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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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sangreal said:

But you need to give it a few days to work in any hit from the typical white person nonsense since its a 3-day rolling average

I'm sure he will take a hit for that one. As I said before, his best chance to put this behind him is to find some public venue to explain himself better (pulling in Jesse Jackson's comment would be great too) and then to leave it alone. If he'd have left it alone after his speech he wouldn't be back in the news again about this sort of stuff. Smart people can also make dumb mistakes when tired, during non-rehearsed speaking, etc. (see Samantha Powers).

His recent quote just gave Fox news, Hannity, Joe Scarbs. and the Buchanan duo fodder for another week.
Hrmm, I guess people bought into the media hyping Obama's speech as "one of the greatest in American history". Sheeple...

But, what do I know? I'm just a typical racist white person.

Funky Papa

siamesedreamer said:
Hrmm, I guess people bought into the media hyping Obama's speech as "one of the greatest in American history". Sheeple...

But, what do I know? I'm just a typical racist white person.




I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Pimpwerx said:
The MSM is really fishing for ratings, and it should be the real story of '08. When did politics become a ratings game? They're playing games with the future of the government. PEACE.

I could not have put it better myself :D


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Cheebs said:
Politics has always been a ratings game. Ever since the first real tv-determined election in 1960.

That might be true, but was it ever this bad?


Cheebs said:
Politics has always been a ratings game. Ever since the first real tv-determined election in 1960.

That's... simplistic. Nixon coming off poorly in televised debates =/= 24-hour cable news artificially prolonging a race.


Ante Up
siamesedreamer said:
Hrmm, I guess people bought into the media hyping Obama's speech as "one of the greatest in American history". Sheeple...

But, what do I know? I'm just a typical racist white person.


siamesedreamer said:
That was an unbelievable speech.


siamesedreamer said:
Fantastic speech. Handled the Wright issue perfectly. His explanations were enlightening.

The most alarming thing I heard though is the populist "us vs. the corporations" message. He put to bed race warfare and went full steam ahead with class warfare.



:lol Note, though, that SD can say all those things and still not think it "one of the greatest in American history".

For those he saves the really juicy adjectives.
bob_arctor said:
:lol Note, though, that SD can say all those things and still not think it "one of the greatest in American history".

Precisely...it was a fantastic speech within the context of his pastor controversy. And since those initial comments I've gone back and read through it a couple times.

With Obama, I admit its very easy to get caught up in the moment when he's speaking. Its probably why he's been able to do so well. However, his unity rhetoric has been used countless times in the past by just about every winning candidate in modern history. We all know how that's worked out.


Ante Up

SDreamer, I'm guessing you probably have little problem with Obama himself; you're just not a fan of the Obamaniacs. That, I can understand. But even you have to admit that "sheeple" is a bit over the top given your own prior comments...


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
mashoutposse said:
Did he really just compare B. Richardson to Judas? :lol

If his endorsement is so insignificant, why were members of the Clinton camp making repeated calls this late in the game? Contradictions abound.

And you probably stay silent so as not to tip your hand. I doubt he wanted an "unnamed Clinton campaign source" breaking the news of his endorsement early.

Even worse, I think he just compared Bill Clinton to JESUS!!!!!


Ante Up
siamesedreamer said:
That and his populist rhetoric combined with the margins he'll have in Congress scare the shit out of me.

FWIW, I think he's a good guy.

Of his specific stances and proposed policies, which bother/concern you?


sangreal said:

But you need to give it a few days to work in any hit from the typical white person nonsense since its a 3-day rolling average

that happened on Thursday. if there was any impact, we would have seen it already.
oh damn! Richardson Lays it into the Clinton Campaign!!!

Bill Richardson criticized a Clinton campaign adviser Friday for suggesting his endorsement of Barack Obama is insignificant.

"I resent the fact that the Clinton people are now saying that my endorsement is too late because I only can help with Texans — with Texas and Hispanics, implying that that's my only value," the New Mexico governor told CNN's John King.

"That's typical of some of his advisers that kind of turned me off."Earlier Friday, Clinton campaign senior strategist Mark Penn said he thought Richardson's endorsement came too late to make an impact.

“The time that he could have been effective has long since passed," Penn told reporters on a conference call. "I don’t think it is a significant endorsement in this environment.”

In the interview Friday, Richardson also said he called Hillary Clinton Thursday to inform her of his decision to back Obama, a conversation he described as "painful."

"It was painful and it wasn't easy," he said. "I've spoken to others who have had that same conversation and they say at the end, it’s not all that pleasant.

"The former Democratic presidential candidate declined to elaborate further on his conversation with Clinton.Last month, Chris Dodd — another former presidential candidate who decided to endorse Obama last month — said he had a "not comfortable" conversation with Clinton informing her of the news.

Also in the interview Friday, Richardson said he ultimately decided to back Obama because the Illinois senator has "something special."

"I think that Sen. Obama has something special,” explained Richardson. “Something that can bring internationally America’s prestige back, that can deal with the race issue as he did so eloquently last week, that can deal with the domestic issues in a bipartisan way."

Richardson, who held posts as the Secretary of Energy and the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. in President Clinton’s administration, also said he "owes a lot to the Clinton family but I served well. I paid it back in service to the country."



a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
For the record, I also think Bill Richardson would be, if not the best, one of the best candidates for Vice President. I also have a great admiration for soon to be retired William Fallon as a possible VP candidate...


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Ripclawe said:

Damn..... that ain't right even for Richardson

Scratch that. That is wrong for almost anyone.
Holy shit.

Ever since Richardson endorsed Obama, Clinton's campaign has said or implied that:

1. His endorsement came too late
2. His endorsement is insignificant
3. His only value is as a vote-getter for hispanics
4. He betrayed the Clintons by not giving Hillary the endorsement she was entitled to.
5. He sold out

What the FUCK? This is one of the Clintons' closest friends, and I understand that it has been their campaign making these remarks, but they need to have more control over what their spokespeople say about their close friends, and they need to come out and make it clear that these statements do not reflect their opinion of their friend.

I'd like to say that they don't feel that way, but with th way they've been acting this whole campaign, Iwouldn't be surprised.

Fuck you Hillary and Bill. You have made personal attacks on Obama, you've lied and attacked the canadian parliamendt, and now you're attacking your friends.
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