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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Lemonz said:




It's Rasmussen. Cherry picking polls doesn't do anyone any good. They are unreliable whether they have Obama up or down

Lest we forget:

They are tied with the 20-point overnight flip duo of ARG and PPP


And the deflection begins, despicable!

Did you miss him? The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a wide-ranging interview today with Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reporters and editors, said she would have left her church if her pastor made the sort of inflammatory remarks Sen. Barack Obama's former pastor made.

"He would not have been my pastor," Clinton said. "You don't choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend."

The line about family directly hits Obama’s portrayal of Wright as someone like an uncle who says offensive and awful things, but you love anyways. “I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother,” he said in his speech last Tuesday.


sangreal said:
It's Rasmussen. Cherry picking polls doesn't do anyone any good. They are unreliable whether they have Obama up or down

They are tied with the 20-point overnight flip duo of ARG and PPP
I realize that. I think everyone does. It's not cherry-picking a poll, I was posting it because it was new. I take every poll with a massive grain of salt. However, it's noteworthy because Rasmussen has generally been in line with other polls in PA, and the movement mirrors some of the other tracking polls out there.

But as you said - it's one poll, and should be taken in the context of whatever other polls will come out.


Queen of Denmark
Tamanon said:
And the deflection begins, despicable!
Sounds like some idiot reporter lobbed her a softball question. "Hey Hills, would you have stuck by that RACIST PASTOR like Obama did? Hugs and kisses, hope you got the pie that my wife made!"
Professional bastard said:
And the deflection begins, despicable!

It's kind of the wrong tact too, "why he didn't leave" is pretty much answered by his "More perfect union" speech.

She would get more mileage out of the "Typical white person" comment.


"You know, I spoke out against Don Imus (who was fired from his radio and television shows after making racially insensitive remarks), saying that hate speech was unacceptable in any setting, and I believe that," Clinton said. "I just think you have to speak out against that. You certainly have to do that, if not explicitly, then implicitly by getting up and moving."

Did she miss the actual things he said?


testicles on a cold fall morning
siamesedreamer said:
They never should have bought the home in the first place. But, whatever. If the US Government can bail out Bear Sterns, then it can bail out these fucks.

then the government should've tightened the credit reins and not allow the situation to go unchecked.

and the government didn't exactly 'bail out' Bear Sterns - they forced them to sell at a paltry share price (that later got raised) to keep the macroeconomy stable. as always, take a look at the bigger picture instead of sniping out meaningless points.
Deus Ex Machina said:
Clinton denounces Reverend Wright's hate speech, "Would not have been my pastor"

It'll kick a round a little bit more but it's old news now. Hillary lying about Bosnia, and her campaign's demonization of Bill Richardson, and whether or not she will actually release her tax returns are what's in the news now, and will probably remain so for this week barring any other huge news from any of the three candidates camps. I think Obama's bus tour's going to make a pretty good splash.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
GhaleonEB said:
Trying to change the subject back to it, now that Obama successfully bounced from the Wright issue. It comes off as desperate, IMO. "But the pastor! Don't forget about the pastor!!"

It's desperate and is only more likely to piss off superdelegates.
GhaleonEB said:
Trying to change the subject back to it, now that Obama successfully bounced from the Wright issue. It comes off as desperate, IMO. "But the pastor! Don't forget about the pastor!!"

Thank you for your Monica Lewinsky support but I must disown you now.

The earlier poll by PPP in NC that had them that close was an outlier, as I said before. The new poll sits closer to earlier polling in the race.

Look for NC to go 57-43 or so for Obama on May 6th. It's pretty much a done deal, though I think that a 20 point spread is generous but not impossible.


electricpirate said:
I did, but it was at the bottom of the page, easy to miss

Edit: and so everyone can be clear

Then his clarification a couple of days later

Yup, he could have phrased his first point much better to come in line to the second comment. But it's pretty clear what he was saying now.

Wow, it's amazing how quickly this stuff can get buried. Thanks for posting that. I had never seen his follow-up comment.

His clarification is helpful, but still irks me. My annoyance had been that his refusal to wear a pin, and his initial quote, came off as grandstanding- that he felt the need to distance himself from pin-wearers in a dramatic way. Wearing a flag pin is an innocent expression of patriotism and certainly isn't something worth exerting energy to criticize. Your link makes it clear that he was simply addressing a question about his personal decision not to wear a pin (which I don't care about) and his original answer hadn't come out quite the way he wanted it to.

I still think both quotes come off as unnecessarily insulting. Millions of Americans wear flag pins, and there is nothing wrong with that. The notion of having to earn the right to make a patriotic gesture is nonsensical. Although, again, this issue is not major concern of mine and it will have absolutely no bearing on who I vote for in November.


Fragamemnon said:
The earlier poll by PPP in NC that had them that close was an outlier, as I said before. The new poll sits closer to earlier polling in the race.

Look for NC to go 57-43 or so for Obama on May 6th. It's pretty much a done deal, though I think that a 20 point spread is generous but not impossible.

they're tied with ARG. while i do believe he's gonna win, i'm taking a wait-and-see on this one.


v1cious said:
they're tied with ARG. while i do believe he's gonna win, i'm taking a wait-and-see on this one.

all i will say is close to 30 percent black vote. nc is in the bag.:D indiana is the big concern.
My precinct is holding a house party tomorrow night to gather up all the delegates and alternates and my precinct chair (the person holding the get together), I just found out, is neighbors with my transplant doctor. :lol And both are literally within 5 minutes of me, walking distance.
scorcho said:
and the government didn't exactly 'bail out' Bear Sterns - they forced them to sell at a paltry share price (that later got raised) to keep the macroeconomy stable.

The initial Fed help wasn't in the form of forcing the sale.


CNN is claiming the Wright story is back and bigger than ever and is pushing the Bosnia story aside.

"Suddenly, the Rev. Wright uproar has returned to the forefront. The other flap of the day – her embarrassing and erroneous description of her 1996 visit to Bosnia – has been pushed a bit aside." - Wolf Blitzer
Cheebs said:
CNN is claiming the Wright story is back and bigger than ever and is pushing the Bosnia story aside.

"Suddenly, the Rev. Wright uproar has returned to the forefront. The other flap of the day – her embarrassing and erroneous description of her 1996 visit to Bosnia – has been pushed a bit aside." - Wolf Blitzer
And the down spiral of the democratic party continues. I'm an independent, and this is getting disgusting. And my vote could go anywhere at this point.
Cheebs said:
CNN is claiming the Wright story is back and bigger than ever and is pushing the Bosnia story aside.

"Suddenly, the Rev. Wright uproar has returned to the forefront. The other flap of the day – her embarrassing and erroneous description of her 1996 visit to Bosnia – has been pushed a bit aside." - Wolf Blitzer


Cheebs said:
CNN is claiming the Wright story is back and bigger than ever and is pushing the Bosnia story aside.

"Suddenly, the Rev. Wright uproar has returned to the forefront. The other flap of the day – her embarrassing and erroneous description of her 1996 visit to Bosnia – has been pushed a bit aside." - Wolf Blitzer
Because Clinton and her surrogates are bringing it back up like crazy, in an attempt to change the subject. Obliging of them to play along.


Tonya Harding Option - Nice.

Jake Tapper Blog said:
Democratic Party Official: Clinton Pursuing 'The Tonya Harding Option'

March 25, 2008 3:44 PM

l just spoke with a Democratic Party official, who asked for anonymity so as to speak candidly, who said we in the media are all missing the point of this Democratic fight.

The delegate math is difficult for Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, the official said. But it's not a question of CAN she achieve it. Of course she can, the official said.

The question is -- what will Clinton have to do in order to achieve it?

What will she have to do to Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, in order to eke out her improbable victory?

She will have to "break his back," the official said. She will have to destroy Obama, make Obama completely unacceptable.

"Her securing the nomination is certainly possible - but it will require exercising the 'Tonya Harding option.'" the official said. "Is that really what we Democrats want?"

The Tonya Harding Option -- the first time I've heard it put that way.

It implies that Clinton is so set on ensuring that Obama doesn't get the nomination, not only is she willing to take extra-ruthless steps, but in the end neither she nor Obama win the gold.

(In this metaphor, presumably, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., would be Oksana Baiul. Does that make former President Bill Clinton Jeff Gillooly?)

I don't think saying that about Wright (CNN) makes it so, Wolf.
Cheebs said:
CNN is claiming the Wright story is back and bigger than ever and is pushing the Bosnia story aside.

"Suddenly, the Rev. Wright uproar has returned to the forefront. The other flap of the day – her embarrassing and erroneous description of her 1996 visit to Bosnia – has been pushed a bit aside." - Wolf Blitzer
CNN is on my hate train with FOX news, American Idol, and Lifetime Movie Network.


Cheebs said:
CNN is claiming the Wright story is back and bigger than ever and is pushing the Bosnia story aside.

"Suddenly, the Rev. Wright uproar has returned to the forefront. The other flap of the day – her embarrassing and erroneous description of her 1996 visit to Bosnia – has been pushed a bit aside." - Wolf Blitzer
The full story
After staying out of the Barack Obama controversy over his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Hillary Clinton has now weighed in big time. She was asked about the flap when she met with the editorial board of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review today. “He would not have been my pastor,” she replied. “You know, you don’t choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend.”

A few moments ago, at a news conference, she essentially said the same thing before the microphones and cameras. And as she did earlier in the day, she noted that she had spoken out last year against Don Imus for his racially-charged comments about the Rutgers University women’s basketball team. “I gave a speech at Rutgers University saying that hate speech was unacceptable in any setting, and I believe that.”

Suddenly, the Rev. Wright uproar has returned to the forefront. The other flap of the day – her embarrassing and erroneous description of her 1996 visit to Bosnia – has been pushed a bit aside. She acknowledges that she made a mistake in describing the scene of her arrival at the Tuzla airbase.

All of this must be seen within the context of this incredibly close race for the Democratic presidential nomination. With four weeks to go to the Pennsylvania primary and the 10 other contests that will follow, every utterance by the two candidates is critical. The scrutiny all around will be intense because the stakes are enormous.
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