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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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has calmed down a bit.
Tamanon said:
You know, Governor Palin needs to go to Washington and fix things......

er....wait, what?
McCain is proposing that they delay this debate Friday. Schedule it for next week and push back the vp debate.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Gregory is actually doing his job? What the fuck...

I'm waiting for him to turn stupid in this intervew... it just has to happen.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
VanMardigan said:
Oh I get it. The plan is to delay the VP debate. That's what this is all about.

And they're being pretty blatant about it.

Why do we have to push everything back? Ok, so you don't want to debate as schedule this Friday. Why not allow the VP debate to continue as scheduled, and then have the Pres debate after that. The order doesn't matter. All this juking and jiving to give Palin more study time...


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mj1108 said:
haha I know.... he's all over Pfotenhauer.
Phalgenzower's nosejob is so terrible.
Apparently my mom agrees with Hitokage. We'll probably have to leave at around 7 AM.

I'm still confused about where this is being held. Is it in the street?





PhoenixDark said:
The dems are gonna stall I bet :lol
I don't think they even need to. From the NY Times:

“What, does McCain think the Senate will still be working at 9 p.m. Friday?” Gov. Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania said in an interview, referring to the scheduled start time of the debate. “I think this is all political — I wish McCain had shown the same concern when he didn’t show up in the Senate to vote on the extension of the renewable energy tax credit.”
<3 Rendell :lol



Dax01 said:
Apparently my mom agrees with Hitokage. We'll probably have to leave at around 7 AM.

I'm still confused about where this is being held. Is it in the street?

That's what it looks like. One of those big street rallies he does occasionally.


Zeliard said:
Are you referring to not voting at all? In THIS election? Fucking hell no. :lol

This is easily the most important election of our lifetimes.

Indeed. So come the day after the election, I better not hear about people not being able to go to the polls.



Zamorro said:
McCain wants to move the debate to thursday next week and move the VP debate which was scheduled that night to an undetermined date in the future.

Yes, this is not transparant at all.

Obama should counter and say "How about we move the VP debate to this Friday instead?":lol
the potential timeline:

September 26th: McCain fails to show up for presidential debate.
October 2nd: VP Debate - Palin gets shit canned by Biden in the debate, is seen as unprepared and acknowledgeable
October 7th: McCain shows up for debate - which is scheduled to be about the economy

Maybe Obama was right to switch the first debate to foreign policy afterall.


O lord. I just received an email from Democracy from America featuring this awful awful ad which they are requesting money for so they can put it on the air. I could totally see this backfiring on Obama. It basically brings up that McCain has had cancer several times. Ughhh

This is the contribution page, but I'm just linking it for the video on the side.


Zamorro said:
McCain wants to move the debate to thursday next week and move the VP debate which was scheduled that night to an undetermined date in the future.

Yes, this is not transparant at all.

I turned to CNN for a bit and Wolf was saying that they should move the Biden/Palin debate to this Friday.

It'll never happen, but it's the only way McCain can save face at this point, if only slightly.
Zamorro said:
McCain wants to move the debate to thursday next week and move the VP debate which was scheduled that night to an undetermined date in the future.

Yes, this is not transparant at all.

Holy shit. I really hope his campaign gets torn to shreds for this.


Zamorro said:
McCain wants to move the debate to thursday next week and move the VP debate which was scheduled that night to an undetermined date in the future.

Yes, this is not transparant at all.
Oh, that's just rich

Talk about playing into the current media narrative about Palin being shielded. She's not ready! Are they really this clueless?


Zamorro said:
McCain wants to move the debate to thursday next week and move the VP debate which was scheduled that night to an undetermined date in the future.

Yes, this is not transparant at all.

Palin needs more time to study.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Tamanon said:
Obama should counter and say "How about we move the VP debate to this Friday instead?":lol
Fuck yes :lol


Dax01 said:
It says "Gates will be open at 10 am." I don't understand.

So, are you going for sure? Hitokage, are you going too?

Washington Street
In front of the J. Douglas Gaylon Depot
Greensboro, NC

It means they're going to have the place barracaded off. It's an outdoor rally.
RiZ III said:
O lord. I just received an email from Democracy from America featuring this awful awful ad which they are requesting money for so they can put it on the air. I could totally see this backfiring on Obama. It basically brings up that McCain has had cancer several times. Ughhh

This is the contribution page, but I'm just linking it for the video on the side.

... wow. That ad would ironically enough help McCain.


CBS News had a bit of bad luck today: McCain's call for a suspension of the campaign is eclipsing the news the network had hoped to make with Katie Couric's interview of Sarah Palin, set to air tonight.

The network has now sent out another advance quote from the interview, in which Palin appears to suggest that the American people are only looking to McCain for leadership on the crisis, and not to Obama...

PALIN: The interesting thing in the last couple of days that I have seen is that Americans are waiting to see what John McCain will do on this proposal. They're not waiting to see what Barack Obama is going to do. Is he going to do this and see what way the political wind's blowing. They're waiting to see if John McCain will be able to see these amendments implemented in Paulson's proposal.

It seems worth pointing out that every national poll that has asked voters which candidate is more capable of handling the current crisis has favored Obama by significant margins.
Zeliard said:
I turned to CNN for a bit and Wolf was saying that they should move the Biden/Palin debate to this Friday.

It'll never happen, but it's the only way McCain can save face at this point, if only slightly.
Biden should release a statement saying that he's ready to rumble.


VanMardigan said:
Oh I get it. The plan is to delay the VP debate. That's what this is all about.

I said it before they will NEVER LET PALIN DEBATE WITH BIDEN, EVER!


ManDudeChild said:
What about the Election 2012 ... and 2016 and ....

I meant thus far, since we have no idea who the candidates will be then. Even then, I doubt those elections will match this one in importance, given the economic crisis and the fact that no Democrat has been in the White House post-9/11.

Until now. :)
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