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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
It's feels pretty weird that in this day one of the most important elections of our times is going to take place and i have to go to english class. I would have liked to just stay home and watch CNN all day but i can't.


Alright, leaving to get on line... *breathes in*

I am so fucking petrified today, I will be the most relieved ever when he wins.


I see an Obama/Biden yard sign laying down that someone had knocked over on my way to the library just now, so I set my books down and stick it back into the ground. :D :D

I'm also wearing my Obama/Biden shirt today. I've been waiting for this day for so fucking long.


Smiles and Cries said:

I am blind as fuck I hate my eyes now :(

there was over 80 people in line at 6AM in Bridgeport CT

I got my paper ballot with my plan to vote DEMS across the line... the top line was GOP and the second line was DEMS. The room was dimly lit and kinda dark for my bad vision... I started to fill in my dems when I was done I took off my glasses and looked at my ballot again and I almost screamed... I was sweating bullets looking around the room for help. I voted McCain and Friends!

Thank God it only took 60 seconds to get a new paper ballot to replace my fuck up.

+ 1 OBAMA and Friends

god I am blind as fuck!

I voted the way I wanted in the end so I am Happy!
Just finished Baracking (and Himesing) the vote in Shelton, CT. Much more early voters than 04. Shays is so done. :lol


Scary Euro Man
Cheesemeister said:
Because like airport checkpoints and immigration lines, photography would open up security risks.

No, using Diebold voting machines opens up security risks. Taking photographs doesn't.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Another newssite here in Sweden is having a live online chat with some republican family in the US, who're voting for McCain. They do, however, think that Obama will win.


Parl said:
So how often are the public polls wrong, and how often is exit polling wrong?

Exit polling killed hopes, dreams, and children early in the day in 2004 and tricked us into thinking Kerry had won.


I got a question. In American polling places are there volunteers waiting there to hand out flyers and phamplets before you line up to vote? We have that here in Australia so I was wondering if there was a law against it there?
So I'm registered absentee in California but wound up being in my hometown.

I never actually got the mail ballot because, being a (ohgod) Republican, I didn't feel like it was worth the effort to mess with it. But I've decided to vote no on 8. Can I just go to the local polling place anyway and get some verification thing done or something?


Parl said:
So how often are the public polls wrong, and how often is exit polling wrong?

Exit polling is generally extremely accurate. The proper methodology is to wait until about 5-10% of the vote is counted, check if it corresponds with the exit polling data and then make a call if there is a clear trend one way or the other.


WOW! This morning when taking my wife to work, there was this group of old white people holding up Obama change we need signs. Nothing really special, except that its raining....and this is NC. I have such a great feeling today. I never would have thought to see this. Gobama!
Oh shit, just saw this on another message board:
I was #19 in line. By the time they opened the doors, the line has wrapped around the building... probably like 300-400 people and the lines of cars were still coming in. I live in Portsmouth, Virginia. I bet the voter turn out will be HUGE.

What pissed me off is when I got there, there were GIANT McCain signs all over the parking lot, near the building and at the entrance of the voting place... not a single Obama sign was anywhere. I thought there were rules against these kinds of things?
Anyone know where can I direct him to report this bullshit?


VOTE GET! Obama +1 for PA. I left about a half hour before the polls open. I was the first one there, but by the time the polls open there was roughly 50 people waiting. Some old guy said hes never seen lines like this so early. We're in for a doozy! We did write in ballots which were scanned by a computer afterwords.


Naked Snake said:
So how long until we find out? Inquiring minds on the other side of the globe would like to know.

Anywhere from 8pm EST (unlikely) to 2am or later. I'd say around 10-11pm.
Dot50Cal said:
VOTE GET! Obama +1 for PA. I left about a half hour before the polls open. I was the first one there, but by the time the polls open there was roughly 50 people waiting. Some old guy said hes never seen lines like this so early. We're in for a doozy! We did write in ballots which were scanned by a computer afterwords.

i know you live by me. you didnt by chance have to go to Weston Field?


I'm trying to catch up with this thread, but at this rate, it'll take 2 hours.

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