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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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APF said:
Obama just aped the "shame" line, so I'm not sure you want to point to that. Plus, no. Also, the "Xerox" line was lame, but not retarded. Retarded in a lack of humor way, perhaps. Rovian tactics was, I believe, not something she said, and in fact was WAY outweighed by the "McCarthy" comment, as well as IMO the equation of Presidents Clinton and Nixon.
Oh come on.

Are you a fucking joke character or what?


Kildace said:
I really don't see any harm in it, and he did a great job responding to it. Honestly it probably worked for him.

Yeah, my Dad still calls Bart Simpson Barf Simpson every now and then for no apparent reason. Gets a chuckle outta me every time.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Cheebs said:
New SurveyUSA Indiana Poll:
Clinton 55%
Obama 39%
Other 3%
Undecided 3%

It doesn't matter. The dems are going to lose in November. I was actually going to vote for Obama, but this f'n comedy act of the brother and sister who can't get along is dragging them both down in my eyes. It is the same old polictics that both of them said they don't represent. So screw both of you at this point. One taking a shot on camera, the other sounding more like The Rock than a presidential candidate.


when is my burrito
bob_arctor said:
Man, I just don't get it. I wouldn't/couldn't make that mistake if I tried and yet it keeps on happening.

My pastor in church yesterday accidentally called him Oback Obama. He totally stumbled over his first name like he had forgotten what it was.

I just rolled my eyes a little bit and chuckled.
dskillzhtown said:
It doesn't matter. The dems are going to lose in November. I was actually going to vote for Obama, but this f'n comedy act of the brother and sister who can't get along is dragging them both down in my eyes. It is the same old polictics that both of them said they don't represent. So screw both of you at this point. One taking a shot on camera, the other sounding more like The Rock than a presidential candidate.
Great post. Would read again.


when is my burrito
dskillzhtown said:
It doesn't matter. The dems are going to lose in November. I was actually going to vote for Obama, but this f'n comedy act of the brother and sister who can't get along is dragging them both down in my eyes. It is the same old polictics that both of them said they don't represent. So screw both of you at this point. One taking a shot on camera, the other sounding more like The Rock than a presidential candidate.

This post lacks hope. Just wait until the GE starts and you will see
what the Rock is cooking


gcubed said:
albeit McCarthyism was said by an advisor, where as the Rove comment was said by Hillary herself. Slightly different.
Sure, but I didn't recall at the time I posted whether or not that was her or an advisor. The larger point--that it's not as pathetic a level of commentary as Obama's recent razzings, and in fact is overshadowed by his own "shame on you" commentary and his campaign's egregious McCarthyism charges--stands.
tanod said:
This post lacks hope. Just wait until the GE starts and you will see
what the Rock is cooking
yes the GE will start October 31st, after Hillary Clintons dead body is removed from the floor of the DNC.


i'm just saying that the primary reason for him joining the church are community and social aspects.
What I'm saying is that I am just not comfortable with guessing at someone's motivations which is what you're doing with Obama. It just makes it possible to apply any agenda you wish on any person for any action. Obama's affiliation to his church can be painted as cynical, sincere, ambitious, noble, racist, religous, secular, pragmatic, or whatever the hell else. Better to just take the dude's word for why he goes to church regularly which includes both the parts that you bolded and left unbolded.

If "feeling god's spirit" is all of a sudden supposed to count as convincing evidence
Never said it was convincing evidence. In fact I said that 'convincing evidence' was a weird standard to apply to anyone's faith, nonsensical in fact, largely becuase it's such an extremely vauge requirement.

I also said that 'feeling god's spirit' is certainly fantastical. So a fantastical emotion without any 'convincing evidence'. Isn't that some sort of hallmark of weak minded delusion... or something?


has calmed down a bit.
The Lamonster said:
If that's true, you're a good man :D

I didn't convince the person. They already had decided, but I'm not sure why they haven't gone official with it. I just happen to overhear a discussion.



U.S. Rep. Geoff Davis, a Hebron Republican, compared Obama and his message for change similar to a "snake oil salesman" [at a Northern Kentucky Lincoln Day dinner].

He said in his remarks at the GOP dinner that he also recently participated in a "highly classified, national security simulation" with Obama.

"I'm going to tell you something: That boy's finger does not need to be on the button," Davis said. "He could not make a decision in that simulation that related to a nuclear threat to this country."

*facepalm* There goes Alan Keyes' vote!
VanMardigan said:
edit: And how did Obama become the atheist's candidate? With his close ties to his church and his open stance on his beliefs, is there any subset this dude can't appeal to? It's like everybody sees in him whatever good they want. Me included, of course. His words are carefully chosen to appeal to everyone.
It may surprise you to know this (and if you took GAF as representative of the world at large, I wouldn't blame you), but atheists don't really care about whether you believe in God or not. Too bad the reverse isn't usually true.


I bet Hitchens doesn't support Obama!

And I assume many atheists are drawn to him, because even though he is a faithful man, he has shown utmost respect to science and people of other beliefs.
adamsappel said:
It may surprise you to know this (and if you took GAF as representative of the world at large, I wouldn't blame you), but atheists don't really care about whether you believe in God or not. Too bad the reverse isn't usually true.
How do you know that exactly? Is there a worldwide atheist group that you are a part of that talks about how you don't care if people believe in a god or not?


Tamanon said:



Edit: And "boy" in referring to Obama? Nice.


reilo said:
Dude, APF isn't THAT bad.

i agree, APF is no where on the level of CoolTrick and will often argue in a humane manner.

And APF...

I agree that Obama's "shame on you" is quite cringworthy as it was pretty bad when Hillary did it but i dont know if i would go as far as saying its the worst we have seen yet. Thats over-exaggerating a bit. "Change you can Xerox" is far worse then a joke gone bad, she said it with the intent to mean what she said, and it was petty, pathetic and emabarassing to watch. Anyway, the fact that he still holds leads over McCain with all this going on i guess is a good sign, since McCain has no real eyes on him yet.


Funky Papa said:
Maybe that "boy" didn't have the meaning some of you are implying. Just saying. Maybe he is just a paternalistic asshat.

Yeah, I didn't think it was racial. It was condescending and assholey though.


gcubed said:
i agree, APF is no where on the level of CoolTrick and will often argue in a humane manner.

And APF...

I agree that Obama's "shame on you" is quite cringworthy as it was pretty bad when Hillary did it but i dont know if i would go as far as saying its the worst we have seen yet. Thats over-exaggerating a bit. "Change you can Xerox" is far worse then a joke gone bad, she said it with the intent to mean what she said, and it was petty, pathetic and emabarassing to watch. Anyway, the fact that he still holds leads over McCain with all this going on i guess is a good sign, since McCain has no real eyes on him yet.
Well, I was talking about this:


Plus the "Annie Oakley" comment, which is really honestly beneath him and not exactly just a joke gone bad (not sure how the Xerox comment was juvenile or whatever, but ok)


Funky Papa said:
Maybe that "boy" didn't have the meaning some of you are implying. Just saying. Maybe he is just a paternalistic asshat.

Much more fun to make it a big deal and drag that guy's name over the coals.

APF said:
Plus the "Annie Oakley" comment, which is really honestly beneath him and not exactly just a joke gone bad (not sure how the Xerox comment was juvenile or whatever, but ok)

Not a joke gone bad - a joke gone right.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
APF said:
Well, I was talking about this:


Plus the "Annie Oakley" comment, which is really honestly beneath him and not exactly just a joke gone bad (not sure how the Xerox comment was juvenile or whatever, but ok)

I still don't understand how you consider that the worst part of the primaries thus far with all the shit the Clinton camp has pulled.
Hollywood Duo said:
How do you know that exactly? Is there a worldwide atheist group that you are a part of that talks about how you don't care if people believe in a god or not?
While there are atheist groups, I am not a member of any of them, and had to search google to even learn of their existence. Contrast that with the churches on every corner worrying if I've accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour, and I think you'll see my point. Actually, you probably saw my point to begin with, you're just being contrarian. Can you imagine a viable presidential candidate openly espousing atheism, even while Christian candidates claim that religion won't influence their decisions (same thing, no?)?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Did McCain just say that Obama claimed that people are bitter at the economy because they are religious gun-owners?

Does this guy get anything right?
Azih said:
What I'm saying is that I am just not comfortable with guessing at someone's motivations which is what you're doing with Obama. It just makes it possible to apply any agenda you wish on any person for any action. Obama's affiliation to his church can be painted as cynical, sincere, ambitious, noble, racist, religous, secular, pragmatic, or whatever the hell else. Better to just take the dude's word for why he goes to church regularly which includes both the parts that you bolded and left unbolded.

I guess the "atheist in disguise" part was what offended? Sorry. I don't literally think that he's somehow manipulating religion for political gain or something like that, but I do tend to think that humanity "compartmentalizes" very well when it comes to religious belief. Obama's own words seem to indicate that, and it's a notion that I observe when talking to lots of other religious people.

I guess I was just sort of poking fun at the fact that the more "liberal" interpretations of monotheistic religions tend to be the kind where you tend to focus on the social, cultural and/or emotional aspects of it, rather than anything inherently accurate within the religious claims themselves. It's an interesting phenomenon to observe. It's almost as if just having a belief in something is more important than what the actual belief is, which is something talked about in this book. Maybe that's why I found Obama's conversion reasoning interesting. Probably also explains why religious belief has been so common throughout humanity, but the beliefs themselves are hugely varied.

Adult conversion stories provide more insight into that since it avoids the usual "he's Christian/Muslim/Jewish because that's what his parents raised him as"

Azih said:
Never said it was convincing evidence. In fact I said that 'convincing evidence' was a weird standard to apply to anyone's faith, nonsensical in fact, largely becuase it's such an extremely vauge requirement.

we have no problems defining "convincing evidence" when it comes to all sorts of other disciplines, so I'm not sure why it's all of a sudden "nonsensical" when it comes to religious claims. Well, maybe I do know why...heh.

Azih said:
I also said that 'feeling god's spirit' is certainly fantastical. So a fantastical emotion without any 'convincing evidence'. Isn't that some sort of hallmark of weak minded delusion... or something?

not sure what this means. Do I think Obama is weak minded and deluded? No. Well, I may think he's "deluded" on one specific subject, for obvious reasons (as I am an atheist, and he isn't), but not in general as a person.

note: I tend to look at religion from a sociological/cultural/psychological perspective in general, since I've found that debating actual religious claims about the world to be mostly a waste of time these days. So that may be why I come off as "clinical" or something.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
Happy the bittergate bullshit didn't impact his gallup tracking - yet

Don't worry, according to CoolTrick, it takes a few days... or weeks... or months for mishaps to impact Obama.


reilo said:
Did McCain just say that Obama claimed that people are bitter at the economy because they are religious gun-owners?

Does this guy get anything right?

Did he really? So he complains about Obama and Hillary skewing his 100 years quote and then he pulls the same bullshit?


reilo said:
Don't worry, according to CoolTrick, it takes a few days... or weeks... or months for mishaps to impact Obama.

I think I literally would have given up hope on America if this gained legitimate traction.

This is without exaggeration the biggest non-story of the year. I'm still fucking shocked that any media station burdened their viewers with such unmitigated grade A cow manure. It's the worst hysteria journalism I've seen in this entire election season.

ANYONE who fell for it is without any doubt plankton level retarded.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
I think I literally would have given up hope on America if this gained legitimate traction.

This is without exaggeration the biggest non-story of the year. I'm still fucking shocked that any media station burdened their viewers with such unmitigated grade A cow manure. It's the worst hysteria journalism I've seen in this entire election season.

ANYONE who fell for it is without any doubt plankton level retarded.

Go read back a couple of pages - specifically, read APFs comments. He believes that Obama's response to Hillary's and McCain's criticism is worse than anything Hillary has done - and the worst moment of the entire primaries so far.

I'm not even joking. These are the people they are pandering to.


has calmed down a bit.
adamsappel said:
It may surprise you to know this (and if you took GAF as representative of the world at large, I wouldn't blame you), but atheists don't really care about whether you believe in God or not. Too bad the reverse isn't usually true.

You missed the point, but Tamanon answered my question.
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