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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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No no, don't you understand? Hillary is all about letting the people's voices be heard (seating Michigan and Florida) except for when it doesn't benefit her.

This is a shitty argument because that's what Obama's doing now: Preventing revotes because it doesn't benefit him. How in the world can Obama fans constantly try and use this argument?

Yes, no fucking crap she wants revotes because it benefits her. But it's oh-so-much-more Democratic to NOT let people vote because THAT benefits Obama?

You people are warped in the head.
CoolTrick said:
This is a shitty argument because that's what Obama's doing now: Preventing revotes because it doesn't benefit him. How in the world can Obama fans constantly try and use this argument?

It'll come back to bite them in the general.


Tapper is incorrect in saying the following:

Jake Tapper said:
It's an odd way to measure opposition to the war -- comparing who gave the first criticism of the war in Iraq starting in January 2005, ignoring Obama's opposition to the war throughout 2003 and 2004.
Remember (because I keep on mentioning it) that in 2004--when Obama was shilling for another Senator who voted for the war authorization--Obama wasn't exactly vocally-opposed to the war, again saying his Iraq policy was almost exactly the same as President Bush's. It was such an audacious thing to say I find it curious that no one ever tends to recall it when they're talking about his record in this regard.

npm0925: I thought the ad said something like, Freedom is in accord with nature and nature's creator--doesn't that imply almost the opposite of what you're suggesting? In any case, it's hard I think not to be boring in a 2:30 minute ad, but what struck me was his speaking directly to folks who felt their dissent was being "repressed" by patriotic rhetoric being leveraged against them (see: lapel pins), and clearly saying, hey you guys are right, it's not only cool to disagree on these matters, it's our obligation as citizens to speak out in behalf of what we believe in. I'm not sure how anyone can in good conscience spin that around against him (not that it didn't happen).
CoolTrick said:
This is a shitty argument because that's what Obama's doing now: Preventing revotes because it doesn't benefit him. How in the world can Obama fans constantly try and use this argument?

Yes, no fucking crap she wants revotes because it benefits her. But it's oh-so-much-more Democratic to NOT let people vote because THAT benefits Obama?

You people are warped in the head.

a revote would benefit obama


CoolTrick said:
This is a shitty argument because that's what Obama's doing now: Preventing revotes because it doesn't benefit him. How in the world can Obama fans constantly try and use this argument?

Yes, no fucking crap she wants revotes because it benefits her. But it's oh-so-much-more Democratic to NOT let people vote because THAT benefits Obama?

You people are warped in the head.
Uh, no. Obama has been pretty consistent in saying that he'll follow whatever rules the DNC agrees to. Your gal is the one with the gross flip flop on the issue, going from "it's obvious that this primary isn't going to matter" to transforming into Hillary Clinton, Champion of the Disenfranchised Voter That She Agreed to Disenfranchise. Obama has been consistent the whole way through.

But go ahead. Keep spinning. Eventually you're going to fall over and when you get up, Obama will be the nominee.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
CoolTrick said:
This is a shitty argument because that's what Obama's doing now: Preventing revotes because it doesn't benefit him.

how is he preventing revotes?

and like AdmiralViscen said.. a revote would most certainly benefit obama..


APF said:
Tapper is incorrect in saying the following:
Obama wasn't exactly vocally-opposed to the war, again saying his Iraq policy was almost exactly the same as President Bush's. It was such an audacious thing to say I find it curious that no one ever tends to recall it when they're talking about his record in this regard.

But yes, understandably he couldn't be vocal about it once the nominee was clear


APF said:
What's your point?

"Obama, a state senator from Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood, opposed the Iraq invasion before the war. But he now believes U.S. forces must remain to stabilize the war-ravaged nation -- a policy not dissimilar to the current approach of the Bush administration."

You aren't quoting Obama there. Anyway, assuming your only point was that he was not vocal about his opposition in 2004, I suppose I actually have no point other than not entirely agreeing with assertion his "iraq policy" was almost entirely the same as Bush's, unless you were referring to a short-term policy, which is rather meaningless, rather than a long-term strategy.


Ignore list is useless, he still shows up in quotes :/

There is a profound difference between voting in favor of a possible invasion and voting to make sure our soldiers are well equipped.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
quadriplegicjon said:
because he had 0 votes in michigan due to not being on the ballot.. and given the chance to actually campaign in florida, he would have lessened the lead hillary had there.

Well aren't most of the popular vote tallies not counting Hillaries votes in Michigan either?

If Obama genuinely wanted a revote, I'm pretty sure he would have made much more of an effort than he did (dems in MI basically saying that the Obama campaign's lack of interest killed the idea).


harSon with a complete and total red herring, likely because he feels so insecure about his ideological positions he needs to ignore every and anything that may challenge them.

syllogism: that MM piece was more saying that Obama wasn't coming out as a Bush supporter (he was a Kerry supporter, and talking about who was better positioned to follow through on their similar policies--sounds familiar). Other than that, it was pretty unsubstantial.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
schuelma said:
If Obama genuinely wanted a revote, I'm pretty sure he would have made much more of an effort than he did (dems in MI basically saying that the Obama campaign's lack of interest killed the idea).

not making much of an effort is not the same thing as actively preventing a revote.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
quadriplegicjon said:
not making much of an effort is not the same thing as actively preventing a revote.

Come on, let's not play that game. "not making much of an effort" equaled preventing the re-vote. Let's be real


Banstick Emeritus
APF said:
harSon with a complete and total red herring, likely because he feels so insecure about his ideological positions he needs to ignore every and anything that may challenge them.
you just blew my mind


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
quadriplegicjon said:
how exactly did he prevent it? it wasnt up to him.... it was up to the DNC..

And as nearly everyone agrees, it was practically speaking an impossibility without the full support of both campaigns.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
She really oughtta stop these:


Clinton drops hospital story from stump speech
Posted: 12:11 PM ET

Clinton campaigned in Montana Saturday.

(CNN) — Hillary Clinton’s campaign says the candidate will stop telling the story of an uninsured pregnant woman who lost the baby and died after being denied medical care, following a hospital raising questions over its accuracy.
schuelma said:
And as nearly everyone agrees, it was practically speaking an impossibility without the full support of both campaigns.
I suppose he could be gung-ho about it, but... considering it's other peoples' fuck-up and would have to go shockingly to change anything overall, why should he be?
Stinkles said:
She really oughtta stop these:
Clinton drops hospital story from stump speech
Posted: 12:11 PM ET

Clinton campaigned in Montana Saturday.

(CNN) — Hillary Clinton’s campaign says the candidate will stop telling the story of an uninsured pregnant woman who lost the baby and died after being denied medical care, following a hospital raising questions over its accuracy.
Is she incapable of telling the truth?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
JoshuaJSlone said:
I suppose he could be gung-ho about it, but... considering it's other peoples' fuck-up and would have to go shockingly to change anything overall, why should he be?

Oh I'm not arguing that Obama in his position should have been advocating for a re-vote- politically it makes no sense at all.


APF said:
harSon with a complete and total red herring, likely because he feels so insecure about his ideological positions he needs to ignore every and anything that may challenge them.

syllogism: that MM piece was more saying that Obama wasn't coming out as a Bush supporter (he was a Kerry supporter, and talking about who was better positioned to follow through on their similar policies--sounds familiar). Other than that, it was pretty unsubstantial.

Why resort to the very same baneful attacks that you consistently condemn others for? I find your blatant hypocrisy extremely offensive.


ninj4junpei said:
*face palm* Oh Hillary...
The actual details are literally the exact opposite of her story.

But an Athens, Ohio hospital is questioning the accuracy of the story. While Clinton never named the hospital in her speech, the woman she was referring to was treated at O’Bleness Memorial Hospital in Athens. The hospital said the woman did indeed have insurance, and at least at their hospital was never turned away.

Hospital chief executive officer Rick Castrop in a statement said, “we reviewed the medical and patient accounts of the patient” after she was named in a newspaper story about Clinton’s stump speech. “There is no indication that she was ever denied medical care at any time, for any reason. We clearly reject any perception that we ever denied any care to this woman.”
It sounds like they literally made it up. 0_o


Stinkles said:

I don't mind the occasional truth stretching, I personally expect it from pretty much every politician in existence. However, this is getting pretty damn ridiculous. Making up a story about a still born baby and a dead mother? Really? The United States' health care system is pretty horrible, I'm sure it wouldn't have been so hard to find an actual legit story.

Funky Papa

Why does she keep pulling this shit? It is not like nobody is going to review her stories, specially after the Bosnia trap.

Here's hoping the media will pick it up.


Francois the Great said:
APF as your biggest fan i beg you to please defend hillary's pathological lying without mention obama, it would be awesome. <3<3<3

He'll bring up Obama's cult followers instead.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Funky Papa said:
Why does shee keep pulling this shit? It is not like nobody is going to review her stories, specially after the Bosnia trap.

Here's hoping the media will pick it up.

The charade of her candidacy is crumbling.




*drowns in jizz*
CoolTrick said:
This is a shitty argument because that's what Obama's doing now: Preventing revotes because it doesn't benefit him. How in the world can Obama fans constantly try and use this argument?

Yes, no fucking crap she wants revotes because it benefits her. But it's oh-so-much-more Democratic to NOT let people vote because THAT benefits Obama?

You people are warped in the head.

God, your posts are so fucked up. The oxygen level must be messing with yo, from whatever planet you're from.

WHERE and WHEN has Obama 'prevented revoting'?? Where has the campaign refused a revoting offer that the states and Hillary have agreed upon? Wait, he hasnt? This has nothig to do with Obama's campaign- theyve constantly stated theyre open to it. Its the states that have to work out if its feasible.

Also, whats cute about your little democratic speil is that you'd have no problem overturning the popular vote and everything else it would take, as that is Clinton's only chance to win this thing. You care so deeply about Michigan/Florida, yet would have no issue essentially disenfranchising every single democratic voter by letting the superdels overturn these votes.

Everyone else is warped in the head except you, right? What a joke.

The only thing I'm curious about is if people like you are pathological liars on purpose, or by accident. Do you WILL yourself to lie, and hope someone, somewhere, swallows it? Or are just so affected by your extreme bias and whatever delusional blogs you visit, that you actually believe what you say?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Shiggie said:
why is she climbing...UP?
:lol im so confused.

Because its a daily fucking tracking poll which taken in isolation MEANS NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!
Slurpy said:
God, your posts are so fucked up. The oxygen level must be messing with yo, from whatever planet you're from.

WHERE and WHEN has Obama 'prevented revoting'?? Where has the campaign refused a revoting offer that the states and Hillary have agreed upon? Wait, he hasnt? This has nothig to do with Obama's campaign- theyve constantly stated theyre open to it. Its the states that have to work out if its feasible.

Also, whats cute about your little democratic speil is that you'd have no problem overturning the popular vote and everything else it would take, as that is Clinton's only chance to win this thing. You care so deeply about Michigan/Florida, yet would have no issue essentially disenfranchising every single democratic voter by letting the superdels overturn these votes.

Everyone else is warped in the head except you, right? What a joke.
Well... yeah? It's CoolTrick.


CoolTrick said:
This is a shitty argument because that's what Obama's doing now: Preventing revotes because it doesn't benefit him. How in the world can Obama fans constantly try and use this argument?

Yes, no fucking crap she wants revotes because it benefits her. But it's oh-so-much-more Democratic to NOT let people vote because THAT benefits Obama?

You people are warped in the head.
Obama did NOT try to prevent revotes. In FL the revote fell apart because the FL congressional members refused to support a mail in ballot so it died.

In MI they didn't get a revote because Obama stated not letting dems who voted in the republican primary vote in a revote was wrong because many dems voted in the republican one under the assumption the dem primary did not count.

The MI dem party refused to meet Obama's completely valid request so the revote died.


Slurpy said:
God, your posts are so fucked up. The oxygen level must be messing with yo, from whatever planet you're from.

WHERE and WHEN has Obama 'prevented revoting'?? Where has the campaign refused a revoting offer that the states and Hillary have agreed upon? Wait, he hasnt? This has nothig to do with Obama's campaign- theyve constantly stated theyre open to it. Its the states that have to work out if its feasible.

Also, whats cute about your little democratic speil is that you'd have no problem overturning the popular vote and everything else it would take, as that is Clinton's only chance to win this thing. You care so deeply about Michigan/Florida, yet would have no issue essentially disenfranchising every single democratic voter by letting the superdels overturn these votes.

Everyone else is warped in the head except you, right? What a joke.
Careful, apparently you can get banned for hurting CoolTrick's feelings.
CoolTrick said:
This is a shitty argument because that's what Obama's doing now: Preventing revotes because it doesn't benefit him. How in the world can Obama fans constantly try and use this argument?

Yes, no fucking crap she wants revotes because it benefits her. But it's oh-so-much-more Democratic to NOT let people vote because THAT benefits Obama?

You people are warped in the head.

What prevented the revotes was that nobody wanted to front the CASH to pay for them. A revote in Florida was estimated costing 15-30 million alone.


Francois the Great said:
APF as your biggest fan i beg you to please defend hillary's pathological lying without mention obama, it would be awesome. <3<3<3
Is this the hospital story that was posted a couple of days ago? Check back a couple of pages, we already discussed it.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Shiggie said:
im sorry, did i bite the head off your cat?:lol

Sorry, but possibly the biggest pet peeve I have with this thread is the daily elation/disappointment at whatever the daily poll shows. It's the rough equivalent of checking amazon.com videogame sales every hour to determine where a title will be in the NPD.
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