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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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thekad said:
Wait, you guys didn't see/read the entire sermon? Sigh.

Yeah I hate to say it, but no I didn't see the whole thing. Now that I have, I have a totally different view of America and the media. :/
They do this all of the time though. To be fair, Bill Clinton's "shame on you" and "Jesse Jackson won" comments were also taken out of context.
Star Power said:
They do this all of the time though. To be fair, Bill Clinton's "shame on you" and "Jesse Jackson won" comments were also taken out of context.
Of course. But that doesn't make the comments any less stupid.


*drowns in jizz*
maximum360 said:
The media will never own up to that though; it will make them seem foolish and it's not sensational enough.

If someone did a mash-up of Hannity's/Limbaugh's comments you could paint them as a racist bigots too (though for them it probably wouldn't be too far off).

Except in the case of these people, you would only need about a week or less worth of material for such a mashup, unlike needing 20 years or so in Rev. Wrights case. These are the real racists and bigots that poison of minds of Americans every single day. Yet most Americans are so damn conditioned to this type of bigotry and racism now, they don't even see it as such. Its brainwashing at its finest. Anne Coulter is one the most vitriolic bigots in existence, and she's on Hannity's show every couple weeks or so.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The sad part is I just seen at least 1 hour worth of J. Wright's sermon material on Youtube and that 18 seconds worth of material that the MSM shown was 100% from the other stuff on Obama's church's youtube page.

I wonder why? Could it be possible that Obama was right and that most of the time Wright actually didn't talk like that most of the time? Could it be possible that the MSM pulled the wool over the people's eyes yet again?

Could it be possible that the MSM could some day become almost of powerful as the government itself?


Master of the Google Search
icarus-daedelus said:
Ann Coulter is probably one of my least favorite people in existence, honestly.

She's the only person Colbert won't let on his show. His reasoning is that the show doesn't need two joke characters :lol


Master of the Google Search
Star Power said:
They do this all of the time though. To be fair, Bill Clinton's "shame on you" and "Jesse Jackson won" comments were also taken out of context.

The media does this all the time, and has done it to Bill alot. But the Jesse Jackson comment wasn't really taken out of context, just blown out of proportion.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Door2Dawn said:
Is THAT what everyone was bitching about? What the fuck America,seriously.

Pretty sad right? Why the MSM ran 10 seconds of a 10 minute sermon over and over without watching the other 9 minutes and 47 seconds is sorta mystery to me.
But even looking at the 10 seconds or so that they did constantly air "God damn America for the killing of innocent people. God Damn America for treating her citizens as less than human"... they conveniently ignore everything he said in those two sentences except "god damn america" . Chris Matthews said that he said "I hate america!" WTF! :lol
grandjedi6 said:
She's the only person Colbert won't let on his show. His reasoning is that the show doesn't need two joke characters :lol
Wait, that reasoning doesn't make sense. Wasn't Mike Huckabee on there? :p

Really, though, I'm guessing that all she would say is that women are a fascist Jewish cult who need to be "corrected" by stripping them of their voting rights because they elect radical communists into office. So you don't even need her to go on there.


mckmas8808 said:
Pretty sad right? Why the MSM ran 10 seconds of a 10 minute sermon over and over without watching the other 9 minutes and 47 seconds is sorta mystery to me.

Because the majority of the citizens out there are too lazy to do their own research and always fall for the 10-second sound-bite.

It's not journalism; it's getting viewers.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Star Power said:
But even looking at the 10 seconds or so that they did constantly air "God damn America for the killing of innocent people. God Damn America for treating her citizens as less than human"... they conveniently ignore everything he said in those two sentences except "god damn america" . Chris Matthews said that he said "I hate america!" WTF! :lol

And the chicken coming home to roost video is badly hacked. The 10 seconds they shown cut out 5 seconds where J. Wright said.....

J. Wright said:
Kids playing on the playground, parents picking up their kids after school, civilians not soliders. People just trying to make it day by day.

Now that quote from Wright is between the part where he says, "we never batted in eye" and the other part where he says, "we have supported state terrorism to the Palestinines and Black South Africans".

I ask why did they cut the quote out that I quoted above? Why didn't the MSM let him say that kids playing on the playground part?!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
mckmas8808 said:
And the chicken coming home to roost video is badly hacked. The 10 seconds they shown cut out 5 seconds where J. Wright said.....

Now that quote from Wright is between the part where he says, "we never batted in eye" and the other part where he says, "we have supported state terrorism to the Palestinines and Black South Africans".

I ask why did they cut the quote out that I quoted above? Why didn't the MSM let him say that kids playing on the playground part?!
Because then it doesn't sound controveresial.
mckmas8808 said:
I ask why did they cut the quote out that I quoted above? Why didn't the MSM let him say that kids playing on the playground part?!
Most outlets also leave out the fact that Wright served in the military for several years in the 60s. They're not interested in discussing Wright or his statements - they're interested in what kind of controversy they can fabricate around him, and whether said controversy generates ratings.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
icarus-daedelus said:
Most outlets also leave out the fact that Wright served in the military for several years in the 60s. They're not interested in discussing Wright or his statements - they're interested in what kind of controversy they can fabricate around him, and whether said controversy generates ratings.

In all honestly! Wouldn't some of those people in the MSM feel kinda like ass if they were to watch the whole sermon(s)?

What would they say if they saw all the sermons that they have of J. Wright on Youtube right now? They really aren't that bad.


Bill Richardson endorses Obama!


NM Gov. Bill Richardson endorsing Obama
The Associated Press

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, the nation's only Hispanic governor, is endorsing Sen. Barack Obama for president, calling him a "once-in-a- lifetime leader" who can unite the nation and restore America's international leadership.

Richardson, who dropped out of the Democratic race in January, is to appear with Obama on Friday at a campaign event in Portland, Ore., The Associated Press has learned.

The governor's endorsement comes as Obama leads among delegates selected at primaries and caucuses but with national public opinion polling showing Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton pulling ahead of him amid controversy over statements by his former pastor.

Richardson has been relentlessly wooed by Obama and Clinton for his endorsement. As a Democratic superdelegate, the governor plays a part in the tight race for nominating votes and could bring other superdelegates to Obama's side. He also has been mentioned as a potential running mate for either candidate.

No primaries are scheduled until Pennsylvania's on April 22, a gap in time Obama hopes to use for such announcements to assert that he is the front-runner for the nomination.

"I believe he is the kind of once-in-a-lifetime leader that can bring our nation together and restore America's moral leadership in the world," Richardson said in a statement obtained by the AP. "As a presidential candidate, I know full well Sen. Obama's unique moral ability to inspire the American people to confront our urgent challenges at home and abroad in a spirit of bipartisanship and reconciliation."

Richardson's endorsement also could help Obama pick up support among Hispanics, who are the nation's largest and fastest-growing minority.

Clinton has been the favorite of Hispanics in primaries and caucuses, according to exit polls. She won the New Mexico caucus in early February with a nearly 2-to-1 advantage among Hispanics.

Richardson backed Obama despite his ties to Clinton and her husband, the former president. He served as ambassador to the U.N. and as secretary of the Energy Department during the Clinton administration. Last month, Richardson and former President Clinton watched the Super Bowl together at the governor's residence in Santa Fe.

Richardson praised Hillary Clinton as a "distinguished leader with vast experience." But the governor said Obama "will be a historic and great president, who can bring us the change we so desperately need by bringing us together as a nation here at home and with our allies abroad."

Richardson was a roving diplomatic troubleshooter when he was a congressman from New Mexico, negotiating the release of U.S. hostages in several countries and meeting with a rogue's gallery of U.S. adversaries, including Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro.

"There is no doubt in my mind that Barack Obama has the judgment and courage we need in a commander in chief when our nation's security is on the line. He showed this judgment by opposing the Iraq war from the start, and he has show it during this campaign by standing up for a new era in American leadership internationally," Richardson said.

Obama said he was "deeply honored" to have Richardson's support.

"Whether it's fighting to end the Iraq war or stop the genocide in Darfur or prevent nuclear weapons from falling into the hands of terrorists, Gov. Richardson has been a powerful voice on issues of global security, peace and justice, earning five Nobel Peace Prize nominations," Obama said in a statement.
mckmas8808 said:
Yep. Come on Mills. You next baby!


This is pretty cool piece of news and one that's hard to imagine happening often

The Patriot-News is reporting that Lou Thieblemont, mayor of Camp Hill, Pennsylvania and lifelong Republican has switched parties so he can vote for Barack Obama in the upcoming Pennsylvania primary on April 22.
"I'm sick and tired of the politics of fear in this country. He's the only one who doesn't do that," Thieblemont said of Obama. "He's the only candidate who's said he'd talk to our enemies and try to get some common ground."
Amir0x said:
holy SHIZnat

why endorse him now of all times i wonder

Edit: Camp Hill is where my brother went to jail for 4 years

This is a big thing for Obama. I haven't seen any of the major news outlets picking this up yet though.


Edwards was on Leno yesterday decidedly not endorsing anyone. Could be an indication that he wanted to endorse Hillary but is having second thoughts. However, it's also quite possible that the Hillary camp has asked him to delay his endorsement until closer to North Carolina.


force push the doodoo rock
Farmboy said:
Edwards was on Leno yesterday decidedly not endorsing anyone. Could be an indication that he wanted to endorse Hillary but is having second thoughts. However, it's also quite possible that the Hillary camp has asked him to delay his endorsement until closer to North Carolina.

Or he still wants to be vice president?
Yeah Richardson! I think the Democrats within the party are beginning to see the writing on the wall, and they want to pull this together, get a nominee, and move forward. Being that Obama has a large pledged delegate lead that Hillary will likely not be able to overcome, it's only right for the party to ensure that the person that the people choose get the nomination.

I know Richardson is really good friends with the Clintons, so it must have been hard, that's why it took so long. I'm psyched though!
On the way back into the city this morning, I was thinking about how terrible the reporting on Pastor Wright has been.

Have the networks actually interviewed a current member of the church, a past member?

Have the MSM interviewed leaders of the church or the upcoming pastor?

Have they done any research into it beyond these videos?

This has been such an incredible echo chamber, with no actual reporting going on.


Amir0x said:
holy SHIZnat

why endorse him now of all times i wonder

Edit: Camp Hill is where my brother went to jail for 4 years

Call me crazy [pause] but I think the Team Obama has endorsements lined up for the next few weeks to close the gap in, or even win, Pennsylvania.


LA Times: "Campaign sources indicate Obama hopes to roll out a series of such endorsements and announcements during the long run-up to the Pennsylvania primary April 22 to create a sense of momentum."

Of course whether they actually have any secured so far is another story
syllogism said:
LA Times: "Campaign sources indicate Obama hopes to roll out a series of such endorsements and announcements during the long run-up to the Pennsylvania primary April 22 to create a sense of momentum."

Of course whether they actually have any secured so far is another story

What makes you think he doesn't have any mroe secured?


I expect Joe Biden will be one of the ones he roles out. Joe Biden was praising that tuesday speech like crazy.

But do NOT expect Pelosi, Cater, or Gore to endorse. All 3 seem to favor Obama but want to be able to tell Hillary to give up if she tries to take it to the convention.

Though President Carter did say all of his kids have been begging him to publicly endorse Obama. If any of those "big 3" power brokers crack I'd suspect it'd be Carter.


cjdunn said:
Call me crazy [pause] but I think the Team Obama has endorsements lined up for the next few weeks to close the gap in, or even win, Pennsylvania.
I've been thinking that for a while myself. I thought that by the time PA happened he would have closed the gap in supers or even surpassed her. I was thinking he should trickle them out so it doesn't seem like he's trying to decide it with supers- about one every day or so, with a "major get" like Richardson, Joe Biden or Jimmy Carter each week. With the Wright brouhaha I'm a little less certain, but we'll see.
Cheebs said:
I expect Joe Biden will be one of the ones he roles out. Joe Biden was praising that tuesday speech like crazy.

But do NOT expect Pelosi, Cater, or Gore to endorse. All 3 seem to favor Obama but want to be able to tell Hillary to give up if she tries to take it to the convention.

Though President Carter did say all of his kids have been begging him to publicly endorse Obama. If any of those "big 3" power brokers crack I'd suspect it'd be Carter.

I'd imagine those heavy type super delegates already have things planned for the convention; Pelosi especially isn't going to let the party be destroyed by Hillary stealing this thing.

Carter endorsing early would be a good thing considering his church roots. I doubt it would end the Wright discussion but it would definitely give Obama more credibility


To be honest despite Carters "a president shouldn't endorse" view I am suprised he is still not endorising. He has made it very clear he favors Obama and apparently Carter and the Clintons had a big falling of out in the 90's (The Clintons and Carter were close allies during the Carter administration, Carter appointed Hillary during his administration).

If Carter was willing to endorse publicly Obama's team would have gone with him before Richardson, if only due to Carters very strong roots in the Christian church to negate the Wright stuff.


has calmed down a bit.
Bill Richardson, besides being a fellow hispanic, was one of the most qualified candidates. His endorsement means a lot to me personally.

Too bad Puerto Rico is probably Hillaryland.


VanMardigan said:
Bill Richardson, besides being a fellow hispanic, was one of the most qualified candidates. His endorsement means a lot to me personally.
It means a lot more so than experience in that Richardson was created by the Clintons. His entire career was basically due to Bill.

He was the perfect example of a Clintonista.
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