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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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I don't always agree with Rachel but at least respect her. She leans liberal but does not reduce herself to spouting talking points and can be objective when necessary. Smerconish (sp?) isn't bad either. I don't agree with him on many right-leaning positions but he also doesn't reduce himself to spouting talking points. This is my opinion of them on cable tv. I haven't heard them on the radio.

On another topic, McCain's camp is terrible at sticking a label on Obama. They're throwing a new label at him every day hoping one will stick instead of honing and cementing it.


maximum360 said:
I don't always agree with Rachel but at least respect her. She leans liberal but does not reduce herself to spouting talking points and can be objective when necessary.

The best thing about Rachel is she admits she is wrong. All the time :lol

She must have skewered herself thirty times over her prediction that Hillary was taking it to the convention.


First tragedy, then farce.
Fragamemnon said:
Given the ever-increasing power of the presidency, it's almost better to lose some Senate and House seats and make a credible run at the Presidency rather than forego the Presidency and keep the seats for sure. This is especially true if there is no way that the majority party in either chamber will change (and that party will not change this cycle in either chamber).

This is true to a point. The RNC is basically admitting they are going to lose seats and try to win the presidency, but the DNC could get very close to a veto proof majority (3-4 seats away in the senate, 10-20 in the house)... if they did that the presidency would become worthless (but they would still get to push blame onto McCain).

The real gamble is they put all their eggs behind McCain and he still loses. Then they are in a world of hurt.
StoOgE said:
This is true to a point. The RNC is basically admitting they are going to lose seats and try to win the presidency, but the DNC could get very close to a veto proof majority (3-4 seats away in the senate, 10-20 in the house)... if they did that the presidency would become worthless (but they would still get to push blame onto McCain).

The real gamble is they put all their eggs behind McCain and he still loses. Then they are in a world of hurt.

So no matter what, Republicans lose.

So nice.


Im really starting to think it might not be best for the long term future of the Democrat Party to have a super majority in Congress and the Presidency. I mean this country is going to be shitty for a good long time and they will be blamed for it in 4/8 years.


StoOgE said:
This is true to a point. The RNC is basically admitting they are going to lose seats and try to win the presidency, but the DNC could get very close to a veto proof majority (3-4 seats away in the senate, 10-20 in the house)... if they did that the presidency would become worthless (but they would still get to push blame onto McCain).

The real gamble is they put all their eggs behind McCain and he still loses. Then they are in a world of hurt.

Lose-lose situation
StoOgE said:
This is true to a point. The RNC is basically admitting they are going to lose seats and try to win the presidency, but the DNC could get very close to a veto proof majority (3-4 seats away in the senate, 10-20 in the house)... if they did that the presidency would become worthless (but they would still get to push blame onto McCain).

There's enough shit you can do via political appointees to the various agencies and through executive order and power that, even assuming congressional supermajorities, that having the Presidency is very much worth the risk. Not the least of which is Supreme Court nominees.
...back from the days when Obama was a State Senator in Illinois:

HENDON: Senator, could you correctly pronounce your name for me? I’m having a little trouble with it.
OBAMA: Obama.
HENDON: Is that Irish?
OBAMA: It will be when I run countywide.
HENDON: That was a good joke, but this bill’s still going to die. This directory, would that have those 1-800 sex line numbers in this directory?
OBAMA: I apologize. I wasn’t paying Senator Hendon any attention.
HENDON: Well, clearly, as poorly as this legislation is drafted, you didn’t pay it much attention either. My question was: Are the 1-800 sex line numbers going to be in this directory?
OBAMA: Not—not—basically this idea comes out of the South Side community colleges. I don’t know what you’re doing on the West Side community colleges. But we probably won’t be including that in our directory for the students.
HENDON: . . . Let me just say this, and to the bill: I seem to remember a very lovely Senator by the name of Palmer—much easier to pronounce than Obama—and she always had cookies and nice things to say, and you don’t have anything to give us around your desk. How do you expect to get votes? And—and you don’t even wear nice perfume like Senator Palmer did. . . . I’m missing Senator Palmer because of these weak replacements with these tired bills that makes absolutely no sense. I . . . I definitely urge a No vote. Whatever your name is.

A Cast of 300 Advises Obama on Foreign Policy

Every day around 8 a.m., foreign policy aides at Senator Barack Obama’s Chicago campaign headquarters send him two e-mails: a briefing on major world developments over the previous 24 hours and a set of questions, accompanied by suggested answers, that the candidate is likely to be asked about international relations during the day.

One recent Q. & A. asked, for example, whether Mr. Obama supported the decision by Iraq’s prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, to include a timetable for American troop withdrawal in any new security agreements with the United States. The answer, provided to Mr. Obama with bullet points, was yes — or “a genuine opportunity,” as he put it in a speech on Iraq this week.

Behind the e-mail messages is a tight-knit group of aides supported by a huge 300-person foreign policy campaign bureaucracy, organized like a mini State Department, to assist a candidate whose limited national security experience remains a concern to many voters.

Rest at link.

Graphic of some notable advisers
reilo said:
Holy shit at the Dobbs-O-Meter :lol

Dobbs is an idiot. He's on the drill drill drill bandwagon now. He'll go after the democrats for opposing drilling offshore but won't mention the other leased areas that are not being drilled nor the fact that the returns for such drilling are years away. His opinions are as useful as used toilet paper these days.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
maximum360 said:
Dobbs is an idiot. He's on the drill drill drill bandwagon now. He'll go after the democrats for opposing drilling offshore but won't mention the other leased areas that are not being drilled nor the fact that the returns for such drilling are years away. His opinions are as useful as used toilet paper these days.

We talking about Lou Dobbs?


Plus also, Iraq and Kuwait aren't photo ops. I think you'll see very little footage of him over there, especially nothing staged. Basically taking out one method of attack before it even occurs.


NewLib said:
Im really starting to think it might not be best for the long term future of the Democrat Party to have a super majority in Congress and the Presidency. I mean this country is going to be shitty for a good long time and they will be blamed for it in 4/8 years.

Ding ding ding.

Wouldn't surprise me at all if this is the actual Republican plan. The do love their patsies.


when is my burrito
If Rachel Maddow and Mike Smerconish got their own individual shows, I would so <3 MSNBC a thousand times more.
tanod said:
If Rachel Maddow and Mike Smerconish got their own individual shows, I would so <3 MSNBC a thousand times more.
I'd love for them to be co-hosts of the same show. It should take the 6pm(E) slot to replace Gregory's abysmal and redundant "Race" show.


:lol The RNC is officially cancelling their Nevada state convention because of the Ron Paul delegates. They're instead going to pick the national delegates from there via a conference call.




Tamanon said:

I think McCain is probably LUCKY he doesn't get anywhere near the coverage Obama does, considering what his surrogates say.

Also Bud Day = James Power?

This kind of stuff will never hurt as much as economic ball-dropping or immigrant policy flip-flops. Most of America does believe that's what the "Islamofascist Axis" wants, since that's what it literally says in Sura 9:29.
OK guys, so I'm dumping my ancient laptop and getting a brand new one. Should arrive next week.

Should I get Political Machine 2008? Been holding off because I didn't want to run it on my old laptop. Have any of you guys played it? Is it worth the $20 for political junkies like us?


Xisiqomelir said:
This kind of stuff will never hurt as much as economic ball-dropping or immigrant policy flip-flops. Most of America does believe that's what the "Islamofascist Axis" wants, since that's what it literally says in Sura 9:29.

Makes me wish someone had said on the call. "If Muslims are the enemy, why did we shatter a secular government and make it a democracy in a prevalently Muslim country?" :p


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives


Frank the Great said:
OK guys, so I'm dumping my ancient laptop and getting a brand new one. Should arrive next week.

Should I get Political Machine 2008? Been holding off because I didn't want to run it on my old laptop. Have any of you guys played it? Is it worth the $20 for political junkies like us?

I think it's pretty enjoyable. There's that and President Forever 2008 + Primaries. That one seems to be a bit more of a learning curve, but it's also fun. Political Machine 2008 is probably more fun, though. Either way, I enjoy both games!

You can't make this up... NBC's John Yang reports President Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki have agreed that a new agreement setting the parameters for US-Iraqi relations after the current UN mandate expires at the end of the year should include non-binding language--"a general time horizon" and not "an arbitrary date"--about the withdrawal of US troops.

Bush should just step aside and let Obama take over.


Thanks McCain. Usually the timetable for overseas visits is kept under people's hats until they arrive there....

DETROIT (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain said on Friday that his Democratic opponent, Barack Obama, is likely to be in Iraq over the weekend.

The Obama campaign has tried to cloak the Illinois senator's trip in some measure of secrecy for security reasons. The White House, State Department and Pentagon do not announce senior officials' visits to Iraq in advance.

"I believe that either today or tomorrow -- and I'm not privy to his schedule -- Sen. Obama will be landing in Iraq with some other senators" who make up a congressional delegation, McCain told a campaign fund-raising luncheon.


testicles on a cold fall morning
maynerd said:
I wonder how McCain will handle his no timetable policy. I guess if he's a maverick he'll speak out against it.
no, McCain instead declares 'VICTORY!' with troop pullouts a natural extension of a completed mission.

i also love the rebranding of timetable to horizon. hey press - they're the same thing!

edit: 'media' isn't good enough? MSM? are people hipper by throwing out worn-out acronyms as if its a pejorative?


scorcho: Keep in mind, this is the same Presidency that is opening up diplomatic relations, sending the 3rd highest state department guy over to Iran and making sure that nobody calls it negotiations, because that's a bad word.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
scorcho said:
no, McCain instead declares 'VICTORY!' with troop pullouts a natural extension of a completed mission.

i also love the rebranding of timetable to horizon. hey press - they're the same thing!

edit: 'media' isn't good enough? MSM? are people hipper by throwing out worn-out acronyms as if its a pejorative?

Theres a difference between media and mainstream media.

Whe I say MSM Im talking about CNN, MSNBC, and Foxnews. No newspapers,blogs, or underground reporters

And McCain should know better than to yell Obama's schedule out like that!


Tamanon said:
Thanks McCain. Usually the timetable for overseas visits is kept under people's hats until they arrive there....

That's because he wants obama killed. McCain is just like Bush. He doesn't care about black people.


testicles on a cold fall morning
wait, MSM somehow doesn't include newspapers? how arbitrary.

Tamanon: oh indeed, but the press corps reporting it at face value without perspective is vexing.
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