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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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ToyMachine228 said:
It's amazing how both Obama, and his supporters have been able to bounce back from all the criticisms and attacks of this campaign. It's been an exciting campaign, and nothing has been able to keep us down. The Richardson endorsement today is huge. Bigger than even I initially thought. The way we have bounced back and held strong time and time again shows just why he is the strongest general election candidate.
ToyMachine228 said:
It's amazing how both Obama, and his supporters have been able to bounce back from all the criticisms and attacks of this campaign. It's been an exciting campaign, and nothing has been able to keep us down. The Richardson endorsement today is huge. Bigger than even I initially thought. The way we have bounced back and held strong time and time again shows just why he is the strongest general election candidate.

Vetted :D


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gkrykewy said:
Barack Obama is not patriotic enough to have schemed for 15 years to become president; not patriotic enough to be willing to engage in any tactics that aren't illegal in order to make it happen.

These people turn my stomach. Selfish scum should be thrown out of the party on their asses.


Does Chris Wallace have an email address I can use to show him this statement?


gkrykewy said:
... I'm sorry, can you try that again in English? No, this isn't my first election. I don't recall analogous negative campaigning in 00 or 04. Can you cite examples?
numerous negative campaign ads swirled around both parties in 00. the infamous, john mccain having a black child was one. fast forward to 04, HOWARD DEAN GOT OWNED WHEN HE WAS AGAINST THE WAR.....dems are fucking hyprocrites. :lol

Either you forgot that, or you're new at this whole political thing.


topsyturvy said:
I gave him props and the benefit of the doubt that he would cream mccain in the GE, that the red phone ad is bullshit, that he would unite the party,etc etc etc....I even quit the hillary defense force for awhile saying that he would win. So whatever.

I thought it was painfully obvious that shes holding out for the convention for some miracle super delegate jump. But your conspiracy theory is nothing new among these parts. :/
Even with that strategy, it means running a scorched-earthy policy regarding Obama! How is that better? She is single handedly helping the Republicans (and vice versa) in attacks toward him. Is it any surprise that FOX is anti-Obama 24/7 nowadays? She's helping and by extension accepting their help!


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gkrykewy said:
Barack Obama is not patriotic enough to have schemed for 15 years to become president; not patriotic enough to be willing to engage in any tactics that aren't illegal in order to make it happen.

These people turn my stomach. Selfish scum should be thrown out of the party on their asses.


Looks like plenty of Obama supporters are email Chris Wallace for his comment when it wasn't popular.

I did the same. GAF if you want to email Chris too, just to thank him (and maybe get more fair coverage) email FNS@foxnews.com


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Fireblend said:
Woah, he really looked like he had to get that out of his chest. It looked like he was confessing or something, damn.

Is it really that bad that someone in the media can respond so well to a great speech? Damn I'd hate to see you guys 2 days after the "I Have A Dream" speech.


ari said:
politics might not be your cup of tea then.

The clintons.....I repeat....the clintons is only the foundation of what obama will go against in the GE. I swear, its like this is the first election you guys been involved in or something. Dirty politics always existed. ALWAYS.

Submit retard theorem 162: "If dirty politics always existed, that means people must accept it and/or be perfectly satisfied with its continual application in our country!"

No, the reason so many people like Obama is because he tries - erring from time to time as he might - to rise ABOVE it. That we have a frontrunner who has deftly dodged most opportunities to slander his opponents beyond superficial policy details is already a great sign: that everyone else feels they need to use disgusting, reprehensible politics to tear him down further proves that we need new leadership, not old school bullshit partisan politics.

Will he actually be effective in the office itself? Who knows! Much better chance than the alternatives at the moment, fortunately.


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PhoenixDark said:
Racist pastors? Who knows what he was referencing, but I love how you guys are so quick to inject race into it :lol

We all know it has something to do with Rev. Wright.
Amir0x said:
Submit retard theorem 162: "If dirty politics always existed, that means people must accept it and/or be perfectly satisfied with its continual application in our country!"

No, the reason so many people like Obama is because he tries - erring from time to time as he might - to rise ABOVE it. That we have a frontrunner who has deftly dodged most opportunities to slander his opponents beyond superficial policy details is already a great sign: that everyone else feels they need to use disgusting, reprehensible politics to tear him down further proves that we need new leadership, not old school bullshit partisan politics.

Will he actually be effective in the office itself? Who knows! Much better chance than the alternatives at the moment, fortunately.

Well done.
mckmas8808 said:
We all know it has something to do with Rev. Wright.

Don't worry that's their game. They take all Obama supporters for idiots as if we can't see clearly what they are doing with their subtle or not so subtle play on words.

It's interesting to see Hilary supporters adapt the very same tactics of her campaign. Watch as the Clinton Campaign does one thing then try to scapegoat someone else preferably Obama's campaign or his supporters.


Amir0x said:
Submit retard theorem 162: "If dirty politics always existed, that means people must accept it and/or be perfectly satisfied with its continual application in our country!"

No, the reason so many people like Obama is because he tries - erring from time to time as he might - to rise ABOVE it. That we have a frontrunner who has deftly dodged most opportunities to slander his opponents beyond superficial policy details is already a great sign: that everyone else feels they need to use disgusting, reprehensible politics to tear him down further proves that we need new leadership, not old school bullshit partisan politics.

Will he actually be effective in the office itself? Who knows! Much better chance than the alternatives at the moment, fortunately.
Just because he tried to ignore it or didn't want to get in a pissing match with the clinton machine doesn't mean he's ushering in this new breed of politics. Especially when he used so much here in chicago when he was running for senate.


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CowboyAstronaut said:
Don't worry that's their game. They take all Obama supporters for idiots as if we can't see clearly what they are doing with their subtle or not so subtle play on words.

It's interesting to see Hilary supporters adapt the very same tactics of her campaign. Watch as the Clinton Campaign does one thing then try to scapegoat someone else preferably Obama's campaign or his supporters.

So will the Clintons now say that it's Obama's fault that Bill's word were said. :lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ari said:
Just because he tried to ignore it or didn't want to get in a pissing match with the clinton machine doesn't mean he's ushering in this new breed of politics. Especially when he used so much here in chicago when he was running for senate.

McCain is doing alot better too in this new age of politics.


It's probably already here in the full thread, but here is much more of the Jeremiah Wright sermon... This should be spread around more. It's so easy to make statements look derogatory and extreme when taken out of context. People should have the right to see the whole thing. Spread it around!



beermonkey@tehbias said:
There's no white running mate that is gonna get racist bubbas to vote for Obama. But Richardson as veep would do wonders for the hispanic vote. It's kind of sad because I don't think people should let race influence their vote, but the reality is that many do.

This is true.

harSon said:
:lol @ Hillary's response

"I respect Bill Richardson's decision but it's up to the people and not the super delegates to decide the election"



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
gkrykewy said:
Barack Obama is not patriotic enough to have schemed for 15 years to become president; not patriotic enough to be willing to engage in any tactics that aren't illegal in order to make it happen.

These people turn my stomach. Selfish scum should be thrown out of the party on their asses.


I can't tell if you are just being sarcastic or downright stupid.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
kevm3 said:
It's probably already here in the full thread, but here is much more of the Jeremiah Wright sermon... This should be spread around more. It's so easy to make statements look derogatory and extreme when taken out of context. People should have the right to see the whole thing. Spread it around!


Yeah that speech was really out of context.
mckmas8808 said:
Yeah that speech was really out of context.

The white man created AIDS to bring down the black man. Please explain how that was taken out of context. Or is it an irrelevant comment because "everything else he said was ok"?
Amir0x said:
No, the reason so many people like Obama is because he tries - erring from time to time as he might - to rise ABOVE it.

if he didn't have such a strong lead in this election i'm pretty sure he'd get his hands dirty. there's just been no need to yet.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
The white man created AIDS to bring down the black man. Please explain how that was taken out of context. Or is it an irrelevant comment because "everything else he said was ok"?

Show me the whole sermon. You have a youtube link of that sermon? Please I'm at a point where I don't trust the media when they talk about Wright.


PhoenixDark said:
The white man created AIDS to bring down the black man. Please explain how that was taken out of context. Or is it an irrelevant comment because "everything else he said was ok"?

To be fair, while outlandish, people certainly have at least seen that the government in the past has introduced a transmittable disease into the black populace.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
if he didn't have such a strong lead in this election i'm pretty sure he'd get his hands dirty. there's just been no need to yet.

Every time I hear jaded/cynical arguments like this it just reminds of the core reason I voted for Barack Obama.

I want him to have the chance to inspire people like you.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tyrone Slothrop said:
if he didn't have such a strong lead in this election i'm pretty sure he'd get his hands dirty. there's just been no need to yet.

So, when Obama was down 100+ delegates early on, he got his hands dirty and went negative against Clinton?


Tamanon said:
To be fair, while outlandish, people certainly have at least seen that the government in the past has introduced a transmittable disease into the black populace.

. . . give'em the details. Again, we're not saying Wrights claims are true, but it's cases like this that have made blacks suspicious of the goverment.


Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male

The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male[1] also known as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Pelkola Syphilis Study, Public Health Service Syphilis Study or the Tuskegee Experiments was a clinical study, conducted between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama, in which 399 (plus 201 control group without syphilis) poor — and mostly illiterate — African American sharecroppers were denied treatment for Syphilis.

PhoenixDark said:
The white man created AIDS to bring down the black man. Please explain how that was taken out of context. Or is it an irrelevant comment because "everything else he said was ok"?

PD, before you criticize Wright, you have to understand the historical context in which his misguided comments came from. This is what Obama's speech was all about. We have to take a more comprehensive approach to understanding one another's differences.


PhoenixDark said:
The white man created AIDS to bring down the black man. Please explain how that was taken out of context. Or is it an irrelevant comment because "everything else he said was ok"?

Something about this quote tells me you didn't watch the video.


harSon said:
PD seems angry :(
He's more confused than angry, I think. His poor homeschooled world is crumbling all around him... hell, he got drunk and made out with one of his friend's girls the other night. SIN, young Maurice, SIN.
reilo said:
So, when Obama was down 100+ delegates early on, he got his hands dirty and went negative against Clinton?

even then, i think it was more or less apparent he'd get the nomination. (i pretty much consider the general election over, btw. obama it is)

and i don't necessarily mean that he'd pull any slimy mudslinging; i just think he'd go on the offensive more if the situation NEED BE. i don't mean to point fingers but it seems, in terms of following an election, this is a lot of people's first rodeo


ari said:
Just because he tried to ignore it or didn't want to get in a pissing match with the clinton machine doesn't mean he's ushering in this new breed of politics. Especially when he used so much here in chicago when he was running for senate.

a.) It doesn't mean he's ushering in a new breed of politics, I mean, as in there's no way to know if it'll follow him when he is president. That's true of course. But ACTIONS speak just as loudly as Obama's words do, and they have shown him to be the shining fucking example of what all politicians should strive to be, regardless of their ideologies.

b.) Show examples of his "dirty politics" in Chicago, I suspect what you believe is dirty is likely different from what I believe is dirty judging by your comments this past week.

Tyrone Slothrop said:
if he didn't have such a strong lead in this election i'm pretty sure he'd get his hands dirty. there's just been no need to yet.

He was so fucking ridiculous behind in the weeks leading up to Iowa, that it may have appeared to any sane 'me-too' politician that it was time to play dirty - he didn't. There were many opportunities when he was down to fight this way, he chose not to.


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Tamanon said:
To be fair, while outlandish, people certainly have at least seen that the government in the past has introduced a transmittable disease into the black populace.

For forty years between 1932 and 1972, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) conducted an experiment on 399 black men in the late stages of syphilis.....

As a doctor explained, “If the colored population becomes aware that accepting free hospital care means a post-mortem, every darky will leave Macon County…” Even the Surgeon General of the United States participated in enticing the men to remain in the experiment, sending them certificates of appreciation after 25 years in the study.....

One of the most chilling aspects of the experiment was how zealously the PHS kept these men from receiving treatment. When several nationwide campaigns to eradicate venereal disease came to Macon County, the men were prevented from participating. Even when penicillin was discovered in the 1940s—the first real cure for syphilis—the Tuskegee men were deliberately denied the medication. During World War II, 250 of the men registered for the draft and were consequently ordered to get treatment for syphilis, only to have the PHS exempt them. Pleased at their success, the PHS representative announced: “So far, we are keeping the known positive patients from getting treatment.” The experiment continued in spite of the Henderson Act (1943), a public health law requiring testing and treatment for venereal disease

So please PeeDee can keep that BS to his self. I'm not sure what Rev. Wright's point was but if he was linking it to this study and suggested that it could be true (even though AIDs weren't created by white people to kill blacks) I'd give him a pass.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
if he didn't have such a strong lead in this election i'm pretty sure he'd get his hands dirty. there's just been no need to yet.
on the contrary, he have done his fair share of mailings and negative ad campaigning, It amazes me that people is convinced that he doesn't do this shit.


First tragedy, then farce.
Tyrone Slothrop said:
even then, i think it was more or less apparent he'd get the nomination. (i pretty much consider the general election over, btw. obama it is)

and i don't necessarily mean that he'd pull any slimy mudslinging; i just think he'd go on the offensive more if the situation NEED BE. i don't mean to point fingers but it seems, in terms of following an election, this is a lot of people's first rodeo

wait, what?

Obama was dead in the water until 2 weeks before Iowa, and was still a longshot until SC. then it took huge gains in Super Tuesday states for him to become the front runner.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
ari said:
on the contrary, he have done his fair share of mailings and negative ad campaigning, It amazes me that people is convinced that he doesn't do this shit.

Ahh but there is a difference- though I'm sure you can find one or two exceptions, Obama has for the most part stuck to negative campaigning on the issues as opposed to character attacks. That's why I'm not too excited to hear his aides newest line of attack that seems to go after Clinton much more personally. Hope that kind of stuff fades away.


ari said:
on the contrary, he have done his fair share of mailings and negative ad campaigning, It amazes me that people is convinced that he doesn't do this shit.

Again attacking specific policy positions is not "dirty politics". The edgiest he has got was suggesting

a.) Clinton reveal her tax returns
b.) Some controversial fliers on NAFTA, in which HIS interpretation of her position was far more accurate than HER interpretation of his.


Small balls, big fun!
The fliers Obama's campaign printed on Hillary's healthcare plan were pretty damn dishonest, and his record in the Senate is good but not a shining example.


First tragedy, then farce.
ari said:
on the contrary, he have done his fair share of mailings and negative ad campaigning, It amazes me that people is convinced that he doesn't do this shit.

campaign mailers about policy positions isnt dirty though. dirty is suing the state of Texas bc you dont win the caucuses.
ari said:
on the contrary, he have done his fair share of mailings and negative ad campaigning, It amazes me that people is convinced that he doesn't do this shit.
It's not negative if it's true.

Name one thing he's sent out about Clinton that isn't true.

NAFTA? Completely and utterly true. Her Health Care plan? Completely and utterly true. Her attachments to Rezko? True. Her husband shaking hands with Wright? Again, true.

Dirty politics is alluding to him being a Muslim as if that's a bad thing. Dirty politics is saying outright that he's not fit to be president. Hillary has played the mudslinging game.

Obama has kept it unbelievably civil by comparison.
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