more at linkBarack Obama's campaign is condemning as tasteless and offensive a New Yorker magazine cover that depicts Obama in a turban, fist-bumping his gun-slinging wife.
An American flag burns in their fireplace.
The New Yorker says it's satire. It certainly will be candy for cable news.
The Obama campaign quickly condemned the rendering. Spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement: The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Sen. Obama's right-wing critics have tried to create. But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree."
McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds quickly e-mailed: We completely agree with the Obama campaign, its tasteless and offensive.
I suggest reading the last page of the thread. Or at least scrolling down and looking for the cover.PhoenixDark said:more at link
The New Yorker may be a niche magazine that barely anyone reads outside of a few intellectuals here and there, but this is just stupid and only brings Obama more bad press.
It's not meat.BenjaminBirdie said:That meat doesn't just look uncooked, it looks fucking reverse engineered.
PhoenixDark said:New Yorker tries to get attention from, someone, anyone.
GhaleonEB said:It's not meat.
worldrunover said:Fixed. Who the fuck is the New Yorker? Oh wait, didn't they have Lindsay Lohan nude? Yeah, they have no more real value after that.
BenjaminBirdie said:No. That's New York magazine. The New Yorker has never had a non-cartoon cover probably ever.
worldrunover said:Was New Yorker the one Elaine from Seinfeld wrote a comic for but it turned out to be stolen from a Ziggy?
worldrunover said:Fixed. Who the fuck is the New Yorker? Oh wait, didn't they have Lindsay Lohan nude? Yeah, they have no more real value after that.
Lv99 Slacker said:
Mandark said:The New Yorker prints Sy Hersh, including his exposes on Abu Ghraib and the Office of Special Plans, ya gobshite.
I understand the Obama campaign's worry that any of this imagery circling around will subtly reinforce the FUD tactics being used against him. But as a middle class liberal who dearly likes his irony, I say leave the NYer alone.
You guy are being paranoid, how is this bad for Obama?PhoenixDark said:more at link
The New Yorker may be a niche magazine that barely anyone reads outside of a few intellectuals here and there, but this is just stupid and only brings Obama more bad press.
:lol No.worldrunover said:Fixed. Who the fuck is the New Yorker? Oh wait, didn't they have Lindsay Lohan nude? Yeah, they have no more real value after that.
masud said:You guy are being paranoid, how is this bad for Obama?
:lol No.
Cloudy said:
Right on.In this campaign, there are honest differences over Iraq, and we should discuss them with the thoroughness they deserve. Unlike Senator McCain, I would make it absolutely clear that we seek no presence in Iraq similar to our permanent bases in South Korea, and would redeploy our troops out of Iraq and focus on the broader security challenges that we face. But for far too long, those responsible for the greatest strategic blunder in the recent history of American foreign policy have ignored useful debate in favor of making false charges about flip-flops and surrender.
Its not going to work this time. Its time to end this war.
offsClevinger said:I commend the piece, but it's likely to do more harm than good. The average person who sees the magazine on a shelf or whatever, or on the various news networks that'll be covering this non-stop, likely won't read the accompanying article that explains its intent. They'll just see an image that echoes their own prejudice, or ones they've heard or read and feel it confirms it by a respected source.
Likewise, those muslim emails will likely just attach this image and say, "Well, this is the New Yorker, a respected magazine also saying Michelle is a crazy bitch and Obama's a flag hating Muslim."
Karma Kramer said:
Liara T'Soni said:The media fucking sickens me. Shit like this has consequences on a national level...this is going to get a week of coverage, all so that The New Yorker can get some publicity.
Liara T'Soni said:Wow.....
The media fucking sickens me. Shit like this has consequences on a national level...this is going to get a week of coverage, all so that The New Yorker can get some publicity.
Obama already condemned it? Expect that to bring up the Muslim/Arab question of "Why can't he associate with us?" as it did when those people were removed from the front row. It also brings up this "Is he a Muslim? Is she a Black Radical?" shit again, regardless of the message.
I've never seen satire really work here in America, shit like Borat always gets a good laugh but nobody is sitting their thinking about the ridiculousness of it. Colbert pulls it off I guess. This magazine cover is going to be completely negative this age of youtube and face books and blogs and all the ways in which media is transmitted, this just can't end well.
Mandark said:Don't be dumb.
Liara T'Soni said:A photo
Jonm1010 said:Seriously? have you read the New Yorker? The readers and subscribers of this magazine are not sitting there thinking this is anything but poking fun at the lunacy of the labels he is given. And as another poster pointed out, no one will be swayed by this, except those that are looking to reinforce they're beliefs and there probably to dumb to read the article anyways and weren't gonna vote for him in the first place.
It's an exaggerated parody of exactly that. Chill, dude.Liara T'Soni said:This is no better then that sideways Fox news "Some would say...." bullshit.
icarus-daedelus said:What are we supposed to get outraged about? An ill-advised cover by a latte-sipping, fig-eating, upper-west Manhattan elitist mag? If retards spam it everywhere, that's on them.
Plus, you get outrage fatigue after eight years of Bush. I thought that would be self-explanatory.
Karma Kramer said:Its really absolutely appalling that ethics and moral responsibility is no longer prevalent anymore.
Lots of people ITT have been complaining incessantly about ratings-driven media. I dunno where you're coming from.Karma Kramer said:Outraged about the entire thing. Heres a fucking man. Who's done nothing but good for this country... and yet he is being treated like shit by our media. All for ratings.
Yes, yes, good old days, yadda yadda, but since when has American politics focused on ethics and moral responsibility except on accident?KK said:Its really absolutely appalling that ethics and moral responsibility is no longer prevalent anymore.
Mandark said:As opposed to when?
Karma Kramer said:Watergate is a pretty excellent example.
Mandark said:The problem is that you think the New Yorker has some sort of obligation to the Obama campaign, and it "fucking sickens" you that they haven't lived up to that.
The cover is completely within the magazine's tradition of satirical illustrations and it's inane to suggest that they should steer away from a clever visual gag for fear of doing some less than marginal damage to Obama's candidacy. It's just as inane to think the magazine was trying to gin up a controversy for one news cycle's worth of publicity.