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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Seth C

Star Power said:
My God, this thread is so annoying. Don't you people get tired of having the same pointless, petty arguments over and over again?

This is why I have basically checked out of this thread until PA gets within a week or so.

maximum360 said:
Wow. Obama's making a killing there. On a side note, Hillary has also made significant gains in Indiana too. These next round of primaries should be very interesting.

No they won't. After PA, NC, and IN we will be basically the exact same fucking place we are now, with almost the exact same lead for Obama, with even less time for Hillary to close the gap. But the media will make a huge deal out of that Hillary win in PA, no doubt.
AdmiralViscen said:
are you fucking kidding me
No, I wasn't, but in retrospect it was quite an over-the-top and unwarranted reaction.

I'd take it back, but I don't believe in editing my posts to erase the stupid things I've said. That stuff's for cowards. :p
Slurpy said:
No, your comments are what constitute the trolls. You post bullshit, get called on that bullshit, ignore the evidence against your bullshit which you get called on, then come back and post new bullshit, every single time engaging in intellectual dishonesty. Stop acting fucking stupid, as if you're unaware of what you do.

So, the truthful stories I post are bullshit? What stories don't constitute as bullshit?
Seth C said:
This is why I have basically checked out of this thread until PA gets within a week or so.

No they won't. After PA, NC, and IN we will be basically the exact same fucking place we are now, with almost the exact same lead for Obama, with even less time for Hillary to close the gap. But the media will make a huge deal out of that Hillary win in PA, no doubt.

I can see it now, per CNN:

Wolf: "Hillary wins Pennsylvania by 5 points. After this huge, HUGE win by senator Clinton she has shown that mementum is in her favor and that she's in it to win it."

Jack Cafferty: "But wasn't she up by upwards of 20 points the month before?"

Wolf: "Err...um but she was outspent by senator Obama 6 to 1. This is huge Jack, this is a huge win for her. Did I mention that this was huge?"

Jack: "But Wolf, she won't net but a meager few delegates from this win which will likely be more than erased when we get to the North Carolina primary. The delegate math just isn't on her side and she won't win the popular vote count either."

Wolf: "......but this race is so close. Senator Clinton could pull away at any second. She has the momentum and it's hers to lose at this point."

Jack: "Logic would indicate that..."



Azih said:
Same place that Obama lists "tax and spend liberal" as the course he wishes to follow. Which is my point.
Which brings us back to the question of whether or not Obama is a pacifist (he isn't). Further, are you saying Obama isn't a liberal? he's for abolishing taxes? he won't spend money collected from taxes? Where your analogy fails is in suggesting calling someone ~"silly" is the equivalent of calling someone ~a "murderous asshole."


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Good god you guys can we stop the word nitpicking?

This is NOT what the focus of this election should be.

Jesus fucking christ.


APF said:
Which brings us back to the question of whether or not Obama is a pacifist
McCain is more of a Hawk than Obama is. And Obama is more of a social spender than McCain is.

Tax and Spend Liberal and Warmonger are not personal attacks but harsh labels applied to each candidate's policy positions where they differ from each other.

The terms 'murderous asshole' 'silly' and 'pacifist' are all yours, not mine and I don't agree with any of them in the context of this conversation actually.

The overall point being that if *this* is what people are stretching to in order to find something to criticise Obama on than the man is running one tight campaign.
GaimeGuy said:
Good god you guys can we stop the word nitpicking?

This is NOT what the focus of this election should be.

Jesus fucking christ.

It's only a few people doing this. Putting them on ignore is not enough though because people keep taking the bait, quoting them, and then respond. The charade continues.


Azih said:
Tax and Spend Liberal and Warmonger are not personal attacks but harsh labels applied to each candidate's policy positions where they differ from each other.
This is where you're wrong though. Both are ad hominem descriptors; they are not policy discussions or labels. One is also more harsh than the other. In any case, Obama's campaign did the right thing, even if his supporters refuse to see it that way.


GaimeGuy said:
Good god you guys can we stop the word nitpicking?

This is NOT what the focus of this election should be.

Jesus fucking christ.

Because you used the word "focus" I wont vote for you. Osama has used that word before. You are endorsing terrorism and hate.
maximum360 said:
I thought the media has an Obama bias?

You mean it isn't true?!

Yeah, somehow the media has a bias when Clinton is trying something so close to voter fraud and "getting away with it".

In quotes because the people seem to run further away from then before when she tries that crap.

She might as well say "Who cares if they voted for him as the votes were meant for me."
Thunder Monkey said:
I thought the media has an Obama bias?

You mean it isn't true?!

Yeah, somehow the media has a bias when Clinton is trying something so close to voter fraud and "getting away with it".

In quotes because the people seem to run further away from then before when she tries that crap.

She might as well say "Who cares if they voted for him as the votes were meant for me."

The votes should only count when they're in her favor.

I think at this point the Clinton camp has pretty can pretty much do anything or say anything and get away with it. The "kitchen sink" strategy was their start at using every dirty trick or method to get Hillary elected. I think the media knows that and for whatever reason accepts it. They've been going negative so long that everyone's probably desensitized to it already.

Obama has been credited with foreseeing a troublesome war in Iraq primarily due to a speech he gave in 2002 while he was a state senator, where he spoke out against the war. Clinton said, “I started criticizing the war in Iraq before he did. So, I’m well aware that his entire campaign is premised on a speech he gave in 2002 and I give him credit for making that speech. But that was not a decision.”

This is news to me.

I hope the MSM picks up on this one and throws it back at her hard. I have nothing personally against Hillary but you've got to have some integrity if you're running for president.
"But that was not a decision.”

But giving Bush the authority to go to war with Iraq, and now Iran was a decision. And it was the wrong one.

She has no right to get the nomination. And if she does, then this system is more fucked up then I'd realized.
maximum360 said:
Also from the NYT...

...the Clintons paid $33.8 million in federal taxes and claimed deductions for $10.2 million in charitable contributions. The contributions went to a family foundation run by the Clintons that has given away only about half of the money they put into it, and most of that was last year, after Mrs. Clinton declared her candidacy.


Well Well... what do we have here

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
maximum360 said:

This is news to me.

I hope the MSM picks up on this one and throws it back at her hard. I have nothing personally against Hillary but you've got to have some integrity if you're running for president.

wow. tons of awesome quotes there..

Clinton said, “I think this has been by and large one of the most positive and civil campaigns I have ever been a part of.”

predictions on guam? you see polls and debates about clintons lead in pa, her tenuous lead in Indiana, his lead in NC, etc, but nothing really about Guam. sometimes i see people saying its obama country 3-1 in delegates, sometimes tied 2-2, the spreadsheet has 2-2 with him winning at 55-44...

so i guess my question is - what do you all think of both candidates chances in guam?


kkaabboomm said:
predictions on guam? you see polls and debates about clintons lead in pa, her tenuous lead in Indiana, his lead in NC, etc, but nothing really about Guam. sometimes i see people saying its obama country 3-1 in delegates, sometimes tied 2-2, the spreadsheet has 2-2 with him winning at 55-44...

so i guess my question is - what do you all think of both candidates chances in guam?
with the fact unless he wins by like 20% he'll gain 0 delegates and even then if it is indeed a blowout he'd gain a whopping 1 delegate I'd say.....no one really has tried to predict guam. lol.

In news that is unlikely to have a profound affect on the presidential race, a federal judge ruled today that Michigan's law that placed the primary on January 15th was unconstitutional.

That kills Hillary's argument that the first results should count (which wasn't going to fly anyway).

Now she's going to try to press the argument that Obama should agree to a revote since the original vote wasn't legit. She can play it both ways. Michigan legislature doesn't seem very sympathetic to her pleas either.


grandjedi6 said:
Snagged an add-on today she wasn't expected to. (Obama picked up three.)

Added Missouri add-on Susan Montee (MO)# , Delaware add-on Rob Carver (DE)# , Yvette Alexander(DC)# for Obama.

Added Harry Thomas Jr.(DC)# for Clinton.


In a town where Barack Obama got better than 75 percent of the vote, this wasn’t supposed to happen. But it did anyway: Hillary Clinton picked up an extra District delegate to the Democratic National Convention last night. For that, Obama supporters have only their own to blame.



Master of the Google Search
GhaleonEB said:
Snagged an add-on today she wasn't expected to. (Obama picked up three.)

Added Missouri add-on Susan Montee (MO)# , Delaware add-on Rob Carver (DE)# , Yvette Alexander(DC)# for Obama.

Added Harry Thomas Jr.(DC)# for Clinton.



oh that doesn't bother me much. It is candidates trying to influence national and local pledged delegates that irks me


*drowns in jizz*
It blows my mind how any pledged delegate could feasibly switch from Obama to Clinton, and why kind of fucked up logic they could possibly be using. You know, besides bribery.


sp0rsk said:
I'd really love to believe the sincerity of that McCain ad.

I believe John McCain himself is sincere about such things, despite his temper, but I will never trust his party.
sp0rsk said:
I'd really love to believe the sincerity of that McCain ad.
There's some interesting wording in that ad: "argument," "fight." And of course the "As long as you're Christian, we can be friends" subtext.


maximum360 said:

I didn't realize that Hillary was still pursuing Obama's pledged delegates. I thought that was considered taboo by most.
No no, don't you understand? Hillary is all about letting the people's voices be heard (seating Michigan and Florida) except for when it doesn't benefit her. Then she's all about subverting the process and making sure that the voices of people who didn't vote for her aren't heard, by poaching pledged delegates from Obama. Neat how that works, huh?
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