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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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CharlieDigital said:
That link needs to be in the OP. I donated, but not through GAF thingy :(

No, at least now it's a balanced OP. Posting a link to donate to one campaign through the site would be tantamount to the moderators formally endorsing Obama for Neogaf. It's up to them if they want to do it but personally I'd say that wouldn't be right, the mods have done a great job being even handed but that wouldn't look right.


Gaborn said:
No, at least now it's a balanced OP. Posting a link to donate to one campaign through the site would be tantamount to the moderators formally endorsing Obama for Neogaf. It's up to them if they want to do it but personally I'd say that wouldn't be right, the mods have done a great job being even handed but that wouldn't look right.

What if they put the neogaf for Obama link there just to balance the countless Donate to McCain ads?:p
Gaborn said:
No, at least now it's a balanced OP. Posting a link to donate to one campaign through the site would be tantamount to the moderators formally endorsing Obama for Neogaf. It's up to them if they want to do it but personally I'd say that wouldn't be right, the mods have done a great job being even handed but that wouldn't look right.

Why not simply link to donate to McCain as well?

Might as well make the options convenient for both sides.
I just watched the Obama interview with O'Reilly. First of all, I was a bit surprised that O'Reilly had the balls to be so aggressive against someone like Obama; he was interrupting Obama constantly. But I guess reason has no bounds with a guy like Papa Bear.

But, also, Obama said that the surge was a success in the video. I have never heard him say that before. He looked like he was wrong in that argument. What was he doing? How long has he been saying this?! From my knowledge, he usually used the argument that "American soldiers have done a great job in Iraq, but the surge did not give us the political arrangements that are necessary to make an independent Iraq." He hinted at that argument a little, but he definitely said that the surge performed "far beyond our expectations" in that video.
Gaborn said:
No, at least now it's a balanced OP. Posting a link to donate to one campaign through the site would be tantamount to the moderators formally endorsing Obama for Neogaf. It's up to them if they want to do it but personally I'd say that wouldn't be right, the mods have done a great job being even handed but that wouldn't look right.

I'm not against putting a NeoGAF for McCain link either (nor did I imply that). It just feels good to identify with the GAFfers that's all.


Gaborn said:
No, at least now it's a balanced OP. Posting a link to donate to one campaign through the site would be tantamount to the moderators formally endorsing Obama for Neogaf. It's up to them if they want to do it but personally I'd say that wouldn't be right, the mods have done a great job being even handed but that wouldn't look right.

So then link to both. Problem solved.


No, at least now it's a balanced OP. Posting a link to donate to one campaign through the site would be tantamount to the moderators formally endorsing Obama for Neogaf.

And what's wrong with that? :D


WickedAngel said:
Why not simply link to donate to McCain as well?

Might as well make the options convenient for both sides.

No again, because linking to the "neogaf for Obama" site and then "donate to mccain" is not exactly even either, again it gives the appearance of partiality. Now, if they linked directly to Obama's donation site and then directly to McCain' in my opinion that'd be completely even handed.


CharlieDigital said:
I'm not against putting a NeoGAF for McCain link either (nor did I imply that). It just feels good to identify with the GAFfers that's all.

unlike obama, mccain kept his promise to use public financing, so mccain cant accept anyone's money as of 2 hrs ago anyway.
Gaborn said:
No again, because linking to the "neogaf for Obama" site and then "donate to mccain" is not exactly even either, again it gives the appearance of partiality. Now, if they linked directly to Obama's donation site and then directly to McCain' in my opinion that'd be completely even handed.

What the fuck do you think we're talking about?

I'm officially skipping your posts now because you just make no sense.

I can donate to Obama fine on my own, but if there is NeoGAF group, why not do it through the group? Likewise, I'm sure McCain supporters can donate to him just fine on their own, but if they can do it through a NeoGAF group, why not?


minus_273 said:
unlike obama, mccain kept his promise to use public financing, so mccain cant accept anyone's money as of 2 hrs ago anyway.

Actually he was alreaddy using the public money a couple days ago, it started at the beginning of the month, but he's still soliciting donations.


Xenon said:
Not really, Its funny. :lol

If they would have made the comments without the constant attacks to her qualifications. I would agree to people being upset. I will even agree that the more I hear it, it shows lack of understanding and ignorance on their part.

Still the level this is being twisted to is just stupid.
So....let me get this straight.

It IS condescending and cynical. But it's ok because people are questioning the VP nominees' qualifications. Right?


Tamanon said:
Actually he was alreaddy using the public money a couple days ago, it started at the beginning of the month, but he's still soliciting donations.

that money is not for the campaign its for the RNC .


Setec Astronomer
The Crimson Blur said:
But, also, Obama said that the surge was a success in the video. I have never heard him say that before. He looked like he was wrong in that argument. What was he doing? How long has he been saying this?! From my knowledge, he usually used the argument that "American soldiers have done a great job in Iraq, but the surge did not give us the political arrangements that are necessary to make an independent Iraq." He hinted at that argument a little, but he definitely said that the surge performed "far beyond our expectations" in that video.
The surge has reduced violence, but the problem is a political one and the political objectives it was supposed to enable haven't been achieved. This is what Obama has been saying rather consistently.


minus_273 said:
unlike obama, mccain kept his promise to use public financing, so mccain cant accept anyone's money as of 2 hrs ago anyway.

If McCain was getting 50 million dollars worth of donations every month, I'm sure he would have opted out of public financing as well :lol


minus_273 said:
unlike obama, mccain kept his promise to use public financing, so mccain cant accept anyone's money as of 2 hrs ago anyway.

ronito said:
So....let me get this straight.

It IS condescending and cynical. But it's ok because people are questioning the VP nominees' qualifications. Right?
Of course it is. Palin was attacked by the nebulous 'media' in completely undefined terms, so attacking Joe Schmoe out there sacrificing his time to make a difference is completely fair game.


RiZ III said:
If McCain was getting 50 million dollars worth of donations every month, I'm sure he would have opted out of public financing as well :lol

considering he is behind mccain-feingold campaign finance reform, i can guarantee you he would not have. reform is his signature platform if he'd broken his promise he might as well have throw in the towel


Setec Astronomer
minus_273 said:
considering he is behind mccain-feingold campaign finance reform, i can guarantee you he would not have. reform is his signature platform if he'd broken his promise he might as well have throw in the towel


minus_273 said:
considering he is behind mccain-feingold campaign finance reform, i can guarantee you he would not have. reform is his signature platform if he'd broken his promise he might as well have throw in the towel

Yeah it's not like he broke from his immigration reform bill!


minus_273 said:
considering he is behind mccain-feingold campaign finance reform, i can guarantee you he would not have. reform is his signature platform if he'd broken his promise he might as well have throw in the towel
quoted and bookmarked for future lulz.


minus_273 said:
considering he is behind mccain-feingold campaign finance reform, i can guarantee you he would not have. reform is his signature platform if he'd broken his promise he might as well have throw in the towel

You mean like when he withdrew from public financing during the primary (arguably in violation of his law) ?


minus_273 said:
considering he is behind mccain-feingold campaign finance reform, i can guarantee you he would not have. reform is his signature platform if he'd broken his promise he might as well have throw in the towel

Yes, McCain doesn't believe in going against his own bills. He's never shown anything like that. Nope.


*drowns in jizz*
Outside the reality distortion field of the RNC...

David Gergen

I did not think that the substantive part of the speech worked very well. It was mostly a rerun, retread of a lot of old Republican ideas that have brought us to where we are now. I think the country is looking for fresh answers. It's hard to separate yourself out from President Bush when you essentially have the same economic policies as President Bush. I thought that the policy presentation was a little thin."

Michael Gerson (Bush speechwriter)

The policy in the speech was rather typical for a Republican. Pretty disappointing. It didn't do a lot of outreach to moderates and independents on issues that they care about. It talked, about issues like drilling and school choice which was really speaking to the converted. I think that was a missed opportunity. Many Americans needed to hear from this speech something they have never heard from Republicans before. And in reality, a lot of the policy they've heard from Republicans before.

The New Republic

It's not over yet but this is a very underwhelming speech. Familiar points explained in pedestrian terms. No overarching themes--right now it's sounding like a State of the Union laundry list. Even the crowd in the hall isn't jazzed. This is the sort of reception Tom Ridge got.

The National Review:

Ehhhhh...maybe I'm missing some grand strategy or tactics, but I think it was a missed opportunity. Good that he did some policy. I liked that he championed free trade -- something he didn't have to do. I liked the fight, fight, fight stuff. Good that he was specific. I can come up with specific compliments about this or that. But it was flat, forced and basically a free pass for Obama.


After days of negative attacks -- and no mention of real proposals to fix our economy, get more people health care, or make America safer -- the party that brought you eight years of disastrous policies is asking for four more.

I thought he just proved that he is all for change and reform. Just not in the way Democrats want. :D He likened himself to Theodore, Lincoln, and Reagan. That sounds pretty different to me. I remember watching some of the laws he tried to pass back in the day. That alone tells me he is so much different.

How can John McCain pull us out of the deep hole we're in when he voted with George Bush more than 90% of the time?

The American people deserve more than a 10% chance at change.

To be fair, there are far more restrictions working as a Senator than there are working as the President of the United States. Suddenly, the capacity for change becomes so much greater. Something tells me it is a little more than 10%.

No matter what McCain says, we can't bring about change by relying on the same ideas that have failed us for the last eight years.

McCain understands the military more so than Bush. That alone ensures it will not be the same. Palin has great energy policies and has experience with budgeting government programs. Also will be interesting to see what programs they will decide to cut. On top of that, their stances in educational and foreign affairs is pretty interesting. Sounds to me like it will be plenty different.

... I give up. I'm going to bed. I'm tired. Night PoliGAF. It's been nice. Also, I was watching the Jimmy Kimmel show while writing this and Aaron Eckhart was just on. Awesome guy. Seriously. Really goes to show how close Hollywood has come to remove the stereotype. Seems like your normal everyday guy.


minus_273 said:
considering he is behind mccain-feingold campaign finance reform, i can guarantee you he would not have. reform is his signature platform if he'd broken his promise he might as well have throw in the towel
I agree. He would never do something like exploit a loophole in his own bill that allows people to make donations ten times larger than regular campaign donations that can be used to run campaign ads. John McCain is too good for that.
minus_273 said:
considering he is behind mccain-feingold campaign finance reform, i can guarantee you he would not have. reform is his signature platform if he'd broken his promise he might as well have throw in the towel
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

He already violated campaign financing laws by accepting more money after signing up for public financing during the primary.

Then they found a new way to wiggle out of the laws by combining RNC money used for McCain.

And he has publically come out against campaign finance reform after being born-again conservative to win the primary.

He has zero credibility in this area.


Setec Astronomer
Basch said:
I thought he just proved that he is all for change and reform. Just not in the way Democrats want. :D He likened himself to Theodore, Lincoln, and Regan. That sounds pretty different to me. I remember watching some of the laws he tried to pass back in the day. That alone tells me he is so much different.
Granted, Senator McCain in years past drew quite a bit of attention along those lines, but ever since he started running for president, Candidate McCain done little but pander to the Republican base while burning "Maverick" capital gained in those past years.


I really can't tell the difference between this thread and the NFL or MLB thread anymore. So who is going to win the Yankees/McCain or Red Sox/Obama? There are all interchangeable apparently.

Who cares about the good of the country. Its just about being on the winning side.
sangreal said:
You mean like when he withdrew from public financing during the primary (arguably in violation of his law) ?
Holy crap . . . I freaked out when I thought it was King_Slender saying something rational due to the avatar. :lol


Zabka said:
I agree. He would never do something like exploit a loophole in his own bill that allows people to make donations ten times larger than regular campaign donations that can be used to run campaign ads. John McCain is too good for that.

sweet random left wing blogs. hey i read some stuff about palin on the daily kos are we going to use that as a source too?


Setec Astronomer
minus_273 said:
sweet random left wing blogs. hey i read some stuff about palin on the daily kos are we going to use that as a source too?
You can read much of the same stuff on mainstream news outlets, so you don't really have to.


*drowns in jizz*
minus_273 said:
care to back that up?

You've gotta be kidding me. Why should he waste his time doing that, when that kind of info is so easily available to find if you actually gave 2 shits? My guess is that he'll post the info, which you'll completely ignore, and come back with another useless, utterly ignorant, agenda-driven post about something completely different. You know, thats kind of how you roll.

EDIT: Shit, I'm good. You're pathetic.


minus_273 said:
care to back that up?

Are you seriously not aware that McCain said he would vote against his own immigration bill after he started campaigning? He was roundly criticized for it.
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