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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Incognito said:
Chuck Hagel will join Obama on his trip to Iraq.
I'm wary of the left's mancrush on Chuck Hagel. While he may be the maverick that the media pretends McCain is, apart from being sensible about the war, basically all of his positions are pretty hardcore conservative. I can't even believe people are seriously talking about him being VP.


mamacint said:
I'm wary of the left's mancrush on Chuck Hagel. While he may be the maverick that the media pretends McCain is, apart from being sensible about the war, basically all of his positions are pretty hardcore conservative. I can't even believe people are seriously talking about him being VP.
I agree he won't be VP, there's too many differences. But it's very good that he's going with Obama to Iraq.
mamacint said:
I'm wary of the left's mancrush on Chuck Hagel. While he may be the maverick that the media pretends McCain is, apart from being sensible about the war, basically all of his positions are pretty hardcore conservative. I can't even believe people are seriously talking about him being VP.
mamacint said:
I'm wary of the left's mancrush on Chuck Hagel. While he may be the maverick that the media pretends McCain is, apart from being sensible about the war, basically all of his positions are pretty hardcore conservative. I can't even believe people are seriously talking about him being VP.

His excellent foreign policy decisions, and his willingness to go against the grain for what is right instead of doing everything for political decisions are both very good reasons why he would make a great Secretary of Defense.

He will never be VP though, because a cross-party ticket would basically result in the Dems sacrificing the White House after Obama's two terms, if he is a popular President.
Odrion said:
I don't know but I'll assassinate the next dumb twat who'll ask "WILL OBAMA BE MURDERED?"
good post.

So what if the next 'dumb twat' was actually Obama himself and you assassinated him? Would that create a paradox rift in space and time?


good post.
No seriously, the whole unsupported and preemptive idea that Obama will be killed by our own government is absurd and out of touch with reality. Every time someone spouts this idea it makes the liberals on this board look even worse and pushes further the idea that they have a martyr complex.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration on Friday rejected regulating greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, saying it would cause too many job losses.

In a 588-page federal notice, the Environmental Protection Agency made no finding on whether global warming poses a threat to people's health, reversing an earlier conclusion at the insistence of the White House and officially kicking any decision on a solution to the next president and Congress.

Environmentalists criticized the move, while the U.S. Chamber of Commerce worried it left open the door for mandatory reductions.



They aren't even trying to hide the fucking bullshit and criminal acts anymore.
mamacint said:
I'm wary of the left's mancrush on Chuck Hagel. While he may be the maverick that the media pretends McCain is, apart from being sensible about the war, basically all of his positions are pretty hardcore conservative. I can't even believe people are seriously talking about him being VP.

you mean like liebermann, who's liberal on nearly everything except the war/foreign policy? :0


It was Sen. John McCain's staff who asked security at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts to remove people holding protest signs at the venue -- not U.S. Secret Service agents, who were not involved in Carol Kreck's ouster from the galleria.

A video of the incident circulating widely on the Internet shows a DCPA security guard saying that he was told by the Secret Service to remove Kreck, who was holding a paper sign that said "McCain = Bush."

But Thursday, after two days of being vilified by bloggers, letter writers and others, the Secret Service emphatically denied involvement.

"Contrary to some recent reporting, the Secret Service had no involvement in Ms. Kreck being removed from the area," said Malcolm D. Wiley Sr., spokesman for the Secret Service. "It was not done at our request or suggestion. Any assertion to the contrary is inaccurate and inconsistent with our established policies and procedures."
Theres a video also:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lyaMrS0hzk&eurl=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/07/11/mccain-campaign-had-prote_n_112255.html


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Did I just hear the Hardball roundtable segment really debate that Obama has an "angry black man" problem?

Countdown running with the Steelers story.


Yeah, it was pretty funny.

"He needs to be less elegant, at least try to be like normal people"

*Obama bowls*


I guess Keith Olbermann is a guest on Countdown.:lol
mamacint said:
I'm wary of the left's mancrush on Chuck Hagel. While he may be the maverick that the media pretends McCain is, apart from being sensible about the war, basically all of his positions are pretty hardcore conservative. I can't even believe people are seriously talking about him being VP.

Not to mention the fact that Hagel voted for the war and was even against the surge. The Republicans would tear him apart.


Wait, McCain's keeping Gramm as his co-chair? Awesome move!

BTW, Obama's got one of his "these guys are lyin'" radio ads up.

MAN: Oh man — he's starting already ...

WOMAN: What now, honey?

MAN: John McCain. He's got new ads attacking Barack Obama on taxes.

WOMAN: Well, that's not new. Bush, McCain, Karl Rove — that's how those guys work.

MAN: Oh yeah, but this is shameful. He's just makin' stuff up.

WOMAN: Yeah?

MAN: But get this. Independent sources are putting McCain in his place. I went to FactCheck.org. They said, quote, "It's not true."


MAN: And look what Time says. Quote, "It makes sense that McCain is returning to the old playbook. But that doesn't mean he can just make up his own facts." End Quote.

WOMAN: Yowza! So what's the truth?

MAN: Obama's plan cuts taxes on the middle class — and won't raise taxes on anybody making less than two hundred fifty thousand a year. But McCain wants billions in new corporate tax breaks ... and no way to pay for it.

WOMAN: Hmm. Sounds like George Bush all over again.

MAN: Guess that's why they say: John McCain — McSame as Bush!

WOMAN: Uh-huh.

Voiceover: On taxes, get the facts. Visit BarackObama.com.

Obama: I'm Barack Obama, candidate for president, and I approve this message.

LOL at McSame as Bush making a political ad.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Wolffe: "I'm surprised that this Steelers issue has barely been talked about and only as a byline, and primarily covered by the blogites out there."

Surprised? Are you really?

None of us are.

BTW, McCain has the worst week of any presidential candidate this year, and according to the media, it's Obama that is in trouble because he only has a 6-8pt lead.

Mark Halprin said that McCain has won the week.

EDIT: :lol at Olbermann being a guest on his own show. Probably means he's coming back Monday.
I love how the right wing pundits keep saying Obama will raise everyone's taxes. Personally, I'm glad Obama has been on the offense when it comes to his tax policies. I can't wait for the first debate to happen when the subject is brought up.


Rachel actually said the "Dr Phil" joke was lame? Really?

And I don't agree with the whole "Obama should be hammering this quote immediately and often" bit she's going through. it's only day 2 after the quote. Hammering it in speeches won't get any more publicity, it'll just replace other segments on it. You hammer a few days later to keep the story alive:p


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I love how the right wing pundits keep saying Obama will raise everyone's taxes. Personally, I'm glad Obama has been on the offense when it comes to his tax policies. I can't wait for the first debate to happen when the subject is brought up.

He will raise their taxes because they just end up falling in the income bracket that will have its taxes raised.


The Newsweek poll that had Obama up by 15 three weeks ago now has him up by 3.

First they come in higher than everyone else, now they are on the low end. :lol

Makes for a great headline, though.
GhaleonEB said:
The Newsweek poll that had Obama up by 15 three weeks ago now has him up by 3.

First they come in higher than everyone else, now they are on the low end. :lol

Makes for a great headline, though.

But wait! O Reilly says Newsweek is librul!
Man do I hope these Steelers and "Whining" comments explode.

The Steelers thing can be compared to Hillary and Bosnia, if the media makes that connection, it's going to be rough for McCain to get out of it. He can do the "I forgot" thing, but that really only brings out how fucking old he is.

The whining comments are golden, the guy practically gave Obama his "bitter" comments back.

With our luck though, the stories will be forgotten in a few days.....


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Liara T'Soni said:
Man do I hope these Steelers and "Whining" comments explode.

The Steelers thing can be compared to Hillary and Bosnia, if the media makes that connection, it's going to be rough for McCain to get out of it. He can do the "I forgot" thing, but that really only brings out how fucking old he is.

The whining comments are golden, the guy practically gave Obama his "bitter" comments back.

With our luck though, the stories will be forgotten in a few days.....

Both stories have already been forgotten it seems.

Look on politico.

No mention of McCain's mishaps over the past week.

The only story near the top is "Do Economists Support McCain?"

Right next to it?

"The abortion minefield. Obama takes hits from both sides."

For the past week, some activists in the abortion rights community have been trying to figure out why Barack Obama, a Democrat praised for his strong defense of reproductive rights, appeared to be turning soft.

Those who work on the front lines of the abortion debate couldn’t quite believe what they were hearing: Obama, in an interview with a Christian magazine, seemed to reject a mental health exception to the ban on late-term abortions. They feared that Obama, like Democrat John Kerry in 2004, was adopting a view favored by abortion opponents to appeal to conservatives.

After days of examining his initial comments and a subsequent clarification that he supports a mental health exception — as long as the woman suffers a diagnosed illness and is not just “feeling blue” — some activists are satisfied, while others are far from it or just plain confused.


Non-story made into a story.

Top story on CNN's political page?

Top Stories »

* Obama's surveillance vote spurs backlash

Analysis: Obama could get mileage from NASCAR

* SI: Obama might sponsor Cup car at Pocono

Yeah, great reporting there.


McCain has made an awful lot of mistakes lately and yet Obama seems to be getting most of the attention, be it positive or negative :\

Hopefully I just have selective hearing.


100% logic failure rate
Damnit, why didn't McCain tell that ridiculous lie in Ohio or Florida. I think Penn is pretty safe with a million more dems than republicans.


He probably wanted the team to be the Steelers, because there are more Steelers fans outside of their home city and state than any other Football team in the country, IIRC. So it connects with knuckleheads across the nation instead of just a couple states! :lol

Anyway, watching this Clinton thing on CNN. It's uh, interesting?


Diablos said:
McCain has made an awful lot of mistakes lately and yet Obama seems to be getting most of the attention, be it positive or negative :\

Hopefully I just have selective hearing.

You don't have selective hearing. The press has selective reporting.


Diablos said:
McCain has made an awful lot of mistakes lately and yet Obama seems to be getting most of the attention, be it positive or negative :\

Hopefully I just have selective hearing.
Your hearing is just fine.

And Ben Smith came back from vacation and declared, after reading the press reports he missed, that McCain was unlucky this week and Obama had lots of good luck with the media.
I am hearing that Chuck Hagel is being Vetted for the VP slot and Obama is deadly serious about it

Chuck Hagel fought in the jungles of vietnam, is conservative on alot of issues but has voted with the Democrats on a number of issues. He is the last remaining voices of the centrist people in the Republican Party and Obama considers him to be a vital candidate for VP because he will attract white voters, the non-evangelical moderate republicans and independents who are they key to winning Obama the election. Obama himself has sought to portray himself as a moderate giving Republicans less amunition. Many believe that Obama's yes vote on FISA saved his presidency because of the Republican record of bringing down democrats on security issues.


Small balls, big fun!
mamacint said:
I'm wary of the left's mancrush on Chuck Hagel. While he may be the maverick that the media pretends McCain is, apart from being sensible about the war, basically all of his positions are pretty hardcore conservative. I can't even believe people are seriously talking about him being VP.

Yeah, it's insane to think of him as a VP candidate. He's pretty standard Republican on domestic policy.

But his FP approach is better than a lot of Democrats. He spoke out against the Israeli campaign in Lebanon a couple years ago when the Democratic candidates mostly just gave their unconditional support.

Maybe that's a function of them wanting to be president while he knew he was retiring, but still.


Odrion said:
No seriously, the whole unsupported and preemptive idea that Obama will be killed by our own government is absurd and out of touch with reality. Every time someone spouts this idea it makes the liberals on this board look even worse and pushes further the idea that they have a martyr complex.
Okay I may have been more meaner than I should have, I do like Lamonster's posts, but talking about presidential candidates being killed is like thousands of nails clawing away on a chalkboard to me. It's an inappropriate topic that gets mentioned much more than it should.


Been a while since we've seriously talked Veepstakes (Hagel lol). Buzz has it this man is now the front-runner:


Your thoughts, PoliGAF? Personally I like him. I think Kaine is actually more likely to deliver Virginia than Webb (I would have preferred Warner, but the Dems need him in the Senate), and he reportedly has a good relationship with Obama. Downsides are his somewhat anti-choice views and his lack of foreign policy credentials. Republicans also tried to paint him off as soft on crime/anti-capital punishment when he was running for governor, but that backfired.

I honestly think Kaine is going to be it now. If not, possibly Bayh or (longshot) Sebelius. Can't see it being Dodd. Pretty much all of the other prospects have declined or been ruled out at this point.
I personally still want to see Sebelius as VP, but I think Richardson is a lock for the administration along with Joe Biden. And maybe Hillary for the first Supreme Court appointment.
Kaine's haircut is creepy, but other than that, he's my pick provided, of course, he can help pick up Virginia.

ToyMachine228 said:
And maybe Hillary for the first Supreme Court appointment.

There have got to be more qualified women to fill in for Ginsburg. Really.
Farmboy said:
Been a while since we've seriously talked Veepstakes (Hagel lol). Buzz has it this man is now the front-runner:


Your thoughts, PoliGAF? Personally I like him. I think Kaine is actually more likely to deliver Virginia than Webb (I would have preferred Warner, but the Dems need him in the Senate), and he reportedly has a good relationship with Obama. Downsides are his somewhat anti-choice views and his lack of foreign policy credentials. Republicans also tried to paint him off as soft on crime/anti-capital punishment when he was running for governor, but that backfired.

I honestly think Kaine is going to be it now. If not, possibly Bayh or (longshot) Sebelius. Can't see it being Dodd. Pretty much all of the other prospects have declined or been ruled out at this point.

Kaine has made it pretty clear that he's going to stay governor though. The Virginia 3 are all in situations where becoming VP could hurt the party (losing seats in the senate) and then there's Kaine who basically just became governor


PhoenixDark said:
Kaine has made it pretty clear that he's going to stay governor though. The Virginia 3 are all in situations where becoming VP could hurt the party (losing seats in the senate) and then there's Kaine who basically just became governor

Actually, Kaine is the only one of the Virginians who hasn't made any sort of Shermanesque statement.


I think Biden has ruled himself out. Richardson is being suspiciously quiet, but he isn't being mentioned as much as he used to be. Sebelius and Edwards are likely still in the running, though. I'd be very surprised if it turned out to be someone other than Kaine, Bayh or Edwards, with Sebelius and Dodd as possible longshots.


PhoenixDark said:
Kaine has made it pretty clear that he's going to stay governor though. The Virginia 3 are all in situations where becoming VP could hurt the party (losing seats in the senate) and then there's Kaine who basically just became governor
No, he said he wouldn't leave gov. to get a cabinet position, but said he'd have to seriously consider VP.

Farmboy said:
I think Biden has ruled himself out. ]
Uh.. he point blank said if he was asked he'd accept.

I say IMO the final four likely are in this order:

1. Kaine
2. Bayh
3. Biden
4. Selebius
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