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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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I would disagree with the notion that there's a majority "middle-america" that likes seeing the crap the US cable networks spew out. Not likely.

What's at work is the pursuit of ratings and the prevalence of personal biases, combining to make some horrific "news coverage". It's not pandering, except in the sense that panic and controversy = ratings!


testicles on a cold fall morning
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I still don't get what they mean by "two tax rates" plan.
the 'shotgun' technique - throw shit out there and see what sticks.

i find it funny that running two simultaneous tax codes will somehow make things simpler.
So Chris Matthews is pushing the Bittergate issue as a big negative against Obama in PA. I think he's positioning himself to run for some future position in PA.


maximum360 said:
So Chris Matthews is pushing the Bittergate issue as a big negative against Obama in PA. I think he's positioning himself to run for some future position in PA.
Duh. In related news, Arlen Specter's cancer is sadly back. I really doubt he'll run again in 2010. It will be weird to hear "Senator Franken yields the floor to Senator Matthews."


Triumph said:
Duh. In related news, Arlen Specter's cancer is sadly back. I really doubt he'll run again in 2010. It will be weird to hear "Senator Franken yields the floor to Senator Matthews."
Ed Rendell wants Matthews to run too. The PA dem establishment is seemingly setting up 2010 to elect Chris Matthews. Its so weird.

Arlen Specter has cancer and will be 80 in a state that is growing more and more democratic. I cant see him staying around. And the Rendell machine will ensure Matthews goes unchallenged in the primaries...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Triumph said:
Duh. In related news, Arlen Specter's cancer is sadly back. I really doubt he'll run again in 2010. It will be weird to hear "Senator Franken yields the floor to Senator Matthews."

It is? :(

He was just on Real Time two weeks ago discussing how he overcame it.


Cheebs said:
Ed Rendell wants Matthews to run too. The PA dem establishment is seemingly setting up 2010 to elect Chris Matthews. Its so weird.
I'm calling it- in 20 years we'll have a former porn star as a member of Congress. I'm betting on Lex Steele.


reilo said:
It is? :(

He was just on Real Time two weeks ago discussing how he overcame it.
He annouced today it has came back and he will beginning chemo soon.

It's sad, he is one of the better republican senators but I dont think his health will allow him to put up a tough fight in PA when the establishment is setting up for a tough fight already.
Dramatic Obama

This would make a nice Gif.

siamesedreamer said:
Obama back to wearing flag lapel.Flip-Flop

I just made a post about this that you failed to read.

Also, I hope people notice how classy it was for Obama to don that lapel pin today. He wasn't wearing it because OMG HE REVERSED HIS POSITION ON PINS ON HIS JACKET! He was wearing it because he was handed it by a Vietnam veteran and paid his respect to him and the other veterans by wearing it. No matter what has happened, and what will happen, you have to admit that's class, and it was an awesome thing for Obama to do.


Cheebs said:
Matthews was in politics before he was on tv you know that right?
Of course I know that. It doesn't matter, it's bizarre to have someone who has never won an elected office running for and winning a US Senate seat.


Triumph said:
Of course I know that. It doesn't matter, it's bizarre to have someone who has never won an elected office running for and winning a US Senate seat.
Its just how things flow. Who'd ever imagine AL FRANKEN would be the front runner to win an election in a mid-west swing state?


Master of the Google Search
Cheebs said:
Its just how things flow. Who'd ever imagine AL FRANKEN would be the front runner to win an election in a mid-west swing state?

Since when has Al Franken been the frontrunner?


grandjedi6 said:
Since when has Al Franken been the frontrunner?
He's definitely the frontrunner for the dem nomination. If I remember correctly he's polling about even or slightly up on Coleman. I fully expect him to win.
100 Pennsylvania mayors endorse Hillary Clinton for president

HARRISBURG — Tthe Hillary Clinton campaign today announced 100 mayors who are endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.

Following Sen. Barack Obama’s remarks dismissing small town America, mayors joined supporters today in Harrisburg to declare their support for Clinton.

"I am proud to have such strong support from 100 of Pennsylvania’s finest mayors,” Clinton said. “From small towns to big cities, these mayors work hard every day to improve the lives of the people they serve and they know they need a strong partner in Washington to help them bring affordable health care and revitalize their local economies.”



Master of the Google Search
Triumph said:
He's definitely the frontrunner for the dem nomination. If I remember correctly he's polling about even or slightly up on Coleman. I fully expect him to win.

Franken has been polling below Coleman for a while now. And he is essentially running unopposed for the nomination.


grandjedi6 said:
Franken has been polling below Coleman for a while now. And he is essentially running unopposed for the nomination.
When a incumbent polls under 50% that tends to be terrible. Plus the fact Obama will win the state gives Franken coat-tails. Franken will win this.

I'll go as far as to say that nearly every democrat in a "toss-up" senate race this year will win. I fully expect a good 5-6 pickups in the senate.

If Obama is elected and can avoid the second year slump I expect dems to hit the 60-vote super majority by 2010.


grandjedi6 said:
Franken has been polling below Coleman for a while now. And he is essentially running unopposed for the nomination.
Scroll down. SUSA poll on Feb. 12th had Coleman up by 1 point, more recent Rasmussen polls have him up by only 2. I'd call that basically tied.


Master of the Google Search
Deus Ex Machina said:

Hmm, just from a cursory glance, alot of those mayors are were either already endorsing her or complete no-names. Still impressive as a talking point

Cheebs said:
When a incumbent polls under 50% that tends to be terrible. Plus the fact Obama will win the state gives Franken coat-tails. Franken will win this.

I'll go as far as to say that nearly every democrat in a "toss-up" senate race this year will win. I fully expect a good 5-6 pickups in the senate.
I'm not contesting that Franken will win, just pointing out that he is not the frontrunner currently


Triumph said:
Scroll down. SUSA poll on Feb. 12th had Coleman up by 1 point, more recent Rasmussen polls have him up by only 2. I'd call that basically tied.
Yep. And again this is a presidential year. Obama's coat-tails will easy give Franken a few extra % boost.

When you run in a state in a presidential year where your party's candidate carries the state you almost always are given a nice extra chunk of votes you wouldn't get in a off year election.

Unless your name is Bill Clinton (dems lost seats both years he won but that is the exception to the rule)


grandjedi6 said:
Hmm, just from a cursory glance, alot of those mayors are were either already endorsing her or complete no-names. Still impressive as a talking point

I'm not contesting that Franken will win, just pointing out that he is not the frontrunner currently
I was not going by polling. I am going by pure election year trends. Obama carrying the state (and he easily will) gives Franken a big boost due to people lazily voting straight ticket based on their presidential pick.


siamesedreamer said:
Obama back to wearing flag lapel.

you know why he was wearing it? If you didnt you wouldnt make that petty remark.

A disabled Iraq Vet this morning gave it to him and asked him to please wear one for him. What was Obama to say? No?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
ToyMachine228 said:
If there's one thing I'll give Bill Clinton credit for it's that he was a great budget man. He was fiscally responsible and there's not a damn thing that you can say to argue with that. In this day and age, it's a huge accomplishment. But the problem is that Bill Clinton doesn't realize that his "legacy" which an Obama surrogate got in trouble for saying this I believe, lies in the fact that he had an affair in the White House and lied about it. I'm sorry, but in 50 years that's what the public is going to remember him the most for. He didn't have an extremely eventful Presidency, and that's not his fault at all, but he wasn't an FDR, JFK, or Teddy Roosevelt that's for sure.

And he doesn't have a stuffed animal bear to his name, either!


Mayors for Clinton rally draws small turnout

HARRISBURG, Pa. - Turnout at a "100 Mayors for Hillary" rally in Harrisburg was a little under 20 percent.

Only 19 mayors of small and medium-sized Pennsylvania cities showed up for Tuesday's rally in the rotunda of the Pennsylvania Capitol. Other mayors' names were listed on placards supporting Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York for the Democratic presidential nomination.



100% logic failure rate
Harrisburg Mayor Stephen Reed spoke for the group.

Reed criticized Clinton's rival, Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, for saying at a San Francisco fundraiser last week that some voters in small towns in Pennsylvania cling to guns or religion because of their frustration over their economic circumstances.

Wow, how stupid are these people. I have no problem with them supporting Clinton but why as a democrat would you continue to harp on crap that will hurt the likely democratic nominee. I get why Clinton is doing it but even Rendell gets it in terms of party loyalty.


Master of the Google Search
Cheebs said:
When you run in a state in a presidential year where your party's candidate carries the state you almost always are given a nice extra chunk of votes you wouldn't get in a off year election.

Unless your name is Bill Clinton (dems lost seats both years he won but that is the exception to the rule)

I'm pretty sure you are trying to describe down ticket effect. But your current statement isn't true at all. There are countless scenarios were the candidate has lost despite being in a state won by the President during that election year. And I can't see how Bill is the exception since the Democrats gained house seats in 1996.

Tamanon said:
I guess most of them had something more important to do than a dog and pony show that nobody cares about.

Alot of them were from towns of less than 10,000. So its not surprising that they didn't give a damn
GaimeGuy said:
we need a non-profit news organization :(
Well, you could watch/listen to the BBC, which I find to be generally pretty good in terms of coverage. I listen to a BBC podcast every day and they've been talking about the food riots, elections in Africa, etc. with an occasional (brief) update on the U.S. presidential elections.

Or you could watch PBS, which is a non-profit, publicly funded (through both grants and individual donations) network that is generally top-notch in its news coverage and in its historical programs. Of course, there's a lot of cooking and children's shows and other things you'll never watch, but I suppose you've got to have variety. NPR is pretty much the same, but for radio.


Master of the Google Search
icarus-daedelus said:
Well, you could watch/listen to the BBC, which I find to be generally pretty good in terms of coverage. I listen to a BBC podcast every day and they've been talking about the food riots, elections in Africa, etc. with an occasional (brief) update on the U.S. presidential elections.

Or you could watch PBS, which is a non-profit, publicly funded (through both grants and individual donations) network that is generally top-notch in its news coverage and in its historical programs. Of course, there's a lot of cooking and children's shows and other things you'll never watch, but I suppose you've got to have variety. NPR is pretty much the same, but for radio.

NPR has an online site too with political news
ToyMachine228 said:
He didn't have an extremely eventful Presidency, and that's not his fault at all, but he wasn't an FDR, JFK, or Teddy Roosevelt that's for sure.
Hell, JFK wasn't even a JFK. Dude doesn't measure up to his own reputation.


sp0rsk said:
19 is pretty close to 100.

:lol Sp0rsk, you just made me spit milk on my screen.

How am I going to sell my MacBook now, with milk all over it?

What the hell am I doing drinking milk, anyway.
grandjedi6 said:
That tends to happen with martyrs
Well, yeah except for Lincoln.

And James Garfield and William McKinley... I'm pretty sure nobody gives a fuck about them, so they really don't have a reputation to live up to. Though I think Garfield was in office for like three seconds anyway.


JFK was different than Garfield...etc

Because he was seen as "stolen" from us. He was young, had a bright future and was seen almost like a King. All of those King Arthur and Camelot comparions and so forth.

Garfield/McKinley don't apply. Neither of them had won America's hearts in a way JFK did and no one has since him (one could say Obama might but he needs to win before that could be said)
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