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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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grandjedi6 said:
::Looks at thread title::, what did I miss?

the awesome spin put by the clinton and mccain campaigns on obama's "bitter Pennsylvanians" comment...and by awesome i mean embarrassingly reaching
Ok, so saying that people are bitter about losing their jobs and homes are bitter is elitism now? I am confused. Are Hillary and John saying its elitist to be mad now? If Obama plays his cards right, my God could he flip this around and make them look out of touch. With a shit economy, housing in the shitter, and jobs in PA being shipped overseas, you are trying to tell Obama that he is not allowed to say that people are pissed?

I think he should run with this, and turn it against his opponents. Lets see if he can do it.
Obama: After years of failed promises from the government, people start looking to other things for encouragement or as scapegoats. We need to convince these people there can be real hope and that we're not just full of shit.
Others: You son of a bitch. These potential voters are WAY TOO AWESOME!! to be bitter.
i'm suffering from political burnout, november can't come soon enough...i'm at a point where all i care about is a democrat in the white house.


This "bittergate" is the biggest non-story of this entire campaign so far. More of a non-story than the passport checks. I literally cannot believe it's getting any play.

Fucking media and blogosphere.
Amir0x said:
This "bittergate" is the biggest non-story of this entire campaign so far. More of a non-story than the passport checks. I literally cannot believe it's getting any play.

Fucking media and blogosphere.

I am hoping that if anything comes out of this, that Obama runs with it and shows how dumb Hillary and McCain are for trying to shove rainbows and unicorns up voters' asses.

Thats just my opinion, I could be wrong. (Man, I miss non-crazy Dennis Miller)

The Crimson Kid

what are you waiting for
The bitterness bit is a non-issue. The potentially damaging part about Obama's comments is where he talks about religion, guns and hating immigrants. The only thing that many Pennsylvanians (people at large, but Pennsylvanians are the only ones that matter right now) will take from this is that Obama is a religion hater that wants to take away all our guns. This will be partially due to the oversimplification by the mass media and partially due to short attention spans/lack of critical thinking skills.These issues are important ones to bring up, but now is not the time nor the place to do so.

Sad thing is, I've lived in Pennsylvania for 18 years and he is pretty much spot on with his description. Too bad he will get so much flak for it.
The Crimson Kid said:
Sad thing is, I've lived in Pennsylvania for 18 years and he is pretty much spot on with his description. Too bad he will get so much flak for it.

Straight Talk Express...oh shit, i got on the wrong bus!
Ahhh, I'm so pumped!!!

In five minutes I'm walking across the street to get in line to see Obama speak here on campus. Normally there's no way I'd wake up this early on a Saturday, but for Obama... YES WE CAN!!!
Shit, at least there's a microscopic chance of him visiting Japan, Japan and the U.S. are long standing allies.

There's no way he'll come to China, before he gets elected. : (
"Bittergate"'s getting pretty huge from what I'm seeing. Comments sections on Politico, HufPost, and Hotair for these topics are some of the largest I've ever seen. He might be able to get away from it though since the audio the media has fortunately is so poor it's unlikely they'll replay it as often as they did the Wright tapes.


This is such a stupid story. Incomprehensibly stupid.

MSNBC: "Obama calls Pennsylvanians Bitter."

Well, when you put it like that. Too bad that's not what he said, MSNBC!
I don't think this will have much effect. The media is looking for a new story because right now they don't really have anything. Other than Cheney's sunglasses.
I'm predicting May 20th-21st for Hillary Drop Out Day
Once it gets to the point where she has no chance to catch up in delegates even the neutral democratic leadership with ask her to drop out


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
ZealousD said:
Wow, the question is totally loaded. Putting "no" could mean that his recent comments didn't reveal his attitude. They totally changed that question by swapping "an" with "his".

Holy crap, when I first read the question I did not notice that.
The poll is pointless, both answers mean the same thing

On another note, It's nice to see someone finally get it.

Ripclawe said:
So if they weren't bitter, they would give up their guns, stop being so religious and not be against illegal immigrants.

Why does it have to go to the other extreme?
Perhaps, instead, they would stop "clinging" to the devices?


Nearly everyone here is missing the point and why people are pissed.

And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

If he had stopped at bitter, he would have been gold. But then he puts cling to guns, religion and opposition to illegal immigration as the results of being bitter. So if they weren't bitter, they would give up their guns, stop being so religious and not be against illegal immigrants.

That is how its coming off to the rest of the public and makes him just another cultural elitist.

Why does it have to go to the other extreme?
Perhaps, instead, they would stop "clinging" to the devices?

uh.. you are not helping.


He sounds like a smug bastard talking to his smug bastard friends about "fly-over country." If you think the word "bitter" is the awkward or problematic part, then you don't get it, just like you probably didn't get the awkward or problematic part during the pregnancy = punishment gaffe.


testicles on a cold fall morning
JayDubya said:
He sounds like a smug bastard talking to his smug bastard friends about "fly-over country." If you think the word "bitter" is the awkward or problematic part, then you don't get it, just like you probably didn't get the awkward or problematic part during the pregnancy = punishment gaffe.
unexpected and unwanted teen pregnancy is a punishment. that's neither awkward nor problematic.

oh well.


I have to say Obama's worst part of his campaign is the fact he has let himself become the rich elitist candidate.

It's soooo stupid that he was able to let this happen because:

1. He has A LOT less money than McCain and Clinton
2. He has worked with the poor and middle-class far far far more than either of them in his career
I can not believe that this is their big Obama scandal. To me, it just shows how petty and desperate the other camps are. I have hope that even those who are only moderately intelligent amongst us will see right through the propaganda.


scorcho said:
unexpected and unwanted teen pregnancy is a punishment. that's neither awkward nor problematic.

oh well.

"Akward and problematic" in the sense that saying these things make you sound like a smug asshole because of what it sounds like you're saying. The concern is that it speaks to his character, the proper defense is "he didn't mean it like that."

When you people defend what he said in the worst possible interpretation, it stops just "sounding" like anyone is a smug asshole.

And obviously, I vehemently disagree with your statement above.


JayDubya said:
"Akward and problematic" in the sense that saying these things make you sound like a smug asshole because of what it sounds like you're saying. The concern is that it speaks to his character, the proper defense is "he didn't mean it like that."

When you people defend what he said in the worst possible interpretation, it stops just "sounding" like anyone is a smug asshole.

And obviously, I vehemently disagree with your statement above.
no one seemed to care about his abortion line, that was a nonstory.


Never change media, never change.

I'm going to stop following the news for a couple of days and hope this is gone when I come back. Every time I see shit like this I get unbelievable mad and want to punch my TV and the newscaster in the face. Right now I also want to punch Obama in his face.


JayDubya said:
And obviously, I vehemently disagree with your statement above.

Who the fuck could possibly disagree with unexpected/unwanted teen pregnancy being a bad thing for the mother involved (aka a punishment)?

Unexpected and unwanted


Amir0x said:
This is such a stupid story. Incomprehensibly stupid.

MSNBC: "Obama calls Pennsylvanians Bitter."

Well, when you put it like that. Too bad that's not what he said, MSNBC!

You're from Pennsylvania as well right? Do you believe his comments to be accurate? Fits like a glove for some of my relatives :lol


Cheebs said:
I have to say Obama's worst part of his campaign is the fact he has let himself become the rich elitist candidate.

It's soooo stupid that he was able to let this happen because:

1. He has A LOT less money than McCain and Clinton
2. He has worked with the poor and middle-class far far far more than either of them in his career

3. He was born poor.
4. He lived in Indonesia for a fair portion of his life.
harSon said:
You're from Pennsylvania as well right? Do you believe his comments to be accurate? Fits like a glove for some of my relatives :lol

Exactly. Most people know the comment is true, and didn't mean harm but it's just something that's dangerous to say. Whenever a politician airs out a state/community's dirty laundry some people are going to get upset. And given Obama's elitist image this certainly won't help.

It's not like he's going to win Penn anyway so I wouldn't be too concerned. I just wonder if some conservatives will try to find race in the comment *sigh*


testicles on a cold fall morning
i love Obama's 'elitist image'

he is worth drastically less than either of the two candidates (hint: see Cindy McCain).
he grew up in poverty.
he is self-made in every way.

how dare he speak about something he knows about.

sp0rsk said:
Since when did Obama have an elitist image?
that's what happens when you attend an ivy league school and use big words - you become an 'elitist'.


PhoenixDark said:
Exactly. Most people know the comment is true, and didn't mean harm but it's just something that's dangerous to say. Whenever a politician airs out a state/community's dirty laundry some people are going to get upset. And given Obama's elitist image this certainly won't help.

It's not like he's going to win Penn anyway so I wouldn't be too concerned. I just wonder if some conservatives will try to find race in the comment *sigh*

I almost can't blame him for making the comment, it seems like a harmless comment on the surface. If he had used angry in place of bitter the news would still be talking about Polygamist..


PhoenixDark said:
It's not like he's going to win Penn anyway so I wouldn't be too concerned. I just wonder if some conservatives will try to find race in the comment *sigh*

The cartoon that is Pat Buchanan was just on MSNBC saying that he doesn't think Barack is a hateful person, per se, but that he clearly has a seed of bigotry and prejudice within him against working people, perhaps one he picked up during his time at Harvard or Columbia.

He said this seriously, not as a joke, and he almost was able to keep a straight face.
gkrykewy said:
Who the fuck could possibly disagree with unexpected/unwanted teen pregnancy being a bad thing for the mother involved (aka a punishment)?

Unexpected and unwanted
If Ted Danson, Steve Guttenberg, and Tom Selleck can make something positive of an unexpected baby, why can't this theoretical teen girl?


JoshuaJSlone said:
If Ted Danson, Steve Guttenberg, and Tom Selleck can make something positive of an unexpected baby, why can't this theoretical teen girl?
:lol :lol True.

I forgot that all babies, even those borne of rape, incest, or forcible alien impregnation, are blessings from jebus, to be cherished by the mother involved.
sp0rsk said:
Since when did Obama have an elitist image?

Are you serious? Obama has been seen as the rich candidate throughout most of the race, while Hillary has won the working class vote, especially in blue collar states like Ohio

I'm not saying he's elitist, but that image is there
Amir0x said:
This is such a stupid story. Incomprehensibly stupid.

MSNBC: "Obama calls Pennsylvanians Bitter."

Well, when you put it like that. Too bad that's not what he said, MSNBC!
After their headquarters were boycotted by Hillary camp yesterday, I think they're just trying show Hillary "see! we're not bias!"

Its so transparent.


What Obama said about central PA is true. It's filled with a bunch of creepy old people who cling to god, guns and hating foreigners because they have indeed grown bitter and that's all they really have.

I never thought I could respect the guy more than I already do, but really, Barack Obama is just so awesome for bringing this to light. I doubt this is going to hurt him, because central PA is filled with a bunch of bigots who never vote for Democrats anyway. Nobody else should really care.

It's funny to see people picking on him about it, because they have no idea what they're talking about. Pat Buchanan just said about 30 minutes ago that "I don't know what elitist university or whatever that he got this from, but it's a stereotype blah blahhhh". What a dumbass. It's not a stereotype. If you lived in this state and have traveled to the places Obama is talking about, it's the truth.

EDIT: Fuck MSNBC for making that the headline.
Ripclawe said:
If he had stopped at bitter, he would have been gold. But then he puts cling to guns, religion and opposition to illegal immigration as the results of being bitter. So if they weren't bitter, they would give up their guns, stop being so religious and not be against illegal immigrants.
He's not referring to Guns, God and non-Gringos as physical objects, but as concepts. Instead of politicians addressing the real issues of why our jerbs are disappearing and why people are bitter, they and the electorate seize on these tangential issues because they are simple and easy to demonize the other fellow about.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Is there no way to check the media?

I mean surely everyone knows the media is fucking retarded about reporting. Sensationalizing bullshit stories for ratings, instead of telling the public that these are bullshit stories and then getting back to the issues at hand.

It really is embarrassing that I've completely abandoned watching any TV news.

How many people in our generation feel the same way? What is their audience going to consist of when we're older?

Lesson #1 about TV News to my future children: Don't take anything they say for granted. Research the issues yourself and draw your own conclusions.
Diablos said:
What Obama said about central PA is true. It's filled with a bunch of creepy old people who cling to god, guns and hating foreigners because they have indeed grown bitter and that's all they really have.

I never thought I could respect the guy more than I already do, but really, Barack Obama is just so awesome for bringing this to light. I doubt this is going to hurt him, because central PA is filled with a bunch of bigots who never vote for Democrats anyway. Nobody else should really care.

It's funny to see people picking on him about it, because they have no idea what they're talking about. Pat Buchanan just said about 30 minutes ago that "I don't know what elitist university or whatever that he got this from, but it's a stereotype blah blahhhh". What a dumbass. It's not a stereotype. If you lived in this state and have traveled to the places Obama is talking about, it's the truth.

Tioga County. Couldn't get out of there fast enough.
I'm not even sure what you guys are mad about. Its being reported that this subject didn't even make the newspapers in some parts of penn. Besides, this will blow over in about two days. :/


testicles on a cold fall morning
i respect Obama for completely standing by and reaffirming what he said and what it means.

CNN just did a good back-forth on the topic and didn't sensationalize it.

topsyturvy said:
I'm not even sure what you guys are mad about. Its being reported that this subject didn't even make the newspapers in some parts of penn. Besides, this will blow over in about two days. :/
hyper-sensitive Obama defense force (ODF)


topsyturvy said:
I'm not even sure what you guys are mad about. Its being reported that this subject didn't even make the newspapers in some parts of penn. Besides, this will blow over in about two days. :/

I thought the same thing with the Wright story :p
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