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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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NullPointer said:
An honest question for McCain/Palin supporters:

What do you expect McCain to change if he becomes president? I don't see too much daylight between McCain and Bush's policies.

If I'm missing something, I'd love to hear the goods. God knows the speeches didn't give me any information to go off of.
NullPointer said:
An honest question for McCain/Palin supporters:

What do you expect McCain to change if he becomes president? I don't see too much daylight between McCain and Bush's policies.

If I'm missing something, I'd love to hear the goods. God knows the speeches didn't give me any information to go off of.
NullPointer said:
An honest question for McCain/Palin supporters:

What do you expect McCain to change if he becomes president? I don't see too much daylight between McCain and Bush's policies.

If I'm missing something, I'd love to hear the goods. God knows the speeches didn't give me any information to go off of.
NullPointer said:
An honest question for McCain/Palin supporters:

What do you expect McCain to change if he becomes president? I don't see too much daylight between McCain and Bush's policies.

If I'm missing something, I'd love to hear the goods. God knows the speeches didn't give me any information to go off of.
Why doesn't anyone answer this man? :(


Son of Godzilla said:
Am I wrong in thinking this election basically comes down to PA?

Given that PA basically sees Biden as their third senator, I don't see it that way. PA seems unreachable at this point for McCain. Michigan, on the other hand, might need some tending-to.

Win any one of the following, and Obama wins: Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, Ohio, Florida.

My money's on Colorado.
The worriers in this thread are so over the top. "Oh no, after this convention Obama might only have a 2 point lead! Only two months to recover!"
Tamanon said:
Jaydub's abortion stance is borne out of rights of embryos, not religion.
I suspect he has a lingering religion upbringing that is still affecting him.

Well either that or it is the dire need for bright line rules.


Son of Godzilla said:
Am I wrong in thinking this election basically comes down to PA?

in a round about way maybe. I still dont think there is any chance, barring anything super damaging coming from Obama, that he loses PA.


Banstick Emeritus
laserbeam said:
The fact is the law is what it is. Politics is so important to people here yet breaking the law becaus eit benefits one candidate seems to be tolerable. People should be banned for even suggesting and encouraging fraud in campaign finance.
You wish to continue with the backseat moderating?



Ether_Snake said:
Where did the other thread go?

I'm assuming this one was created mostly because that thread was simply getting way too big. There were nearly 15,000 posts in it in less than a week. Literally.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Stoney Mason said:
He always comes across as the most reasonable and personable major Republican that is out there. Romney would kill to have that personality. Of course a lot of his more rabid bible thumper stuff scares the crap out of me and until a Republican stands up to his party and charts a new course I'm not sure why anybody should trust any of the major contenders out there.
The funny thing is I actually believe Romney would sell his soul to have that personality.
speculawyer said:

It is just a bright-line demarcation point. It makes no sense to me. If that is when a person is a person then we should all be going crazy trying to invent ways of capturing fertilized eggs that are spontaneously aborted all the time. (i.e., God is the biggest abortionist in the world.) But we don't.

I like JayDub but I almost never argue with him because it's pointless. I get having an ideology but when you have an extreme rigidity to it at all cost, it just makes arguing fairly useless. Some people use their ideology (conservatives and liberals fall into this mindset also at times) as a simple manual on how to view every single issue and provide them clarity but I just don't have that world view.


Amir0x said:
I'm not deflated at all. She was always going to get high ratings. She was to everyone a new figure and a curiosity. We Obama supporters are massively energized by the negativity the Republicans displayed. In a day, we raised $10,000,000 vs. $1,000,000 for Republicans.

The "mud" has not had time to prove itself as a sticker, it's gonna take more days to develop the stories as the noise over the conventions die down.

The real game comes at the debates.

I hope you're right about this. Palin looks to be the worst VP since Dan Quayle if elected, and at least Quale had Bush Sr. which at the time was actually qualified.

I can't say the same for McCain


Steve Youngblood said:
Wait, people around here don't think Romney is a likable guy? What's not to like about Mittens?

Personally I think he's just too SLICK. Used car salesmen are likable. To a point.


Setec Astronomer
speculawyer said:

It is just a bright-line demarcation point. It makes no sense to me. If that is when a person is a person then we should all be going crazy trying to invent ways of capturing fertilized eggs that are spontaneously aborted all the time. (i.e., God is the biggest abortionist in the world.) But we don't.
No, as explained in previous morality threads, to JD any number of people dying because somebody didn't act is not immoral, but somebody dying because somebody did act is immoral even if the action prevented a larger number of deaths.


Steve Youngblood said:
Wait, people around here don't think Romney is a likable guy? What's not to like about Mittens?

Romney comes off as incredibly ingenuous. Say what you want about Huckabee, but he comes off as a guy who actually says what he truly believes.


speculawyer said:
Because there are almost no McCain/Palin supporters here and the ones that do support them are mostly trolls?

If only GAF were representative of the world at large this one time.
Funny, even the Obama/McCain ads on GAF show the different sides of the two.

McCain: "Invest in Victory"

Or in other words, "We want to win! YEAH! USA! U-S-A, U-S-A, POWPOWPOW! WOOOOOO! but we have no fucking idea what we're going to do afterward! Vote for us anyways!"


Haunted said:
Why doesn't anyone answer this man? :(

I don't think McCain/Palin supporters really want things to change that much. They may think the current administration was inept at best and downright malicious at worst, but they still agree with the ideal Republican and/or Conservative ideals.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Can we please let Speculawyer have an avatar again? Seeing that little thing over and over makes my eyes hurt.

Better idea.

Make his avatar the fiscal conservative cartoon. X 5600.


Smiles and Cries said:
wow thanks

where is our old thread I want to read GAFs reactions to Orly

dammit he gets to milk this all of next week too :(

damn I hate Orely
eh? Obama did really well against O'Reilly.
Hitokage said:
No, as explained in previous morality threads, to JD any number of people dying because somebody didn't act is not immoral, but somebody dying because somebody did act is immoral even if the action prevented a larger number of deaths.

Is he for or against the Iraq war?


ronito said:
"I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities,"

I guess I'm just like you Xenon. But I like actual games.

Not condescending at all is it?

Not really, Its funny. :lol

If they would have made the comments without the constant attacks to her qualifications. I would agree to people being upset. I will even agree that the more I hear it, it shows lack of understanding and ignorance on their part.

Still the level this is being twisted to is just stupid.


Gaborn said:
Often critics pointed out that Bush never asked the country to "do" something (one of Bush's better qualities if you ask me). At the same time McCain's speech was ABOUT service. I'm not sure he convinced a lot of people but the rhetorical contrast with Bush was striking at least.

McCain and the GOP only seem to care about military service, which should be rather self-evident. As for McCain, for all his talk and rhetoric about military service and how he respects those who serve in the armed forces, he consistently votes against their interests, as he most recently did with the GI Bill sponsored by Senators Warner & Webb. Contrast that to Senator Obama (and Senator Dodd before him) who not only speaks of service, but offer opportunities to get involved via his campaign as well as an actual policy proposal to back such service with tuition assistance and the like.


The Republicans can't turn the economy around, period.

Show me how they could do otherwise.
Macam said:
McCain and the GOP only seem to care about military service, which should be rather self-evident. As for McCain, for all his talk and rhetoric about military service and how he respects those who serve in the armed forces, he consistently votes against their interests, as he most recently did with the GI Bill sponsored by Senators Warner & Webb. Contrast that to Senator Obama (and Senator Dodd before him) who not only speaks of service, but offer opportunities to get involved via his campaign as well as an actual policy proposal to back such service with tuition assistance and the like.

More importantly, as shown by the 2004 election smears against Kerry, as far as the Republican party is concerned, it's all talk. It's honorable, commendable, and heroic when it's our candidate.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
you guys see this article?


what do you think? Guy pretty much nails it IMO

There are two quotes that sums it up:

The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several millions of human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution. Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche - Carl Gustav Jung

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force - Ayn Rand
giga said:
eh? Obama did really well against O'Reilly.
Oh I think he did alright against that talking head but the way he is promoting next weeks video clips sounds like a set up

someone please link me to the other thread cannot find


NullPointer said:
An honest question for McCain/Palin supporters:

What do you expect McCain to change if he becomes president? I don't see too much daylight between McCain and Bush's policies.

If I'm missing something, I'd love to hear the goods. God knows the speeches didn't give me any information to go off of.

listen to the middle part of his speech today he goes into specifics. in a nutshell that i can remember:
instead of welfare, emphasis on training new tech jobs for unempoyed
emphasis on education for all
education being a civil rights issue
the top two being called something along the lines of the challenge of the generation

confronting global warming

no more foreign aid to saudis, egyptians etal.
ending the wars

changing the economy from an oil dependent one to alternative energy one
more aggressive stance with russia

theres a lot more populist stuff that reminds people why mccain is a RINO that im forgetting read the speech

he also said he will not jostle for credit and accept the best ideas regardless of who proposes them
O'Reilly is a jackass. He wasn't even letting Obama finish a thought before cutting him off. Seems like he was trying to bully him into getting mad to make him look bad...
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