CBS News had a bit of bad luck today: McCain's call for a suspension of the campaign is eclipsing the news the network had hoped to make with Katie Couric's interview of Sarah Palin, set to air tonight.
The network has now sent out another advance quote from the interview, in which Palin appears to suggest that the American people are only looking to McCain for leadership on the crisis, and not to Obama...
PALIN: The interesting thing in the last couple of days that I have seen is that Americans are waiting to see what John McCain will do on this proposal. They're not waiting to see what Barack Obama is going to do. Is he going to do this and see what way the political wind's blowing. They're waiting to see if John McCain will be able to see these amendments implemented in Paulson's proposal.
It seems worth pointing out that every national poll that has asked voters which candidate is more capable of handling the current crisis has favored Obama by significant margins.