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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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bob_arctor said:

wtf is it and how do I kill it?


CoolTrick said:
I asked, point blank, do you believe the Reverend Wright controversy permanently hurt Obama in those groups I talked about? Yes or no.

It stopped him from completely whipping Hillary's ass but that's not exactly "hurting" him, is it? It's like holding late 80's Jordan to only 30 points. *shrug*
The following will explain the Kentucky poll, he wasn't going to win their even if he walked on water. We got to make sure, we keep "That Boys" hands off the button.


CoolTrick said:
Oh dear me dear me dear me.

Six weeks to go, surely plenty of time to make up ground, but this can't be good.

I did. I'm not really sure what to make of it. The problem I have with the Gallup Daily is that, although I'm sure a very respectable polling firm is using data they believe to be reliable, there's no breakdown of that data made public whatsoever. Personally, I predicted what I think is accurately happening: The remarks will probably halt most of Obama's progression in the state but aren't actually likely to win over a ton of new voters since those comments are most likely to offend people already in the Clinton Camp. Apparently a few pundits agree with this notion.


New LA Times/Bloomberg polls for Pennsylvania, Indiana, and North Carolina are out...

Clinton 46%
Obama 41%

Obama 40%
Clinton 35%

North Carolina
Obama 47%
Clinton 34%

Methodology: "The poll, conducted under the supervision of Times Poll Director Susan Pinkus, interviewed 623 voters in Pennsylvania, 687 in Indiana and 691 in North Carolina who expected to cast Democratic ballots. The margin of sampling error for the findings in each state is plus or minus 4 percentage points. The telephone interviews took place Thursday through Monday, meaning the bulk were conducted just as controversy broke out over an Obama remark widely criticized as demeaning rural voters in Pennsylvania."

No idea how accurate these guys are.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
"Is Obama an elitist?"

McCain: "No, but I thought his comments were."


impossible to tell. no one knows the answer to this.

No, no, I want thekad's opinion on this. Explicitly.

Why won't he answer the question?

Yes or no: Did Rev. Wright permanently hurt Obama amongst conservatives, moderates, and independants?


reilo said:
"Is Obama an elitist?"

McCain: "No, but I thought his comments were."
At least it is more accurate than most of the media over the last 48 hours...Still isn't a bad thing to be elite if you are running for president though.


Gabriel Knight
CoolTrick said:
No, no, I want thekad's opinion on this. Explicitly.

Why won't he answer the question?

Yes or no: Did Rev. Wright permanently hurt Obama amongst conservatives, moderates, and independants?

Cooltrick, answer my question.

If hillary doesn't win the nomination, do you think she will divorce Bill within 3 years?
CoolTrick said:
No, no, I want thekad's opinion on this. Explicitly.

Why won't he answer the question?

Yes or no: Did Rev. Wright permanently hurt Obama amongst conservatives, moderates, and independants?
hey man, how can anybody tell if something hurt Obama permanently? The question makes no sense. It's obviously hurt him but the effect has died down for now.


In fact, I don't like your argumentative tone. You're better than this! You're no APF!



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Jason's Ultimatum said:
What did you think about his comment on shutting down GITMO? Is that a plus in your view?

Yes it is because his stance on that was firm and direct - unlike his previous answers to torture in the GOP primaries where I couldn't get a grasp of what his stance on torture was, which is ironic considering he has campaigned his entire life against it.

CoolTrick said:

So, thekad, going to explicitly answer or not?

For someone that has relentlessly bitched and accused others of arguing for the sake for arguing, you sure don't know when to stop, do you?

Gallup polls shows it has not hurt Obama permanently. Move on.

It just makes you look pathetic for relentlessly pursuing this any further.


I'm beginning to think the media as it is now is completely incapable of covering news in any feasible matter. This shit is ridiculous. McCain food scandal? What is this self-parody shit.


Amir0x said:
I'm beginning to think the media as it is now is completely incapable of covering news in any feasible matter. This shit is ridiculous. McCain food scandal? What is this self-parody shit.

They....are....actually....speaking about the recipes? My Gods. My frakkin' Gods.


For someone that has relentlessly bitched and accused others of arguing for the sake for arguing, you sure don't know when to stop, do you?

No, no, I want to make a point: That some of the Obamaniacs in here will argue shit they don't believe is true.

Thekad got easily caught in that, because he won't answer the question. He's being a you know what. Just answer the question.


CoolTrick, could you please stop generalizing Obama supporters? Especially when you're a near carbon copy of what you criticize.


when is my burrito
Amir0x said:
I'm beginning to think the media as it is now is completely incapable of covering news in any feasible matter. This shit is ridiculous. McCain food scandal? What is this self-parody shit.

I think it's more of a reflection as to how awesome his economic speech was today. :D


VERY interesting new South Dakota poll. Shows what I figured: Obama is not dominating that region by the margin the caucuses indicate.

I have no idea how accurate this pollster is though.

I doubt South Dakota will do much of anything for anyone.

MITCHELL – The economy is on the minds of voters, and Democrats in South Dakota and North Dakota prefer Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton.

In a theoretical general election matchup, Obama trails John McCain in South Dakota but the race is too close to call in North Dakota, according to researchers at Dakota Wesleyan University.

The poll of 527 North and South Dakota voters conducted from March 24 to April 3 indicated that 46 percent of South Dakota Democrats would vote for Obama in the upcoming June 3 primary, 34 percent for Clinton, and 10 percent are undecided. Of the remaining 10 percent, 6 percent said they would not vote and 4 percent said they would vote for someone else.

Last month, the South Dakota Democratic Party discussed the possibility of allowing Independents to vote in the Democratic primary. The DWU Tiger Poll indicates that independent voters participating in the primary might have increased the margin of victory for Obama. Among South Dakota Independents surveyed, 38 percent indicated they would vote for Obama, 29 percent for Clinton, 29 percent would not vote and 5 percent remained undecided.

North Dakotans do not register to vote by political party, however, among those contacted who identified themselves as Democrats, Obama received 54 percent compared to 29 percent for Clinton in a theoretical North Dakota Democratic primary election and 12 percent were undecided. Of the remaining 5 percent of Democratic voters, 4 percent said they would not vote and 1 percent said they would vote for someone else. The 25-point margin favoring Obama is almost identical to the 24 percent margin of victory that he received during the North Dakota Democratic Party caucuses on February 5.

Among independent voters surveyed in North Dakota, in a theoretical Democratic primary election that included independent voters, 43 percent said they would vote for Obama, 23 percent for Clinton, 21 percent were undecided, 11 percent would not vote and 2 percent would vote for some other candidate.

In general election match-ups in the Dakotas between Obama and McCain, the data suggests McCain would easily win South Dakota, 51 percent to 34 percent, with 9 percent undecided, 4 percent who would not vote and 3 percent voting for someone else. In North Dakota, however, McCain and Obama appear to be in a statistical dead heat. The DWU Tiger Poll shows McCain with a slight lead over Obama, at 44 to 38 percent, but within the poll’s statewide margin of error, with 12 percent still undecided, 3 percent who would not vote and 3 percent voting for someone else.

The DWU Tiger Poll appears to confirm the results of a SurveyUSA poll conducted in early March that indicated the race in North Dakota is very close, with Obama beating McCain by 46 percent to 42 percent in that state. As with the DWU poll, the SurveyUSA outcome was within the survey’s margin of error, surprising results given the fact that North Dakota has not favored a Democrat in a presidential election since 1964.


Amir0x said:
I'm beginning to think the media as it is now is completely incapable of covering news in any feasible matter. This shit is ridiculous. McCain food scandal? What is this self-parody shit.
Did that actually make it onto TV? I thought it was a blog-post novelty. MSM running with it is insane.

Also, good for McCain for coming out against Gitmo. Has this always been his position? Is he just doing it now?
Amir0x said:
I'm beginning to think the media as it is now is completely incapable of covering news in any feasible matter. This shit is ridiculous. McCain food scandal? What is this self-parody shit.
Every time I feel like this, a cool cup of Countdown with Keith Olbermann does the trick :D

kind of like that rep calling Obama "boy..." Why isn't this HUGE news?


kind of like that rep calling Obama "boy..." Why isn't this HUGE news?

Ahhh, so condescendingly referring to a candidate as "boy" should be huge news, but a candidate being condescending to the voters shouldn't be.

CoolTrick said:
Ahhh, so condescendingly referring to a candidate as "boy" should be huge news, but a candidate being condescending to the voters shouldn't be.

apples and oranges mang - you can't seriously compare being a racist and calling people bitter as the same thing...

joke character confirmed :(
GhaleonEB said:
Did that actually make it onto TV? I thought it was a blog-post novelty. MSM running with it is insane.

Also, good for McCain for coming out against Gitmo. Has this always been his position? Is he just doing it now?

I'm glad to see that's his position also, but it will probably change in a month, see waterboarding.


Amir0x said:
McCain is pretty difficult to hate. He's like a warm grandpa, lovingly lecturing you on his given moral code.

I always have a "You know, I wouldn't actually mind voting for this guy" though until he actually opens his mouth and states his positions :p


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
CoolTrick said:
Ahhh, so condescendingly referring to a candidate as "boy" should be huge news, but a candidate being condescending to the voters shouldn't be.


err....it would be condescending if Obama was white, but because he is Black the term "boy" can be viewed as a racial insult.

would you walk up to a black guy and call him "boy"?

it's clear that you are pretty selective in how you argue because this "boy" comment goes beyond being viewed as condescending to just Obama. The combination of a white person calling a black man "boy" is serious shit to get bitter about.

if bitter can be spun then this shit is practically a tornado


Junior Butler
Amir0x said:
McCain is pretty difficult to hate. He's like a warm grandpa, lovingly lecturing you on his given moral code.

Until you change the channel when he's watching Jeopardy!.

Then he'll backhand you while verbally abusing your mother.


harSon said:
I always have a "You know, I wouldn't actually mind voting for this guy" though until he actually opens his mouth and states his positions :p

yeah but that's kind of how most of us treat our warm grandparents anyway.

We listen to them out of respect, but most of us wouldn't agree with their standards in this day and age.
Amir0x said:
McCain is pretty difficult to hate. He's like a warm grandpa, lovingly lecturing you on his given moral code.

you don't have to hate someone to not want them to be elected :p

i actually like and respect john mccain as a person, i just think he has some pretty terrible policies and would make either a bad or at best mediocre president (in the off chance he doesn't get us involved in another war)


CoolTrick said:
Ahhh, so condescendingly referring to a candidate as "boy" should be huge news, but a candidate being condescending to the voters shouldn't be.


Dude wtf? That ain't even close to the same thing.


Francois the Great said:
you don't have to hate someone to not want them to be elected :p

i actually like and respect john mccain as a person, i just think he has some pretty terrible policies and would make either a bad or at best mediocre president (in the off chance he doesn't get us involved in another war)

Well yeah that was pretty much exactly my whole point. I thought that was clear!
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