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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Francois the Great said:
you don't have to hate someone to not want them to be elected :p

i actually like and respect john mccain as a person, i just think he has some pretty terrible policies and would make either a bad or at best mediocre president (in the off chance he doesn't get us involved in another war)
More to the point for me I liked him even as a politician till he became Bush v2.0 as soon as he got close to the nomination.


monchi-kun said:
there was a time when age meant wisdom....kind of like village elders and such. i don't think people should call him out on his age.

viva viagra

Screw that. I think everyone should have to take some tests before they can even run for office. They have to be able surf the net, find something semi-interesting on google, send an email, and download some free porn.

THEN I think they'd be in touch with the american people and they can run for prez.

Old people can't do that.
maynerd said:
Screw that. I think everyone should have to take some tests before they can even run for office. They have to be able surf the net, find something semi-interesting on google, send an email, and download some free porn.

THEN I think they'd be in touch with the american people and they can run for prez.

Old people can't do that.

My grandpa played Contra and Excitebike with me


CoolTrick said:
No, no, I want thekad's opinion on this. Explicitly.

Why won't he answer the question?

Yes or no: Did Rev. Wright permanently hurt Obama amongst conservatives, moderates, and independants?
From Jack and Jill Politics (one of the several blogs I visit daily):

Obama's Impact In The Caribbean
We received this email from Amanda yesterday. Check it out, and get someplace where you can crank up your speakers, your woofer and your tweeters!

I've become an avid reader of JJ politics in the last few months, mostly because of my support of Barack Obama. One of the things I've found striking about this whole race and Barack's candidacy is how deeply invested and passionate black people around the world have become in this. I'm not even American (I'm from Barbados) but I have been following the race intensely, as has nearly everyone else here in the Caribbean.

In fact, I just came across this song yesterday from one of Jamaica's biggest dancehall stars, Mavado. It's actually a remix of a huge hit he has right now. Truth be told, most of Mavado's music is gangsterish posturing but it just goes to show how deep Obama's impact is.

I also decided to included the youtube video of the Mighty Sparrow's 'Barack the Magnificent'. Now, the Mighty Sparrow is from Trinidad and regarded as the greatest calypso singer alive - he's quite at the other end of the spectrum from Mavado - he's 73, sings a completely different style of Caribbean music, lives quite at the other end of the Caribbean in the other main cultural power of the West Indies.

I found it pretty amazing because you can't get two more different Caribbean artists than Mavado and Sparrow- they are also about two generations apart- Sparrow could literally be Mavado's grandfather. Not only that, music is social commentary in the Caribbean- especially calypso. When we sing about you - 'yuh reach'. And when we're singing about someone who's not even West Indian - yuh really reach.

Obama really is crossing boundaries. We want this as much as you do.

Bless up,

Mavado - We Need Barack

Mighty Sparrow - Barack The Magnificent (lyrics)
Why does the media go so apeshit when someone actually talks about reality? Wright's infamous sermon was pretty much completely correct, as was Obama's recent kerfuffle-inspring comment. And I'm not one of those adoring Obama followers.
chaostrophy said:
Why does the media go so apeshit when someone actually talks about reality? Wright's infamous sermon was pretty much completely correct, as was Obama's recent kerfuffle-inspring comment. And I'm not one of those adoring Obama followers.

because Bill O'Reiley and Sean Hannity have mouths to feed...think of their families

maynerd said:
Then your grandpa is cool and should have the opportunity to run for office.

my grandpa is dead :(...he was 72


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
MSNBC now talking about how Carter meeting with Hamas is bad for Obama because he has not condemned the meeting...

Are they for real?
reilo said:
MSNBC now talking about how Carter meeting with Hamas is bad for Obama because he has not condemned the meeting...

Are they for real?

apparently....lets just fast forward to november and be done with it


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Now they are questioning Obama's electability in November, and comparing him to Michael Dukakis.



reilo said:
Now they are questioning Obama's electability in November, and comparing him to Michael Dukakis.

My deeply cynical theory: They see that the Bittergate drama hasn't hurt Obama, are disappointed by that because they want the race to tighten again ala Wright, and are trying to make something, anything stick. The closer, the better.

I'm half-joking.
The racially charged overtones of the Democratic presidential primary has ensnarled Congressman Geoff Davis (Kentucky) after a comment he made about Barack Obama during a Saturday night speech.

During his talk at Saturday's Fourth District Lincoln/Reagan Day Dinner in Boone County Davis, a Hebron Republican seeking re-election, made the following comment when questioning the national security credentials and experience of Obama, an African-American from Illinois:

"I'm going to tell you something: That boy's finger does not need to be on the button," Davis said. "He could not make a decision in that simulation that related to a nuclear threat to this country."

Davis is taking criticism because referring to an African-American as a "boy" is considered by many as racist and pejorative. [emphasis added]


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

Now MSNBC guy saying Obama had a chance to steal PA, but bittergate killed those chances. REALLY?


Why should Obama condem Carter? It'd be pretty rude to since 2004 Carter and Obama have apparently become very friendly and Obama has implied before he liked Carter as President more than Clinton. It wouldn't be in Obama's character to attack Carter when he has had nothing but praise of Carter since he has been on the national scene.
Despite a weekend of negative coverage following his controversial remarks about some small town Americans, Barack Obama appears to be holding steady or making gains in the next three primary states, according to a just released poll.

Most surprisingly, the new LA Times/Bloomberg poll shows Obama ahead of Hillary Clinton by 5 points in Indiana (40 to 35 percent), a state with demographics that favor the New York senator and one where other recent polls have shown her with a lead.

The poll also shows Clinton only holds a 5 point lead in Pennsylvania (48 to 43 percent). That margin is among the slimmest measured between to the two candidates and is significantly less than the double digit lead Clinton held there two weeks ago.

In North Carolina, the new survey shows Obama with a 13 point lead (47-34 percent), a margin that is consistent with other recent polls in that state.

Pennsylvania votes April 22 while Indiana and North Carolina vote two weeks later on May 6. Should Clinton win in Pennsylvania, some political observers have said she must score a victory in at least one of the May 6 states to make a compelling argument to continue her presidential campaign.

The poll was conducted over five days (April 10-14), the majority of which came after Obama's now famous "bitter" comments first surfaced.

From CNN.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
:lol Lou Dobbs still on bittergate.


Did Hillary really say that "another vote for Barack Obama, is another vote for George Bush." ??!?!?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
"It is odd that when he has taken such a pounding, that he has not had an apology on this."


I'm a masochist.


chaostrophy said:
Why does the media go so apeshit when someone actually talks about reality? Wright's infamous sermon was pretty much completely correct, as was Obama's recent kerfuffle-inspring comment. And I'm not one of those adoring Obama followers.

Because it's the way the media is structured. For a media outlet to exist, it needs to have viewers. In order to have viewers they cannot afford to offend middle-america, by far the biggest share of TV viewers by either appearing anti-american or "elitist" to them. They need to echo the talking points of the other cable news channels because if they dissent the general public will automatically think that they're wrong and they're not worth watching.

It's also why they talk more about RecipeGate than about the fact that a very large number of countries are rioting because they can't afford to buy rice anymore. It's also why no one ever mentions that the amount of corn needed for a full tank of Biofuel could feed a person for a year. There's no easy answer to these questions. There's no "Right" and "Wrong" that can be easily illustrated by a flowchart with pretty pictures. It's just not ... entertaining enough to make the news. Until americans start starving that is.

The media is the same in every country and it makes me truly, positively sick that the free market managed to ruin the foundation on which democracy needs to be built on : information.

And the saddest thing is that the situation will only get worse as time goes on.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

Now they are taking the fact that PA is between NJ and OH, which means that Clinton should win that state by double digits.

CoolTrick logic has definitely seeped into CNN.
The host of Race to the WhiteHouse is no fan of Obama so expect nothing less. 3 of 4 of the guests on the show were pretty fed up with the prolonged bittergate discussion but the David Gregory and Scarborough wouldn't let up. Don't expect much to change any time soon.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
maximum360 said:
The host of Race to the WhiteHouse is no fan of Obama so expect nothing less. 3 of 4 of the guests on the show were pretty fed up with the prolonged bittergate discussion but the David Gregory and Scarborough wouldn't let up. Don't expect much to change any time soon.

Can't believe I'm gonna say this...

I miss Tucker.

And now Dobbs talking about how Obama is wearing a flag lapel pin.

Dobbs... /facepalm again


harSon said:
WTF! Who the hell gave Hillary a Steeler jersey and terrible towel?! I just vomited in my mouth...

The Rooneys are displeased. Hell, I'd say most of the team would be supporting Obama anyways:p

And Tucker was pretty good, He was a good balance on the network, not psycho conservative like Buchanan.


Tamanon said:
The Rooneys are displeased. Hell, I'd say most of the team would be supporting Obama anyways:p

And Tucker was pretty good, He was a good balance on the network, not psycho conservative like Buchanan.

I think Buchanan is awesome. He's a complete nut but he's entertaining!


I can't believe the condescension of Bill Clinton.


QUAKERTOWN, Pa. -- Older voters gravitate to Hillary Clinton because they're too wise to be fooled by Barack Obama's rhetoric, former president Bill Clinton told Pennsylvania voters today.

Clinton's comments, to a packed high school gym about an hour north of Philadelphia, were one part presidential politics and one part legacy protection. His beef was with Obama's contention that many of the problems facing the country today were simmering long before President Bush took office seven-plus years ago.

"I think there is a big reason there's an age difference in a lot of these polls," he said. "Because once you've reached a certain age, you won't sit there and listen to somebody tell you there's really no difference between what happened in the Bush years and the Clinton years; that there's not much difference in how small-town Pennsylvania fared when I was president, and in this decade."

Them stupid young peoples.


uh when did Barack even say there is no difference between the Clinton years and the Bush years

I mean I find that way more offensive than his implication that young people enjoy listening to rhetoric more than old people!


Amir0x said:
uh when did Barack even say there is no difference between the Clinton years and the Bush years

I mean I find that way more offensive than his implication that young people enjoy listening to rhetoric more than old people!

You're just bitter.


has calmed down a bit.
Lv99 Slacker said:
From Jack and Jill Politics (one of the several blogs I visit daily):

Obama's Impact In The Caribbean


Mavado - We Need Barack

Mighty Sparrow - Barack The Magnificent (lyrics)

I'm from the Caribbean (USVI) and this is definitely Obama country. Of course, we are in a better position than those other countries mentioned in the article because we have superdelegates, which help a heck of a lot more than songs. :D

Unfortunately, it seems like at least one of them was pledged to Hillary and seems to be sticking to that despite a ton of pressure.


Has Lou Dobbs ever won an argument? Every time an arguments starts to go out of his favor he either says something like "Stop insulting my intelligence..." or he cuts to break and says he'll continue the debate after then proceeds to never do it :p


harSon said:
Has Lou Dobbs ever won an argument? Every time an arguments starts to go out of his favor he either says something like "Stop insulting my intelligence..." or he cuts to break and says he'll continue the debate after then proceeds to never do it :p

You just described just about every TV news personality.


Can someone explain to a European what the thing is with these pundits?
What are they bringing to the table? Is it just for entertainment?
Amir0x said:
uh when did Barack even say there is no difference between the Clinton years and the Bush years

To my knowledge he has not. He praised Bill Clinton for a few things in Audacity of Hope, and even praised him early on during the campaign. Said he would consider him for some position. Can't remember what it was. Before Bill started insulting him though.


ToyMachine228 said:
To my knowledge he has not. He praised Bill Clinton for a few things in Audacity of Hope, and even praised him early on during the campaign. Said he would consider him for some position. Can't remember what it was. Before Bill started insulting him though.

Exactly. He has criticized specific aspects of Clinton's presidency - and the Democrats as a whole, actually - but he has said time and time again that Hillary would be a dramatically superior president to George Bush, and that he'd never make the mistake of saying Bill Clinton wasn't vastly better as well.

Bill Clinton is so cagey about his legacy (and the fact that in a way this campaign has been a indictment of his political career) that he just resorts to making shit up now to defend it.
Amir0x said:
uh when did Barack even say there is no difference between the Clinton years and the Bush years

I mean I find that way more offensive than his implication that young people enjoy listening to rhetoric more than old people!
Honestly, I think Bill is just paranoid.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Cheebs said:
Why should Obama condem Carter? It'd be pretty rude to since 2004 Carter and Obama have apparently become very friendly and Obama has implied before he liked Carter as President more than Clinton. It wouldn't be in Obama's character to attack Carter when he has had nothing but praise of Carter since he has been on the national scene.

the comeback kid strikes again!!!!!

how did she do it?!!!!

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Kildace said:
Because it's the way the media is structured. For a media outlet to exist, it needs to have viewers. In order to have viewers they cannot afford to offend middle-america, by far the biggest share of TV viewers by either appearing anti-american or "elitist" to them. They need to echo the talking points of the other cable news channels because if they dissent the general public will automatically think that they're wrong and they're not worth watching.

It's also why they talk more about RecipeGate than about the fact that a very large number of countries are rioting because they can't afford to buy rice anymore. It's also why no one ever mentions that the amount of corn needed for a full tank of Biofuel could feed a person for a year. There's no easy answer to these questions. There's no "Right" and "Wrong" that can be easily illustrated by a flowchart with pretty pictures. It's just not ... entertaining enough to make the news. Until americans start starving that is.

The media is the same in every country and it makes me truly, positively sick that the free market managed to ruin the foundation on which democracy needs to be built on : information.

And the saddest thing is that the situation will only get worse as time goes on.

this post really depressed me.

Bill Clinton is so cagey about his legacy (and the fact that in a way this campaign has been a indictment of his political career) that he just resorts to making shit up now to defend it.

If there's one thing I'll give Bill Clinton credit for it's that he was a great budget man. He was fiscally responsible and there's not a damn thing that you can say to argue with that. In this day and age, it's a huge accomplishment. But the problem is that Bill Clinton doesn't realize that his "legacy" which an Obama surrogate got in trouble for saying this I believe, lies in the fact that he had an affair in the White House and lied about it. I'm sorry, but in 50 years that's what the public is going to remember him the most for. He didn't have an extremely eventful Presidency, and that's not his fault at all, but he wasn't an FDR, JFK, or Teddy Roosevelt that's for sure. Bill Clinton had a lot of failures during his Presidency not the least of which are NAFTA, and failing to pass his vast health care reform that was promised.

Now, after the George Bush years, we can really look back on Bill Clinton's Presidency and say hey...Things weren't so bad! Even though he committed perjury and had an affair in the White House, still things overall weren't THAT bad. But the way he's been carrying himself on the campaign trail for Hillary is I think further hurting his legacy.

Also, I hope people notice how classy it was for Obama to don that lapel pin today. He wasn't wearing it because OMG HE REVERSED HIS POSITION ON PINS ON HIS JACKET! He was wearing it because he was handed it by a Vietnam veteran and paid his respect to him and the other veterans by wearing it. No matter what has happened, and what will happen, you have to admit that's class, and it was an awesome thing for Obama to do.
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