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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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A white member of Obamas church. For a church that spews nothing but racial hate according to some of you she sure seems to really like it.


Prof. Marty
Prof. Marty: To those in range of Chicago TV I'd recommend a watching of Trinity's Sunday services, and challenge you to find anything "cultic" or "sectarian" about them. More important, for Trinity, being "unashamedly black" does not mean being "anti-white." My wife and I on occasion attend, and, like all other non-blacks, are enthusiastically welcomed.
Regarding this renewed attack on Trinity, Prof. Marty told FactCheck, "That kind of e-mail is vicious and lying, and makes my blood boil. ... Many civic officials, public school teachers, etc. are members at Trinity; [Rev. Jeremiah] Wright has been on TV with his services for years, and no one found them racist – it's smear politics."


thefro said:
Why's he sitting by Hillary and shaking Clinton's hand if he hates white people and America so much?
He never said he hated white people before. He actually never said anything bad about white people as a whole.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
topsyturvy said:
Your sarcasm is horrible.

i dont get it. im not being sarcastic. i seriously find it funny that certain people arent following the words of their messiah, and are starting to use tactics they condemn. they shouldnt be allowed to do that. its quite hypocritical. dont you agree?
Deus Ex Machina said:

A white member of Obamas church. For a church that spews nothing but racial hate according to some of you she sure seems to really like it.


Prof. Marty


I have to admit, i been to churches that spur the same shit this pastor said, all sorts of races was attending and so forth. But I would have a hard time defending the teachings the guy said in attendants. In the general public eyes this still doesn't really change anyone's opinion on the subject, and it really shouldn't to be honest.


Lefty42o said:
wow you guys need to read this


You can find all about it in a widely under-read article in the September 2007 issue of Mother Jones, in which Kathryn Joyce and Jeff Sharlet reported that "through all of her years in Washington, Clinton has been an active participant in conservative Bible study and prayer circles that are part of a secretive Capitol Hill group known as the "Fellowship," aka The Family. But it won't be a secret much longer. Jeff Sharlet's shocking exposé, The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power will be published in May.

Sean Hannity has called Obama's church a "cult," but that term applies far more aptly to Clinton's "Family," which is organized into "cells" -- their term -- and operates sex-segregated group homes for young people in northern Virginia. In 2002, writer Jeff Sharlet joined the Family's home for young men, foreswearing sex, drugs, and alcohol, and participating in endless discussions of Jesus and power. He wasn't undercover; he used his own name and admitted to being a writer. But he wasn't completely out of danger either. When he went outdoors one night to make a cell phone call, he was followed. He still gets calls from Family associates asking him to meet them in diners -- alone.

The Family's most visible activity is its blandly innocuous National Prayer Breakfast, held every February in Washington. But almost all its real work goes on behind the scenes -- knitting together international networks of rightwing leaders, most of them ostensibly Christian. In the 1940s, The Family reached out to former and not-so-former Nazis, and its fascination with that exemplary leader, Adolph Hitler, has continued, along with ties to a whole bestiary of murderous thugs.
No way the Clinton's are involved in some shit like that. I refuse to believe it. In fact if you told me that Bill had a pot plant growing in the rose garden I’d be more likely to believe that.
topsyturvy said:
I have to admit, i been to churches that spur the same shit that pastor said, all sorts of races was attending and so forth. But I would have a hard time defending the guy also in the general public eyes and this still doesn't really change anyone's opinion.
No one is defending him, he said what he said and everyone denounce that but throwing the church under the bus because of one man is wrong.
Deus Ex Machina said:
No one is defending him, he said what he said and everyone denounce that but throwing the church under the bus because of one man is wrong.
trinity (the church) have never been thrown under the bus by the media.
If anything the shots with the clintons show that Wright isn't that terrible, he just said some terrible things.

topsyturvey said:
trinity (the church) have never been thrown under the bus by the media.

Are you kidding? The church has been treated as an extension of wright and associated with all his worst comments.


siamesedreamer said:
I would respond to this, but I have some "typical white person" things to attend to.

Here, I'll respond to you so you don't have to use this joke again in another 3 posts.

Fooking troll.


grandjedi6: if Obama is "the media," is it fair to say he has a bias towards himself?

gkrykewy: that's completely uncalled for.

Edit: in other news, apparently it was the Obama campaign who trotted that Clinton pic out. Brilliant fucking move assholes; why not completely tarnish what was considered a landmark and brilliant speech on race by playing mindless "gotcha" reactionary politics to make a point that is completely meaningless, let alone one that completely runs against the message of that speech and your campaign.


APF said:
gkrykewy: that's completely uncalled for.

Was that not, like, the very definition of trolling? You are an expert, I'd say, so I'll defer to your judgement.

I'll edit in a gentler swear so as not to offend kinder trollish sensibilities.


Master of the Google Search
APF said:
grandjedi6: if Obama is "the media," is it fair to say he has a bias towards himself?

Nah, I wasn't going for that comparision. Just the odd obsession Topsy has with Obama's church and buses


gkrykewy said:
Was that not, like, the very definition of trolling? You are an expert, I'd say, so I'll defer to your judgement.
No; the textbook, historical definition of trolling is more what quadriplegicjon was doing earlier.
Nicodimas said:
Hopefully he is saying something about staying there over the next 20-50 years...otherwise he is extremely short sited.

In reality there will be at least one Division sized element in Iraq and in Afghanistan for pretty much ever. Look at Germany, Japan, and Korea. Once the US invades you we don't leave.
Nicodimas said:
Hopefully he is saying something about staying there over the next 20-50 years...otherwise he is extremely short sited.

Seriously. Any good nation builder knows it takes at least 100 years to invade, tear apart the country and rebuild parking lots and shopping malls.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
In reality there will be at least one Division sized element in Iraq and in Afghanistan for pretty much ever. Look at Germany, Japan, and Korea. Once the US invades you we don't leave.

Yep. Because as we all know, Iraq and Aghanistan have a lot in common with Germany, Japan and Korea. It's a one size fits all policy.


I don't like the fact that Obama's camp pushed this picture, but it really doesn't undermine the whole race thing, in fact it kinda supports that Wright wasn't just some white-hating man. I just hate how ugly the campaign has gotten the past month or so.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Pretty pathetic same old politics from the Obama campaign to be honest with you.


In reality there will be at least one Division sized element in Iraq and in Afghanistan for pretty much ever. Look at Germany, Japan, and Korea. Once the US invades you we don't leave.

We have built 6 permant bases over there. People who are ignorant should look at the total external US bases that exists..We have bases in CHAD for instance. A great source of intel and that is a huge concern as we can spy on perceived enemies ( Iran) and perceived allies(Sauds)...

Intelligence is huge and quick response time too!

Yep. Because as we all know, Iraq and Aghanistan have a lot in common with Germany, Japan and Korea. It's a one size fits all policy

Please do research on external US bases...it would blow your mind. Empire..I think so.
Nicodimas said:
We have built 6 permant bases over there. People who are ignorant should look at the total external US bases that exists..We have bases in CHAD for instance. A great source of intel and that is a huge concern as we can spy on perceived enemies ( Iran) and perceived allies(Sauds)...

Intelligence is huge and quick response time too!

France is building a permanent military base in Ohio.


kevm3 said:
This is a good speech for those complaining that Obama doesn't give out specifics.
Unfortunately, his own monster-slaying foreign policy advisor has gone on the record saying Obama shouldn't be held to the policies and statements he made before he becomes President, which means even those tiny scraps of actual information rather than hot air he deems us worthy enough to grace us with are completely meaningless--literally pure rhetoric--in a practical sense.


Master of the Google Search
thefro said:
Here's exhibit C on Wright/Clinton


My Dad got a letter like that from Reagan. Does that mean my Dad is best buds with him?

Hell, I got one of those from Bush and I'm as liberal as they come
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