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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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PhoenixDark said:
Dunno if this was posted already (MSNBC owning her on Bosnia)

What's the point of this claim? How could she possibly think she'd get away with this when many members of the media were on the plane with her...and are still working for networks today

Jedi mindtrick

edit: after looking at this video for the 3rd time... look at the scarf... maybe it was the lucky charms
Obama said:
We cannot sit on the sidelines while increasing numbers of American families face the risk of losing their homes.

They never should have bought the home in the first place. But, whatever. If the US Government can bail out Bear Sterns, then it can bail out these fucks.



Pat Buchanon said:
Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the ’60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream.

harSon said:
Why do they even allow the bigot Pat Buchanon on CNN anymore?

Uhh dude, Buchanan is awesome on MSNBC

He always has something interesting to say on Hardball and MSNBC in general, usually giving insight on opposing positions. And I think he's 100% correct on Wright and what will happen in September and October as Obama is hammered on the issue over and over again


siamesedreamer said:
They never should have bought the home in the first place. But, whatever. If the US Government can bail out Bear Sterns, then it can bail out these fucks.


Hey, we agree on something! They're not bailing out Bear Sterns though - just providing a safety net for the bailout, at pennies on the dollar, which will in all likelihood never need to be used.

Still, screw these homedebtors. Home prices need to revert to the trendline.


PhoenixDark said:
Dunno if this was posted already (MSNBC owning her on Bosnia)

What's the point of this claim? How could she possibly think she'd get away with this when many members of the media were on the plane with her...and are still working for networks today
Shit like this is precisely why she'd make a terrible POTUS. I'm shocked that you continue to pull the wool over your own eyes about her, Maurice. You must hate black people something awful.


Queen of Denmark
siamesedreamer said:
They never should have bought the home in the first place.
Don't want to derail the thread too much, but it's not always as simple as that. That's what predatory lending is all about.


PhoenixDark said:
Uhh dude, Buchanan is awesome on MSNBC

He always has something interesting to say on Hardball and MSNBC in general, usually giving insight on opposing positions. And I think he's 100% correct on Wright and what will happen in September and October as Obama is hammered on the issue over and over again

He's also a bigoted hypocrite. I don't mind if someone is appalled by Wrights words but that person damn well better make sure they're angelic. Attempting to justify slavery and Jim Crow is pretty fucking horrible.


Ever listen to the Nixon tapes? Buchanan is on some of them and on one occasion was trashing MLK Jr. to Nixon. :lol

Also...wtf info from todays rassmussen poll (clinton 46, obama 43):

n the Democratic Presidential Nomination, it’s Clinton 46%, Obama 43%. For the past week-and-a-half, Obama’s support has been between 43% and 47% every day. Clinton’s support has ranged from 42% to 46% (see recent daily results). New polling data from Pennsylvania shows Clinton with a ten-point late in the Keystone State’s April 22 Primary. In discussing that Primary, Governor Ed Rendell indicates that the Clinton campaign is ready to keep fighting to the end of the primaries and beyond.

The division in the Democratic Party is highlighted by the fact that just 71% of Democratic Primary voters now say they will vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election campaign. If Barack Obama is nominated, 64% of Democratic Primary voters are ready to vote for him. The way in which the Democratic Nomination is resolved will ultimately determine whether the nominee will enjoy stronger support from the party’s base.

Clinton is currently viewed favorably by 74% of Democrats nationwide, Obama by 67%. By way of comparison, McCain is viewed favorably by 83% of Republicans.


Why don't you post the PA poll too where Obama is only trailing by 10% and has a higher favorability rating than Clinton.

Rasmussen also uses a weighting program that may or may not be accurate for this election cycle.


Queen of Denmark
siamesedreamer said:
Yeah, that gun to the head is pretty persausive.
It's not about lending by force, it's about misleading terms and bad practices. I don't think it's ethical or helpful to our society to say "too bad" to people who are in danger of foreclosure because they missed a deliberately-buried clause in their mortgage; even if you don't think there should be an obligation to help these people, you must realize pragmatically that a mass of unchecked foreclosures and homeless families would end up being a burden to the system in other more significant ways.
Triumph said:
Shit like this is precisely why she'd make a terrible POTUS. I'm shocked that you continue to pull the wool over your own eyes about her, Maurice. You must hate black people something awful.
uh huh

I think both would be good presidents, but Clinton went off the deep end awhile ago. Shortly after the "muslim" Obama picture came out and her campaigned spun it, it became clear that her campaign was done. I can't support that

Probably lttp but here's the full video of Richardson's response, with Buchanan and Matthews, who gets pretty damn passionate. As I've said before, I understand the need of spin in politics, and dismissing opposition - but to kneecap a two decade old friendship over politics is appalling. Sure the Clintons' made Richardson what he is politically, and it might seem like he's just positioning himself for a job with Obama's camp (Sec of State, or maybe VP Santiago). I though Richardson ran a pretty bad presidential campaign, and most of us here were making fun of him. But he's a good, honest guy - and I'm starting to get the impression that he's quite sensitive; if you watch the video he looks so uncomfortable and sad as the commentators derail him with Carville questions.
human5892 said:
It's not about lending by force, it's about misleading terms and bad practices.

Look, my wife was a closing attorney in GA for almost two years. I agree that there needs to be a more transparent process. But, I can't tell you how many times she said people would find out the rates double, etc. at the closing table and still sign it anyway. They're just as at fault as the system.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Clinton explicitly leaving the door open to try and take Obama's pledged delegates:


" just don’t think this is over yet, and I don’t think that it is smart for us to take a position that might disadvantage us in November. And also remember that pledged delegates in most states are not pledged. You know, there is no requirement that anybody vote for anybody. They’re just like superdelegates."
She's exactly right. But most of the delegates (like myself and stoge) are hardcore supporters and the notion of switching our votes when it comes time to cement Obama's victory is ridiculous. And the same goes for the Clinton supporters who will show up. In the end, we're all Democrats.


when is my burrito
Incognito said:
She's exactly right. But most of the delegates (like myself and stoge) are hardcore supporters and the notion of switching our votes when it comes time to cement Obama's victory is ridiculous. And the same goes for the Clinton supporters who will show up. In the end, we're all Democrats.

For example, see Iowa district re-caucus where only 1 delegate shifted away from somebody still in the race.


Queen of Denmark
siamesedreamer said:
Look, my wife was a closing attorney in GA for almost two years. I agree that there needs to be a more transparent process. But, I can't tell you how many times she said people would find out the rates double, etc. at the closing table and still sign it anyway. They're just as at fault as the system.
There's definitely people in both camps, I agree. It's too bad a "bail-out" can not distinguish between those who were genuinely misled and those who chose to forge ahead knowing the consequences.
PhoenixDark said:
I think both would be good presidents, but Clinton went off the deep end awhile ago. Shortly after the "muslim" Obama picture came out and her campaigned spun it, it became clear that her campaign was done. I can't support that

sorry this has been kind of irking me. first of all, that was just from some random campaign lackey. even obama himself believes she had nothing to do with it.

second, if she wanted to really ride the Obama is a Muslim train she'd bring up how his dad was a practicing muslim, how his half brothers are practicing muslims, how he briefly attended a muslim school as a child, ect. of course its all irrelevant and he's not muslim. but she could really sling mud if she wanted to
Tyrone Slothrop said:
sorry this has been kind of irking me. first of all, that was just from some random campaign lackey. even obama himself believes she had nothing to do with it.

second, if she wanted to really ride the Obama is a Muslim train she'd bring up how his dad was a practicing muslim, how his half brothers are practicing muslims, how he briefly attended a muslim school as a child, ect. of course its all irrelevant and he's not muslim. but she could really sling mud if she wanted to
He didn't attend a muslim school when he was a child. I can't believe people still think this. :lol :lol


when is my burrito
Tyrone Slothrop said:
second, if she wanted to really ride the Obama is a Muslim train she'd bring up how his dad was a practicing muslim, how his half brothers are practicing muslims, how he briefly attended a muslim school as a child, ect. of course its all irrelevant and he's not muslim. but she could really sling mud if she wanted to

Her "As far as I know" comment about Obama's faith really pisses me off, especially considering that they've been going to friggin prayer breakfasts together since he's been in the Senate.
One good thing about the Wright thing is that it helped further dispell the Muslim thing

btw, James Carville is not only a bumbling idiot, but it also hurts to look at him. And his remarks towards Richardson were despicable, but I expect nothing less from Clintonites these days.
tanod said:
Her "As far as I know" comment about Obama's faith really pisses me off, especially considering that they've been going to friggin prayer breakfasts together since he's been in the Senate.

i'm not so sure if it was really a jab but rather an off the cuff response. like, "hay dude, is your homeboy there gay?" "oh, no dude. my homebody aint gay. at least not that i know of." ... that kind of thing


when is my burrito
Tyrone Slothrop said:
i'm not so sure if it was really a jab but rather an off the cuff response. like, "hay dude, is your homeboy there gay?" "oh, no dude. my homebody aint gay. at least not that i know of." ... that kind of thing

You'll understand how absurd it would be to say that had you actually seen your friend having sex with a woman.


harSon said:
I heard he was part of Hitler's Youth.
No, that was this dude



BotoxAgent said:
btw, James Carville is not only a bumbling idiot, but it also hurts to look at him. And his remarks towards Richardson were despicable, but I expect nothing less from Clintonites these days.

His remarks were disgusting. Richardson already announced long ago that he would support the leader in the pledged delegates, which is almost certain to be Obama. Secondly how is this act a betrayal? I wasn't aware receiving a political appointment meant pledging lifelong loyalty not only to the politician that appointed you but to family members of them as well. Richardson didn't do anything deserving of being compared to Judas.


when is my burrito
BotoxAgent said:
One good thing about the Wright thing is that it helped further dispell the Muslim thing

btw, James Carville is not only a bumbling idiot, but it also hurts to look at him. And his remarks towards Richardson were despicable, but I expect nothing less from Clintonites these days.

If James Carville and other people like him took half the energy to better the country as he does to shit it up, the world would be a much better place.

He's like the perfect antithesis of Obama. With Obama's political skills, just imagine how Obama could rip somebody apart if he wanted to.
As many people have stated, I am angered at Carville's comments towards Richardson. Governor Richardson is an upstanding person, and has done well in every position that he's held. The way the Clinton campaign is attacking him is ridiculous.

Also, the clock is ticking Hillary. Release your tax information, or pay.
ToyMachine228 said:
As many people have stated, I am angered at Carville's comments towards Richardson. Governor Richardson is an upstanding person, and has done well in every position that he's held. The way the Clinton campaign is attacking him is ridiculous.

More than anything though, they kept the Richardson endorsement in the press for far longer than it would have been otherwise.


syllogism said:

PPP is unreliable but a 21% lead in NC is still nice

e: this is the poll that had Obama up by only 1% last time
20% jump in one week? That's crazy, even for PPP.

So, Obama released his tax returns from 2000-2006. The timing was hilarious.

This is pretty funny. Hillary spokesperson Phil Singer blasted out an email at 11:23 insisting that Obama release his tax returns for back years.

Exactly two minutes later, at 11:25, Obama spokesperson Tommy Vietor emailed out word that Obama had posted his tax returns for 2000-2006 on his campaign web site. Turns out the Obama camp has been planning this for some time.

You can view them here.

In pure political terms, this will obviously give more political potency to the Obama camp's efforts to make Hillary's failure to release her returns a key issue in the campaign. The Obama camp is now free to beat this drum between now and mid-April, when the Hillary camp has promised to release hers.

Indeed, the Obama campaign is already calling on Hillary to follow suit. “Senator Clinton can’t claim to be vetted until she allows the public the opportunity to see her finances," Obama spokesperson Robert Gibbs says, in a reference to the Hillary camp's frequent claim that Obama has not been thoroughly "vetted" in advance of the general election.
GhaleonEB said:
20% jump in one week? That's crazy, even for PPP.

So, Obama released his tax returns from 2000-2006. The timing was pretty funny.


That's amazing. I saw this little thing on NightLine about the Obama Campaign Offices and it really is a bunch of guys like us who would totally think of something on that level of Ownage.

I love it.

I really hope that the turnaround time makes it into the MSM take, because that's fucking golden.
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