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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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"industry expert"
topsyturvy said:
No matter how many negative attacks and lies she have tripped face first over for, Hillary and Obama is basically carbon copies of each other.

Any democrat IS better then Mccain. FACT

Clinton is no different from Bush, in my mind.

Her behavior during this race has made me EXTREMELY fearful of how she would behave in relation to foreign leaders if she came into disagreement with them.

I don't really want to vote Mccain, and If it's between the two, I may not vote at all, but I would at least CONSIDER Mccain.


Rasmussen: obama +2% (-2 yesterday)



PhoenixDark said:
I watch the view just about every Friday since I don't have school

The first part of the interview started off as Sesame Street, but later Walters started asking tough questions on Wright. Obama defended himself firmly and didn't lose his cool, even after Elizabeth kept hounding him. But interestingly at one point he characterized Wright as important to him/his family, then later said he was "just a pastor".

you try WAYYYY too hard.

He is like family to him, but he is "just a pastor"... meaning, his views (Wrights) are not Obama's views. Its not really a complicated thing to figure out.


Not Banned from OT
topsyturvy said:
No matter how many negative attacks and lies she have tripped face first over for, Hillary and Obama is basically carbon copies of each other.

Any democrat IS better then Mccain. FACT

You mean almost any democrat. The problem is they found 2 who are worse than McCain. All they had to do was roll out any centrist and election over. Instead they roll out 2 extremist to push a ultra liberal agenda. I can not vote for anyone who will rape my wallet and put more government in my life. I can not vote for anyone who is out to destroy the single middle class with crushing tax hikes.
harSon said:
More of a biased opinion :) I agree, although one of the democratic candidates is considerably worst than the other (That candidate being Hillary, and yes, that is a biased opinion as well).
I was actually being considerably moderate and wasn't being a complete political tool like someone. :/

To prove that point, how many times did i say i'll vote Hillary or Obama?

Evander said:
Clinton is no different from Bush, in my mind.

Her behavior during this race has made me EXTREMELY fearful of how she would behave in relation to foreign leaders if she came into disagreement with them.

I don't really want to vote Mccain, and If it's between the two, I may not vote at all, but I would at least CONSIDER Mccain.
Hillary is more bush then Mccain?


syllogism said:
Dodd yesterday, Leahy today, Casey endorsing Obama and Dean suggesting there should be closure by July 1st, preferably earlier

Seems like a pattern to me.
And after a pause, there's been a steady stream of endorcements for Obama. (Of course, he's losing them almost as fast as he's gaining them lately. :lol )

3-20-08 - Added Gov. Bill Richardson (NM) for Obama.
3-22-08 - Removed Mike Panetta (DC)# from the superdelegate list. He had endorsed Obama.
3-25-08 - Removed DNC Paul Kirk (MA) for Obama. Link we used doesn't meet our standards. New article is saying he is uncommitted
3-26-08 - Added Rep. Dan Lipinski (IL) for Obama
3-27-08 - Added new Connecticut Add-on Don Williams (CT)# for Obama.
- Removed Rep. Albert Wynn (MD) from Obama after he announced his resignation today.
3-28-08 - Added Sen. Bob Casey (PA) for Obama.
gcubed said:
you try WAYYYY too hard.

He is like family to him, but he is "just a pastor"... meaning, his views (Wrights) are not Obama's views. Its not really a complicated thing to figure out.

Eh, I got the impression that he was trying to distance himself.

The entire crux of Obama's argument is that he didn't hear about Wright's comments until recently, and that if he did he would have distanced himself earlier. I don't believe either assertion, especially considering the comments were out there last year. But if Obama wants to make his bed, that's fine with me; he'll be fucked if it's proven that he did hear about them earlier.

The interview is still going on. Overall he's doing very well. Sure it's a cake walk interview session but he's laying out good ideas


The best part is that Hillary took all of this damage while Obama was relaxing in the Virgin Islands (payback for the 90% vote he won there?)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I love how the election has turned into being about pastors and snipers.

It's true what people say: our (American) politics are a bloodbath


From NBC's Domenico Montanaro
The University of Chicago released a statement clarifying Obama's status at the university. He is a senior lecturer and has cited that he is a constitutional law professor on the trail. That's something that has caused some criticism and allegations of exaggeration. It's something the Clinton campaign has pushed as well in conference calls with reporters in the past week.

Here's the statement:

"The Law School has received many media requests about Barack Obama, especially about his status as "Senior Lecturer." From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track. The title of Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer, which signifies adjunct status. Like Obama, each of the Law School's Senior Lecturers have high-demand careers in politics or public service, which prevent full-time teaching. Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined.


PhoenixDark said:
Solid, not impressive. There's still time to go

which makes it worse. there's still 24 days until PA, and people are already tired of the Wright fiasco... which means her negatives are increasing at an alarming rate.


dailykos.com said:
MSNBC political numbers guru Chuck Todd stated quite definitively on one of the Sunday morning talk shows last weekend that the contest will end on May 6. On the one hand, he's only an analyst, but on the other hand he generally comes off as personally noncommitted and his predictive powers are uncanny.

He predicted that if the NC/IN vote that day becomes a sweep for either candidate, that candidate will be christened the nominee. In the event that it's Clinton, and she has a Pennsylvania win behind her, the argument will be that she "has the momentum"-- that Obama has lost his following the Wright flap and that she's the only electable candidate still standing-- and the Democratic elders will defer to that argument. This prediction factors the generally-held perception that Obama is expected (as of the time of its utterance, last Sunday) to win North Carolina.

Likewise, if it's a sweep for Obama, Clinton's argument will prove untenable, particularly considering the Wright situation which was supposed to have sunk him, and the elders will anoint him then.

So if the vote that day goes as expected according to current polling, and Clinton wins Indiana by a narrow margin while Obama picks up North Carolina, it will be apparent that Obama's "momentum" has not suffered a fatal blow, and that he's still leading respectably in the overall popular vote and delegate count, and that nothing will change that. In this scenario, Obama wins the nomination. On May 6. According to Chuck Todd.

If you acknowledge the merit of Todd's argument-- and I'm inclined to even though I'm skeptical by nature-- then you can already see where this is going. Obama's poll numbers, almost a week later, haven't significantly fallen-- Clinton's have.

So if you're rooting for Obama, get ready to be happy. Five and a half weeks from now.

Hopefully he is right. I want this to end soon. May 1st soon!

Funky Papa



Obama vindicated on law-school title

As the first in a bill of particulars titled "Just Embellished Words: Senator Obama’s Record of Exaggerations & Misstatements," the Clinton campaign charged earlier this week: "Sen. Obama consistently and falsely claims that he was a law professor. The Sun-Times reported that, 'Several direct-mail pieces issued for Obama's primary [Senate] campaign said he was a law professor at the University of Chicago. He is not. He is a senior lecturer (now on leave) at the school. In academia, there is a vast difference between the two titles. Details matter.' In academia, there's a significant difference: professors have tenure while lecturers do not. [Hotline Blog, 4/9/07; Chicago Sun-Times, 8/8/04]."

But the University of Chicago Law School has now posted a statement declaring his claims semantically sound: "The Law School has received many media requests about Barack Obama, especially about his status as 'Senior Lecturer.' From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track. The title of Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer, which signifies adjunct status. Like Obama, each of the Law School's Senior Lecturers have high-demand careers in politics or public service, which prevent full-time teaching. Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined."
At this point it is clear that Hillary would be an atrocious president. Dare I say, Bush bad. Her pettiness and hunger for power has her totally blinded.

Edit: Damn you Ghaleon.
v1cious said:
which makes it worse. there's still 24 days until PA, and people are already tired of the Wright fiasco... which means her negatives are increasing at an alarming rate.

Hillary's negatives were always high, and it's pretty bad that they've never decreased - in fact they've increased recently.

The Gallup poll doesn't show full numbers on Obama either, who's negatives have increased, plus his numbers among independents have decreased


PhoenixDark said:
Hillary's negatives were always high, and it's pretty bad that they've never decreased - in fact they've increased recently.

The Gallup poll doesn't show full numbers on Obama either, who's negatives have increased, plus his numbers among independents have decreased



PhoenixDark said:
Hillary's negatives were always high, and it's pretty bad that they've never decreased - in fact they've increased recently.

The Gallup poll doesn't show full numbers on Obama either, who's negatives have increased, plus his numbers among independents have decreased


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
PhoenixDark said:
I watch the view just about every Friday since I don't have school

The first part of the interview started off as Sesame Street, but later Walters started asking tough questions on Wright. Obama defended himself firmly and didn't lose his cool, even after Elizabeth kept hounding him. But interestingly at one point he characterized Wright as important to him/his family, then later said he was "just a pastor".

what exactly did he say? you are sounding like fox news...


God, look at that horrible damage that the Wright "controversy" has done to him. I'm half tempted to go see Bill Clinton speak today, he's coming to Hickory. I've met him before back when I was in the Air Force, but ex-Presidents, even if you dislike them, are usually good visits.


Evander said:
Her behavior during this race has made me EXTREMELY fearful of how she would behave in relation to foreign leaders if she came into disagreement with them.
Call them monsters, McCarthyites, and equate their Presidencies to Richard Nixon's? Perform military strikes in their country despite their protests?

topsyturvy said:
Hillary is more bush then Mccain?
Yeah I dono either. This sort of sentiment seems more personality-driven than having anything to do with real issues or policies--although in that vein, it's far more likely that Bush, McCain, and Obama all would win the "who do you want to have a beer with" vote, whereas Hillary... not so much.

PhoenixDark said:
The entire crux of Obama's argument is that he didn't hear about Wright's comments until recently, and that if he did he would have distanced himself earlier. I don't believe either assertion, especially considering the comments were out there last year. But if Obama wants to make his bed, that's fine with me; he'll be fucked if it's proven that he did hear about them earlier.
Did he not have conversations with Wright suggesting they both knew the Pastor's extremism would cast Obama in a negative light? Did Obama not say he knew some of what Wright was saying, were things he vehemently disagreed with? Did he not try to suggest that many people have experienced similar situations re: their spiritual advisors / etc?


quadriplegicjon said:
what exactly did he say? you are sounding like fox news...
He named his book after one of his sermons called Audacity of hope/Audacity to hope.

Clearly he's just a pastor.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ari said:
He named his book after one of his sermons called Audacity of hope/Audacity to hope.

Clearly he's just a pastor.

um.. yeah. what else would he be? his god? his commander in chief? his master? must he believe and do anything he says?

this whole thing is fucken ridiculous.


thegreyfox said:
Random but Obama is somewhat unique in the fact he uses no ghostwriters or uncredited co-writers on any of his books. Nearly every single politican (Bill, Hillary, and McCain included) use them. Bill and McCain have co-writers (though bill wrote the vast majority of My Life on his own) and all of Hillary's books have been ghostwritten by someone else.


Junior Butler
ari said:
He named his book after one of his sermons called Audacity of hope/Audacity to hope.

Clearly he's just a pastor.

Wright isn't Obama and Obama shouldn't be held accountable for everyone else's actions.

Hillary is being attacked about something SHE actually said, not something someone else said.


quadriplegicjon said:
um.. yeah. what else would he be? his god? his commander in chief? his master? must he believe and do anything he says?

this whole thing is fucken ridiculous.
Some people look up to teachers, coaches, and uncles as their idols. Why look at this any differently? Because he put him in a bad light?


Hillary Rodham Clinton's Texas campaign is challenging the seating of delegates from numerous precincts for Saturday’s Democratic county conventions, particularly in Barack Obama's strongholds.

State Senate District 23, which includes much of southern Dallas County, was a central target of the Clinton campaign.

Just before Wednesday’s deadline to file complaints before the county convention credentials committee, Clinton campaign officials delivered a large packet of challenges.

"There are numerous challenges," said Dallas County District Clerk Gary Fitzsimmons, who is temporary chairman of the District 23 credentials committee. The district went solidly for Mr. Obama in the primary, and there’s a question over whether Mrs. Clinton will reach the 15 percent threshold needed to receive delegates.

The committee meets Thursday night to deal with minor challenges. The rest will be handled on Saturday, the day of the county conventions.

On a conference call Wednesday, Clinton campaign officials said they would not try to influence the county conventions with mass challenges before the credentials committee [...]

"Apparently the promise that the Clinton campaign made less than 24 hours ago not to challenge the seating of delegates at Saturday's district conventions was just another made-up story,
" [Obama spokesperson Josh] Earnest said. "The Clinton campaign's politically-motivated outrage over disenfranchising voters apparently doesn't extend to the 1.1 million Texans who participated in the precinct conventions earlier this month."


It's all silly. Obama never had a father figure in his life and when he came to Chicago as a 24-25 year old young man with no family or friends he latched onto Wright as someone who gave him the attention and guidance he wasn't getting.


"industry expert"
ari said:
Some people look up to teachers, coaches, and uncles as their idols. Why look at this any differently?

Because intelligent people can pick and choose which traits in others they admire?


ari said:
He named his book after one of his sermons called Audacity of hope/Audacity to hope.

Clearly he's just a pastor.

You read his book? It has NOTHING that even remotely resembles the wright sound bites that are being pushed out by the media.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ari said:
Some people look up to teachers, coaches, and uncles as their idols. Why look at this any differently?

okay, but obama never said he was his idol. and even so, those teachers, coaches, and uncles.. are still.. only teachers, coaches, and uncles. what exactly was wrong with his statement. furthermore. what exactly was the context of that statement?

Cheebs said:
It's all silly. Obama never had a father figure in his life and when he came to Chicago as a 24-25 year old young man with no family or friends he latched onto Wright as someone who gave him the attention and guidance he wasn't getting.

exactly! i was just thinking about this earlier today. hell, my own father has influenced my life greatly.. he is a good man, but has many flaws.. that doesnt mean i should disown him because of those flaws.. this whole thing is so damn foolish..
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