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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Good post on TPM.

You can always tell when a scandal story is peaked and is ebbing, almost down to the minute: when your political opponents start raise it explicitly against you. That was the minute I knew Bill Clinton was going to weather the Monica story -- the moment when Republicans first started hitting him over it. It took a few days. And I remember rejoicing about it at the time. Same thing here with Wright. The Clinton camp can see that it's drifting. So they're deciding to stoke it. Also useful to get the Tuzla stuff off the front page.

Here's one other point I want to raise about Wright. Having watched the full sermons that his sound bites were grabbed out of, it's pretty clear to me that the snippets running on Youtube were taken out of context and heavily distorted. I'm also not going to get into the business of full-scale defenses of someone who has apparently suggested that the US government had some role in "inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color."

But in the debate about Wright, which Sen. Clinton has just reignited, it seems to be spoken of now as an unquestioned assumption that Wright traffics in racist rhetoric or hate speech. But is that really true? I've seen some stuff that strikes me as whacky. I've heard soundbites that critics would not have much trouble spinning as anti-American. But are there really quotes that justify that? I'm not saying that purely as a rhetorical question. I have no made myself a full Wrightologist. But I do get the sense that a lot of people believe he's so radioactive that it makes no sense to point out when people are treating as granted claims that appear demonstrably false.


Huckabee brings the awesome on the Wright story
And one other thing I think we’ve gotta remember. As easy as it is for those of us who are white, to look back and say “That’s a terrible statement!”…I grew up in a very segregated south. And I think that you have to cut some slack — and I’m gonna be probably the only Conservative in America who’s gonna say something like this, but I’m just tellin’ you — we’ve gotta cut some slack to people who grew up being called names, being told “you have to sit in the balcony when you go to the movie. You have to go to the back door to go into the restaurant. And you can’t sit out there with everyone else. There’s a separate waiting room in the doctor’s office. Here’s where you sit on the bus…” And you know what? Sometimes people do have a chip on their shoulder and resentment. And you have to just say, I probably would too. I probably would too. In fact, I may have had more of a chip on my shoulder had it been me.


The Lamonster said:
Yeah Hillary has <%10 chance; that's not close at all.

Fuck you, "Wolf" Blitzer.
I also heard CNN claim the rev. wright story today is bigger than ever and the revival of it potentially will destroy obama's chances in the primary. Just today!

So there you go, CNN's objectivity.
Cheebs said:
President Johnson doesn't seem to think Wright was a wacko but he started Vietnam so by default he has to be wrong.

It takes about 2 tiny steps away from the entire thing to see how manufactured this controversy is. Judging 20 years of a man's teachings and sermons on 3(G'D america, Coming home to roost, and Aids virus, were there any others?) out of context snippets and a compliment to an anti semite. More and more people are coming out to defend Wright and the church, and that I'm confident that will continue as the controversy backlash comes full circle.

When viewed through a lens that doesn't purely focus on controversy the "Why didn't he leave?" argument falls down like a house of cards.

Re: CNN, CNN seems to be the last media outlet that's figured out that it's over. MSNBC gets it, Fox has turned the attack machine against Obama full time demonstrating they get it, and the nightly news networks are kind of going "duh." CNN is still aggressively pushing the "It's still close!" angle.
CNN has no shame. Journalism has gone down the crapper and Wolf is right at home. I hope Jack Cafferty says something about this. He's probably one of the few I still respect at CNN for calling out BS.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Love that Chris Mathews is calling Clinton out on her Bosnia bullshit.

Btw, how do you "misspeak" on a statement where you claim that you arrived in the country under sniper fire?

What else did you mean to say? "I flew in and people were throwing flowers at me"?


reilo said:
Love that Chris Mathews is calling Clinton out on her Bosnia bullshit.

Btw, how do you "misspeak" on a statement where you claim that you arrived in the country under sniper fire?

What else did you mean to say? "I flew in and people were throwing flowers at me"?
Even more telling, how do you "misspeak" when you're reading a prepared statement.
Tamanon said:
Plus NC is a big-time college state too.

Plus it has a lot of young affluent suburban professionals.
Plus it has a military community who are not fans of the Clintons due to events that transpired under Bill's terms.
Plus it has an overall very strong economy, one of the best in the nation outside of very contained some pockets of manufacturing losses.

The deck is stacked against Hillary here. It could be worse-she could be up against a well tuned grassroots machine like she faced in Virgina, which gave her a staggering loss.

I'm a Hillary fan through and through-I still think she'd make the best president out of all the candidates remaining-but NC is structurally favored for Obama in almost every possible way.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Triumph said:
Even more telling, how do you "misspeak" when you're reading a prepared statement.


It was a prepared statement off of a teleprompter?


What the fuck son?


reilo said:
Love that Chris Mathews is calling Clinton out on her Bosnia bullshit.

Btw, how do you "misspeak" on a statement where you claim that you arrived in the country under sniper fire?

What else did you mean to say? "I flew in and people were throwing flowers at me"?

I think she meant the snipers were actually on fire so that it was safe as kittens as comedian Sinbad pointed out. So really, she didn't misspeak after all. She misspoke about misspeaking.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
bob_arctor said:
I think she meant the snipers were actually on fire so that it was safe as kittens as comedian Sinbad pointed out. So really, she didn't misspeak after all. She misspoke about misspeaking.

Sounds like an adlib!

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Things Are Being Done To End The Primary

Huffington Post said:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) hints at some behind-the-scenes activity to bring the Democratic nomination race to a close:

Q: Do you still think the Democratic race can be resolved before the convention?

Reid: Easy.

Q: How is that?

Reid: It will be done.

Q: It just will?

Reid: Yep.

Q: Magically?

Reid: No, it will be done. I had a conversation with Governor Dean (Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean) today. Things are being done.

So mysterious... I'm hoping ninjas are involved.


Fragamemnon said:
Plus it has a lot of young affluent suburban professionals.
Plus it has a military community who are not fans of the Clintons due to events that transpired under Bill's terms.
Plus it has an overall very strong economy, one of the best in the nation outside of very contained some pockets of manufacturing losses.

The deck is stacked against Hillary here. It could be worse-she could be up against a well tuned grassroots machine like she faced in Virgina, which gave her a staggering loss.

I'm a Hillary fan through and through-I still think she'd make the best president out of all the candidates remaining-but NC is structurally favored for Obama in almost every possible way.
Actually, it *IS* worse for her. I went to a meeting of Wilmington for Obama last night for the first time, and they are INCREDIBLY well organized and have been registering voters for months now. They were running so smoothly that the paid Obama campaign staffer, who had just gotten into town a few days ago said he "didn't have anything to do because we had done it already" and then said "so, how can I work for you guys?"

She goan get forcibly sexed in North Cackalacky.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Quiiick question, I've asked this before but never saw an answer:

I sent in my voter registration for Oregon a few weeks ago. How long does it usually take for them to inform me whether they received my registration or not?


*drowns in jizz*
Cheebs said:
CNN is claiming the Wright story is back and bigger than ever and is pushing the Bosnia story aside.

"Suddenly, the Rev. Wright uproar has returned to the forefront. The other flap of the day – her embarrassing and erroneous description of her 1996 visit to Bosnia – has been pushed a bit aside." - Wolf Blitzer

YOU guys decide whats at the forefront CNN, you fucking jackasses. People will frame the issues as you frame them. People will believe something is a big issue because you TELL THEM its a big issue. What a fucking joke.
Triumph said:
Actually, it *IS* worse for her. I went to a meeting of Wilmington for Obama last night for the first time, and they are INCREDIBLY well organized and have been registering voters for months now. They were running so smoothly that the paid Obama campaign staffer, who had just gotten into town a few days ago said he "didn't have anything to do because we had done it already" and then said "so, how can I work for you guys?"

She goan get forcibly sexed in North Cackalacky.

Nothing like that here in Raleigh-Durham, to be honest. I was just referring to the now-legendary grassroots efforts that got Tim Kaine and and Jim Webb elected the last couple of years. In comparison, NC seems sorta sleepy in that regard, or at least it does from where I am looking at it.


ToyMachine228 said:
I'm quickly losing respect for Wolf Blitzer.

I'm not sure what he did to earn any respect in the first place as far as journalism goes, because all he does is stoke fires and goad guests into yelling at each other.


*drowns in jizz*
Macam said:
I'm not sure what he did to earn any respect in the first place as far as journalism goes, because all he does is stoke fires and goad guests into yelling at each other.

Wolf Blitzer does his best to look neutral by acting completely emotionless, boring, and like a zombie. But he's never struck me as a good journalist. He asks the stupidest questions from guests, superficial nonesense, and frames the issues and questions to viewers in silly, sensational, and predictable ways.


Fragamemnon said:
Nothing like that here in Raleigh-Durham, to be honest. I was just referring to the now-legendary grassroots efforts that got Tim Kaine and and Jim Webb elected the last couple of years. In comparison, NC seems sorta sleepy in that regard, or at least it does from where I am looking at it.
Hmm, well then I bet you guys get more actual paid Obama staffers to rile people up. We got three.

One thing I was struck by at the Wilmington for Obama organizational meeting was the lack of young people- it was mostly people 30+ and was pretty much being run by some 50+ white ladies, funnily enough. There were over 50 people at the meeting and I mentioned something about expecting to see more students at the meeting to the organizer and she laughed and said, "Oh, there's a huge Students for Obama group run by students from the University and community colleges in town. They have a representative here though so we don't duplicate our efforts."

So I guess we're pretty well organized out here in coastal Carolina.
i thought this was funny, coming from a person who refuses to release her tax returns immediately:

“I am pleased that Senator Obama has released his tax returns. I think that’s a good first step. Now he should release his records from being in the state senate and any other information that the public and the press need to know from his prior experience, because I think that, you know, we should continue to make available the information that we have,”
Captain Pants said:
Things Are Being Done To End The Primary

So mysterious... I'm hoping ninjas are involved.

See...this is stupid. If things are being done to end it, why aren't they ending it now? All this is doing is fracturing the party and creating a negative spotlight on the candidates.

How many states are left? 15? Hillary will win about 4-5 right?

These people can't even pick a candidate, yet y'all want to give them full control over the government? Amazing!


reilo said:
Hardball calling Clinton out on NAFTA.

Mathews +2 today.
The exchange between Matthews and the Clinton supporter was priceless.

"What do you make of the Canadian Prime Minister claiming Hillary told Canada not to worry about what she said on the stump concerning NAFTA" - Matthews

"Exactly, first Obama's campaign says they never met, then a week later they finally admit to meeting the Canadian Prime Minister" - Clinton supporter thinking Matthews was talking about Obama

"No, I was talking about how Hillary gave Canada the ol' wink wink nudge nudge" - Matthews

"We don't want to dwell in the past. Also she is the most experienced." - Clinton supporter


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
siamesedreamer said:
See...this is stupid. If things are being done to end it, why aren't they ending it now? All this is doing is fracturing the party and creating a negative spotlight on the candidates.

How many states are left? 15? Hillary will win about 4-5 right?

These people can't even pick a candidate, yet y'all want to give them full control over the government? Amazing!

10 states and she'll win 2 at most. If that.
Carrboro / Chapel Hill is going strong already, but that is expected I guess. One of the campaign staffers stayed with us the 1st night, they feel pretty confident about this state. He worked for 6 months in NH, did SC and VA and OH. The official meeting is this Saturday BTW. Obama is in Greensboro tomorrow - a 2000 person deal. At some point we will get the giant rally here and then it will be on I'd imagine.

and now for something completely different! Barrack OBollywood! This is the new Viva Obama for me, to clear out the wretched parts of the daily news grind.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
siamesedreamer said:
OK 10...

She'll win PA and WV for sure. Indiana too? Anything else somewhat of a toss up?

Why would she win WV? Obama won Virgina 64-35. Are those states that different?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Triumph said:
Hmm, well then I bet you guys get more actual paid Obama staffers to rile people up. We got three.

One thing I was struck by at the Wilmington for Obama organizational meeting was the lack of young people- it was mostly people 30+ and was pretty much being run by some 50+ white ladies, funnily enough. There were over 50 people at the meeting and I mentioned something about expecting to see more students at the meeting to the organizer and she laughed and said, "Oh, there's a huge Students for Obama group run by students from the University and community colleges in town. They have a representative here though so we don't duplicate our efforts."

So I guess we're pretty well organized out here in coastal Carolina.

WOW! Good work guys. :D


reilo said:
Why would she win WV? Obama won Virgina 64-35. Are those states that different?
Yes, but look at a county by county map of Virginia. He lost pretty big in the area bordering West Virginia. Pretty much everyone expects him to lose there.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Triumph said:
Yes, but look at a county by county map of Virginia. He lost pretty big in the area bordering West Virginia. Pretty much everyone expects him to lose there.

But I thought small states don't matter?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
reilo said:
Why would she win WV? Obama won Virgina 64-35. Are those states that different?

Yes. WV has a lot more in common with rural Ohio than Virginia.
syllogism said:
She will win WV and Kentucky by ~20%
If that happens, I can't wait to hear that the road to the White House goes through Kentucky and West Virginia. You don't win a general election without winning those huge states.
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