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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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force push the doodoo rock
Sure, I don't know what being passionate has to do with someone being a total buffoon though.

I can't believe I was banned for ONE WEEK fuation.or jokingly saying "first" in this thread.

Just for future reference, unless you say you are joking, no one knows you are joking.


sp0rsk said:
Sure, I don't know what being passionate has to do with someone being a total buffoon though.

"Obama is like any other politician."
"You're a baffoon for thinking that."

Again, sorry, who's the one throwing around personal insults here? Afterall, if such things are a problem in these threads...


Master of the Google Search
CoolTrick said:
I don't think that someone who got a month-long ban for being so overly confident about the Texas primary results has any right to call someone else an idiot.

Hilarious, considering Triumph was only banned for 3 days


sp0rsk said:
Sure, I don't know what being passionate has to do with someone being a total buffoon though.

Just for future reference, unless you say you are joking, no one knows you are joking.

Insinuating that the entire thread is complete shit except for a single person is a bit of a reach no?
Tommie Hu$tle said:
Regardless of the candidate they are all playing to the Democratic base on that one. I don't have an issue with that...

Totally disagree. As much bullshit as we've heard over the last 6 years about Iraq, we deserve to be told the truth. Completely withdrawing is simply not going to happen. Will they pull some troops? Yes. Like I've said before, its a 2010 midterm election necessity. But, there will still be significant US military presence in Iraq 4 years from now. Why can't the Democrats tell us the truth? At least McCain does.


force push the doodoo rock
CoolTrick said:

"Obama is like any other politician."
"So and so is an idiot for believing that."

Personally, if you're convinced that second statement is "the truth", then it speaks volumes about you.

It sounds so innocent when you dilute it down like that! If you're going to use a quote as an example, it's a bit more effective to use the actual quote.

Either way, anyone so quick to throw out the jump to conclusions mat and have a party typically isn't very bright.

Insinuating that the entire thread is complete shit except for a single person is a bit of a reach no?

I'm not saying that the thread is shit per say, I'm saying Triumph is the only thing that makes reading it enjoyable.


CoolTrick said:
Interesting coming from a TOS enforcer. Backing the person who throws around the most personal insults for no reason.

Hey folks, I just call it like I see it. Hell, lord knows I've publicly insulted sporkslkdkjdksjslkjkjsss and amirox more over the past year than any number of Clinton supporters or right leaning maroons combined. Just saying!

I don't think that someone who got a month-long ban for being so overly confident about the Texas primary results has any right to call someone else an idiot.
Well, since it was supposed to be a two month ban and ended up lasting less than a week, I'd say your opinion is obviously in the minority. THE PEOPLE NEED THEIR DOSE OF THE TRIUMPH FACTOR!


CoolTrick said:

"Obama is like any other politician."
"So and so is an idiot for believing that."

Personally, if you're convinced that second statement is "the truth", then it speaks volumes about you.


Point to what post and topic I said he'd be sympathetic to Islamic terrorists?



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives


harSon said:

Uh, that's nice, but I still don't see anything that shows I thought Obama wouldn't go after Islamic terrorists.

Unless you want to go stereotype some rogue Muslim nations in terms of relations with us as all being Islamic terrorists, especially in the vein of Osama bin Laden which is what your train of thought seemed to imply.


CoolTrick said:
Uh, that's nice, but I still don't see anything that shows I thought Obama wouldn't go after Islamic terrorists.

Unless you want to go stereotype some rogue Muslim nations in terms of relations with us as all being Islamic terrorists, especially in the vein of Osama bin Laden which is what your train of thought seemed to imply.

You questioned his judgment when Muslims were involved. Muslim includes everything from the little boy at the market to the Islamic Jihadist.


CoolTrick said:
Uh, that's nice, but I still don't see anything that shows I thought Obama wouldn't go after Islamic terrorists.

Unless you want to go stereotype some rogue Muslim nations in terms of relations with us as all being Islamic terrorists, especially in the vein of Osama bin Laden which is what your train of thought seemed to imply.

To be fair

What's so bad about having Muslim sympathies, exactly? Some people want that, and want someone who will use diplomacy. I just wonder if it could play a small role in equation of how aggressive Obama would be against our enemies in the middle east in terms of potentially needing to go to war, compared to Clinton.

Who are our "enemies" in the Middle East except for terrorists?
Alright, I just realized I haven't picked up my Xbox controller in over a week.

Y'all have a good weekend.

Triumph, I'm now leaning toward a SFW version of our BOMBZALDROPPEN girl. See where your boner takes you. I've got a couple ideas. Let me know what you find so we can compare notes.


Gabriel Knight
CoolTrick said:
:lol Oh, well, then I was mistaken.

Still, I think it's a pretty big stretch for YOU to be calling anyone an idiot.
Wow after being owned so beautifully, one would think you would bow out of this thread gracefully..

but alas you and the campaign you support know nothing of stepping down when the time has come to do so


siamesedreamer said:
Alright, I just realized I haven't picked up my Xbox controller in over a week.

Y'all have a good weekend.

Triumph, I'm now leaning toward a SFW version of our BOMBZALDROPPEN girl. See where your boner takes you. I've got a couple ideas. Let me know what you find so we can compare notes.
Hit up my pm box, friend.

CoolTrick said:
:lol Oh, well, then I was mistaken.

Still, I think it's a pretty big stretch for YOU to be calling anyone an idiot.
(neutral) CoolTrick
(Today, 12:35 AM)

Nuff said!
harSon said:
Obviously not since he specifically mentioned our enemies in Muslim nations. Not that it matters anymore...
oh come on harson, you of all people gonna sit here and say that he should be clearer when you proclaim to understand what people mean in the other thread?


topsyturvy said:
oh come on harson, you of all people gonna sit here and say that he should be clearer when you proclaim to understand what people mean in the other thread?

Are you talking about my interpretation of "Typical white people"? Because the Obama campaign put out the same interpretation later in the day :p

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
No; the textbook, historical definition of trolling is more what quadriplegicjon was doing earlier.

i was agreeing with you!! how the hell is that trolling? ! im on your side buddy.

APF said:
Unfortunately, his own monster-slaying foreign policy advisor has gone on the record saying Obama shouldn't be held to the policies and statements he made before he becomes President, which means even those tiny scraps of actual information rather than hot air he deems us worthy enough to grace us with are completely meaningless--literally pure rhetoric--in a practical sense.

exactly. anything he says is now null and void. it doesnt matter how many specifics he gives. that foreign policy advisor hosed him. there's no convincing us! we see the truth.! more messiah rhetoric!

Looks like you all had an eventful night.

I feel bad for CoolTrick though. He was continuously accosted by the Obamaites through no fault of his own.

Damn cultists.


Master of the Google Search
Thunder Monkey said:

Looks like you all had an eventful night.

I feel bad for CoolTrick though. He was continuously accosted by the Obamaites through no fault of his own.

Damn cultists.

::New target found, initiating Cult oppression tactics 15::


grandjedi6 said:
::New target found, initiating Cult oppression tactics 15::
::Initiate post history search::

I found this noteworthy.


When asked, Clinton ignored the Wright portion of the question and said "well my campaign has been making the case that I am the most electable that I have said that for a year or more that I am the person best able to make the challenges that our country faces as commander in chief."

When Clinton was then asked specifically if her campaign was pushing the Wright story -- she shrugged and took the next question, ignoring the reporter.

Subsequently, however, Hillary spokesperson Doug Hattaway offered some clarification to ABC News: "She was and is unaware of anyone on the campaign pushing [the Wright] issue with superdelegates. She wants anyone who is talking to superdelegates to focus on our message, which is that she's best prepared to be president and beat John McCain."

It's worth noting that when ABC asked the spokesperson whether Hillary was calling on advisers to refrain from using Wright as part of their argument, he said: "Since she is unaware of anyone doing that, I assume it hasn't come up."


mckmas8808 said:
I'll say this again. In context this whole speech is TOTALLY DIFFERENT!

Some comments are still idiotic but the ones being played non stop by the media (God damn America) is completely different when in context.
I take back everything I said about Rev. Wright, he is more patriotic than the bastards, including me that thought he was reprehensible. Putting those sermons in context, are great teaching tools, their is nothing anti american or hateful about them. The MSM, should be ashamed of itself for this High Tech Lynching and assassinating this mans career.

I apologize Rev. Wright, You are more American than I.
Not to bring this whole argument up again, but besides the AIDS conspiracy thing (which I understand given Tuskegee and other such experiments on minorities - I don't blame people for mistrusting the government enough to think that they would do that) I agree with everything he said! I shouldn't be surprised, but I can't help but be a little shocked at how majority of the media talking heads are just so obtuse that they can't take any criticism of america seriously.. it's still this kneejerk, jingoistic HOW DARE HE AMERICA IS THE GREATEST, etc. Rev. Wright has been called "unamerican" for implying that America's foreign policy around the world is the root cause of 9/11 and general anti-american sentiment (what a novel concept! no one has ever said this before! books haven't been written on this very subject!), but what is really "unamerican" is the seeming inability of american people to take any criticism of their government's actions. It is sickening.

And yeah, watching the full sermons just makes it all the more sickening, the way the media can take one comment and twist it, mischaracterize it, demonize a man who by all accounts has done a lot for his community and his country.
harSon said:
Some comments are still idiotic but the ones being played non stop by the media (God damn America) is completely different when in context.

The media will never own up to that though; it will make them seem foolish and it's not sensational enough.

If someone did a mash-up of Hannity's/Limbaugh's comments you could paint them as a racist bigots too (though for them it probably wouldn't be too far off).
harSon said:
Some comments are still idiotic but the ones being played non stop by the media (God damn America) is completely different when in context.
I still don't get why it's been such a big deal in the first place.

This country has meddled in other countries affairs for far too long. Sooner or later we were bound to make enemies, and it just so happens one of those enemies was wacky in the wicky woo.

Yes America brought 9/11 on, that statement doesn't make those atrocities right, but it was through our government that the resentment and hate was bred. The people killed in the Twin Towers that day deserved none of it. For that those perpetrators must come to justice, but to bury our head in the sand and act like none of the fault was ours is such a linear way of looking at it.

Sadly terrorism isn't about "victory", it's about fear. And the American people fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

The saddest part of all of this? We've created a new generation that hates us, and destroyed too many of our best. A new generation of young men and women going through the same crap that ended my fathers life.

He didn't physically die in Nam, but all of his hopes, dreams, and ambitions did. God damn America...


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Star Power said:
Not to bring this whole argument up again, but besides the AIDS conspiracy thing (which I understand given Tuskegee and other such experiments on minorities - I don't blame people for mistrusting the government enough to think that they would do that) I agree with everything he said! I shouldn't be surprised, but I can't helped but be a little shocked at how majority of the media talking heads are just so obtuse that they can't take any criticism of america seriously.. it's still this kneejerk, jingoistic HOW DARE HE AMERICA IS THE GREATEST, etc. Rev. Wright has been called "unamerican" for implying that America's foreign policy around the world is the root cause of 9/11 and general anti-american sentiment (what a novel concept! no one has ever said this before! books haven't been written on this very subject!), but what is really "unamerican" is the seeming inability of american people to take any criticism of their government's actions. It is sickening.

And Star what's up with NOBODY (even my boy Chris Matthews) in the media taking 16 minutes out of their time to view the whole sermon?

Now that the video is on Youtube will they look at it now? Is their an email address that I can email all day to make the MSM to look at the whole sermon?


The only media person who has actually seen the sermon in its entirety is Roland Martin which might be the reason his opinion differs so drastically then others regarding the subject...


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Thunder Monkey said:
I still don't get why it's been such a big deal in the first place.

This country has meddled in other countries affairs for far too long. Sooner or later we were bound to make enemies, and it just so happens one of those enemies was wacky in the wicky woo.

Yes America brought 9/11 on, that statement doesn't make those atrocities right, but it was through our government that the resentment and hate was bred. The people killed in the Twin Towers that day deserved none of it. For that those perpetrators must come to justice, but to bury our head in the sand and act like none of the fault was ours is such a linear way of looking at it.

Sadly terrorism isn't about "victory", it's about fear. And the American people fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

The saddest part of all of this? We've created a new generation that hates us, and destroyed too many of our best. A new generation of young men and women going through the same crap that ended my fathers life.

He didn't physically die in Nam, but all of his hopes, dreams, and ambitions did. God damn America...

I love the way you ended this post. I hate the cursing so close to the word God, but I do understand the gist of what you are saying. And a "I see what you did there" sentence should be used.
mckmas8808 said:
And Star what's up with NOBODY (even my boy Chris Matthews) in the media taking 16 minutes out of their time to view the whole sermon?

Now that the video is on Youtube will they look at it now? Is their an email address that I can email all day to make the MSM to look at the whole sermon?

Yeah it's ridiculous. I don't think they even care enough to watch the whole sermon. Their outrage seemed fake/forced to me from the beginning - especially people like Pat Buchanan, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Joe Scarborough. They don't care about Rev. Wright's comments, this was just the perfect event for them to unleash what they've thought about Obama all along. He's un-american, he's foreign, he's strange, "I don't want him to be OUR president" (Pat Buchanan said something to this effect on Hardball).


thekad said:
Wait, you guys didn't see/read the entire sermon? Sigh.

I've been arguing the entire week that the sermon would most likely be entirely different if seen in its entirety. I wasn't aware of it being readily available until the post above.
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