bible-fearing followers have no idea what is actually in the Bible, they are just indoctrinated to do what the preacher says.) It largely destroys poor people and people in the military. What a great way to treat our troops . . . trick them into endless debt. Nice.
ToxicAdam said:
Issue 1: Petition Deadlines - NO
Issue 2: Clean Ohio - YES
Issue 3: Water & Private Property Protection - YES
Issue 4: Health Families Act - YES
Issue 5: Payday Lending Reforms - YES
Issue 6: Clinton County Casino - NO

Apparently 4 has been removed from the ballot.


Smiles and Cries said:
I just woke up

what is this Dixie thing?
An obscure New Hampshire town which rarely predicts elections and is sometimes correct voted overwhelmingly for Obama. This means it voted for a Democrat for the first time since 1968. It is probably not predictive...


Here in Mass they have Question 1, which proposes abolishing the state income tax in two years. Someone thought it was a good idea to lose 40% of the state's budget in the span of two years. Actually, make that a few somebodies I guess. I'm not entirely sure how they envision that working out well.
So wait let me get this straight.

Dixville Notch is a town of ~75 people.

Dixville Notch is world famous for casting votes at midnight and being the first place in America to 'call' their results.

Only 21 of their 75 residents (only ONE FUCKING THIRD) bother to vote (granted some must be under 18).



duk said:
im surprised we dont have a thread with a poll of how gaf will vote

gaf > elections > gaf

I don't really think that's something that needs to be measured. GAF is like the blue Utah.


StrikerObi said:
So wait let me get this straight.

Dixville Notch is a town of ~75 people.

Dixville Notch is world famous for casting votes at midnight and being the first place in America to 'call' their results.

Only 21 of their 75 residents (only ONE FUCKING THIRD) bother to vote (granted some must be under 18).


I would totally be the guy to wait until just before closing. Every election. One time you know it would be a tie and I'd be famous.


StrikerObi said:
So wait let me get this straight.

Dixville Notch is a town of ~75 people.

Dixville Notch is world famous for casting votes at midnight and being the first place in America to 'call' their results.

Only 21 of their 75 residents (only ONE FUCKING THIRD) bother to vote (granted some must be under 18).


They're a cult of evil children, like Children of the Corn but with fishing.
StrikerObi said:
So wait let me get this straight.

Dixville Notch is a town of ~75 people.

Dixville Notch is world famous for casting votes at midnight and being the first place in America to 'call' their results.

Only 21 of their 75 residents (only ONE FUCKING THIRD) bother to vote (granted some must be under 18).


The rest of them were afraid to leave the house because they thought The Black might be out tonight.


ToxicAdam said:
Issue 1: Petition Deadlines - NO
Issue 2: Clean Ohio - YES
Issue 3: Water & Private Property Protection - YES
Issue 4: Health Families Act - YES
Issue 5: Payday Lending Reforms - YES
Issue 6: Clinton County Casino - NO
Issue 1: No
Issue 2: undecided
Issue 3: No

Issue 5: Yes
Issue 6: No.

What will the aftermath be if Issue 2 fails? Will Ohio become some horrible post apocalyptic wasteland of filth?


Batteries the CRISIS!
Soybean said:
Ha, Wikipedia:

What page is this found on?

Trurl said:
Issue 1: No
Issue 2: undecided YES YES YES it costs taxpayers NOTHING and it helps save the environment. it's a win-win! seriously!
Issue 3: No
Issue 4: This is the first I've heard about this one, I'll have to look into it. don't waste your time, it isn't really on the ballot. it's technically there but the petitioners withdrew it after the ballots were printed.
Issue 5: Yes
Issue 6: No.

What will the aftermath be if Issue 2 fails? Will Ohio become some horrible post apocalyptic wasteland of filth?

To answer your last question, I have no idea, but Ohio approaches your description figuratively anyway, so... meh.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
The rest of them were afraid to leave the house because they thought The Black might be out tonight.
Take me out to The Black
Tell 'em I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me

Very ominous.
StrikerObi said:
So wait let me get this straight.

Dixville Notch is a town of ~75 people.

Dixville Notch is world famous for casting votes at midnight and being the first place in America to 'call' their results.

Only 21 of their 75 residents (only ONE FUCKING THIRD) bother to vote (granted some must be under 18).


DIXVILLE NOTCH, N.H. (AP) - Democrat Barack Obama came up a big winner in the presidential race in Dixville Notch, N.H., where the nation's first Election Day votes were cast and counted early Tuesday.
Obama defeated John McCain 15-6. Independent Ralph Nader was also on the ballot, but received no votes.

The first voter, following tradition established in 1948, was picked ahead of the midnight voting and the rest of the town's 19 registered voters followed suit in Tuesday's first minutes.

Town Clerk Rick Erwin says the northern New Hampshire town is proud of its tradition, but says the most important thing is that the turnout represents 100 percent vote.

President Bush won the vote in Dixville Notch in 2004 on the way to his re-election.

It's past midnight. I'm going home, gonna eat a bit, jerk off a bit, go to sleep, wake up around noon (I'm doing my socialist duty of skipping class tomorrow wooohooo, nothing's due anyway), clean myself off, then head out and vote


Danthrax said:
my responses in bold.

Issue 1: I just view it as largely unnecessary. I think it's a waste of resources to make the Ohio SC handle these issues, when lower courts can do just as well. You also cut out 2 months of gathering petitions/signatures due to this. Which is a lifetime for grass-roots organizations. Only the well-financed initiatives would have enough muscle/manpower to get issues to ballot.

In the end, the cons outweigh the pros.

I still might vote no against Issue 2 for these reasons:

  • This authority is not time-limited and permits new bonds to be reissued after the retirement of the original bonds without further vote of the people.
  • Proceeds from the sale of the publicly funded bonds may be used to benefit private entities.

But, right now .. the pros outweigh those two cons.
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