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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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JayDubya said:
He sounds like a smug bastard talking to his smug bastard friends about "fly-over country." If you think the word "bitter" is the awkward or problematic part, then you don't get it, just like you probably didn't get the awkward or problematic part during the pregnancy = punishment gaffe.
Hey guys, check it out. We're getting lectured on "not getting it" from the die hard libertopian. No, REALLY.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Diablos said:
What Obama said about central PA is true. It's filled with a bunch of creepy old people who cling to god, guns and hating foreigners because they have indeed grown bitter and that's all they really have.

I never thought I could respect the guy more than I already do, but really, Barack Obama is just so awesome for bringing this to light. I doubt this is going to hurt him, because central PA is filled with a bunch of bigots who never vote for Democrats anyway. Nobody else should really care.

It's funny to see people picking on him about it, because they have no idea what they're talking about. Pat Buchanan just said about 30 minutes ago that "I don't know what elitist university or whatever that he got this from, but it's a stereotype blah blahhhh". What a dumbass. It's not a stereotype. If you lived in this state and have traveled to the places Obama is talking about, it's the truth.

EDIT: Fuck MSNBC for making that the headline.

The funny thing is he pandered shamelessly to this group in Ohio


Is the reason Obama clung to his hate-filled Pastor because he was bitter from only recently having payed-off his student loans?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
APF said:
Is the reason Obama clung to his hate-filled Pastor because he was bitter from only recently having payed-off his student loans?

:lol :lol At least try and be a little less obvious when trying to piss everyone off.


BTW, I think this might end up being a net-positive for him once it gets nuanced. It gives him a reason to lean more populist and represent the angry people of the nation. A constituent that seems to have grown a tad lately.


gkrykewy said:
The cartoon that is Pat Buchanan was just on MSNBC saying that he doesn't think Barack is a hateful person, per se, but that he clearly has a seed of bigotry and prejudice within him against working people, perhaps one he picked up during his time at Harvard or Columbia.

He said this seriously, not as a joke, and he almost was able to keep a straight face.
Pat is a fool then if he said he picked it up at Columbia.

Know what job Barack did on the side when he was at Columbia? He worked at a construction site doing manual labor. Is there anything more blue-collar than that?


Triumph said:
Hey guys, check it out. We're getting lectured on "not getting it" from the die hard libertopian. No, REALLY.

You know, the others try to work in the -topian part, and it never really makes sense...

But when the no-property, "let's all live in communes and just make things for each other for the common good because we want to" kumbaya bullshit peddler does it, it really falls flat.

In any event, yes, the people trying to defend that statement or focused on the word "bitter" are pretty much "not getting it" and ignorant.
What Obama said about central PA is true. It's filled with a bunch of creepy old people who cling to god, guns and hating foreigners because they have indeed grown bitter and that's all they really have.

I never thought I could respect the guy more than I already do, but really, Barack Obama is just so awesome for bringing this to light. I doubt this is going to hurt him, because central PA is filled with a bunch of bigots who never vote for Democrats anyway. Nobody else should really care.

It's funny to see people picking on him about it, because they have no idea what they're talking about. Pat Buchanan just said about 30 minutes ago that "I don't know what elitist university or whatever that he got this from, but it's a stereotype blah blahhhh". What a dumbass. It's not a stereotype. If you lived in this state and have traveled to the places Obama is talking about, it's the truth.

EDIT: Fuck MSNBC for making that the headline.

He shouldn't have said it period and this could potentially hurt him with the grassroot votes in the general elections.


Diablos said:
What Obama said about central PA is true. It's filled with a bunch of creepy old people who cling to god, guns and hating foreigners because they have indeed grown bitter and that's all they really have.

I never thought I could respect the guy more than I already do, but really, Barack Obama is just so awesome for bringing this to light. I doubt this is going to hurt him, because central PA is filled with a bunch of bigots who never vote for Democrats anyway. Nobody else should really care.

It's funny to see people picking on him about it, because they have no idea what they're talking about. Pat Buchanan just said about 30 minutes ago that "I don't know what elitist university or whatever that he got this from, but it's a stereotype blah blahhhh". What a dumbass. It's not a stereotype. If you lived in this state and have traveled to the places Obama is talking about, it's the truth.

EDIT: Fuck MSNBC for making that the headline.

Coming from the man who said Blacks should be thankful to whites for enslaving our ancestors :lol


Jason's Ultimatum said:
He shouldn't have said it period and this could potentially hurt him with the grassroot votes in the general elections.
I dont think you know what grassroot means lol


One man's junk is another man's treasure
JayDubya said:
You know, the others try to work in the -topian part, and it never really makes sense...

But when the no-property, "let's all live in communes and just make things for each other for the common good because we want to" kumbaya bullshit peddler does it, it really falls flat.

In any event, yes, the people trying to defend that statement or focused on the word "bitter" are pretty much "not getting it" and ignorant.



Ante Up
APF said:
Is the reason Obama clung to his hate-filled Pastor because he was bitter from only recently having payed-off his student loans?

Is the reason things never really change in Washington because elected officials like McCain and Clinton fail to realize (or outright ignore) that the people of Smalltown, USA are bitter?


testicles on a cold fall morning
mashoutposse said:
Is the reason things never really change in Washington because elected officials like McCain and Clinton fail to realize (or outright ignore) that the people of Smalltown, USA are bitter?
no. they're too busy counting their money - or in McCain's case, his wife's money.


PhoenixDark said:
grassroots = ardent supporters who work for the campaign from the bottom as volunteers and so forth. Its a term for people who do work for the campaign that aren't part of the top-tier official political workers but regular volunteers.
Cheebs said:
grassroots = ardent supporters who work for the campaign from the bottom as volunteers and so forth. Its a term for people who do work for the campaign that aren't part of the top-tier official political workers but regular volunteers.
wow jacob, wow. fix your sarcasm meter


100% logic failure rate
Man I really want to slap the people on fox with their one sided view of this issue.

Yes, Obama has said to farmers that I don't like you. :rolleyes




mashoutposse said:
Is the reason things never really change in Washington because elected officials like McCain and Clinton fail to realize (or outright ignore) that the people of Smalltown, USA are bitter?

From Washington Post:

"I haven't paid for lunch in 30 years," Former Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) is struggling a bit to adjust to life as a lobbyist.

Life in the private sector isn't as cushy as Lott thought it would be. No more free lunches, no more taxpayer-funded car and driver, no more overprotective press secretary guarding him from the pesky media.

Lott really had no idea how to even go about taking public transportation. He didn't know how to use the Metro fare card machines, or how much money to put on his trip ticket, or how to add money to one of the fare cards his wife gave him. Truly: clueless.

I think that might be evidence how out of touch people get as they stay in Washington.


Ante Up
Yep, funny how Obama is the elitist, out of touch candidate when he's down $100+ million on each of his rivals on net worth...

Silver lining: If this is all they can get him on, then they have nothing on him.


JayDubya said:
In any event, yes, the people trying to defend that statement or focused on the word "bitter" are pretty much "not getting it" and ignorant.

I think the McCain camp seized the oppurtunity better than the Clinton camp did; they argued "Only an elitist would say that people vote their values only out of frustration. Barack Obama thinks he knows your hopes and fears better than you do", which taps directly into an image that middle America already had of Obama and wasn't liking. Hillary, by contrast, focused on the perceived 'insult' of small town America as bitter: "That's not my experience. As I travel around Pennsylvania, I meet people who are resilient, who are optimistic, who are positive, who are rolling up their sleeves!" That's nothing more than simplistic, empty rhetoric, and it misses its target because the fact that many of these people are bitter is pretty much indisputable.

In any event, I actually agree with Obama's larger point: the What's the Matter with Kansas? idea. Although he stopped just short of calling out the GOP for baiting their base with these wedge issues.


He keeps screwing up. He needs to get away from they are bitter so they turn to religion, God and illegal immigrants as if this is the only reason they have concerns on all three.


ABC News' Sunlen Miller and Eloise Harper report: Barack Obama, D-Ill., went further than he has before in admitting that he did not express himself as well as he could have in his initial comments at a San Francisco fundraiser this week about “bitter”small-town Pennsylvania voters.

“I didn’t say it was well as I could have,” Obama confessed today during a town hall in Muncie, Ind., in response to the controversy he described as a “political flare-up because I said something that everyone knows is true.”

He then launched into a broad explanation of what he was trying to express: “There are a whole bunch of folks in small towns in Pennsylvania, in towns right here in Indiana, in my home town in Illinois, who are bitter. They are angry… So I said, well ya know, when you’re bitter, you turn to what you can count on. So people, ya know they vote about guns or they take comfort from their faith, and their family, and their community, and they get mad about illegal immigrants who are coming over to this country, or they get frustrated about how things are changing. That’s a natural response.”

But these traditions that get passed on from generation to generation are important, he said.

“People don’t feel like they're being listened to," Obama said. "And so they pray and they count on each other and they count on their families. You know this in your own lives. And what we need is a government that is actually paying attention, a government that is actually fighting for working people day in and day out, making sure that we are trying to allow them to live out the American dream.”

Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., speaking in Indianapolis this morning, was quick to pounce on her opponent again for his remarks about people in small-town America.

“Sen. Obama’s remarks are elitist, and they’re out of touch. They are not reflective of the values and beliefs of Americans. Certainly not the Americans I know, not the Americas I grew up with, not the Americans I lived with in Arkansas or represent in New York,” Clinton said at a factory that makes machinery for the military.

Clinton began her speech saying that she too was from a small town, appealing to this audience and others in states she needs to win.

“You know I'm the granddaughter of a factory worker my grandfather went to work at the age of 11, before the child labor laws. He worked in the lace mills in Scranton, Pa. He worked until he retired [at age] 65 mostly six-day work weeks. [He had] very long hours, but it was good work, it was work that gave him a chance to raise his three sons. I grew up in the Midwest, born in Chicago, raised outside of that great city, and I was raised with Midwestern values and an unshakeable faith in America and its promise.”

“Small Town,” by John Mellencamp, blasted through the speakers at the Allison Transmission plant before Clinton got on the stage. The song played on repeat with the verse, “I was raised in a small town” over and over again.

Mellencamp, who endorsed former presidential candidate John Edwards, has not been played much on the campaign trail at Clinton events.

Clinton’s comments echo sentiments expressed by Sen. John McCain adviser Steve Schmidt on Friday. He called Obama's thoughts on small-town Pennsylvanians a "remarkable statement and extremely revealing … It shows an elitism and condescension towards hardworking Americans that is nothing short of breathtaking. It is hard to imagine someone running for president who is more out of touch with average Americans."

During her speech, Clinton went even further than she did on Friday, attacking Obama for his comments about people clinging to guns and religion.

She said, “You know, Americans who believe in the Second Amendment believe it’s a matter of constitutional right. Americans who believe in God believe it’s a matter of personal faith. Americans who believe in protecting good American jobs believe it’s a matter of the American dream.”

Clinton tried to hammer in the message that Obama’s comments prove he is out of touch, saying, “If we are striving to bring people together, which I believe we should be, I don’t think it helps to divide our country into one America that is enlightened and one that is not.”

Nice pounce by Clinton, but I wonder if people see through it by now. I bet these comments aren't playing well with superdelegates, at least the bigger ones


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
The notion that Hillary Clinton is (somewhat) effectively claiming the middle class mantle makes me throw up in mouth just a bit.


She said, “You know, Americans who believe in the Second Amendment believe it’s a matter of constitutional right. Americans who believe in God believe it’s a matter of personal faith. Americans who believe in protecting good American jobs believe it’s a matter of the American dream.”
Ding ding. Obama loves to lecture people over why they believe in / are doing something or other, which duh can come off as self-righteous, arrogant, and elitist if you're not infatuated with the man.
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