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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Thunder Monkey said:
It's not negative if it's true.

Name one thing he's sent out about Clinton that isn't true.

NAFTA? Completely and utterly true. Her Health Care plan? Completely and utterly true. Her attachments to Rezko? True. Her husband shaking hands with Wright? Again, true.

Dirty politics is alluding to him being a Muslim as if that's a bad thing. Dirty politics is saying outright that he's not fit to be president. Hillary has played the mudslinging game.

Obama has kept it unbelievably civil by comparison.

Obama has been completely truthful, as far as I know ;-)


First tragedy, then farce.
Mandark said:
The fliers Obama's campaign printed on Hillary's healthcare plan were pretty damn dishonest, and his record in the Senate is good but not a shining example.

how are they dishonest? Hillarys plan makes you buy insurance, if you dont you pay a fine. In Mass where a nearly identical plan exists there are people without insurance who are being fined... so they dont have insurance and they have less money. His critique is based on fact.

Compare that to her flyer with 5 people standing there with the question "which of these people dont deserve insurance Sen Obama?"

when the only people without insurance are those that choose not to get it. his plan doesnt force anyone out of coverage like her flyer suggests.


First tragedy, then farce.
mckmas8808 said:
-70% of people say that they liked the Obama speech
-70% of people say that Obama did a great job explaining his relationship with Wright.
-Over 60% of people say that they agree with Obama about race in his speech.


that speach was phenomenal. like john stewart said.. he spoke to americans about a touchy subject like we are adults. It's sad that that is a big deal...


Small balls, big fun!
StoOgE said:
how are they dishonest?

By repeating, ad nauseum, that Hillary's plan would make people buy insurance "even if you can't afford it" while leaving out the part where the government subsidizes coverage for those people.

It's basically a lie by omission.

I'm not arguing that Obama's campaign has been equally dirty as Clinton's or anything like that. He's been quite honest for a politician. But in this particular case, the line of attack was disingenuous. Period.
StoOgE said:
that speach was phenomenal. like john stewart said.. he spoke to americans about a touchy subject like we are adults. It's sad that that is a big deal...
Very sad . . . but hopefully it is something that will change. The problems out there today are far too complex for the simplistic language we've heard in the last 7 years. Good v. Evil-doers just can't come close to properly discussing multi-faction islamic militantancy, globalization, healthcare economics, etc.

I just want to say this about the who Jeremy Wright affair . . . it sure happened at a good time. With no primaries are caucauses in the near future, this was probably the best time for this "issue" to get hashed out.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Politico: If Clinton wins PA by 20 points with over 2 mil people voting, she would gain 400,000 votes, leaving her 300,000 shy of the popular vote.


reilo said:
Politico: If Clinton wins PA by 20 points with over 2 mil people voting, she would gain 400,000 votes, leaving her 300,000 shy of the popular vote.

Isn't she like 800,000 back now?


Wow, this really is a good Friday . . .


From the Fact Check Desk: The Clinton Campaign Misrepresents Clinton NAFTA Meeting

March 21, 2008 5:03 PM

I have now talked to three former Clinton Administration officials whom I trust who tell me that then-First Lady Hillary Clinton opposed the idea of introducing NAFTA before health care, but expressed no reservations in public or private about the substance of NAFTA.

Yet the Clinton campaign continues to propagate this myth that she fought NAFTA tooth and nail because she opposed the substance of the bill.

On a conference call today, as Ben Smith from Politico details, Clinton campaign spokesman Jay Carson claimed that “in four of the five meetings” about NAFTA on then-First Lady Hillary Clinton's schedule, “Sen. Clinton was pushing back.”

Carson says the fifth meeting was the November 10, 1993 pro-NAFTA meeting for businesswomen that we reported on earlier this week, where Clinton was something of the keynote speaker. He says that was just a "drop by."

And the Clinton campaign will not concede that she was advocating for NAFTA in the meeting.

"That's ludicrous," said Laura E. Jones, executive director of the United States Association of Importers of Textiles and Apparel, who was there. "There was no question that everyone who spoke including the First Lady was for NAFTA, it was a rally on behalf of NAFTA to help it get passed. It's unquestionable. And there are many people out there who were there who remember the incident who work in this industry."

Julia K. Hughes, senior vice president of the same organization is likewise incredulous of the Clinton campaign's claims.

"This is such a non issue to us, because obviously it was a pro-NAFTA group and a pro-NAFTA event," says Hughes. "It was a 100 percent pro-NAFTA event. No one suggested any inklings of doubt since part of the agenda was to promote enthusiasm for passage of NAFTA."

Did that include then-First Lady Clinton?

"Absolutely. She was the highlight of the event. She was absolutely the capper to the event. It was a positive rally. I assure you if there had even been a hint of waffling from her -- because we were in the last days before NAFTA passed and it was a pretty hectic time -- we would have freaked out."

It is entirely possible that Clinton opposed NAFTA personally and was just being a good soldier. But that doesn't change the fact that she helped NAFTA pass, and that at this meeting she was pushing for it.

-- jpt

UPDATE: I originally had thought Carson was saying this November 10, 1993, meeting was one of the four in which she was pushing back -- my mistake. But the campaign will not concede that this was a meeting where she clearly advocated for NAFTA, so the point is the same, since the two attendees say she very clearly was.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Karl Rove calls Democrats out of touch with reality in regards to Iraq.

Epic lulz ensue.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
speculawyer said:
Very sad . . . but hopefully it is something that will change. The problems out there today are far too complex for the simplistic language we've heard in the last 7 years. Good v. Evil-doers just can't come close to properly discussing multi-faction islamic militantancy, globalization, healthcare economics, etc.

I just want to say this about the who Jeremy Wright affair . . . it sure happened at a good time. With no primaries are caucauses in the near future, this was probably the best time for this "issue" to get hashed out.

Yep the best possible time this whole year. :lol
reilo said:
Karl Rove calls Democrats out of touch with reality in regards to Iraq.

Epic lulz ensue.
Why does anyone acknowledge him as anything other then an evil genius?

For that matter why does Ann Coulter get any playtime on TV?



Seeking, then downplaying, Richardson's endorsement

So Mark Penn said earlier today that Bill Richardson's endorsement was no longer "significant."

"The time that he could have been effective has long since passed," he said.

Long since? Actually, it must have passed awfully fast.

Bill and Hillary both called Richardson to ask for his endorsement March 13 — eight days ago, according to a source familiar with the conversations.


I just came in this thread real quick to say the following:

It's so great for Obama to have a red letter day following a week of terrible news for him.

I still think he takes the nomination and then the presidency
Amir0x said:
guessing he's estimating the four uncounted caucuses that he won by large margins
Ding Ding Ding!

Stuffed bear for the Mother fan!

Tear off the bears head and pot falls out! Along with a translated copy of Mother 3!

edit: I apologize... Hillary Clinton has taken the last Mother 3 and pot filled Bear.

There's still the Bear filled with Gonorrhea and Syphilis though...
Mark Penn has been the worst thing that could happen to Hillary's chances in this campaign.

Its amazing to look at how quickly we went from a party with an "embarrassment of riches" having two incredible candidates for the presidency... to what we have now.

The kitchen sink was where it all began.

Why anybody even listens to Mark Penn anymore is beyond my understanding.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Clevinger said:
"Hey Bill! So could you uh...endorse me? That'd be swell... think about it, k!"

"I endorse Barack Obama"

"Well your endorsement means fuck-all anyway you crazy bearded mexican!"

*hangs up*
*eats babies*
*punches servants*]
*effs a male prostitute*
*murders male prostitute*
*throws male prostitute into the pile of dead male prostitutes*


I'm just guessing but I'm sure she does at least 3 of those things regularly.
It really is. It completes him, like Lincoln's beard.

Although Richardson w/o a beard is definitely not as freaky looking as Lincoln without one. Yikes.

EDIT: regarding Richardson's beard, o'course
Lou Dobbs speaking on Bill Richardson's endorsement: "Is Obama pandering to ethnocentric special interests? We'll find out tonight."

Lou seems almost giddy about the rev. Wright affecting Obama's poll numbers negatively. Boy is he bitter. :lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
thekad said:
I agree with Penn but the irony is delicious.

What do you agree with? What if his endorsement leads to Obama pulling a good number of superdelegetes over the next 2 or 3 weeks?


First tragedy, then farce.
maximum360 said:
Lou Dobbs speaking on Bill Richardson's endorsement: "Is Obama pandering to ethnocentric special interests? We'll find out tonight."

Lou seems almost giddy about the rev. Wright affecting Obama's poll numbers negatively. Boy is he bitter. :lol

within 2 weeks, cable will start calling the race all but over.

the blogosphere started a month ago, now legit online newssites have started, it'll trickle down to cnn 2 weeks ahead of the Penn primary, and enter popular opinion about a week later.

CNN is tilting at windmills at this point and they know it. they just want one more good debate with ratings beforehand.
Clevinger said:


Richardson calls out Clinton adviser

(CNN) – Bill Richardson criticized a Clinton campaign adviser Friday for suggesting his endorsement of Barack Obama is insignificant."I resent the fact that the Clinton people are now saying that my endorsement is too late because I only can help with Texans — with Texas and Hispanics, implying that that's my only value," the New Mexico governor told CNN's John King. "That's typical of some of his advisers that kind of turned me off."Earlier Friday, Clinton campaign senior strategist Mark Penn said he thought Richardson's endorsement came too late to make an impact.“The time that he could have been effective has long since passed," Penn told reporters on a conference call. "I don’t think it is a significant endorsement in this environment.”In the interview Friday, Richardson also said he called Hillary Clinton Thursday to inform her of his decision to back Obama, a conversation he described as "painful.""It was painful and it wasn't easy," he said.


First tragedy, then farce.
also, edwards will noy endorse now per politico... but yeah, richardson didnt matter.

i think pelosi, gore and company move quickly... it finnaly turned nasty enough.


First tragedy, then farce.
Tamanon said:
Yeah Bill, you take it to 'em. Got a bit of the fire stored up.

i want him as veep so bad. hes a nice guy with a ton of experience who really fits with Obamas theme of change.. a richardson presidency 8 years from now would be welcome too.. Ive been pushing it for a while, and really think it *should* happen

not to mention Obama + Richardson really may put Texas in play, hand the dems New Mexico, make Nevada and Colorado easier wins.


(pumps fist)
RubxQub said:
"Hey Bill! So could you uh...endorse me? That'd be swell... think about it, k!"

"I endorse Barack Obama"

"Well your endorsement means fuck-all anyway you crazy bearded mexican!"

*hangs up*
*eats babies*
*punches servants*]
*effs a male prostitute*
*murders male prostitute*
*throws male prostitute into the pile of dead male prostitutes*


I'm just guessing but I'm sure she does at least 3 of those things regularly.

Well... we already have photo proof of the baby eating.



:lol I turned Lou Dobbs on 5 minutes ago. just in time for him to hear him read off a string of emails on why Barack Obama is racist
StoOgE said:
within 2 weeks, cable will start calling the race all but over.

yes. then they will say "hillary has to win pennsylvania HUGE or it's over." then hillary wins pennsylvania, where she has always been favored to win, by 10-15 points and they call it a huge upset and say "hillary = comeback kid," "how can obama win if the ge if he loses all of the big states", "it's bat at square one again" etc.


Star Power said:
yes. then they will say "hillary has to win pennsylvania HUGE or it's over." then hillary wins pennsylvania, where she has always been favored to win, by 10-15 points and they call it a huge upset and say "hillary = comeback kid," "how can obama win if the ge if he loses all of the big states", "it's bat at square one again" etc.

Obama will have the last laugh by winning all of the post-PA states. The irony is, her campaign is now saying the only thing that matters is the voters (which she has no chance of winning)
PhoenixDark said:
While I understand the need to downplay and spin in politics, that's just stupid. Richardson's endorsement is probably irrelevant in the grand scheme of things but Penn's comments seem far too negative, especially considering Richardson is a good friend of the Clintons

Indeed, Penn remarking on his irrelevance only makes him MORE relevant.
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