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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Tamanon said:
You're obviously missing the other bonus of second languages, the ability to grow trade/relations with other countries. More exporting.

That's fine, but I think it's something the market should determine. If there exists overwhelming demand for bilingual business arbiters then schools and universities should respond. That I will agree with.


HokieJoe said:
That's fine, but I think it's something the market should determine. If there exists overwhelming demand for bilingual business arbiters then schools and universities should respond. That I will agree with.

And he never said anything counter to that, he was telling parents to focus on getting their kids bilingual. Not saying that he was going to change curriculum in the schools.
GhaleonEB said:
Heh. Iran just got busted releasing a shopped photo, one that ran all over the world in newspapers.





First tragedy, then farce.
HokieJoe said:
That's fine, but I think it's something the market should determine. If there exists overwhelming demand for bilingual business arbiters then schools and universities should respond. That I will agree with.

show many where he said a thing about mandating it. He said you *should* make sure your kids are bilingual to help them in the job market.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
reilo said:
Did Gregory just say that Obama doesn't have a big lead over McCain?

Sure, if you solely look at Gallup.

But if you look at the electoral map, it's not even close.

at least they are finally admitting he has a lead..


Finally a good reason to have Buchanan on, to rail against Free Trade.:lol

And damn, Gramm then started attacking Mexico too. Awesome!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Buchanan: "Well, Phil Gramm always had the bedside manners of Nurse Hatchet."


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
reilo said:
"If I'm only 8pts ahead, I would be a bit worried."


You know what I would be even more worried about?

Being 8 points behind.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Holy shit at that Buchanan vs Mad Money fight.


People put way too much into these polls. Historically they have meant jack and shit. Weve seen People running for Office with 15 Point leads at this point barely go on to clinch the white house


BTW, I think this is actually the only time I will take Buchanan's side over Cramer's side, and it's on the economy.....that's scary!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The Chosen One said:
He's also losing the black vote apparently.

Plus the very important Catholic, blue-collar, white, middle-aged, pick-up driving, beef eating, blue shoes wearing, gray socks rocking, Tim McGraw fan vote.


First tragedy, then farce.
reilo said:
Plus the very important Catholic, blue-collar, white, middle-aged, pick-up driving, beef eating, blue shoes wearing, gray socks rocking, Tim McGraw fan vote.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Mathews name that Veep segment: "Could the Bayh brand put the Hoosier state in play this November?"

Oh, hey, Chris, not to burst your bubble, but...

I don't know about Evan Bayh... He dropped out of the presidential race really early, similar to Mark Warner. Makes me think he has some vetting issues...


reilo said:
Plus the very important Catholic, blue-collar, white, middle-aged, pick-up driving, beef eating, blue shoes wearing, gray socks rocking, Tim McGraw fan vote.
And let's not forget pet owners.


First tragedy, then farce.
The Chosen One said:
I don't know about Evan Bayh... He dropped out of the presidential race really early, similar to Mark Warner. Makes me think he has some vetting issues...

Supposedly in order to be considered for VP you have to open you entire life up to private investegators for Obama. Thats why Webb dropped out of contention. Obama is going to make sure there is no October surprise if you are a serious candidate.

Also, I think he may not announce his Veep until late September. He could absolutely dominate the news cycle late in the game. He is doing fine now, has a pretty late (2 months roughly) convention and can keep his veep up his sleeve until closer to the race.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Pew Research Poll For June:

74% of Democrats are satisfied with their candidates.

49% of Republicans are satisfied with their candidates.

Obama is in such trouble.


reilo said:
Pew Research Poll For June:

74% of Democrats are satisfied with their candidates.

49% of Republicans are satisfied with their candidates.

Obama is in such trouble.
Only 74%? Democrats doomed confirmed.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Doesn't Maddow own a single suit jacket that fits her? It's like she's wearing all of Olbermann's clothes.


StoOgE said:
Also, I think he may not announce his Veep until late September. He could absolutely dominate the news cycle late in the game. He is doing fine now, has a pretty late (2 months roughly) convention and can keep his veep up his sleeve until closer to the race.
IIRC, the veep is part of the confirmation at the convention in August, so he can't put it off until then. Though I read the rumor that he might not announce until the week before the convention, in hopes of a double-bump from the veep/conventions, just one week before the Republican convention.
Bayh is EXTREME!. In the white sense. The talking heads bring this up.

Would be nice if Obama turns IN blue overall, not just here in Indy and Gary rockin blue on the map.

Do like Bayh's dad based just on seeing him on C-SPAN late one night talking about changing to Pop. vote. He also told a interesting story on something else I think.
Damn. Jonathan Alter lookin' rough. Dude just does not give a fuck. :D

Also, I recall reading this interview where Maddow said that she hates wearing makeup, and has told the makeup person/beautician/whatever to "make her up like a dude". Yeah. She's pretty butch.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Lv99 Slacker said:
Damn. Jonathan Alter lookin' rough. Dude just does not give a fuck. :D

Also, I recall reading this interview where Maddow said that she hates wearing makeup, and has told the makeup person/beautician/whatever to "make her up like a dude". Yeah. She's pretty butch.

She still wears a ton of make-up though.

It's her outfit that is making her butch.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
Yeah, Jonathan Alter should just shave the little hair on the top of his head, it's just sad looking.

Is this the same guy?





LOL at the hairpiece in the first picture.

BTW, apparently Pelosi is actually going through with the judicial committee looking at impeachment, that's a change.
Maddow used to look even more butch when she first appeared on Tucker's show a couple years back. At least now she's wearing makeup and did her hair better.

:lol @Johnathan Alter

His hair (or lack there of) always distracts me. I don't know why he doesn't just shave off the pubes on his forehead.
Tamanon said:
I'd say that circumstances contributed to your views on the people who survived, but only a fucking moron would call the American people whiners during a time of economic downturn for the middle and lower class. Especially when you make your living off those same people and are filthy rich. Psychology will get you nowhere when it comes to paying for gas or your house.

David Gregory has no clue how to run a program on the go based on breaking news.

Gregory is a gump. He tried to push on the panel that JJ's remark yesterday about Obama was a big negative for Obama. One by one everyone disagreed with him but he kept on pushing it. He's the biggest Bush/McCain cheerleader parading as a journalist. I don't mind objective criticism against either candidate because that's what the American people deserve for a change. The media unfortunately is full of crap these days.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The House already has voted to hold two of President Bush's confidants in contempt for failing to cooperate with its inquiry into whether the administration fired nine federal prosecutors in 2006 for political reasons.

The case, involving White House chief of staff Josh Bolten and former White House counsel Harriet Miers, is in federal court and may not be resolved before Bush's term ends in January.

The White House has cited executive privilege, arguing that internal administration communications are confidential and that Congress cannot compel officials to testify.

Rove says he is bound to follow the White House's guidance, although he has offered to answer questions specifically on the Siegelman case — but only with no transcript taken and not under oath.


I mean really, Jesus H Titty-Fucking CHRIST.
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