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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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I would actually say that the whole martyr status definitely helped solidify Abe's (quite deserved) reputation as a hero to the country, especially given all the death and impeachment threats he was getting at that point, so that's cool.

JFK was different than Garfield...etc

Because he was seen as "stolen" from us. He was young, had a bright future and was seen almost like a King. All of those King Arthur and Camelot comparions and so forth.

Garfield/McKinley don't apply. Neither of them had won America's hearts in a way JFK did and no one has since him (one could say Obama might but he needs to win before that could be said)
I know. Basic thing is that JFK = totally undeserving of his reputation as a great president that he gets primarily from said "martyr" status. There have been presidents both good and extremely popular with the public before (both Roosevelts are a good example of this) but they're rare and, hate to say it, but JFK was not one of them. Although of course there is the lingering (and totally unprovable) myth that he woulda been great had he lived, but who the hell knows if that's true.

Basically, baby boomers need to hurry up and die so we can actually evaluate JFK's presidency on its own mediocre merits rather than on the emotional reaction to his death.
Kidding. Sort of.


Master of the Google Search
Lou Thieblemont
Rick Gray
Tom McMahon
John S. Brenner

After a quick look I found 4 Penn. Mayors endorsing Obama, and I'm sure there are more small mayors endorsing him too. So obama is very likely to have at least 19 Penn mayors


CoolTrick said:
Does Obama even have nineteen mayors endorsing him?

Nah. He just has the majority of votes in the country, but I mean, the people of the country aren't as important as the mayors or endorsements.
Cheebs said:
you know why he was wearing it? If you didnt you wouldnt make that petty remark.

A disabled Iraq Vet this morning gave it to him and asked him to please wear one for him. What was Obama to say? No?

It was really a lose-lose for Obama on that one. If he wears the pin, people call him a flip-flopper but if he doesn't wear the pin after being asked by a veteran imagine the media uproar over that one.

Triumph said:
Duh. In related news, Arlen Specter's cancer is sadly back. I really doubt he'll run again in 2010. It will be weird to hear "Senator Franken yields the floor to Senator Matthews."

Sorry, I don't spend every minute of the day following political ambitions and idle speculation. The reason I said it was because on his show in the recent weeks he's been playing up the notion that he's from PA and people from PA wants someone to listen to them. He overemphasizes this on every show. His contract is almost up too so it might be a good exit strategy.


Kildace said:
Because it's the way the media is structured. For a media outlet to exist, it needs to have viewers. In order to have viewers they cannot afford to offend middle-america, by far the biggest share of TV viewers by either appearing anti-american or "elitist" to them. They need to echo the talking points of the other cable news channels because if they dissent the general public will automatically think that they're wrong and they're not worth watching.

It's also why they talk more about RecipeGate than about the fact that a very large number of countries are rioting because they can't afford to buy rice anymore. It's also why no one ever mentions that the amount of corn needed for a full tank of Biofuel could feed a person for a year. There's no easy answer to these questions. There's no "Right" and "Wrong" that can be easily illustrated by a flowchart with pretty pictures. It's just not ... entertaining enough to make the news. Until americans start starving that is.

The media is the same in every country and it makes me truly, positively sick that the free market managed to ruin the foundation on which democracy needs to be built on : information.

And the saddest thing is that the situation will only get worse as time goes on.
Where was your thread on these revolts?


Small balls, big fun!
scorcho said:
so has anyone mocked McCain's economic plan? Brian Lehrer and guests had a pretty good rundown today - http://www.wnyc.org/shows/bl/episodes/2008/04/15/segments/96896

Doesn't sound as catastrophic as Rudy's Hail Mary plan to raze the tax base, but just as dumb.

But hey, maybe he'll come out with a better, completely different plan in a few weeks. He did that on the housing crisis issue, and he's pretty much a tabula rasa when it comes to economic issues.
thefro said:

ABC/WaPost Poll: Bittergate hits Clinton for massive damage.

whoever the dem nominee they'll have to work twice as hard. one part re-energizing the dem base to unite behind them and the other part battling the republican nom.

so the GE question to ask is...which dem candidate would handle both situations with finesse? mccain has a few months headstart getting the republicans in line.
Battersea Power Station said:
Aren't Hillary's actions weakening her own party? Why is she continuing this stupid battle?
Remember how she said that no matter who gets the nom, the Democratic party will be united? With all this bullshit she has pulled she will have a lot of making up to do if she loses. I'm talking about getting Hillary to actively campaign for Obama. That's the least she can do to make up for the damage she has done.
polyh3dron said:
Remember how she said that no matter who gets the nom, the Democratic party will be united? With all this bullshit she has pulled she will have a lot of making up to do if she loses. I'm talking about getting Hillary to actively campaign for Obama. That's the least she can do to make up for the damage she has done.

Dear god. No.


Battersea Power Station said:
Aren't Hillary's actions weakening her own party? Why is she continuing this stupid battle?

I don't think she cares at all. I believe this is the moment she's been striving for all her life and she'd go to hell and back to get it.


Lv99 Slacker said:
Dear god. No.

Yeah. I'd have to think she'd be thinking more along the lines of "if I can't have it, NO ONE CAN" here. She should just say, "hey all you supporters of mine, support this guy here. No, the one I've been blasting for months. Yes, 'really.'"
If I were in Obama's camp I'd be playing the down by 20% as hard as I can. Embracing slim margins means that he would have to perform in the 3 - 5% area to be seen as a "winner". If the polls are saying 5% and he loses by 8+% then it will look like a blowout in a primary he never really has stood a chance in winning anyways.


Ante Up
Tommie Hu$tle said:
If I were in Obama's camp I'd be playing the down by 20% as hard as I can. Embracing slim margins means that he would have to perform in the 3 - 5% area to be seen as a "winner". If the polls are saying 5% and he loses by 8+% then it will look like a blowout in a primary he never really has stood a chance in winning anyways.

Agreed; this constant moving fo goalposts earned Obama a reputation of not being able to "close the deal," despite the fact that any other candidate not named Clinton in the exact same situation would have been out by March 4.
mashoutposse said:
Agreed; this constant moving fo goalposts earned Obama a reputation of not being able to "close the deal," despite the fact that any other candidate not named Clinton in the exact same situation would have been out by March 4.

I mean how many times should he have closed the deal?

New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Texas? And if you look at the losses they were not that bad they just were not wins.


100% logic failure rate
I want blowback to the media about this bs. How can you get the biggest lead you've ever had nationally after all the talking heads liberal and conservative have told all the small town people how offended they should be about his "demeaning, patronizing comments". Instead of trying to tell the people how they should feel how about it how about asking them before proclaiming it.
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