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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I see this thread has returned to certain people believing an Obama presidency is one step forward and two steps back on gay marriage.

*smacks forehead*


Gaborn said:
But... I thought Bush was the liberal version of Bush, at least in terms of spending.
Look dude, we've been over this before. Bush may be a spender, but he is not 'liberal' either in the classical sense or in American political usage of the term. 'Spender' != 'Liberal'


testicles on a cold fall morning
Frank the Great said:
It would be political suicide for a candidate to come out guns a'blazing in favor of gay marriage.

while i've stated many times that civil unions is a modern recreation of 'separate but equal', i see his position as using civil unions as the means to an eventual end (full marriage rights) over time. civil unions aren't the end-stage, just a temporary step till the populace becomes more moderate on the issue.

Fucking Christ, have the same two people actually managed to pull this thread back into the same fruitless debate that already derailed it and sucked the life out of it once? Can't a man lurk in peace without all this "Obama is the enemy of gay rights" bullshit hyperbole?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Tom Delay: BLOCKADE IRAN (editor's note: it is an act of war)

Chris Matthews: So what happens if you put a blockade on Iran.

Tom Delay: well, they stop driving their cars, for starters.

my jaw fell off at that point and rolled under my desk.


Frank the Great said:
You're totally wrong here. If you were to lose such a case, it would set a precedent. It would become law.

Really it depends on the scope of the case and the ruling, I agree it wouldn't be useful, but then that's why I don't want it to be brought too early anyway. Remember it often takes about 4-5 years for a case to work it's way all the way up to the supreme court, at least 3 years in most cases to get to federal courts, that's all assuming the various levels ACCEPT the appeal, which they're not required to do. Frankly I think the longer we delay a court case on the issue ultimately the better off we're going to be when we DO make a serious push for it.

Liberal judges are necessary for the plight of the gay rights movement. Imagine if the civil rights leaders had decided to work for desegregation rights state by state instead of appealing to the greater part of the country and the federal government? They would have never gotten anywhere.

The thing is they DID work state by state for a long time to GET to the point where they could realistically win on the federal level. That's why I mentioned that majority of states had already gotten rid of their anti-miscegnation laws before the court ruled in Loving, generally the Supreme court doesn't like to making sweeping policy changes the country isn't ready for, which is precisely why there was and remains such a backlash and a polarization effect with Roe v. Wade. I don't want gay marriage to become a political football as a result of a Supreme court decision, I want to take the time to convince people state by state to at LEAST get 20 or so states to allow it before going to the Supreme Court.

I understand the conflicting nature of being a Libertarian (I use to be one myself,) but sometimes you just have to recognize that in order to get certain things, the federal government is necessary.

Not really for the most part, although I do think the courts have more of a role to play in these decisions, I think that timing is very important as well.

Azih - Bush is behaving in the fine liberal hawk traditions of Woodrow Wilson and LBJ.
OK, in the interest of the people of this thread I'm gonna leave it at that. Thank you for at least backing up your arguments, Gaborn, instead of being an irrational whiner.


Wow. The AP managed to tie the Jackson comment to Wright.


The reverend said Wednesday that he had said Obama's speeches "can come off as speaking down to black people" and that there were other important issues to be addressed in the black community, such as unemployment, the mortgage crisis and the number of blacks in prison.

"And then I said something I thought regretfully crude but it was very private and very much a sound bite and a live mic," Jackson told CNN.

The remarks apparently include a reference to male genitalia.

Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page, who has been booked on the Fox program "The O'Reilly Factor" to respond to Jackson's comments, reported that Jackson recalled his remark as, "The senator is cutting off his you-know-what with black people."

Jackson told The Associated Press that he doesn't remember "exactly" what he said Sunday but that he was "very sorry."


And Jackson is the third Chicago pastor to create problems for Obama on the campaign trail.

In March, a videotape of Obama's longtime former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr.
created a political firestorm in the primaries. On the tape, Wright accused the U.S. government of creating AIDS and is seen shouting "God damn America" during a sermon at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

In May, Roman Catholic priest the Rev. Michael Pfleger mocked Obama's then Democratic rival Sen. Hillary Clinton during a guest sermon at Obama's former church, from which Obama has since resigned. Pfleger, who is white, pretended he was Clinton crying over "a black man stealing my show."
I have to admit, that's a connection I didn't see coming, even from the AP.


Frank the Great said:
OK, in the interest of the people of this thread I'm gonna leave it at that. Thank you for at least backing up your arguments, Gaborn, instead of being an irrational whiner.

Fair enough, you're very welcome, I always enjoy rational level headed disagreements. :D
The twit that was on TYT talking about his book did some reporting on Fox News just now. Left wing blogs hating on Barack for this FISA vote (Was a damn in a post he read And wanting a refund on money givin) I thought these people were nucking futs why does it matter what they say? And isn't it good Obama isn't with the kooky people.
Chris Mathews just said that John Edwards told some radio guy that he would love to be Obama's VP.

Did I just hear that correctly?

If Edwards is in the running, he's my new favorite.


Frank the Great said:
Chris Mathews just said that John Edwards told some radio guy that he would love to be Obama's VP.

Did I just hear that correctly?

If Edwards is in the running, he's my new favorite.

Yeah it was on NPR yesterday, and he also said it a month ago. He's never been shy about openly taking the Veep position if offered.:p
Frank the Great said:
Chris Mathews just said that John Edwards told some radio guy that he would love to be Obama's VP.

Did I just hear that correctly?

If Edwards is in the running, he's my new favorite.

No, he's blowing it out of proportion. Edwards said that if asked, he wouldn't decline, and he'll serve in whatever capacity is asked of him. I doubt he'll be the pick though.


Tamanon said:
Yeah it was on NPR yesterday, and he also said it a month ago. He's never been shy about openly taking the Veep position if offered.:p
And he didn't say he'd "love to be". He said he would consider any offer Obama made for him to serve in Obama's administration, including veep, when directly asked. He also said he didn't know if he was on the list or not.

Edit: beaten, and badly.

Clinton refused to say whether she's being vetted or not.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Frank the Great said:
Chris Mathews just said that John Edwards told some radio guy that he would love to be Obama's VP.

Did I just hear that correctly?

If Edwards is in the running, he's my new favorite.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
Oh god, I can hear Mandark masturbating furiously already.

I think he got an aneurysm in his penis from jerking off too hard.
Oh I forgot to post about this.


Power out here for 5 hours so I was listening to stuff on my Zen and tuned in to Hannity for a min.
He was referencing this story. Article talks about Barack being close to tears relating to his daughters B-Day party. Hannity was saying 'he is a wimp and breaking down.' 'This is nothing to actually being president.' This is 'frightening'.

Searched and didn't find any audio of this yet.


I thought Edwards was a popular choice for pundits on name recognition alone, and otherwise brought nothing to the ticket? And didn't he vote to authorize the Iraq war, just as Clinton did?
ViperVisor said:
Oh I forgot to post about this.


Power out here for 5 hours so I was listening to stuff on my Zen and tuned in to Hannity for a min.
He was referencing this story. Article talks about Barack being close to tears relating to his daughters B-Day party. Hannity was saying 'he is a wimp and breaking down.' 'This is nothing to actually being president.' This is 'frightening'.

Searched and didn't find any audio of this yet.

Hannity hits a new low everyday, to be honest it's not worth mentioning.

I'm not even joking.
GhaleonEB said:
I thought Edwards was a popular choice for pundits on name recognition alone, and otherwise brought nothing to the ticket? And didn't he vote to authorize the Iraq war, just as Clinton did?

Do you remember when SUSA was doing GE state by state polling, with a bunch of other VPs?

An Obama/Edwards pair absolutely wiped the floor with any McCain pairing, and it did at least 5 (many times over 10) points better than any other Obama pairing.

Edwards has the advantages of being able to use his populist message to directly connect with working class voters, and having high name recognition...without the disadvantages of being Hillary Clinton.

Obama/Edwards '08


testicles on a cold fall morning
Edwards' name recognition isn't exactly a good thing. he was ridiculed for his expensive hair cuts, harping on mills and the relative nothingness he brought to Kerry's (doomed to fail) ticket.

he deserves praise this cycle for single-handedly changing the tenor of the health care debate by being the first candidate to back universal coverage.


Frank the Great said:
Do you remember when SUSA was doing GE state by state polling, with a bunch of other VPs?
That's the name recognition I was talking about. I'd rather he pick someone based on substance, like a certain governor from, say, Kansas.


BTW, one bit being overlooked about McCain's killing Iranians with cigarettes bit is nobody is asking him, "So do you believe cigarettes kill?":lol


God, Edwards is such a complete loser. LOSE-er. Once he gives me some evidence that he can run a successful presidential campaign, be a good running mate, or make a speech that wasn't written in 2004, I might be behind him for running mate. Until then, the man is a useless loser who brings nothing to the ticket, no fucking thanks.

Sorry Mandark.


While Jesse Jackson is a moron for uttering anything near a mic, on or off, anyone think FOX news might've left the mic on hoping for something to be said?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
While Jesse Jackson is a moron for uttering anything near a mic, on or off, anyone think FOX news might've left the mic on hoping for something to be said?

Is this is a serious question?

It's a damn near certainty that they did this on purpose.

Then again, this reeks of the West Wing episode where Bartlet said something off-air to stir up controversy, but he knew the entire time the camera was on.


At this point I just want SOMEONE to pick SOMEONE ELSE. I don't care who or what, I just want a VP other than Wayne Allyn Root.
Azih said:
Look dude, we've been over this before. Bush may be a spender, but he is not 'liberal' either in the classical sense or in American political usage of the term. 'Spender' != 'Liberal'
I gotta agree with you there. Calling Bush's spending "liberal" demeans the word liberal. Bush's spending is irresponsible.

And since Reagan, Bush1, and Bush 2 all presided over massive deficits, the phrase 'conservative spending' should henceforth mean massive deficits.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Nas said:
Chorus said:
Watch what you watchin'
Fox keeps feeding us toxins
Stop sleeping
Start thinking
Outside of the box and
Unplug from The Matrix doctrine
But watch what you say Big Brother is watchin'

The Fear Factor got you all rattled up
O' Reilly
Oh really?
No rally needed
I'll tie you up
Network for child predators, settin' 'em up
Myspace pimps, hoes, and sluts
Ya'll exploit rap culture, then ya'll flip on us
And you own the post, and ya'll shit on us
What is they net worth?
They gon' try to censor my next verse?
Throw 'em off the roof neck first
While I'm clicking my cursor
Reading blogs about the pressure they put on Universal
It gets worse while I'm clicking my mouse
While they kickin' my house
They figured us out
Why a nigga go south
It's either he caught a body, no sleep they watchin'!
I watch CBS
And I See B.S.!
Tryin' to track us down with GPS
Make a nigga wanna invest in PBS

They say I'm all about murder-murder and kill-kill
But what about Grindhouse and Kill Bill?
What about Cheney and Halliburton? (Halliburton?)
The backdoor deals
On oil fields
How's NaS the most violent person?

Ya'll don't know talent if it hit you
Bringin' up my criminal possession charges with a pistol (pistol)
I use Viacom
As my firearm
And let the lyrics split you
Who do you rely upon?
They shoot shells at Leviathan
I'm dealing with the higher form
F**k if you care how I write a poem?
Only Fox that I love was the red one
Only black man that Fox loves is in jail or a dead one!
Red rum
Political bedlam
Don't let the hype into your eyes and ear drum
Murdoch on Fox
Not 18 with Barracas
And he hate Barack cause
He march with the marchers

Frank the Great said:
This is P O L I T I C S. Who cares what these politicians believe or say? It would be political suicide for a candidate to come out guns a'blazing in favor of gay marriage.

I've just realized what the standard Dem position is on Gay marriage . . . . ironically, it is "Don't ask, don't tell" . . . don't ask them a question on gay marriage and then they don't tell no lies.
:lol :lol :lol

I just heard about "I want to cut his nuts off"

add another hilarious sentence to this election season of gaffes!

"thanks for the question, ya little jerk!"
"shame on you barack obama!"
"hicks are bitter so they cling to guns and religion!"
"we all remember when bobby kennedy was assassinated"
"real redneck territory!"


O'REILLY: 'We held back some of this conversation... we didn't feel it had any relevance to the conversation this evening. We are not out to get Jesse Jackson. We are not out to embarrass him and we are not out to make him look bad. If we were, we would have used what we had, which is more damaging than what you have heard'...

:lol :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
:lol :lol

They'll just let an intern leak it, and then O'Reilly will proclaim, "well, since it was unlawfully leaked by someone, and the full statement is out now, let's talk about what a shit Jesse Jackson really is!"


The Lamonster said:
:lol :lol :lol

I just heard about "I want to cut his nuts off"

add another hilarious sentence to this election season of gaffes!

"thanks for the question, ya little jerk!"
"shame on you barack obama!"
"hicks are bitter so they cling to guns and religion!"
"we all remember when bobby kennedy was assassinated"
"real redneck territory!"

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Liberal judges are necessary for the plight of the gay rights movement. Imagine if the civil rights leaders had decided to work for desegregation rights state by state instead of appealing to the greater part of the country and the federal government? They would have never gotten anywhere.
I think they just have to be good judges. 3 of the 4 judges in the California Supreme Court gay marriage decision were Republicans.

It would be nice more judges were able to rise above the liberal/conservative divide and just decide what is right under the law instead of just rationalizing the legal arguments that fit your ideological position.
the disgruntled gamer said:
God, Edwards is such a complete loser. LOSE-er. Once he gives me some evidence that he can run a successful presidential campaign, be a good running mate, or make a speech that wasn't written in 2004, I might be behind him for running mate. Until then, the man is a useless loser who brings nothing to the ticket, no fucking thanks.
Edwards is OK with me but the fact that he can't carry his home state kinda makes it a deal-breaker. Well that and the fact that he lost once already . . . but that was more due to Kerry.
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