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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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GaimeGuy said:
Holy shit.

Ever since Richardson endorsed Obama, Clinton's campaign has said or implied that:

1. His endorsement came too late
2. His endorsement is insignificant
3. His only value is as a vote-getter for hispanics
4. He betrayed the Clintons by not giving Hillary the endorsement she was entitled to.
5. He sold out

What the FUCK? This is one of the Clintons' closest friends, and I understand that it has been their campaign making these remarks, but they need to have more control over what their spokespeople say about their close friends, and they need to come out and make it clear that these statements do not reflect their opinion of their friend.

I'd like to say that they don't feel that way, but with th way they've been acting this whole campaign, Iwouldn't be surprised.

Fuck you Hillary and Bill. You have made personal attacks on Obama, you've lied and attacked the canadian parliamendt, and now you're attacking your friends.

its like the mafia. theres no way out. and if you leave they will destroy you.

Richardson was pleading how he owed the Clintons nothing cause he paid it back in service to this country. Seemed like he was scared of a hit on him :lol


Clinton camp responds to Obama's response

Clinton camp’s Singer shoots back: “The Obama camp is so eager to give the press corp a break that it had their candidate do an event today where they dispatched one of their top surrogates to manufacture an attack on us. More words



They are really missing a good game between duke and wv. its easter weekend the clinton camp should be wth family. lord knows some of them need some sex :D


v1cious said:
what are the odds SNL defends Hillary this week?

I dunno. Tracy Morgan seemed like it was a moment of swinging back. But then again the Wright issue really opens the door for some funny shit.
mashoutposse said:
Of his specific stances and proposed policies, which bother/concern you?

Pretty much everything:

- Raising income tax rates
- Raising capital gains tax rates
- Uncapping FICA
- Ending income taxes for an additional 10 million in the bottom brackets
- Ending income taxes for seniors making under $50k
- Requiring companies with under 50 employees to provide health insurance
- Global Poverty Act
- Patriot Employer Act

The ONLY thing I like is his idea of ending pre-existing conditions in insurance policies. That would be very big for people like me. But, practically speaking, I don't know how something like that is feasable because it totally fubars risk models.


Ante Up
siamesedreamer said:
Pretty much everything:

- Raising income tax rates
-Raising capital gains tax rates
- Uncapping FICA
- Ending income taxes for an additional 10 million in the bottom brackets
- Ending income taxes for seniors making under $50k
- Requiring companies with under 50 employees to provide health insurance
- Global Poverty Act
- Patriot Employer Act

The ONLY thing I like is his idea of ending pre-existing conditions in insurance policies. That would be very big for people like me. But, practically speaking, I don't know how something like that is feasable because it totally fubars risk models.

Those are definitely legitimate concerns. The ones that bother me are bolded.

IIRC, the income tax will increase as a result of rollbacks of recently made cuts. I think uncapping FICA is a necessary evil to keep the social services solvent. The Patriot Employer Act appears to be voluntary. As long as he and his team have figured out how to pay for the rest, I have no other qualms.


mashoutposse said:
Those are definitely legitimate concerns. The ones that bother me are bolded.

IIRC, the income tax will increase as a result of rollbacks of recently made cuts. I think uncapping FICA is a necessary evil to keep the social services solvent. The Patriot Employer Act appears to be voluntary. As long as he and his team have figured out how to pay for the rest, I have no other qualms.

thats the thing. SD is not lideral. i see his issues philosophical differences.

so no wonder his view of obama is what it is.


Bishman said:
I usually do not like Al Sharpton but he made Fox News look like dumb asses.


Wow, Al Sharpton was very good in that segment. In the first one, I liked how he told her that, OK, he'd come back but that he wants them to dig up info on McCain not condemning Imus on his Cheney remarks when McCain was a guest later that day. Then the next day there was no mention of that - Sharpton didn't even bring it up so I don't know if Fox made him agree not to talk about it beforehand or not, but it would have been interesting for them to actually play video about that and compare the situations rather than leaving McCain out of the spotlight.


GaimeGuy said:
Holy shit.

Ever since Richardson endorsed Obama, Clinton's campaign has said or implied that:

1. His endorsement came too late
2. His endorsement is insignificant
3. His only value is as a vote-getter for hispanics
4. He betrayed the Clintons by not giving Hillary the endorsement she was entitled to.
5. He sold out

What the FUCK? This is one of the Clintons' closest friends, and I understand that it has been their campaign making these remarks, but they need to have more control over what their spokespeople say about their close friends, and they need to come out and make it clear that these statements do not reflect their opinion of their friend.

I'd like to say that they don't feel that way, but with th way they've been acting this whole campaign, Iwouldn't be surprised.

Fuck you Hillary and Bill. You have made personal attacks on Obama, you've lied and attacked the canadian parliamendt, and now you're attacking your friends.
Yeah, that's what I was saying earlier. I have to wonder - are other friends of the Clintons taking note? Are neutral super delegates taking note? It's never been more clear that the Clintons are for one thing, and that's themselves. Anyone, no matter how good a friend or past colleague, is disposable if they don't fall in line. I don't see how any delegates can think that's good for the party or the country.


It seems like for every bad news, the clinton camp has a rationalization for this. Can you imagine Hillary in the white house, when she gets that call at 3am saying Pakistan has imploded into a terrorist state and Osama now has the bomb what the possible reactions from her administration might be?


Ante Up
Lefty42o said:
thats the thing. SD is not lideral. i see his issues philosophical differences.

so no wonder his view of obama is what it is.

You're right, and Obama fans shouldn't have a problem with him and others as long as he disagrees for the right reasons (which is the case here). He isn't likely to win 100% - 0%, so one has to acknowledge that there are people out there that just won't agree with Obama on some things.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Deku said:
It seems like for every bad news, the clinton camp has a rationalization for this. Can you imagine Hillary in the white house, when she gets that call at 3am saying Pakistan has imploded into a terrorist state and Osama now has the bomb what the possible reactions from her administration might be?
I can guarantee you that they'd blame the republicans' bush administration.


This jackass Josh Something or the other is CNN's expert on impossible numbers. If you're gonna disclaim something with "...and we have no idea if..." then don't fucking say it. Is this news or reality tv? PEACE.


Deku said:
It seems like for every bad news, the clinton camp has a rationalization for this. Can you imagine Hillary in the white house, when she gets that call at 3am saying Pakistan has imploded into a terrorist state and Osama now has the bomb what the possible reactions from her administration might be?

"Sure, Pakistan is now a terrorist state, but it is not one of the big, important states we need to worry about."

"The time that Bin Laden could have been effective with a bomb has long since passed. I don’t think it is significant in this environment."


mashoutposse said:
You're right, and Obama fans shouldn't have a problem with him and others as long as he disagrees for the right reasons (which is the case here). He isn't likely to win 100% - 0%, so one has to acknowledge that there are people out there that just won't agree with Obama on some things.

yup. i have no issue with some one having a diff view on what direction the country should go. i enjoy any debate over issues like taxes and the national debt to health care.


testicles on a cold fall morning
GhaleonEB said:
Yeah, that's what I was saying earlier. I have to wonder - are other friends of the Clintons taking note? Are neutral super delegates taking note? It's never been more clear that the Clintons are for one thing, and that's themselves. Anyone, no matter how good a friend or past colleague, is disposable if they don't fall in line. I don't see how any delegates can think that's good for the party or the country.
well, to defend her campaign a bit, this is Mark Fucking Penn we're talking about. he's probably hated by most everyone on her team.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
syllogism said:
Pat Buchanan: Slavery Best Thing Ever to Happen to Blacks

Perhaps not an entirely honest quote, but that's pretty much what he says. It's amazing he is allowed to be a commentator on the Wright issue.

This is freaking utterly ridiculous. I see what he may be trying to say, but to act like those social programs are there for most blacks, while not acknowledging whites take advantage of it to is a bit disingenuous.

Pat is full of $hit.


mckmas8808 said:
This is freaking utterly ridiculous. I see what he may be trying to say, but to act like those social programs are there for most blacks, while not acknowledging whites take advantage of it to is a bit disingenuous.

Pat is full of $hit.

Pretty much everyone up in arms with this whole ordeal on television is a bigot :lol


scorcho said:
well, to defend her campaign a bit, this is Mark Fucking Penn we're talking about. he's probably hated by most everyone on her team.
Right, but he still speaks for her campaign, unless she condemns and rejects him.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
syllogism said:


mashoutposse said:
IIRC, the income tax will increase as a result of rollbacks of recently made cuts. I think uncapping FICA is a necessary evil to keep the social services solvent.

- The current tax rates expire at the end of 2010. So, saying he'll raise taxes is a bit of a stretch. But, he will let them expire and they will go up. The thing I don't understand is why they don't have an "ultra-rich" bracket. Something for people who earn over $750k or $1m. There's a big stretch between someone grossing $300k and someone grossing $1.5m. Why should they have the same rate? Seems like they could institute a higher rate for the very, very top earners to offset having to increase it for those who do very well, but aren't way up there.

- Ucapping FICA is a huge deal. People who are self employed pay double the rate, so uncapping it could potentially be pretty devastating for them. For example, my father is self-employed. When you take the federal income tax with double FICA and add in the 5% state tax, you're only working on ~$.48 cent dollars. Under Bubba, it was ~$.43 cent dollars. Its not something to be taken lightly. Whatever decision is made should also coincide with uncapping or significantly increasing the ceiling for personal retirement accounts. $15k per year is LOLz-worthy. And of course, we need a "lockbox".


Before anyone says "B-B-B-ut what if it was a different airport?", it's confirmed in Hillary's book that this is the airport (Tuzla) where they did have to take some evasive maneuvers on the plane when they first arrived in Bosnia due to sniper fire. Hillary only went to Bosnia once.

So that part isn't a lie, but the "we had to cancel the greeting ceremony and run to our cars dodging bullets" is pure BS.

http://www.clintonlibrary.gov/Documents/HRC Years/HRC 1996.pdf

Check the schedule (p. 468-471), this was her ONLY plane landing in Bosnia. The others were by helicopter.
siamesedreamer said:
- The current tax rates expire at the end of 2010. So, saying he'll raise taxes is a bit of a stretch. But, he will let them expire and they will go up. The thing I don't understand is why they don't have an "ultra-rich" bracket. Something for people who earn over $750k or $1m. There's a big stretch between someone grossing $300k and someone grossing $1.5m. Why should they have the same rate? Seems like they could institute a higher rate for the very, very top earners to offset having to increase it for those who do very well, but aren't way up there.

- Ucapping FICA is a huge deal. People who are self employed pay double the rate, so uncapping it could potentially be pretty devastating for them. For example, my father is self-employed. When you take the federal income tax with double FICA and add in the 5% state tax, you're only working on ~$.48 cent dollars. Under Bubba, it was ~$.43 cent dollars. Its not something to be taken lightly. Whatever decision is made should also coincide with uncapping or significantly increasing the ceiling for personal retirement accounts. $15k per year is LOLz-worthy. And of course, we need a "lockbox".

What do you mean go back up? You mean as in "Clinton Era" up before Bush cut taxes when he became president?
Jason's Ultimatum said:
What do you mean go back up? You mean as in "Clinton Era" up before Bush cut taxes when he became president?


Clinton: 39.6 - 36 - 31 - 28 - 15
Bush: 35 - 33- 28 -25 - 15 - 10

Now, if you want to see some utterly ridiculous tax rates, check out what they were before Reagan began cutting them - LINK.
siamesedreamer said:

Clinton: 39.6 - 36 - 31 - 28 - 15
Bush: 35 - 33- 28 -25 - 15 - 10

Now, if you want to see some utterly ridiculous tax rates, check out what they were before Reagan began cutting them - LINK.

I knew it! I can usually generalize on tax rates over the past 20 years, but that link you posted is just what I needed. I'm going to save it to my favorites.

Thanks. :D


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The CEO of a company whose employee is accused of improperly looking at the passport files of presidential candidates is a consultant to the Barack Obama campaign, a source said Saturday.

John O. Brennan, president and CEO of the Analysis Corp., advises the Illinois Democrat on foreign policy and intelligence issues, the source said.

Brennan briefed the media on behalf of the campaign this month.

The executive is a former senior CIA official and former interim director of the National Counterterrorism Center.

He contributed $2,300 to the Obama campaign in January.

When asked about the contribution, a State Department official told CNN's Zain Verjee, "We ethically awarded contracts. Political affiliation is not one of the factors that we check."

On Friday, the department revealed that Obama's passport file was improperly accessed three times this year, and the passport files of the two other major presidential candidates -- Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican John McCain -- had also been breached. Watch the secretary of state apologize for the breach »

Three contractors are accused in the wrongdoing, including the one who works for the Analysis Corp. and who was disciplined. That contractor accessed McCain's file in addition to Obama's. None of the contractors was identified.
Holy crap, SD. Under married filing joinly for 2008, the tax bracket for married people making over $131,450, the tax rate was 28%. Under clinton in 2000, the tax bracket for married filing joinly, the tax bracket was $43,850 and the tax rate was 28%.

That's just crazy. :lol

EDIT-:lol @the Carter years.


siamesedreamer said:
- The current tax rates expire at the end of 2010. So, saying he'll raise taxes is a bit of a stretch. But, he will let them expire and they will go up. The thing I don't understand is why they don't have an "ultra-rich" bracket. Something for people who earn over $750k or $1m. There's a big stretch between someone grossing $300k and someone grossing $1.5m. Why should they have the same rate? Seems like they could institute a higher rate for the very, very top earners to offset having to increase it for those who do very well, but aren't way up there.
I agree! I think we should go back to the Carter tax rates, just adjust them for inflation.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
EDIT-:lol @the Carter years.
Carter years? I'm all for giving Jimmy shit for his terrible economic policies, but 70% taxes on the highest bracket were around a long time before he was.
icarus-daedelus said:
Carter years? I'm all for giving Jimmy shit for his terrible economic policies, but 70% taxes on the highest bracket were around a long time before he was.

I'm usually fixated on the 28% tax rates, and sure the tax brackets were increased at the end of the Carter's administration, but a 28% tax rate on $20,200 income?


Taxes suck, I agree. But since the Federal Government is spend billions a month pursuing our foreign policy, they need to go up. The government can either pay for their programs now, or later with interest. With all the debt the government has incurred over the past decade, a hefty portion of your taxes go directly to interest payments. It is my belief that if we raised taxes to directly fund wars such as Vietnam or Iraq they would of either never occurred or ended much sooner. Stupid policies rather foreign or domestic are easier to enact when you give the bill to future citizens. We should only use war as a last resort, and should be willing to pay the cost.


The next set of tax increases should not just be blamed on whatever future president is in office at the time they are increased, when a large portion of the debt they will be paying is due to the actions of the current president.

It seems that Bush will be known for being a president that is for lower taxes, when in reality the huge spending with less tax revenue coming in during his administration is what will be a huge driver for the need for higher taxes in the future.


Only to crack back on the Obama campaign going hysterical about it when in reality it was a bunch of workers being too curious for their own good. It happens, people look into hospital/credit card history of famous people and get caught.
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