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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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RubxQub said:
As a general statement:

Why is it that there is nothing that these people can say that I agree with:

- SD
- Topsy
- CoolTrick

I'm sure I'm missing something...but beyond all logic... I never seem to agree with just about anything these people have to say.

I really don't think it has crap to do with me being an Obama supporter at all, either.

There must be some fundamental difference between the way I think and the way these guys think, because I just can never wrap my mind around why the hell someone would say half the shit these people do.

The way I interpret data is completely different, the way I think politics should be run are different, my views on current events are different.

Wtf is this?
Maybe a sign of the stark differences within the Democratic party itself.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
CoolTrick said:
Oh no! I don't agree with your opinion about your Messiah, you little sheep. "Baaa" for me.

CoolTrick said:
That's all I've been fucking saying. But not according to the Followers of the Messiah. One day of Gallup daily tracking clearly must show it had no affect. Fucking jeez. Especially audacious after one daily pollster DID say it hurt him.

why to you take this so personally?

i only see one person in this whole thread acting like a lunatic cult follower..

its you!!!


CoolTrick said:
:lol :lol :lol This is why some of you people are such sheep. Who SAYS that in a political discussion thread? "Perception, reality, blah blah blah?"

That's the whole fucking game, mister.

:lol :lol :lol This is why you are such a sheep. Who SAYS that in a political discussion thread? "Perception, reality, blah blah blah?"

That's the whole fucking game, mister.


Rubix, you never agree with a word of what we're saying because you're not willing to consider someone else's viewpoint. You don't want to.


CoolTrick said:
Rubix, you never agree with a word of what we're saying because you're not willing to consider someone else's viewpoint. You don't want to.

I'm sure he's considered it. It's just silly is all.


quadriplegicjon said:
why to you take this so personally?

i only see one person in this whole thread acting like a lunatic cult follower..

its you!!!
Most of my arguments in this thread are anti-Obama. I do like Hillary a whole lot but even some poster's have noticed I don't talk about her as much. So, I'm hard pressed to understand how I'm acting like a fanatic.


CoolTrick said:
Most of my arguments in this thread are anti-Obama. I do like Hillary a whole lot but even some poster's have noticed I don't talk about her as much. So, I'm hard pressed to understand how I'm acting like a fanatic.

Well hey why don't you talk about the candidate you support as opposed to endless bashing of the other one. Or hey, go after McCain or something. Every one of your posts has been anti-Obama and it gets really annoying after a while.

We get it. You hate Barack Obama and everything he stands for.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
impirius said:
McCain looks like a genius for not taking part in this shit.

Not taking part in what? He condemned Obama for the bitter remarks - and proclaimed, in all his glory, that Obama is out of touch with the people.


reilo said:
Not taking part in what? He condemned Obama for the bitter remarks - and proclaimed, in all his glory, that Obama is out of touch with the people.
This "Compassion Forum" (on CNN now) where the candidates are being forced to do their little dance around religious questions, trying to be specific enough to placate religious voters while being vague enough not to alienate anyone
I'd be interested to hear what Obama thinks but frankly how can I trust anything coming out of Hillary's mouth?

12% of democrats still think Obama is a Muslim so this event (as lame as it is) may help him.


maximum360 said:
I'd be interested to hear what Obama thinks but frankly how can I trust anything coming out of Hillary's mouth?

12% of democrats still think Obama is a Muslim so this event (as lame as it is) may help him.

Honestly, if Reverend Wright didn't change that, nothing will.

Yeah I can't watch this.
per ben smith/politico, who link to this AP article--

STEELTON, Penn. (AP) - Democrat Barack Obama lashed out Sunday at rival Hillary Rodham Clinton, mocking her sudden vocal support for gun rights and saying he understands the concerns of working class people.

"She knows better. Shame on her. Shame on her," Obama told an audience at a union hall here.

The Illinois senator has spent two days on the defensive after comments he made at a San Francisco fundraiser suggesting working class people are bitter about their economic circumstances and "cling to guns and religion" as a result. Clinton has pounded him for the remarks, calling him "elitist and divisive."

After reiterating his regret for his choice of words, Obama turned the tables on Clinton—mocking, among other things, her sudden fealty to the rights of gun owners.

"She is running around talking about how this is an insult to sportsman, how she values the second amendment. She's talking like she's Annie Oakley," Obama said, invoking the famed female sharpshooter immortalized in the musical "Anne Get Your Gun."

Obama continued, saying "Hillary Clinton is out there like she's on the duck blind every Sunday. She's packing a six-shooter. Come on, she knows better. That's some politics being played by Hillary Clinton."
typhonsentra said:
There's something wrong with me. Past few days, I've found Hillary strangely attractive.



FYI, if people want to watch something actually politically relevant. "Night of Too Many Stars" is going on Comedy Central right now. Will Ferrell did a pretty good Bush impression.

Senator Dodd has Blue Man Ear.:lol :lol :lol


Tamanon said:
FYI, if people want to watch something actually politically relevant. "Night of Too Many Stars" is going on Comedy Central right now. Will Ferrell did a pretty good Bush impression.

Senator Dodd has Blue Man Ear.:lol :lol :lol
Yeah, but that's being replayed at 10 and 12. :p



"Do you believe God wants you to be President?"

Here we go, a softball chance for him to give a response on television.

CoolTrick said:
And this story was rightly slammed by the comments section.

For all the talk about trying to put Obama's words into context, you should apply the same to a 17 year old quote if that's the best you can do.

Bill Clinton was talking about economically poor southern whites being scared...about their economic futures.

Uh, it specifically says in the quotes that he think politicians are using race as a wedge issue for people afraid of losing their jobs.

They know if they can keep us looking at each other across a racial divide, if I can look at Bobby Rush and think, Bobby wants my job, my promotion, then neither of us can look at George Bush and say, 'What happened to everybody's job? What happened to everybody's income? What ... have ... you ... done ... to ... our ... country?'"

What is the distinction you are making?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
CoolTrick said:
Most of my arguments in this thread are anti-Obama. I do like Hillary a whole lot but even some poster's have noticed I don't talk about her as much. So, I'm hard pressed to understand how I'm acting like a fanatic.

:lol sure..

well.. for one:

"Hillary Clinton is a liar" is not going to do much, because it's something that helps Clinton's electability argument

yah.. who's delusional ??
kkaabboomm said:
per ben smith/politico, who link to this AP article--
STEELTON, Penn. (AP) - Democrat Barack Obama lashed out Sunday at rival Hillary Rodham Clinton, mocking her sudden vocal support for gun rights and saying he understands the concerns of working class people.

"She knows better. Shame on her. Shame on her," Obama told an audience at a union hall here.

The Illinois senator has spent two days on the defensive after comments he made at a San Francisco fundraiser suggesting working class people are bitter about their economic circumstances and "cling to guns and religion" as a result. Clinton has pounded him for the remarks, calling him "elitist and divisive."

After reiterating his regret for his choice of words, Obama turned the tables on Clinton—mocking, among other things, her sudden fealty to the rights of gun owners.

"She is running around talking about how this is an insult to sportsman, how she values the second amendment. She's talking like she's Annie Oakley," Obama said, invoking the famed female sharpshooter immortalized in the musical "Anne Get Your Gun."

Obama continued, saying "Hillary Clinton is out there like she's on the duck blind every Sunday. She's packing a six-shooter. Come on, she knows better. That's some politics being played by Hillary Clinton."

Barack on the attack!


100% logic failure rate
Fuck! Why is this race even close? This religious forum shows he's head and shoulders above her pandering ass.


The race is close because the media says so. Of course, it's not actually close at all but hey who's to get in the way of facts.

Screw facts!


ralexand said:
Fuck! Why is this race even close? This religious forum shows he's head and shoulders above her pandering ass.

He's so damn good. He actually addresses the questions (albet with some unnceessary wordiness, probably because of the media's retarded habit of jumping on out of context phrases) whereas Hillary would just bullshit.


force push the doodoo rock
Are they really at an event where they have to defend how Christian they are?

I wish people could post more quotes so that those of us not watching can join in, haha.
CoolTrick said:
And this story was rightly slammed by the comments section.

For all the talk about trying to put Obama's words into context, you should apply the same to a 17 year old quote if that's the best you can do.

Bill Clinton was talking about economically poor southern whites being scared...about their economic futures.
"Insecure White People" = "poor southern whites"

If you say so billy
mashoutposse said:
Well, this IS being held at Messiah College :lol
I doubt there would be many atheists that would attend this kind of forum, regardless of the location. With that said, you have to wonder what the Muslim and Jewish attendees are thinking.
You know, the whole elitist shit is just worthless. How can someone like Hillary even make a very strong case on the matter when she's spent the last thirty years or so being rich, living in mansions, and has 109 million in the bank today with her husband? Or McCain who has millions mostly due to his marriage? AFAIK, Obama just finished paying off his college loans and has barely one million to his name and spent more time voluntarily in community service than either of the other candidates? If Clinton and McCain press this ridiculous shit too far, their own personal wealth and histories will start to creep up from the back of things very quickly and hurt them in the long run.


Ante Up
ratcliffja said:
I doubt there would be many atheists that would attend this kind of forum, regardless of the location. With that said, you have to wonder what the Muslim and Jewish attendees are thinking.

The Muslim question just hit; let see what he has to say...


100% logic failure rate
lopaz said:
He's so damn good. He actually addresses the questions (albet with some unnceessary wordiness, probably because of the media's retarded habit of jumping on out of context phrases) whereas Hillary would just bullshit.
I think that wordiness suggests that he's thought alot about an issue and is even in the moment is considering an issue verses just repeating a rote response.
The race is close because the media says so. Of course, it's not actually close at all but hey who's to get in the way of facts.
Well, he's trailing in Penn and likely to lose there.


Amir0x said:
The race is close because the media says so. Of course, it's not actually close at all but hey who's to get in the way of facts.

Screw facts!

Damn pesky facts always seem to disagree with my Gut. I trust my Gut, not those snake-in-the-grass facts!
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