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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
topsyturvy said:
Again, your sarcasm is just terrible....just terrible (charles) :/

BTW, topsy, if this doesn't convince you:

Hi, my name is Damir and I am a Bosnian refugee living in Portland, OR now. I just told my dad this story of Hillary's trip to Tuzla in 96 and he said she is full of shit. Bosnia was not dangerous in 1996.

She certainly was not a Princess Diana campaigning for the ban of landmines in the 90s.
Deus Ex Machina said:
… And I thought I had fox news all figured out:

FOX & Friends Anchor Walks Off The Stage Over Obama Dispute

FOX news: Chris Wallace rails own Network on coverage of Obama racial controversies
mckmas8808 said:
Seriously now! What's the problem here? I don't see why people are still making a big deal out of this.
I was nice to see that every Fox News personality does not condone all the crap on their network.
reilo said:
BTW, topsy, if this doesn't convince you:

Hi, my name is Damir and I am a Bosnian refugee living in Portland, OR now. I just told my dad this story of Hillary's trip to Tuzla in 96 and he said she is full of shit. Bosnia was not dangerous in 1996.

She certainly was not a Princess Diana campaigning for the ban of landmines in the 90s.
Ok ok, maybe i jumped the gun here. ;p

All i'm just stating is that hillary wasn't the only one that came forth.

EDIT: And i told harson that fox news isn't the right wing nut jobs that liberals think they are. Maybe they're in the majority of republicans on the network but there is a select few that isn't like that. Seriously. :/



Mark Halperin said:
1. She can’t win the nomination without overturning the will of the elected delegates, which will alienate many Democrats.

2. She can’t win the nomination without a bloody convention battle — after which, even if she won, history and many Democrats would cast her as a villain.

3. Catching up in the popular vote is not out of the question — but without re-votes in Florida and Michigan it will be almost as impossible as catching up in elected delegates.

4. Nancy Pelosi and other leading members of Congress don’t think she can win and want her to give up. Same with superdelegate-to-the-stars Donna Brazile.

5. Obama’s skilled, close-knit staff can do things like silently kill re-votes in Florida and Michigan and not pay a political price.

6. Many of her supporters — and even some of her staffers — would be relieved (and even delighted) if she quit the race; none of his supporters or staff feel that way. Some think she just might throw in the towel in June if it appears efforts to fight on would hurt Obama’s general election chances.

7. The Rev. Wright story notwithstanding, the media still wants Obama to be the nominee — and that has an impact every day.

8. Obama might not be able to talk that well about the new global economy, but she (and McCain) can’t either.

9. Many of the remaining prominent superdelegates want to be for Obama and she (and Harold Ickes) are just barely keeping them from making public commitments to him.

10. She can’t publicly say more than 2% of all the things she would like to say about race, electability, beating McCain and experience.

11. If she somehow found a way to win the nomination, she would have to offer Obama the veep slot, and she doesn’t want to do that.

12. This is a change election, and Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton can never truly be change.

13. Obama is having fun most days, and she isn’t.

14. Even though her campaign staff is having more fun than it has for a long time, there’s hardly anyone there who, given half a chance, wouldn’t slit Mark Penn’s throat — and such internal dissension won’t help her in the home stretch.

Mmmm hmmm.


topsyturvy said:
Ok ok, maybe i jumped the gun here. ;p

All i'm just stating is that hillary wasn't the only one that came forth.

EDIT: And i told harson that fox news isn't the right wing nut jobs that liberals think they are. Its just a select few that makes the network. :/

every one who has supported hillary's version of events are all part of her campaign or big time supporters.

next the issue is she outright lies to the american people. over and over. its fucking crazy.
Lefty42o said:
every one who has supported hillary's version of events are all part of her campaign or big time supporters.

next the issue is she outright lies to the american people. over and over. its fucking crazy.

Seriously. That fact just cannot be overlooked. She has no self respect whatsoever it seems.

To openly lie to us time and time again as if we are all idiots and we don't have access to any proof showcasing that she has been dishonest with us time and time again.

Whoa so awesome !


That girl from the 3AM ad made one of her own for Obama.
Bill's causing a stir again. He mentioned that if John McCain and Hillary were in the GE, they are examples of people who love their country "without this other stuff".


maximum360 said:
Bill's causing a stir again. He mentioned that if John McCain and Hillary were in the GE, they are examples of people who love their country "without this other stuff".

they already lost the black vote, you cant lose voters who dont vote for you


democrats just can't catch a break. AWESOME :lol

EDIT:.....Wait? um, now thats just grasping guys. Can i have the entire qoute? That could mean a lot of things.


maximum360 said:
Bill's causing a stir again. He mentioned that if John McCain and Hillary were in the GE, they are examples of people who love their country "without this other stuff".





maximum360 said:
Bill's causing a stir again. He mentioned that if John McCain and Hillary were in the GE, they are examples of people who love their country "without this other stuff".
Whut? where?


when is my burrito
maximum360 said:
Bill's causing a stir again. He mentioned that if John McCain and Hillary were in the GE, they are examples of people who love their country "without this other stuff".

maximum360 said:
Bill's causing a stir again. He mentioned that if John McCain and Hillary were in the GE, they are examples of people who love their country "without this other stuff".

What!? :lol


Honestly... just look at this! Obama has such an amazing effect on people. This man not becoming our next President would be such a monumental defeat for our Country in my opinion. We really do need this man representing us. It has never been this important to me who we had representing us as our President, but this time around it really means the world to me.


gcubed said:
the debate in PA will be epic

if it even takes place. theres a chance that Richardsons endorsement was a sign to other supers its time to back obama and its ok to go against the clintons.

the media narrative today changed drastically. now the news will be hillary can't win the nom and its over. a look at politico and other blogs shows this is the new story.
Lefty42o said:
if it even takes place. theres a chance that Richardsons endorsement was a sign to other supers its time to back obama and its ok to go against the clintons.

the media narrative today change drastically. now the news will be hillary can't win the nom and its over. a look at politico and other blogs shows this is the new story.

Seriously it is flat out over. This man watched the damn Super Bowl with Bill Clinton. He is as tight with the man as they come. He was THE most sought after Endorsement out there alongside Ted Kennedy and Obama has got them both.

As of right now it really doesn't even matter who John Edwards endorses.

Clinton's statement was way out of line. The statement even without the without the other distractions line is indirectly suggesting that Obama does not love this Country.


CowboyAstronaut said:
Seriously it is flat out over. This man watched the damn Super Bowl with Bill Clinton. He is as tight with the man as they come. He was THE most sought after Endorsement out there alongside Ted Kennedy and Obama has got them both.

As of right now it really doesn't even matter who John Edwards endorses.

yeah it feels like it has swung hard. when you go the the page or politico and its all basically pushing that obama will win the nom its over.


Chuck Todd blogged about the event:

From NBC/NJ's Carrie Dann
CHARLOTTE, NC -- At a small VFW hall in Charlotte, NC, today, former president Bill Clinton contemplated a McCain/Clinton general election matchup, saying that it would one between "two people who loved this country" without "all this other stuff that always seems to intrude itself on our politics."

"I think it would be a great thing if we had an election year where you had two people who loved this country and were devoted to the interest of this country," said the former president. "And people could actually ask themselves who is right on these issues, instead of all this other stuff that always seems to intrude itself on our politics."

In the wake of controversy over comments made by Barack Obama's former minister, Clinton's comments could be seen as an effort to draw attention to the issue of patriotism in a state with a high population of veterans.

The former president made the comments to less than 80 audience members at an invite-only event focused on veterans issues. The audience was subdued as Clinton gravely outlined a message of patriotism and honor for military service, The small sea of navy-blue VFW caps nodded along in agreement.

Take away ten of the cameras and fifty degrees Farenheit, and this could have been a John McCain event in Waterloo, Iowa, in November 2007.

The message was different, but the mood was much the same.


Let me get this straight. According to the Clintons:

John McCain bring a lifetime of experience, Obama doesn't.
John McCain has passed the "commander in chief" test, Obama hasn't.
John McCain loves this country, Obama doesn't.

Way to give it to the republicans there. I think they like John McCain better than the democratic frontrunner. But anyone who still thinks they actually care about the democratic party are either stupid or delusional.


Barack Obama is not patriotic enough to have schemed for 15 years to become president; not patriotic enough to be willing to engage in any tactics that aren't illegal in order to make it happen.

These people turn my stomach. Selfish scum should be thrown out of the party on their asses.


Obama Campaign Statement said:
We appreciate Chris Wallace for doing his job as a tough but fair journalist on a network that has been deeply irresponsible over the last week in its unrelenting and sensationalistic coverage of Sen. Obama.

Sen. Obama gave the speech he did on Tuesday because he believes that Americans are ready for a thoughtful, mature discussion about race, and are hungry to move past media-generated controversies that distract from the struggles they face in their everyday lives.

If Fox News wants to play clips of the same offensive sound bites every day from now until November, that's their right, but that type of coverage does a disservice to their viewers and to a nation that is facing serious challenges that merit thoughtful and honest reporting.


CowboyAstronaut said:
What!? :lol


Honestly... just look at this! Obama has such an amazing effect on people. This man not becoming our next President would be such a monumental defeat for our Country in my opinion. We really do need this man representing us. It has never been this important to me who we had representing us as our President, but this time around it really means the world to me.
Woah, he really looked like he had to get that out of his chest. It looked like he was confessing or something, damn.


gkrykewy said:
Barack Obama is not patriotic enough to have schemed for 15 years to become president; not patriotic enough to be willing to engage in any tactics that aren't illegal in order to make it happen.

These people turn my stomach.
politics might not be your cup of tea then.

The clintons.....I repeat....the clintons is only the foundation of what obama will go against in the GE. I swear, its like this is the first election you guys been involved in or something. Dirty politics always existed. ALWAYS.
KRS7 said:
Let me get this straight. According to the Clintons:

John McCain bring a lifetime of experience, Obama doesn't.
John McCain has passed the "commander in chief" test, Obama hasn't.
John McCain loves this country, Obama doesn't.

Way to give it to the republicans there. I think they like John McCain better than the democratic frontrunner. But anyone who still thinks they actually care about the democratic party are either stupid or delusional.

Seriously and Obama's new AD is amazing :)


ari said:
politics might not be your cup of tea then.

The clintons.....I repeat....the clintons is only the foundation of what obama will go against in the GE. I swear, its like this is the first election you guys been involved in or something. Dirty politics always existed. ALWAYS.

Traditionally less so in primaries, which is everyone's point.


gkrykewy said:
Traditionally less so in primaries, which is everyone's point.
no it fucking haven't, neither 04's democratic primaries or the 2000 primaries didn't have negative campaigning. Is this your first election?


gkrykewy said:
Traditionally less so in primaries, which is everyone's point.

also you do not degrade your own party when compared to the other. thats a big no no. thats not typical politics. and its fucking disgusting that the clintons would rather the republicans win than another democrat.
gkrykewy said:
Traditionally less so in primaries, which is everyone's point.

Yea this race for the nomination has gotten to such a degree that many people should be outraged.

Obama is a member of Hilary's own party. Quite sad how far they are willing to go, but the ultimate defeat will be him becoming President. Yea.. she wont like that one bit.


ari said:
no it fucking haven't, neither 04's democratic primaries or the 2000 primaries didn't have negative campaigning. Is this your first election?

... I'm sorry, can you try that again in English? No, this isn't my first election. I don't recall analogous negative campaigning in 00 or 04. Can you cite examples?

Nor in this year's Republican primary, for that matter.
Deus Ex Machina said:
I was nice to see that every Fox News personality does not condone all the crap on their network.

There's only so far they can keep pushing the Wright story until it eventually backfires and make them look like assholes grasping for straws. This country is too fucked up right now for that story to have much traction.
It's amazing how both Obama, and his supporters have been able to bounce back from all the criticisms and attacks of this campaign. It's been an exciting campaign, and nothing has been able to keep us down. The Richardson endorsement today is huge. Bigger than even I initially thought. The way we have bounced back and held strong time and time again shows just why he is the strongest general election candidate.
maximum360 said:
Bill's causing a stir again. He mentioned that if John McCain and Hillary were in the GE, they are examples of people who love their country "without this other stuff".

Racist pastors? Who knows what he was referencing, but I love how you guys are so quick to inject race into it :lol
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