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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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What is up with Politico's front page... Politico has been acting like PhoenixDark, they both make me feel really uncomfortable when they act Pro-Obama


sangreal said:
Especially since it allowed Richardson to say Clinton thinks his only value is being hispanic
And think of the message it sends to other undecided super delegates. After all of Richardson's history with the Clintons, he decides to support Obama. And Clinton's campaign instantly dismisses him as not being relevant and pegs him into a minority ethnic role. They could have taken the high road, "I disagree with my good friend Bill Richardson, etc." but instead they turn on him instantly. I imagine undecided super delegates watch him get that kind of sudden, nasty treatment of a former friend and take note. Do they really want to support someone like that, someone who will burns bridges on a moments notice?
reilo said:
Karl Rove calls Democrats out of touch with reality in regards to Iraq.

Epic lulz ensue.

What ever happened to the math that showed a GOP victory in 2006?

I'm disappointed that Rove wasn't brought to trial for lying to investigators like Scooter Libby was. They claimed 'lack of evidence' but I'm pretty sure that a jury would have found him guility quite easily. That whole bit of him going back and changing his testimony after evidence was found that contradicted his original testimony was so sleazy.


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Star Power said:
yes. then they will say "hillary has to win pennsylvania HUGE or it's over." then hillary wins pennsylvania, where she has always been favored to win, by 10-15 points and they call it a huge upset and say "hillary = comeback kid," "how can obama win if the ge if he loses all of the big states", "it's bat at square one again" etc.


That's exactly what will happen.


GhaleonEB said:
And think of the message it sends to other undecided super delegates. After all of Richardson's history with the Clintons, he decides to support Obama. And Clinton's campaign instantly dismisses him as not being relevant and pegs him into a minority ethnic role. They could have taken the high road, "I disagree with my good friend Bill Richardson, etc." but instead they turn on him instantly. I imagine undecided super delegates watch him get that kind of sudden, nasty treatment of a former friend and take note. Do they really want to support someone like that, someone who will burns bridges on a moments notice?

Depends. Is the VP slot still open? :p


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GhaleonEB said:
And think of the message it sends to other undecided super delegates. After all of Richardson's history with the Clintons, he decides to support Obama. And Clinton's campaign instantly dismisses him as not being relevant and pegs him into a minority ethnic role. They could have taken the high road, "I disagree with my good friend Bill Richardson, etc." but instead they turn on him instantly. I imagine undecided super delegates watch him get that kind of sudden, nasty treatment of a former friend and take note. Do they really want to support someone like that, someone who will burns bridges on a moments notice?

The Clintons are really a beast. They really only care about themselves. Why? I don't know, being that I liked Bill Clinton A WHOLE LOT years ago.
BrandNew said:
...Are there actually people who like Lou Dobbs?
I've some respect for Lou Dobbs for actually complaining about much of the way American businesses have behaved over past decade with all the shipping of jobs overseas, corporate scandals, and such. Pretty gutsy positions since he's mainly been a financial reporter . . . kinda biting the hand that feeds him.

However, I can't quite understand Lou Dobb's apparent paranoia over Mexicans . . . I think he must have been mugged by a Mexican guy at some point. :lol


mckmas8808 said:
The Clintons are really a beast. They really only care about themselves. Why? I don't know, being that I liked Bill Clinton A WHOLE LOT years ago.
As did I. And I really didn't have anything against Clinton until I started paying close attention to this race back in January; I knew I didn't like some of her politics, but otherwise had a good impression of her. But that's soured in the past two months. I think her true colors have really shown, and they're all kinds of vindictive, manipulative, selfish and representative of everything that I hate about modern American politics.


PhoenixDark said:
While I understand the need to downplay and spin in politics, that's just stupid. Richardson's endorsement is probably irrelevant in the grand scheme of things but Penn's comments seem far too negative, especially considering Richardson is a good friend of the Clintons

What's interesting is that it lays bare the fact that they only want his endorsement for votes.

Symbolically, his endorsement means a lot to the democratic party at large. I also think his wisdom is useful as well.


Ante Up
His endorsement is important because it puts pressure on the superdelegates (or eases it, depending on you look at things). If Richardson can jump ship, anyone can.
typhonsentra said:



GhaleonEB said:
As did I. And I really didn't have anything against Clinton until I started paying close attention to this race back in January; I knew I didn't like some of her politics, but otherwise had a good impression of her. But that's soured in the past two months. I think her true colors have really shown, and they're all kinds of vindictive, manipulative, selfish and representative of everything that I hate about modern American politics.

Same here, in fact I was still receptive of Hillary after her gracious closing of the Texas primary. After that debate I knew that I could happily vote for her if she won the nomination, even thought I knew that was unlikely. I was under the mistaken opinion that all the venom coming from her campaign was only the result of her advisers. But after that NAFTA crap, and the "shame on you" tirade, I lost all my respect for her.

BTW your in Oregon right? How is that state leaning? My guess from a few trips to Portland is that it would be Obama land, but I could be wrong.


KRS7 said:
BTW your in Oregon right? How is that state leaning? My guess from a few trips to Portland is that it would be Obama land, but I could be wrong.
Yeah, I'm in Oregon. I'm not very "plugged in" politically here, but the state as a whole seems to be leaning Obama. Last month I had a conversation with some of my co-workers about politics (which don't come up often). Everyone else on the team is female, so I was talking to two 20-something and two 50-something women.

All of them Obama supporters.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
GhaleonEB said:
Yeah, I'm in Oregon. I'm not very "plugged in" politically here, but the state as a whole seems to be leaning Obama. Last month I had a conversation with some of my co-workers about politics (which don't come up often). Everyone else on the team is female, so I was talking to two 20-something and two 50-something women.

All of them Obama supporters.



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For new page.

CBS News poll found that 69 percent of voters who heard or read about the speech Tuesday say Obama did a good job addressing the issue of race, and 71 percent say he did well explaining his relationship with his spiritual mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., whose inflammatory sermons on the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the US government, and other topics caused a huge controversy.



GhaleonEB said:
Yeah, I'm in Oregon. I'm not very "plugged in" politically here, but the state as a whole seems to be leaning Obama. Last month I had a conversation with some of my co-workers about politics (which don't come up often). Everyone else on the team is female, so I was talking to two 20-something and two 50-something women.

All of them Obama supporters.

Try to persuade your friends and coworkers to support Obama. I was able to convince about 10 people to switch from Clinton to Obama. That helped my county become one of five in Ohio that went for Obama. A lot of people who are not that into politics support Clinton solely because of name recognition, and it is easy to get them to switch.


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The man Rev. Wright received his info from concerning the 9/11 event came from Ambassador Edward Peck.


Meet the man who inspired Reverend Jeremiah Wright's now famous tirade about America's foreign policy inciting the terrorist attacks of September 11.

His name is Ambassador Edward Peck. And he is a retired, white, career U.S. diplomat who served 32-years in the U.S. Foreign Service and was chief of the U.S. mission to Iraq under Jimmy Carter -- hardly the black-rage image with which Wright has been stigmatized.

Here are some quotes from an appearance the Ambassador made on the network on October 11, 2001, which may or may not have been the segment Wright was referring to. On the show, Peck said he thought it was illogical to tie Saddam Hussein to the terrorist attacks on 9/11, and that while the then-Iraqi leader had "some very sound and logical reasons not to like [the United States]," he and Osama bin Laden had no other ties.

From there, Peck went on to ascribe motives for what prompted the 9/11 attacks. "Stopping the economic embargo and bombings of Iraq," he said, "things to which Osama bin Laden has alluded as the kinds of things he doesn't like. He doesn't think it's appropriate for the United States to be doing, from his perspective, all the terrible things that he sees us as having been doing, the same way Saddam Hussein feels. So from that perspective, they have a commonality of interests. But they also have a deeply divergent view of the role of Islam in government, which would be a problem."

So where were all the pissed off people that heard what this ambassodor said 1 month after 9/11?



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CNN will later talk about the full Rev. Wright video like someone in the MSM should. Coming up in a few minutes.
It seems that with every attack Hillary makes, they eventually come back to get here. With Obama's speech earlier this week, and the Richardson endorsement today, I think the momentum is definitely back on our side. I think Obama's strategy of focusing on states past PA is going to pay off big time post-PA as well.

Also saw on Politico.Com that sources now say that Edwards is unlikely to endorse anyone. Definitely different from some of the reports in this thread. He may be holding out for a job.

Going to PA to campaign and register voters tomorrow. Hell yeah!
GhaleonEB said:
And think of the message it sends to other undecided super delegates. After all of Richardson's history with the Clintons, he decides to support Obama. And Clinton's campaign instantly dismisses him as not being relevant and pegs him into a minority ethnic role. They could have taken the high road, "I disagree with my good friend Bill Richardson, etc." but instead they turn on him instantly. I imagine undecided super delegates watch him get that kind of sudden, nasty treatment of a former friend and take note. Do they really want to support someone like that, someone who will burns bridges on a moments notice?

Seriously the way they responded to Richardson's relevancy was very disrespectful.

Why in the world is Hilary's Campaign handled so terribly. I wouldn't want this woman running the country at all because she can't even control her own damn campaign and that's really sad.

that she landed in Bosnia under "sniper fire," adding: "There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base." Clinton used to tell Iowa audiences: ""We used to say in the White House that if a place is too dangerous, too small or too poor, send the First Lady."[/quote]



GhaleonEB said:
Dear MSM: cover the fuck out of this lie. STAT

Also the suggested video needs to be made and played over and over:

If they wanted to, the networks could juxtapose video of Sen. Clinton's dramatic recitation of the battle with this clip of that sweet eight-year-old on the tarmac with a bouquet.


PhoenixDark said:
While I understand the need to downplay and spin in politics, that's just stupid. Richardson's endorsement is probably irrelevant in the grand scheme of things but Penn's comments seem far too negative, especially considering Richardson is a good friend of the Clintons
FORMER friend probably now. Richardson said when he called Hillary it was very "intense" and it got "a bit heated".

"a bit heated" probably means she screamed at him.


CowboyAstronaut said:
The pastor REALLY doesn't look that bad after seeing this. He says some inflammatory things, but then he speaks some cold hard truths as well. He also sounds like a compassionate man as well.

he is nothing like the clips made him seem. i feel a serious injustice has been done by the hack job media to a true american patriot. fucking shame this is the world and country we live in.
Lefty42o said:
he is nothing like the clips made him seem. i feel a serious injustice has been done by the hack job media to a true american patriot. fucking shame this is the world and country we live in.

I gotta agree. I was also one of those people bashing him.


CowboyAstronaut said:
I gotta agree. I was also one of those people bashing him.

i wasn't bashing him but i personally would have not attended that church but have attended some similar in the past. i also would not hold it against obama.

but now my whole opinion of the church is diff and i am down right angry over this joke of a media. where was the media debunking this shit. they were all asleep on the motherfucking job.


Lefty42o said:
but now my whole opinion of the church is diff and i am down right angry over this joke of a media. where was the media debunking this shit. they were all asleep on the motherfucking job.

And I still wonder who conveniently packaged all those clips for ABC News. Hmmm...
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