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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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reilo said:
Guilt-by-association baby. Guilt-by-association. The Clinton camp is using it against Obama, it's only fair to use it against them.

It's a weak argument to say the least, just like the Rezko issue. At the end of the days Obama's numbers are dropping while Hillary's are rising - we'll know if this picture has any effect within a week or so.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PhoenixDark said:
It's a weak argument to say the least, just like the Rezko issue. At the end of the days Obama's numbers are dropping while Hillary's are rising - we'll know if this picture has any effect within a week or so.

wat :lol

Latest Gallup had him +7 points over Hillary.


Junior Butler
PhoenixDark said:
It's a weak argument to say the least, just like the Rezko issue. At the end of the days Obama's numbers are dropping while Hillary's are rising - we'll know if this picture has any effect within a week or so.

Obama's numbers already crested.

Hilary's fucked dog.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
schuelma said:
Umm..think you might want to edit that my friend.

Oops. Could have sworn he had a +7 over Hillary earlier today on Hardball.

I ain't editing shit! Unlike PD, I have no problem admitting I am wrong.
reilo said:
Oops. Could have sworn he had a +7 over Hillary earlier today on Hardball.

I ain't editing shit! Unlike PD, I have no problem admitting I am wrong.


When I'm wrong I admit it. Based on those numbers, as well as those I posted a couple days ago showing Obama losing ground among independents, I'm not.
I can't wait to see how the media spins this one. We know hate-crazed racist loons do not shake hands with people of the other race and/or speak to them at a public venue.


I thought it was disgusting to use association with a radical preacher to damage a political opponent? How much moreso when it's likely a tenuous relationship with a husband of a political opponent. I'm not really sure however, why I'd expect certain folks to actually absorb the message of the messiah, rather than trying to sling any garbage they can. We'll see how this plays out.


maximum360 said:
I can't wait to see how the media spins this one. We know hate-crazed racist loons do not shake hands with people of the other race and/or speak to them at a public venue.

I expect there to be little to no coverage
APF said:
I thought it was disgusting to use association with a radical preacher to damage a political opponent? How much moreso when it's likely a tenuous relationship with a husband of a political opponent. I'm not really sure however, why I'd expect certain folks to actually absorb the message of the messiah, rather than trying to sling any garbage they can. We'll see how this plays out.

Bubububu Clinton!


I think it's interesting on a sociological level, that all throughout the Bush Administration I heard how horrible the Bushes were and how Dems needed to use their tactics and "fight back," and now that the next Presidential race is coming around it's the same argument only against their own party: so-and-so is so horrible and we need to use their tactics to "fight back."

Dems love that narrative.


I'm sorry that you feel the need to generalize to support your sweeping strawman arguments APF, but you can do better. Seriously.


Amir0x said:
I'm sorry that you feel the need to generalize to support your sweeping strawman arguments APF, but you can do better. Seriously.
What are you suggesting is a straw man?


that uh somehow the democrats as one single unifying voice cried out to use dirty mud politics against Bush, and now some are hypocritically asking for this same tactic to be used against members of their own party.

if you found a way to quantify this thought of yours outside the abstract considerations of this thread, I'd be fucking amazed. But it basically amounts to pointing fingers without the need to be held accountable.


Onarato, Ravenstahl, AND Rendell all support Hillary, Amir0x. :(

gkrykewy said:
Not a lock for McCain over Obama, which is all that matters.
Not really, since people will vote for Hillary here in the primary regardless. McCain could win here if he's up against Hillary.


Amir0x said:
that uh somehow the democrats as one single unifying voice cried out to use dirty mud politics against Bush, and now some are hypocritically asking for this same tactic to be used against members of their own party.

if you found a way to quantify this thought of yours outside the abstract considerations of this thread, I'd be fucking amazed. But it basically amounts to pointing fingers without the need to be held accountable.
I was just making an observation based on my being a participant in threads like these in places like this over the last eight or so years; I'm not sure why you're concerned with making me "accountable" for what I consider a fairly innocent postulate, but I think it's possible to find any number of quotes suggesting how horrible the Bush Administration's tactics are, and how Dems need to fight back against them; similarly, you can see parallel ideas in this thread and other threads relating to the Democratic race. Honestly I'm kinda shocked you're offended by my post.

On a more relevant note, wouldn't trying to attack Hillary over the existence of a photo of Bill shaking hands with some crazy guy be a good example of trying to attack someone in an even more outrageous manner than folks were arguing was oh so outrageous up to this point?


Diablos said:
Onarato, Ravenstahl, AND Rendell all support Hillary, Amir0x. :(

Hey, I'm doing everything I can on MY end - unfortunately for seemingly the rest of the ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY, every little turd of dirt on Obama is coming up 24 hours 7 days a week.

Nothing we can do about that champ, had to hold down the fort. Lucky if we make it to 40% at this point.

APF said:
I was just making an observation based on my being a participant in threads like these in places like this over the last eight or so years; I'm not sure why you're concerned with making me "accountable" for what I consider a fairly innocent postulate, but I think it's possible to find any number of quotes suggesting how horrible the Bush Administration's tactics are, and how Dems need to fight back against them; similarly, you can see parallel ideas in this thread and other threads relating to the Democratic race. Honestly I'm kinda shocked you're offended by my post.

I'm not offended. I merely think your post needed to be qualified with something a bit better than the weak, unsubstantiated meanderings of your latest baiting technique. I have nothing against you using them, I just thought it prudent to call you on in this case.

APF said:
On a more relevant note, wouldn't trying to attack Hillary over the existence of a photo of Bill shaking hands with some crazy guy be a good example of trying to attack someone in an even more outrageous manner than folks were arguing was oh so outrageous up to this point?

Yes, I personally am against it EXCEPT as an example of why this SHOULDN'T be used.

Example: "Here is a photograph of Clinton with this same guy. EVERYONE at one point or another interacts with people others may find offensive. This is a stupid topic and everyone should move the fuck on."

Personally this topic has made me less harsh on the whole Geraldine Ferraro situation, it's all so much bullshit.


Amir0x said:
I'm not offended. I merely think your post needed to be qualified with something a bit better than the weak, unsubstantiated meanderings of your latest baiting technique. I have nothing against you using them, I just thought it prudent to call you on in this case.
I didn't intend that to be baiting, just observation relating to PD's "but Clinton" remark, which of course is coming from a natural place and not unwarranted.

Amir0x said:
Yes, I personally am against it EXCEPT as an example of why this SHOULDN'T be used.

Example: "Here is a photograph of Clinton with this same guy. EVERYONE at one point or another interacts with people others may find offensive. This is a stupid topic and everyone should move the fuck on."

Personally this topic has made me less harsh on the whole Geraldine Ferraro situation, it's all so much bullshit.
Hey I thought we'd be over it with the Rumsfeld / Hussein (the other Hussein) pic, or the Albright / So-Ronrey pic, but here we are with folks saying how awesome it is that someone dredged this thing out there.


wow you guys need to read this


You can find all about it in a widely under-read article in the September 2007 issue of Mother Jones, in which Kathryn Joyce and Jeff Sharlet reported that "through all of her years in Washington, Clinton has been an active participant in conservative Bible study and prayer circles that are part of a secretive Capitol Hill group known as the "Fellowship," aka The Family. But it won't be a secret much longer. Jeff Sharlet's shocking exposé, The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power will be published in May.

Sean Hannity has called Obama's church a "cult," but that term applies far more aptly to Clinton's "Family," which is organized into "cells" -- their term -- and operates sex-segregated group homes for young people in northern Virginia. In 2002, writer Jeff Sharlet joined the Family's home for young men, foreswearing sex, drugs, and alcohol, and participating in endless discussions of Jesus and power. He wasn't undercover; he used his own name and admitted to being a writer. But he wasn't completely out of danger either. When he went outdoors one night to make a cell phone call, he was followed. He still gets calls from Family associates asking him to meet them in diners -- alone.

The Family's most visible activity is its blandly innocuous National Prayer Breakfast, held every February in Washington. But almost all its real work goes on behind the scenes -- knitting together international networks of rightwing leaders, most of them ostensibly Christian. In the 1940s, The Family reached out to former and not-so-former Nazis, and its fascination with that exemplary leader, Adolph Hitler, has continued, along with ties to a whole bestiary of murderous thugs.


Why haven't we seen Obama's white grandmother at all? She more or less raised him and according to Obama she lives on her own and takes care of herself. I would think Obama might try to get his white relative on tv at least once.


yay more horrible dirt to dig up on a Democratic candidate, tearing apart the party further and decimating our chances at defeating the Republicans!

Wow, it's true what they say... Democrats are always grasping defeat from the jaws of victory.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
I thought it was disgusting to use association with a radical preacher to damage a political opponent? How much moreso when it's likely a tenuous relationship with a husband of a political opponent. I'm not really sure however, why I'd expect certain folks to actually absorb the message of the messiah, rather than trying to sling any garbage they can. We'll see how this plays out.

exactly.. we should only condemn obama using these tactics! its hypocritical to use them against hillary.. cause.. yeah. obama deserves it! hillary is a woman. you dont want to be a misogynist.. do you? only obama deserves this type of scrutiny!

APF said:
I think it's interesting on a sociological level, that all throughout the Bush Administration I heard how horrible the Bushes were and how Dems needed to use their tactics and "fight back," and now that the next Presidential race is coming around it's the same argument only against their own party: so-and-so is so horrible and we need to use their tactics to "fight back."

Dems love that narrative.

use their tactics against republicans. not against each other. i think that was the line of thinking. im pretty sure thats what it was. not that i agree with it, though.


quadriplegicjon said:
exactly.. we should only condemn obama using these tactics! its hypocritical to use them against hillary.. cause.. yeah. obama deserves it! hillary is a woman. you dont want to be a misogynist.. do you? only obama deserves this type of scrutiny!
Ami, this is a good example of a bating comment. ;)

BTW, did I miss Hillary attacking Obama over this? Your post asserts she did.

Extra credit: which candidate is basing a large portion of their campaign on the idea that he's part of a "new kind of politics" not aligned with the "politics of personal destruction" and divisiveness? I think we might need a refresher course.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
Ami, this is a good example of a bating comment. ;)

i was agreeing with you. not sure what i did wrong.

APF said:
BTW, did I miss Hillary attacking Obama over this? Your post asserts she did.

hillary supporters vs. obama supporters. on this message board.

APF said:
Extra credit: which candidate is basing a large portion of their campaign on the idea that he's part of a "new kind of politics" not aligned with the "politics of personal destruction" and divisiveness? I think we might need a refresher course.

exactly. which is why only hillary supporters are allowed to condemn obama using these tactics. obamatics can suck a d****


Diablos said:
Not really, since people will vote for Hillary here in the primary regardless. McCain could win here if he's up against Hillary.

What are you talking about? My point was that Obama would have a strong chance at winning PA in the general, which is all that matters. Hillary has a 0% chance of winning the nomination, unless she wins PA by 30%.


Obama just stumbled the fuck over trying to explain the "typical white person" bit on Larry King Live, largely because Larry just sort of brought it up out of nowhere. I think there was an answer in there - wasn't paying close attention.


quadriplegicjon: have you fallen so low that you need to troll in this manner? Didn't you say last night you wanted to get away from casting aspersions on people's supporters?

The only thing that can come out of this track is a circular argument. I note that people here seem gleeful at the opportunity to make the same attacks against Hillary / the Clintons they were lamenting against their candidate; you make sarcastic jabs suggesting what's good for the goose is good for the gander; I return to the original point, etc.


gkrykewy said:
What are you talking about? My point was that Obama would have a strong chance at winning PA in the general, which is all that matters. Hillary has a 0% chance of winning the nomination, unless she wins PA by 30%.
I really don't have much confidence in an Obama win here.

Obama just stumbled the fuck over trying to explain the "typical white person" bit on Larry King Live, largely because Larry just sort of brought it up out of nowhere.
Larry King is a terrible interviewer.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
quadriplegicjon: have you fallen so low that you need to troll in this manner? Didn't you say last night you wanted to get away from casting aspersions on people's supporters?

im a hillary fan now. obama has been too damaged by this whole thing. only hillary can save us. but.. its not like i called hillary supporters lunatics, hypocrites, delusional, thuggish, etc. that only applies to obama supporters of course!


Diablos said:
I really don't have much confidence in an Obama win here.

In the general?

Diablos said:
Larry King is a terrible interviewer.

I think he may have died 6 or more years ago, and everything he says now is spliced video.

LOL, he didn't even give Obama a chance to say thanks at the end.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
The only thing that can come out of this track is a circular argument. I note that people here seem gleeful at the opportunity to make the same attacks against Hillary / the Clintons they were lamenting against their candidate; you make sarcastic jabs suggesting what's good for the goose is good for the gander; I return to the original point, etc.

circular argument? there is no argument here! im only repeating your statements in my own words! im agreeing with you ! people following their savior obama shouldnt be allowed to use the same arguments we (hillary fans) use!
quadriplegicjon said:
circular argument? there is no argument here! im only repeating your statements in my own words! im agreeing with you ! people following their savior obama shouldnt be allowed to use the same arguments we (hillary fans) use!
Your sarcasm is horrible.


gkrykewy said:
Again, so what? He could lose by 20% and barely have a dent made in his various leads.
Here's to hoping you are right. Cheers.

PhoenixDark said:
He doesn't interview people, he has shitty conversations with people
He can't even interview the Dixie Chicks. He asked them like three times in a five minute period how they liked Canada. As if they went to Korea, or something. Idiot.
Indeed. Larry King is terrible.

I think Obama needs to come better prepared to give quick answers to the some of the questions/issues as well.
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