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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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siamesedreamer said:
So, Obama's new brand of politics includes introductions at campaign events by Air America hosts who call his opponent a "warmonger"

he's not? that's news to me. i still have a deep-seated that he's the one who's gonna start World War 3.


v1cious said:
he's not? that's news to me. i still have a deep-seated that he's the one who's gonna start World War 3.

No, "War Monger" is too negative. He's a "War Hugger".


Oddly enough, the term brings up any number of hits on google, telling me I'm not the ultra-clever prick I fancy myself to be. :-(


siamesedreamer said:
Hadn't heard that. I'd like to know his reasoning as well...

I assume if he agrees with Bush on it, it's because you give too much incentive to a soldier leaving the service after his term is up. Which is sketchy to begin with. If the incentive is that much, you should also be able to claim that it would drive recruitment.


syllogism said:
e: "Obama spokeswoman Jen Psaki says in a statement, "John McCain is not a warmonger and should not be described as such. He's a supporter of a war that Senator Obama believes should have never been authorized and never been waged."
Aah, see? That's a good / perfect response. Why is this easier for his campaign than it is for his supporters?


So, the venue at which McCain was called warmonger was not an Obama campaign event. There were three speakers between the warmonger remarks and Obama's speech. He wasn't in the room and didn't hear the remarks, and his campaign says McCain is not a warmonger and shouldn't be called one. What is the big deal here? Seems like a prime example of molehill politics,


KRS7 said:
So, the venue at which McCain was called warmonger was not an Obama campaign event. There were three speakers between the warmonger remarks and Obama's speech. He wasn't in the room and didn't hear the remarks, and his campaign says McCain is not a warmonger and shouldn't be called one. What is the big deal here? Seems like a prime example of molehill politics.

Insert cat pic: "Straws. Watch me grasp at them."


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Star Power said:
My God, this thread is so annoying. Don't you people get tired of having the same pointless, petty arguments over and over again?

It's about twenty folks arguing with the same two intellectually vapid trolls. The trolls aren't doing it to upset the 20 folks, they're doing it because they're angry young men who ape their fathers' behavior and have an illogical hatred of "the other." This thread becomes VERY bizarre when you put those two trolls on ignore.


Stinkles said:
they're doing it because they're angry young men who ape their fathers' behavior and have an illogical hatred of "the other."
Is this an obtuse method of calling me a racist?


MSNBC has an article saying that Jimmy Carter's children and grand children support Obama and he said to take a guess at who he is supporting.:lol


Xeke said:
MSNBC has an article saying that Jimmy Carter's children and grand children support Obama and he said to take a guess at who he is supporting.:lol
Carter told a Nigerian newspaper that his home state of Georgia and his hometown of Plains backed Obama in the state's February 5 primary. His children, their spouses and his grandchildren support Obama as well, he said.

"As a superdelegate, I would not disclose who I am rooting for but I leave it to you to make that guess," Carter told the newspaper This Day on Thursday.

I have a question that's related to events from yesterday: what motivation could John McCain - or anyone else for that matter, including our dearly departed President Ronald Reagan - have that would cause him to oppose the creation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a federal holiday?

I know Reagan got some shit for it in the 80s, as well he fucking should have, but I can't remember any of the reasons given back then for opposing the creation of a federal holiday dedicated to one of America's most revered heroes. I honestly cannot think of a logical reason for it.


icarus-daedelus said:
I have a question that's related to events from yesterday: what motivation could John McCain - or anyone else for that matter, including our dearly departed President Ronald Reagan - have that would cause him to oppose the creation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a federal holiday?

I know Reagan got some shit for it in the 80s, as well he fucking should have, but I can't remember any of the reasons given back then for opposing the creation of a federal holiday dedicated to one of America's most revered heroes. I honestly cannot think of a logical reason for it.

Federal holidays mean days off. They believed that MLK's impact wasn't important enough to warrant it. It's all rather silly.


icarus-daedelus said:
I have a question that's related to events from yesterday: what motivation could John McCain - or anyone else for that matter, including our dearly departed President Ronald Reagan - have that would cause him to oppose the creation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a federal holiday?

I know Reagan got some shit for it in the 80s, as well he fucking should have, but I can't remember any of the reasons given back then for opposing the creation of a federal holiday dedicated to one of America's most revered heroes. I honestly cannot think of a logical reason for it.
There are only four federal holidays commemorating an individual person. You'll quickly run out of days if every person of significance gets one and these holidays do have an impact on the economy. Many small private companies do not
usually observe it though.
Tamanon said:
Federal holidays mean days off. They believed that MLK's impact wasn't important enough to warrant it. It's all rather silly.
:lol That might be one of the most racist things I've ever heard. The Civil Rights Movement and MLK's influence didn't warrant a day off? You've gotta be kidding me.

EDIT: Syllogism, I don't think every person of importance should get a holiday, nor did I say anything to that effect, but would you seriously argue that MLK deserves his holiday less than Washington and Columbus and, uh, the other guy deserve theirs?

Who is the fourth person that gets their own federal holiday, btw? Jesus? The President?


icarus-daedelus said:
:lol That might be one of the most racist things I've ever heard. The Civil Rights Movement and MLK's influence didn't warrant a day off? You've gotta be kidding me.

EDIT: Syllogism, I don't think every person of importance should get a holiday, nor did I say anything to that effect, but would you seriously argue that MLK deserves his holiday less than Washington and Columbus and, uh, the other guy deserve theirs?
I'm all for commemorating him, but does it really have to be a federal holiday?

e: It's Jesus


syllogism said:
So when the next person of great significance comes along, will he get a holiday as well? Do these holidays have expirations dates?

Even better, let's just get rid of holidays altogether!

But yes, there will be more holidays if any more significant figures come along. They don't have expiration dates but can be rescinded via vote.
syllogism said:
So when the next great person comes along, will he get a holiday as well?
Depends on whether they have as much influence. I mean, I know that the final and definitive end of Jim Crow Laws and the subsequent recognition of all Americans as being equal under the eyes of the law doesn't mean much and all, but I doubt something of that significance will occur again in this country.

MLK didn't do all that by himself, nor did he even do much of it, but he symbolizes one of the greatest movements this country has ever seen - one that finally, officially ended the segregation of races in this country, something that has been a black mark on the US since its inception. Yes, it deserves a fucking holiday.

Although the day is a federal holiday and a state holiday in all states, it is usually not observed by small private companies except for banks and schools. Some large corporations close their operations (more so than on Veterans Day or Columbus Day, which are also federal holidays, but less so than on holidays such as Memorial Day or Labor Day when virtually all corporations are closed), but small shops, restaurants, and grocery stores tend to remain open. Overall, in 2007, 33% of employers gave employees the day off, while 33% of large employers over 1,000 and 32% of smaller employers gave time off. The observance is most popular amongst nonprofit organizations and least popular among factories and manufacturers.
Oh, the horror! Look at all how many companies close shop that day. 33%? I just can't handle it.


I'm actually not against MLK day, I'm just saying there's a good and valid reason for being against new federal holidays in general.


don't have expiration dates but can be rescinded via vote.
Yes, but good luck with that
Clevinger said:
Columbus Day should go.
Yup, and Andrew Jackson should be forced off the twenty dollar bill. Of course, that would require some sort of respect for Native Americans and an acknowledgment of the horrors committed against them, so it'll never happen.

I'd actually agree with this, the Legend of Christopher Columbus has been pretty much discarded anyways. Maybe change it to Vikings day!
Agreed. Leif Ericson day, bitches!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
APF said:
Is this an obtuse method of calling me a racist?

Not unless democrats and liberals are a race, no. And who says I was talking about you. In what way are you a troll?


Most of these holidays are BS anyway. The only reason to give people shit for not supporting one is to unfairly ad hominem attack them. If you object to a "Reagan Day" are you a Communist or something? Whatever. The underlying / unstated point is people should have supported the holiday to avoid being smeared as racists, ie: political blackmail.

Stinkles: If you weren't actually talking about me (you referred to two people, and there were only two "contrarians" here at the time), then never mind.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
siamesedreamer said:
Glad to see linking various stories about Obama amounts to being a troll.

I didn't say you were a troll either!!! Siamese and APF haven't been trolling in here have they? I'm gonna go look!
Tamanon said:

Obama 56
Clinton 33

Good lord, 23 point lead now for Obama there. This is not a good state demographic-wise for Clinton, she'll probably hate that it's a good amount of delegates.

I'm willing to bet a ban that any delegate gains that clinton gets out of PA will be easily and instantly obliterated by an obama landslide win in NC, but yet again we'll hear some nonsense about how NC "doesn't matter"


*drowns in jizz*
siamesedreamer said:
Glad to see linking various stories about Obama amounts to being a troll.

No, your comments are what constitute the trolls. You post bullshit, get called on that bullshit, ignore the evidence against your bullshit which you get called on, then come back and post new bullshit, every single time engaging in intellectual dishonesty. Stop acting fucking stupid, as if you're unaware of what you do.
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