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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Slurpy said:
Now we're playing the 'if the other candidate wasn't running..' angle? Holy fuck.

How old are you? Seriously, I'm curious.
i was actually responding to triumphs post about the 92 percent african american vote. :/


topsyturvy said:
So tell me this.....

the minority group will

a) not vote come november

b) vote for mccain

c) cry foul for 6 whole months and ignore hillary like the disease and stay home


d) riot

all of which every single person here said will happen....which it won't. yea, keep moving those goal posts folks.
You are a fucking melon headed retard.
Triumph said:
You are a fucking melon headed retard.
indeed i am.

you think that all african americans will simply not vote for hillary because obama didn't win the primary simply because you feel that he got cheated?

Not all african americans are obama fanatics.


topsyturvy said:
indeed i am.

you think that all african americans will simply not vote for hillary because obama didn't win the primary simply because you feel that he got cheated?

Not all african americans are obama fanatics.



schuelma said:



:lol Keep fighting the good fight. Like McCain does in Iraq. As he wanted to in Vietnam.

In all fairness, that quote was taken out of context. He only wants to stay until we've achieved stability and the Iraq government can handle things on their own. 100 years was just an estimate.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
schuelma said:
No, he did not. Christ

close to it:

John McCain’s admission that economics isn’t his thing. “The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should,” he says. “I’ve got Greenspan’s book.”

that should be enough to blow up in his face.

harSon said:
Him admitting to not being an expert combined with some of the idiotic statements he has made regarding it clearly points to the fact that he is honestly clueless.

yup.. !


topsyturvy said:
indeed i am.

you think that all african americans will simply not vote for hillary because obama didn't win the primary because you feel that he got cheated.

Not all african americans are obama fanatics.
So. Again. One last time.

-Hillary is not going to win the most pledged delegates.
-She is almost certainly not going to win the popular vote.
-The election has grown increasingly bitter and divisive, with more and more African Americans supporting Obama.
-In order to win the nomination, Hillary has to continue to paint Obama in an unfavorable manner.
-In order to win the nomination she has to win over the super delegates, which will overturn the decision of the popularly elected delegates and almost surely the popular vote.

So, your job now, is to explain that the above is not true, and if it IS true that if it happens it will not alienate the African American voting base that the Democrats have depended on for years and years now. Go ahead, show your work. If you can't, then you are a fucking idiot and a troll, and should leave the thread and don't come back.
Triumph said:
So. Again. One last time.

-Hillary is not going to win the most pledged delegates.
-She is almost certainly not going to win the popular vote.
-The election has grown increasingly bitter and divisive, with more and more African Americans supporting Obama.
-In order to win the nomination, Hillary has to continue to paint Obama in an unfavorable manner.
-In order to win the nomination she has to win over the super delegates, which will overturn the decision of the popularly elected delegates and almost surely the popular vote.

So, your job now, is to explain that the above is not true, and if it IS true that if it happens it will not alienate the African American voting base that the Democrats have depended on for years and years now. Go ahead, show your work. If you can't, then you are a fucking idiot and a troll, and should leave the thread and don't come back.
Not to mention that the fact that the decision of the people was overturned will alienate all of the independents who wanted to vote for a Democrat. *raises hand*


Queen of Denmark
It seems to be mentioned every so often, but it bears repeating: neither the media nor the Democrats have turned even a fraction of their scrutinies on McCain. Once the Democrats have a candidate and the fervor of the race has died down, I fully expect McCain's many, many contradictions and "misstatements" to be brought up ad nauseum until November.

I'd bet that at least some who support him are people who don't follow politics remembering John McCain 2000, not his inferior 2008 model.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
human5892 said:
It seems to be mentioned every so often, but it bears repeating: neither the media nor the Democrats have turned even a fraction of their scrutinies on McCain. Once the Democrats have a candidate and the fervor of the race has died down, I fully expect McCain's many, many contradictions and "misstatements" to be brought up ad nauseum until November.

I'd bet that at least some who support him are people who don't follow politics remembering John McCain 2000, not his inferior 2008 model.

Agree, but the wrench in that is if its not decided until July, that only leaves a couple of months to portray McCain in that way.


quadriplegicjon said:
most obama supporters are not fanatics...

just want to throw that out there, in case anyone forgot.

I find it amusing that TopsyTurvy constantly complains about Obama fanatics.


electricpirate said:
None of these candidates are paticularly good about the economy. Each has a few things I like, ie: Obama's infrastructure plan, Hilaries auction for foreclosed houses.

No one is out there talking about how we get lending institutions to be more transparent, how we end predatory lending, or how we can keep home prices reasonable.

I can certainly agree with that. McCain was just being honest about it (this was one of the major reasons I supported Romney in the primary).

Again harSon, what are Obama's qualifications to deal with the economy? Why is he the economy candidate? Bush=McCain isn't an answer, and if you are going to say Bush=McCain you could at least be policy specific.


"The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should"

While that's not a strong positive statement, it's also not "combustible." Certainly the realization that something isn't your strong point is the kind of refreshing politics of change people like Obama have been calling for, ne? In any case, he has plenty of time to study up and be briefed on it while the Dem nomination race is still going.
I missed Obama's rally/town hall meeting. Can someone summarize how he responded re: the Rev. Wright issue? What made it a good response?

- Cris
Triumph said:
So. Again. One last time.

-Hillary is not going to win the most pledged delegates.
-She is almost certainly not going to win the popular vote.
-The election has grown increasingly bitter and divisive, with more and more African Americans supporting Obama.
-In order to win the nomination, Hillary has to continue to paint Obama in an unfavorable manner.
-In order to win the nomination she has to win over the super delegates, which will overturn the decision of the popularly elected delegates and almost surely the popular vote.

So, your job now, is to explain that the above is not true, and if it IS true that if it happens it will not alienate the African American voting base that the Democrats have depended on for years and years now. Go ahead, show your work. If you can't, then you are a fucking idiot and a troll, and should leave the thread and don't come back.
You're right

-hillary is not going to win the most pledged delegates or the popular vote
-obama have african americans on his side
-hillary is playing hardball
-hillary is relying on super delegates

all of which i said. :/

But my argument is that the african american vote will not be alienated as much as you think. Seriously, african americans will still vote democratic come november. Sure some will feel piss, but lets all get real here.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
"The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should"

While that's not a strong positive statement, it's also not "combustible." Certainly the realization that something isn't your strong point is the kind of refreshing politics of change people like Obama have been calling for, ne? In any case, he has plenty of time to study up and be briefed on it while the Dem nomination race is still going.

if obama was taken to task for admitting to having a messy desk, or the whole white people comment, i'd say the media can easily twist this comment if they want.


APF said:
"The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should"

While that's not a strong positive statement, it's also not "combustible." Certainly the realization that something isn't your strong point is the kind of refreshing politics of change people like Obama have been calling for, ne? In any case, he has plenty of time to study up and be briefed on it while the Dem nomination race is still going.

I'm sure Obama said something like that you'd let that slide right?


topsyturvy said:
You're right

-hillary is not going to win the most pledged delegates or the popular vote
-obama have african americans on his side
-hillary is playing hardball
-hillary is relying on super delegates

all of which i said. :/

But my argument is that the african american vote will not be alienated as much as you think. Seriously, african americans will still vote democratic come november. Sure some will feel piss, but lets all get real here.
I think you're the one not being real. For one thing, your candidate is not going to be the nominee. For another, massively depressed AA turnout SHOULD she become the nominee is pretty much assured. Finally, those who do go out to vote might just not vote for anyone for President.

It is far more likely that myself and everyone who agrees with me is right than little old you, a biased die hard Hillary shill, is right.


APF said:
"The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should"

While that's not a strong positive statement, it's also not "combustible." Certainly the realization that something isn't your strong point it the kind of refreshing politics of change people like Obama have been calling for, ne? In any case, he has plenty of time to study up and be briefed on it while the Dem nomination race is still going.

Another solid attempt APF. Nobody in this discussion is holding Mccain accountable for his willingness to admit his fault(s), we are criticizing his blatant lack of knowledge regarding a subject that is extremely crucial to our countries future. Every remaining candidate is not well versed in the world of politics, all we can do as voters is make a decision based on what we've seen and heard. Mccain admitting he is not strong in economics combined with statements like "I wish the interest rates were at zero" do not make the strongest of arguments for his candidacy.


topsyturvy said:
But my argument is that the african american vote will not be alienated as much as you think. Seriously, african americans will still vote democratic come november. Sure some will feel piss, but lets all get real here.

They may just decide not to vote at all.
quadriplegicjon said:
i'd say the media can easily twist this comment if they want.

The media is not going to be doing anything - its the 527s on both sides. If you thought the heat had been turned up on Obama the last couple weeks, then you ain't seen nothing yet. And that goes for McCain too with the Keating Five, Bush hugs, etc.


Deus Ex Machina said:
I can't hear his speeches in the same light again.


With this campaign, both Clintons have really done damage to their respective reputations with a big swath of Democrats. I think unforgettable damage.

I've actually found myself surprised at their behavior.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Anyone hear about some govenor saying that superdelagates should vote to declare a nominee now? Maybe this is what Harry Reid was talking about?
That was the Gov. of Tennessee. He was saying after the last primary in June the supers should get together and have a convention and cast their votes to get this shit out of the way. I expect it to happen sooner than the last election.
Triumph said:
I think you're the one not being real. For one thing, your candidate is not going to be the nominee. For another, massively depressed AA turnout SHOULD she become the nominee is pretty much assured. Finally, those who do go out to vote might just not vote for anyone for President.

It is far more likely that myself and everyone who agrees with me is right than little old you, a biased die hard Hillary shill, is right.
yea, because you're so not biased between the two candidates.

Way to post between the "no spin zone". ;)


harSon said:
Another solid attempt APF. Nobody in this discussion is holding Mccain accountable for his willingness to admit his fault(s), we are criticizing his blatant lack of knowledge regarding a subject that is extremely crucial to our countries future. Every remaining candidate is not well versed in the world of politics, all we can do as voters is make a decision based on what we've seen and heard. Mccain admitting he is not strong in economics combined with statements like "I wish the interest rates were at zero" do not make the strongest of arguments for his candidacy.

Remind me what Obama's economic qualifications are.


Tom_Cody said:
Bush=McCain isn't an answer, and if you are going to say Bush=McCain you could at least be policy specific.

Permanent tax cuts, privatizing SS, wants the money pit that is Iraq to continue.

"We are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy. Allah willing, and nothing is too great for Allah," bin Laden said in the transcript.

"We, alongside the mujahedeen, bled Russia for 10 years until it went bankrupt and was forced to withdraw in defeat," bin Laden said.


Sen. McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign Web site takes a different view, proposing “supplementing” the existing full Social Security system with personally managed accounts. Such accounts wouldn’t substitute for guaranteed payments, and they wouldn’t be financed by diverting a portion of Social Security payroll taxes.

Asked about the apparent change in position in the interview, Sen. McCain said he hadn’t made one. “I’m totally in favor of personal savings accounts,” he says. When reminded that his Web site says something different, he says he will change the Web site. (As of Sunday night, he hadn’t.) “As part of Social Security reform, I believe that private savings accounts are a part of it — along the lines that President Bush proposed.”

Good luck with all that, Johnny Short Arms.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
siamesedreamer said:
The media is not going to be doing anything - its the 527s on both sides. If you thought the heat had been turned up on Obama the last couple weeks, then you ain't seen nothing yet. And that goes for McCain too with the Keating Five, Bush hugs, etc.
If McCain agrees to Obama's thing of not taking public funding, then there will be no 527s.


Tom_Cody said:
Remind me what Obama's economic qualifications are.

Could you remind me where I said that Obama was the guru of economics? I believed I said that none of the remaining candidates are well versed in economics.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
mckmas8808 said:
Yes he does. He said so.

You're blatantly mischaracterizing what he said. Blatantly. I understand this board's overwhelming Obama support..most of the time I'm one of them. But let's at least be intellectually honest here.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
topsyturvy said:
You're right

-hillary is not going to win the most pledged delegates or the popular vote
-obama have african americans on his side
-hillary is playing hardball
-hillary is relying on super delegates

all of which i said. :/

But my argument is that the african american vote will not be alienated as much as you think. Seriously, african americans will still vote democratic come november. Sure some will feel piss, but lets all get real here.

Yo girl, I'm black and now I hate Hillary so no vote from me. Hillary -1


RubxQub said:
If McCain agrees to Obama's thing of not taking public funding, then there will be no 527s.

Wait, I thought 527's operated independent of FEC oversight and thus were able to stick around no matter what.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Tamanon said:
Wait, I thought 527's operated independent of FEC oversight and thus were able to stick around no matter what.
You're correct, but unless I'm mistaken, part of the agreement was to not allow any 527 type groups.


RubxQub said:
You're correct, but unless I'm mistaken, part of the agreement was to not allow any 527 type groups.

Yeah but that agreement won't do anything anyways since technically campaigns aren't supposed to have any contact with 527s anyways. I wish it would, but then again, this is all McCain's doing anyways:p
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