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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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I believe there's 14 permanent bases:



APF said:
Unfortunately, his own monster-slaying foreign policy advisor has gone on the record saying Obama shouldn't be held to the policies and statements he made before he becomes President, which means even those tiny scraps of actual information rather than hot air he deems us worthy enough to grace us with are completely meaningless--literally pure rhetoric--in a practical sense.

To be fair, I don't think you'd ever want a candidate who will only go by what they say on the campaign trail, although maybe you do, since that's what Clinton has said;)


Call an engineer and send me the bill.

I claim the fact i have been drinking..(which happens more and more lately). Oh well hopefully he annouces the obvious to throw people off like I will attack IRAN. I think everyone knows its happening anyhow..
MassiveAttack said:
Yep. Because as we all know, Iraq and Aghanistan have a lot in common with Germany, Japan and Korea. It's a one size fits all policy.

I think I have a reasonable understanding of the regional politics and strategy.

The bottom line is that like it or not the US is now invested in the regional stability of Iraq and has a National level need to counter balance the influence of Iran. You don't have to like how we got there and that it was implemented disastrously at the National and Strategic levels. But the reality is that it is imperative to US regional interests for the US to bolster Iraq's security forces until they can implement some levels of domestic political reforms.

What you would hope is that a new president could get more commitments from other countries to support in rebuilding the infrastructure. That is about the best you can hope for, I've worked with the Iraqis and they are not inclined to "figure it out" with out some sort of outside Western influence (which is in the US's interest) the country will quickly revert to sectarianism and civil war.


CoolTrick said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol THAT'S THE BEST THEY HAVE!
Personally, I think the "best they have" is the fact that they lead in pledged delegates, states won and popular vote. I'm old fashioned that way, tho.


Also Tommie...It is great source for the Royal Houses in Saudi not to be overthrown...with US military presence in the next country over they lose that much less face.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
grandjedi6 said:
My Dad got a letter like that from Reagan. Does that mean my Dad is best buds with him?

Hell, I got one of those from Bush and I'm as liberal as they come

So is it impossible that they were cool with the guy? Just asking.
Smiles and Cries said:
"candidates say they would follow Osama Bin Laden to gates of Hell, but refuse to follow him where he actually is"

Some what I understand, Hell has better hotels and golf courses than the tribal regions of Pakistan.
Nicodimas said:
Also Tommie...It is great source for the Royal Houses in Saudi not to be overthrown...with US military presence in the next country over they lose that much less face.

Yes great additional point. A civil war in Iraq would have rolling effects in Saudi Arabia. Who would most likely fund the Sunnis who are sometimes affiliated with Al Queda in Iraq. With AQ expressed intent being the downfall of the Saudi royals you would see why a porous refugee situation as well as open conflict would be dangerous for them. Syria and Turkey would also end up with a large refugee population which would naturally lead Turkey to place troops in the northern part of Iraq. Again this is a bad situation for all involved. Again I'm not defending the war, far from it. I just see what the implications of a full scale pullout would be. Even Obama has suggested 1 to 2 brigades a month which would make a full pullout last longer than a year or two at best. My personal belief is that it would take half as long as we are in Iraq to properly pull out of Iraq. So IMO is should take 2.5 years to do a proper pullout. But, to most that would take too long.


Tommie I think the next year will suprise you if you think 2.5 years..Its going to be a trip.

Maybe one superpower is a bad thing..


Not Banned from OT
Tonight proves I am right. Obama is no different than any other snake who runs for office. He will use dirty smear if needed just like all the others. He was able to hide before now because the media protected his ass. I want to hear the Obama people cry foul on him and claim he is trying to destroy the party. Operation chaos is working to perfection.


Master of the Google Search
quest said:
Tonight proves I am right. Obama is no different than any other snake who runs for office. He will use dirty smear if needed just like all the others. He was able to hide before now because the media protected his ass. I want to hear the Obama people cry foul on him and claim he is trying to destroy the party. Operation chaos is working to perfection.


Master of the Google Search
quest said:
Tonight proves I am right. Obama is no different than any other snake who runs for office. He will use dirty smear if needed just like all the others. He was able to hide before now because the media protected his ass. I want to hear the Obama people cry foul on him and claim he is trying to destroy the party. Operation chaos is working to perfection.


Boneheaded move by the Obama campaign. I get the point they are trying to get across (Theres more to the man then the sound bytes played nonstop by the media) but it comes off as petty and childish.


quest said:
Tonight proves I am right. Obama is no different than any other snake who runs for office. He will use dirty smear if needed just like all the others. He was able to hide before now because the media protected his ass. I want to hear the Obama people cry foul on him and claim he is trying to destroy the party. Operation chaos is working to perfection.
If anything, tonight has just re-affirmed that you are, in fact, an idiot.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
A civil war in Iraq would have rolling effects in Saudi Arabia. Who would most likely fund the Sunnis who are sometimes affiliated with Al Queda in Iraq. With AQ expressed intent being the downfall of the Saudi royals you would see why a porous refugee situation as well as open conflict would be dangerous for them. Syria and Turkey would also end up with a large refugee population which would naturally lead Turkey to place troops in the northern part of Iraq. Again this is a bad situation for all involved. Again I'm not defending the war, far from it. I just see what the implications of a full scale pullout would be.

Which is exactly why the Democrats will pull one of the biggest flip flops in Amercian political history should they win the White House.


Triumph said:
If anything, tonight has just re-affirmed that you are, in fact, an idiot.

I don't think that someone who got a month-long ban for being so overly confident about the Texas primary results has any right to call someone else an idiot.
harSon said:
Boneheaded move by the Obama campaign. I get the point they are trying to get across (Theres more to the man then the sound bytes played nonstop by the media) but it comes off as petty and childish.

Slowly, but surely, the pedestal is crumbling...
siamesedreamer said:
Which is exactly why the Democrats will pull one of the biggest flip flops in Amercian political history should they win the White House.

Every Democratic presidential candidate has stated that some forces would remain expressly for engaging in counter-terrorism. I regardless of the candidate they are all playing to the Democratic base on that one. I don't have an issue with that, I do believe that a Democratic president would be more able to engage other major nations to get more actively involved in the stability of Iraq.

The reality of the situation is that Iraq is not a military issue it is an political one.


CoolTrick said:
I don't think that someone who got a month-long ban for being so overly confident about the Texas primary results has any right to call someone else an idiot.

This is quite amusing coming from someone who thinks Obama is going to pardon Osama Bin Laden because of sympathy caused by his Muslim blood.


This is quite amusing coming from someone who thinks Obama is going to pardon Osama Bin Laden because of sympathy caused by his Muslim blood.

Really! Please point to the post and topic where I made that statement.

Oh, wait, you can't.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
Every Democratic presidential candidate has stated that some forces would remain expressly for engaging in counter-terrorism. I regardless of the candidate they are all playing to the Democratic base on that one. I don't have an issue with that, I do believe that a Democratic president would be more able to engage other major nations to get more actively involved in the stability of Iraq.

The reality of the situation is that Iraq is not a military issue it is an political one.

I honestly think you're right there. We'll see a drawdown of our forces and more appealing to other nations for their help. A "coalition of the willing for real this time". Especially since other countries will probably be a bit more eager to help now that they'll be dealing with a new leader.


CoolTrick said:
Really! Please point to the post and topic where I made that statement.

Oh, wait, you can't.

It's an exaggeration. Everyone is well aware of your statements about Obama possibly being sympathetic towards Islamic terrorists because of his "close interactions" with Muslims.


force push the doodoo rock
CoolTrick said:
Interesting coming from a TOS enforcer. Backing the person who throws around the most personal insults for no reason.

There's personal insults and then there is the truth.


NMan said:

I've been saying this since the beginning. Every time Roland Martin suggests that people watch the entire sermon, they respond with "I'm not going to voluntarily listen to that filth". People hear what they want to hear.

sp0rsk said:
There's personal insults and then there is the truth.

People are emotional when defending something they truly like, surely you've been emotional for something?


Nicodimas said:
Only if the new leader includes them in the money flow.

Thats the sad reality. Much of the opposition to going into Iraq from other countries was based on Sweet money deals with Saddam and those deals being fucked up and voided
Nicodimas said:
Only if the new leader includes them in the money flow.

That's part of the deal. I don't think any political leader can say join me and I get all the cash but, I'll make sure you get a really nice fruit basket.

You have to pay to play. I think the Bush Administration's critical error was not going to war it was going to war and not giving all the major players a good piece of the pie. If they would have offered up more of the spoils. Hell, even if all the major players could split Iraq up into their own fiefdoms that would have been ok as well. I'm not talking about what's "fair" I'm talking about what's profitable. But, to do that it would have taken a level of honesty that the Bush Administration has been incapable of for the past 8 years.


sp0rsk said:
There's personal insults and then there is the truth.


"Obama is like any other politician."
"So and so is an idiot for believing that."

Personally, if you're convinced that second statement is "the truth", then it speaks volumes about you.

It's an exaggeration. Everyone is well aware of your statements about Obama possibly being sympathetic towards Islamic terrorists because of his "close interactions" with Muslims.


Point to what post and topic I said he'd be sympathetic to Islamic terrorists?
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